Magic, New Mexico: Taste of Wicked (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Magic, New Mexico: Taste of Wicked (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Michelle Howard

  Toni checked out the dresses, one hanging from each of the woman’s hands. Both were beautiful and would look great on the blonde. Finally, she pointed at the bright red dress with an asymmetrical hem. “That screams sexy to me, if that’s the vibe you’re going for.”

  “I’m Alise.” The blonde put back the lemon yellow sundress and extended her hand for Toni to shake. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Same here. How long have you been married?” Toni loved hearing about romantic stories.

  “Five years.” Alise blushed and smoothed a hand down the front of her shirt and jeans. “This will be our first night out since our son was born a year ago.”

  “I hope you have a great time.” Toni picked up a turquoise and silver necklace she’d been debating and decided to buy it for Chrissy.

  In line, Alise continued to chat. “Are you from Magic or visiting? I’m still meeting residents. Even the ghostly ones.”

  What an odd thing to say. “I’m on vacation from my University. Do you live here?”

  “Yes.” Alise paid for her dress and reached for the trendy bag stuffed with logo tissue paper. “I moved here from DC because my husband’s from here. Once we had our son, it was the safest place.”

  Toni felt as if she was missing something but shrugged as she paid for the necklace. “It’s a lovely spot to live I’m sure.”

  Alise frowned. “Yes, once you get used to everyone. I’m sure Caleb will love it.”


  Alise grinned and her blue eyes sparkled. “My son. He’s a vampire like his daddy.”

  Toni did a double take, sure she misheard. “What?”

  No longer looking relaxed, Alise paled. “Kidding. I was kidding. Sometimes kids suck the life out of you. Know what I mean.”

  Toni wasn’t quite sure that’s what she meant at all but since Alise looked petrified she pretended to agree. “Right.”

  As Alise hurried from the store Toni followed trying to figure out why she didn’t believe the woman had been joking.

  Chapter 5

  Drake woke around eight the next morning after falling asleep around six. The two hours should have been sufficient for him to feel rested. Instead, he dragged on his way to the bathroom, his eyes gritty and his body sore. The mirror confirmed the way he felt.

  As he adjusted the knobs to shower, his actions slowed. In the past, he would have used magic to start the shower. He straightened and squared his shoulders. He waved his hand at the glass enclosed stall and used an older, stronger spell to turn the water off.

  Nothing happened.

  His jaw clenched. How much longer before he had a serious problem on his hands? Drake rushed through the shower anxious to leave the bathroom. As soon as he was dressed in black athletic shorts and a grey tee shirt, his phone chimed. He debated answering, fingers hovering over the icons on the screen.

  This name and number he couldn’t ignore. “Good Morning, Dr. Curran.”

  “How are you, Drake? Are you relaxing?” The cheerful response had him wincing.

  “Yes,” he lied, running a hand over his damp hair as he moved about the room.

  “Good, although I still think we should have completed more sessions before you left. I feel certain time away from the pressure and stress of work will bring things back to normal for you but missing sessions aren’t good. Have you tried any simpler spells? Basic things with your magic.”

  Drake retrieved his running shoes and cradled the phone against his ear and shoulder. “My magic is still…off.”

  Brody hummed under his breath. “In what way? Not working at all or different results from the action you wish.”

  “Both,” Drake muttered, stomping his feet and rising.

  “Are you sure you should be away now? Is there anything else you want to talk about because we could try counseling over the phone? How is your team handling your time away?”

  The barrage of questions caused the beginning of a headache. Drake frowned because he wasn’t exactly following his therapist’s orders. Not even close. “I’m fine. No phone sessions. So far, so good.”

  “If any of that changes call me. Have you tried any of the relaxing techniques I recommended?”

  Chanting and yoga? Drake’s lips tightened. Not in this lifetime. Instead of voicing the denial, he decided stalling was best. “Not yet.”

  “Alright, but remember I’m here to talk.”

