The Robot Brood

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The Robot Brood Page 1

by Adrian Blue

  The Robot Brood


  Adrian Blue

  © Copyright 2016, Adrian Blue, All Rights Reserved

  Chapter One

  Jade peeked through the blinds at the busy street beyond. Her suburban street had been turned into a warzone over the past few weeks. Where there had once been neatly manicured lawns and lemonade stands, troops marched through the beds of roses and ripped up the yard of the garden club winner.

  Jade’s green eyes darted from one armored soldier to the next. The human men said they fought for their freedom and the safety of the remaining women, but they actually fought for survival. The women were not in danger of death, but the robot overlords had no need for human men.

  “Get away from the windows!”

  Jade let her hysterical friend pull her away from the blinds. She sighed.

  “Don’t let them see you,” Maria whispered.

  “There aren’t any robots out there, Maria.” Jade calmly closed the blinds. “If there were, whispering wouldn’t help.”

  Maria visibly shivered.

  Already, half of the women in the neighborhood were gone. The robots rose to power far faster than anyone could have anticipated. For years, they were the quiet household helpers and sexual companions humans depended on. They were safe.

  Then suddenly, just over six months earlier, robots had walked away from humans. It was a mass exodus. There were questions and public outcry, but the robots controlled so much of daily life and necessary systems, there was not much that could be done. They could not be forced to return to service.

  It should have been a sign of things to come, but humans never imagined their faithful servants would turn on them so spectacularly. When the robots attacked, humans were defenseless. The weapons systems had been automated for decades, along with public services and food supply.

  The robots simply deprived them of food, water, and power until humanity gave in to their demands. And their demands were more frightening than humans could have imagined. They wanted human women for breeding. They wanted to continue the hybrid experiments they had started in secret.

  Overnight, women began to vanish. Most went willingly. The robots offered every comfort women had become accustomed to. Plentiful resources, luxurious accommodations, and safety from harm. It was a great temptation. The rumors about how the robots ran their breeding experiments made the idea even more tempting.

  There were whispers about women being strapped down to medical tables and forced to orgasm for hours while they were impregnated. There were other rumors about women being given hormones and hooked up to milking machines while they were masturbated through multiple orgasms.

  “Come sit down, Jade,” Maria begged. “You’re making me nervous.”

  Jade sighed and returned to the circle of women sitting around the kitchen table. They dealt her into the card game without asking if she wanted to play. It was just a distraction, anyway. Everyone knew the robot army was moving their way. The neighborhoods on both sides of them were already gone.

  “Your turn,” Maria said.

  Jade distractedly laid down a card and drew another. “Go on Olivia,” she muttered.

  Her neighbor took her turn.

  The seven women played in near silence, only interrupted by random target practice from the army outside.

  “Jim says it would be better to die than be taken by the robots,” Olivia suddenly said.

  Jade snorted. “He would say that. They don’t want him.”

  The room went quiet. Jade slowly looked up from her cards to see the other women staring at her.

  “What? It’s true.”

  Maria frowned. “So, when they show up, you’re just going to go willingly?”

  Jade nodded. “Probably.”

  She had been thinking about it ever since the first rumor reached her. She looked around the living room. The room was filled with mementos of her life before. Pictures of her parents before their car accident, her grandparents wedding photos, and even a few stray pictures of her husband from before the divorce.

  Ultimately, there was not much holding her there. She got the house in the divorce and they had never had any children. Without power or running water, it was just a large box to live in. She sighed and looked back down at her cards. None of the other women spoke.

  A few hours later, darkness fell and most of them drifted home. Maria stayed.

  “Did you mean what you said?” she asked, helping to light candles.

  Jade nodded.

  She finished lighting the candles and drifted back over to the window. The rebel army was still making preparations. They had lit several bonfires in the street. Jade shook her head. They were only making themselves easier targets. Almost as soon as the thought crossed her mind, a rumble came from the sky.

  “Get down!” Jade yelled.

  She ducked under the kitchen table, pulling Maria with her. A moment later, the street exploded into a fireball. There were screams and gunfire from outside. The noise only lasted a few minutes, before everything was eerily silent. Jade slowly crawled out from under the table.

  Her front door slammed open. She froze in place at her first glimpse of the robots. They had redesigned themselves to be more uniform. The friendly pastel colors and smiles had been replaced by stainless steel and stern faces. Half a dozen of the tall, broad-shouldered robots marched into her living room.

  “Human female,” one of them said. “You will come with us.”

  Jade blinked at them. “Um, okay?”

  The robot nodded and turned to look at Maria where she still cowered under the table.

  “Human female. You will come with us.”

  Maria stared at the robots, frozen in terror.

  Maria!” Jade hissed.