  Drake was pretty sure he’d done all the talking he wanted to do. Sitting on the doctor’s couch no matter how comfortable hadn’t netted him the desired results and he didn’t think that would change any time soon. He ended the call with a thumb swipe which was promptly followed by a ding from an incoming message. One after another ongoing request regarding projects in the works flowed through.

  And for once, Drake didn’t click to open. Fighting the compulsion to see if anything urgent required his attention, he shoved the phone in his pocket and decided to try and truly relax for once. He had to trust that Ben and Kent could manage things without his input.

  Besides if something didn’t change with his magic soon, he wasn’t sure what he’d do. He left the inn determined to stop second guessing himself.


  Half-way through his run Drake knew he’d made the right decision. With the sun blazing over head and the sound of his feet pounding the ground, he was able to draw in his first relaxed breath. Strained muscles loosened their tight hold on him. Every mile distanced him from what was going on at home and kept his thoughts far off any worry over dwindling magic or ruined spells.

  Sweat dripped down his face and soaked his shirt by the time Drake turned around and headed back toward the inn. He’d pushed himself enough that a subtle warmth began to emanate from beneath his skin. Friendly faces waved as he passed by, dogs barked and children laughed. He caught sight of a garden troll hiding behind a potted plant and didn’t blink at the scent of wolf and cat shifters alike.

  Whether because of Simon or from recognizing one of their own, the people didn’t seem bothered to have a warlock in their midst. Magic, New Mexico truly appeared to be what it advertised—a warm and welcoming place of acceptance. Across the US humans still lived in the bubble of denial and never imagined that otherworld beings existed. Sometimes the anonymity worked and other times Drake wished he didn’t have to be careful with the magic that was as natural to him as breathing.

  Or used to be. Drake lost his rhythm and stumbled to a stop. He bent over panting as the sense of loss once more spilled over. There was a growing hole in the center of his chest. Without magic he was nothing. Sure, he could go on and eventually adapt to doing things the normal way, but it wouldn’t be the same. He wouldn’t be the same. His rivals would crawl out of the woodwork in a unified attack.

  Doubt crowded in and the wonderful feeling from earlier evaporated to be replaced with darker emotions. A sinking sensation curled in the pit of his stomach. To torture himself, Drake snapped out a harshly worded command. His clothes were instantly dried, no hint of sweat from moments before clinging to the fabric.

  Lurching upward, he plucked at the cotton in disbelief. Triumph roared through him at the small victory. His gaze landed on the large glass window with the words The Giant’s Beanstalk on a sign above. He narrowed his eyes and tried to open the door with another whispered spell.

  Glass shattered.

  Rushing over, Drake paused and frowned at the ruined door. No one inside ran out but the glaring sign that his magic was as out of control as ever tore at his gut. A woman passing by stopped and waved her hand at the jagged pieces on the sidewalk. With a whoosh the glass fused together fitting back to the door as undamaged as it had been moments before.

  Flushing, Drake jammed his hands through his hair then gripped his nape. “Thanks.”

  The woman smiled. Dancing brown eyes met his gaze beneath a fringe of dark hair. The yellow dog at her side bounced in place. “Don’t worry about it. We’re used to stuff like that happening around here.” Sh
e extended her hand. “Are you new to Magic?”

  “Yes.” Their palms slid against one another, the sudden static buzz irritating Drake’s skin. Only those of a witch bloodline affected him that way. He rubbed his hand along his shorts much to her amusement.

  She cocked her head to the side. “My name’s Lacey. Are you here for work or play?”

  Drake couldn’t recollect taking a vacation in his entire life but the idea of telling a perfect stranger why he was really here didn’t sit well. “Vacation.”

  Her brows arched in surprise. “Huh. I didn’t guess that.”

  “My friend Simon asked me to visit.” Why he felt the need to explain Drake couldn’t say. He tipped his chin at the door. “Thanks again.”

  “Sure thing.” Lacey grinned. “If Simon vouches for you then consider yourself very welcome.”

  Simon’s name obviously carried weight here. Drake couldn’t imagine any of his acquaintances being so quick to accept someone based on a name. Then again in his world of business it was eat or be eaten and Drake had always preferred being at the top of the food chain.

  Since the brunette continued to stare as if waiting for him to say more, Drake thanked her once more and earned a widening of her smile.

  “It’s not a problem. Maybe we’ll cross paths again before you leave.”

  Something about the way her gaze narrowed as she spoke the words sent the hair at Drake’s nape to tingling. With a tug on the leash, she and the dog continued on their way.

  The cashier who’d served him yesterday waved at Drake from inside The Coffee Bean. He had no intention of waving back but gave in to the seductive tease of coffee on the air. A wry smile twisted his lips as Drake pulled the door open and walked inside. He was always open to coffee. Especially good coffee.


  Toni did a double take when she peered in the window of the coffee shop on Main Street. Drake stood with his head bent over his phone, one hip leaned against the counter. Blond hair tapered from his nape in a neat business cut but a large section fell over his brow which he made no effort to push back. Toni’s fingers twitched.

  He wore a clinging grey tee shirt. Man did he wear it. Short sleeves strained over his biceps offering a glimpse of the rippling muscles on his right arm. Thin fabric stretched across his broad back and Toni wanted to run her hands up his slightly hunched frame, imagining the bumps of his spine beneath her fingers.

  She swallowed, unable to hide her ogling as people walked around her to enter. The aroma of coffee wafting out the door didn’t compare to the sight of Drake in basketball shorts. The black material drooped at the waist but hugged his firm rear. Taut calves shifted as he adjusted his stance and reached for the cup of coffee handed to him from the girl working the counter.

  Thinking about Chrissy’s paranoia, Toni took out her cell and snapped a quick picture before she could talk herself out of it. Just as she slid the phone back into her purse, Drake turned and looked up. Did his gaze brighten? Or was she seeing what she wanted?

  Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she waited as he made his way toward her, a large steaming cup in his hand. The bell jingled over the door.

  “Antonia,” he purred in that unidentifiable accent.

  Toni smiled and tipped her head to the side. “You’re gonna keep calling me that aren’t you?”

  His fingers brushed at the loose curl on her face and tucked it behind her ear. A man to woman touch if ever she’d felt one. “Indeed. It’s a beautiful name.”

  Toni blushed. At twenty-eight she stood in front of this gorgeous man and blushed. Toni blew out a breath and tried to gather her wits. Not an easy thing to do in his potent presence. “Thank you.”

  Drake didn’t stop touching her. His thumb followed the hollow of her cheekbone, trailing over her nose and ending at her mouth. He pressed down firm on her bottom lip and Toni’s mouth parted on gasp.

  He never lost contact with her eyes. The violet hues swirled and made all sorts of promises that left Toni breathless. Leaning in close, Drake murmured, “Yes or no, Antonia?”

  Toni wanted to pretend she had no idea what he meant but the heat from his touch set her skin on fire. Denial was not in her vocabulary. She wanted what his eyes hinted at. Craved it actually. “Yes.”

  And he kissed her. Not a simple kiss. Not a getting to know you kiss. Drake kissed her as if he wanted to take her directly to his bed and not leave for hours. Maybe days. She whimpered at the thought.

  His tongue licked and teased, drawing a moan from the back of her throat. He must have taken the sound as approval to continue because he curved an arm around her waist and pulled her in close. Toni gripped the front of his shirt with one hand and looped the other about his shoulder. The tips of her fingers touched his hair and she gave in to the urge to run them through the sleek texture.

  Drake groaned and broke the kiss with one last touch of his mouth to hers. The taste of coffee lingered behind and the warmth of his palm stayed on her lower back. “This means I didn’t scare you away the other day.”

  “Um…yes. I mean no.” She’d been plenty scared at the diner when he mentioned what he wanted to do to her but Toni wouldn’t let it send her running because the more time she had to think on it, the more she knew she wanted Drake to do that and more. So much more.

  Grinning, Drake released her after squeezing her waist. “I’m really looking forward to our dinner. Tonight.”

  Toni touched a finger to her swollen lips and blinked away the floating sensation his kiss left behind. “Me too.”

  He took a sip of his coffee, walking backwards and added in a dark undertone, “I can’t wait.”

  “Me too,” Toni whispered again but he was too far away to hear and had already turned around. “I am in way over my head.”

  And yet she couldn’t find it in herself to care.

  Chapter 6

  “What did you decide to wear?” Chrissy’s voice blared from the speaker phone of her cell as Toni pulled the skirt up her legs and did a little hop jump. The drawstring belt was cute if she could duplicate the fancy loop from the display at the store.

  She fiddled with the bow and managed a semblance of the window mannequin that had drawn her to it. “I’m wearing the rose colored skirt.”

  “Ohhh, the calf length one. It makes you look like a fairy princess.”

  Sliding her feet into simple kitten heels, Toni rushed back to the bed and pulled a shell in a lighter shade of pink over her head. The slinky fabric slid over her torso like a caress. “Thanks.”

  “Soooo. Are you going to take a pic tonight and send it to me?”

  Toni blew out a breath, adding pink crystal earrings. “You and the picture. I’ll have you know I took one earlier, I just forgot to send it to you.”

  Chrissy’s boisterous clapping came through loud and clear. “Send it! Send it!”

  “Okay already, I’ll send it when I hang up. I don’t want to be late.” And if she didn’t hurry she would definitely cut it close. After one final check in the mirror, confirming her makeup was light but flattering, Toni grabbed her phone. “I’ll call you later.”

  “If you’re not having sex. If I don’t hear from you until tomorrow, remember us single ladies and get a double O out of it.”

  Toni disconnected the call in the midst of Chrissy’s snickers. A quick poke and swipe sent the picture of Drake from the coffee shop. She took a deep breath and let it out to calm her nerves. Her heart still pounded in anticipation. “It’s just dinner.”

  Saying it aloud didn’t make it any less intimidating. She knew very well tonight’s dinner could lead to more. The muscles in her stomach tightened and Toni pressed a palm to her mid-section. Thinking of spending the evening in bed with Drake seemed to be a catalyst for her nerves but she lacked the ability to block it out.

  Drake was her dream man no matter how hard she tried to believe otherwise. Her emotions were engaged well before their late night chats started. She’d tried to pretend that
the casual direct messages between them were typical of anyone she ran a game with. The truth was she’d sensed a growing connection between them. Of course she’d assumed Drake’s mind strictly rooted her in the friend zone. The idea that such a handsome man potentially wanted to be with her sent her into a tizzy.

  Her phone chimed and Toni answered it on her way out the door. A grin broke out on her face. “What could you possibly have found on him already, Chrissy?”

  “This isn’t Chrissy, Toni.” The husky notes sent a shiver down her back and not in a good way.

  Grin fading, Toni tried to make her voice firm. “Thomas, you shouldn’t be calling me.”

  He exhaled and she could almost see the frown on his face. No one did disappointed as well as Thomas. “I miss you. I know we got off on the wrong foot but I really like you, Toni.”

  A grimace pulled at her mouth as she made her way carefully down the inn’s curved stair case which provided a full view of the main lobby. Antique wooden floors gleamed, the overhead chandeliers bouncing light through the large arched windows and the hand made tapestries on the wall.

  “I think we want different things from a partner.” She winced at the ineffective response. For once, Toni wished she had Chrissy’s sharp tongue and could just tell Thomas to go away and not bother her.

  “I want what you want. Just tell me.” He’d dropped his voice to a whisper but underlining the words she sensed a hint of a demand.

  Those small glimpses revealed a different side to Thomas other than the jovial coworker he displayed in front of everyone else. It was another reason Toni hadn’t wanted to continue dating the man. His reactions after her disclosure of that fact cemented it. “I have to go. Please don’t call again.”

  Ignoring his protest, she flipped the phone to vibrate and tucked it into a side pocket of her clutch. Tension changed the excitement of earlier to dread and Toni couldn’t help the worry that Thomas was going to press the issue in a way she wouldn’t like. The entire situation had the potential to become explosive and Toni wanted no parts of drama. Definitely not at work where she enjoyed what she did and the people she worked side by side with.


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