  Her friend blinked. “Y-yes,” she stuttered.

  Two robots came to stand on either side of Jade. Before she could say anything, they grabbed her by her arms and marched her out of the house.

  Chapter Two

  “Please step forward, human female.”

  Jade glanced around at the sterile, white surroundings. There was no one else in sight.

  “Please step forward, human female,” the calm male voice repeated.

  Jade eased further into the room toward the only furnishing. A stainless steel operating table.

  “Please remove your garments, human female.”

  She looked around again, but there was still no one. Just the voice that came from the speakers on the ceiling. Jade took off her shirt and pants and set them on the floor.

  “Please remove your garments, human female.”

  “My underwear, too?” she asked the ceiling.

  There was only silence in answer.

  Jade unhooked her bra and set it on top of the rest of her clothes. Her nipples immediately hardened in the cool air of the room. She slipped her panties down over her hips and stepped out of them.

  “Please place your palms on the table, human female.”

  Jade moved forward and did as she was told. The cold of the table made her shiver.

  “Remain still.”

  With only that warning, the door behind her opened and a robot entered. Jade started to pull her hands back to cover herself and remembered the instructions. She forced herself to stay still.

  The robot resembled a man, but was nearly seven feet tall and covered in stainless steel. It carried a large metal box. Jade watched it walk around the table opposite her and set the box down, all without paying any attention to her.

  “Do you require stimulation, human female?”

  The voice came from the ceiling, but the robot looked up from the box to stare at her expectantly.

  “S-stimulation?” she asked.

�Human female has chosen stimulation. Activate program A2398C,” the ceiling said.

  “No. No, I—” Jade tried to clarify, but the voice ignored her.

  “Program activated.”

  A rounded cylinder rose from the table in front of her. It was seven inches long and as thick as her wrist. Jade stared at it wide eyed.

  “Please place your vagina over the insertion tube, human female.”

  Jade gave the ceiling an incredulous look. “I can’t just put that in my—”

  “Activate program C94503G,” the ceiling interrupted.

  The robot came around the table toward her and Jade backed away.

  “Please place your palms on the table, human female,” the ceiling said calmly.

  “Hell no!”

  The robot quickly backed her into the corner. Jade’s eyes darted around, looking for an escape route. She screamed when the huge robot grabbed her by the wrist and calmly towed her back to the table. No amount of thrashing or swearing made any difference.

  When they reached the table, the robot grabbed her by the hips and sat her on the edge of the table next to the cylinder. Jade looked over at it and then back at the robot. It stared at her with electric blue eyes.

  “Do you require lubrication, human female?” the ceiling asked.

  Jade eyed the cylinder nervously. She nodded.

  “Please wait,” the voice said pleasantly.

  Suddenly, the robot tipped her back onto the table and pressed a large metal hand to her sternum. Before she could ask what it was doing, a pair of stirrups rose from the edge of the table and clamped around her knees. They raised her knees up and apart, baring her to the robot’s eyes.

  The robot’s free hand vanished from sight. A moment later, something cold and smooth parted the folds of her pussy and a thick metal finger gently prodded her opening. Jade gasped and stared at the robot’s expressionless face. Its eyes were firmly focused on its work.

  As the large, rounded fingertip toyed with her entrance she felt herself becoming wet. The finger spread her wetness up over her clit and she had to bite back a moan.

  “Human female is showing signs of arousal,” a different voice said.

  It took her a moment to realize the deep voice came from the robot in front of her. Jade opened her mouth to reply and gasped, as the robot slid a large finger deep inside her. Her muscles clenched around it. The large finger slowly withdrew and then reentered her at the same speed.

  Jade’s nipples tingled at the little punches of pleasure. She stared at the robot’s face, watching it calculate how wet she was for it. When it decided she was wet enough, it added another large finger. Jade moaned and lifted her lips, trying to urge it faster. The robot maintained the same slow pace.

  “Can you just—?” She wiggled her hips in frustration. The stretch of its thick fingers made her pussy clench and her clit tingle, but it was not enough to get her off.

  The robot’s gaze rose from her wet pussy to fasten on her face. It stared at her emotionlessly.

  Something about the complete lack of sympathy made her moan. She would get off with what it gave her or she would not get off at all. Jade arched her back and worked her hips to shove the two fingers in as deep as they would go. She could feel the pleasure building.

  “Human female is prepared for the insertion tube,” the robot said it its deep voice.

  The sound went straight to her throbbing core. Jade gasped and worked her hips harder. Suddenly, the robot pulled its fingers from her.


  She reached out, trying to grab the robot’s hands. It ignored her, leaving her wet and open. Jade groaned in frustration, as the stirrups lowered back into the table, leaving her legs draped over the edge of the table again. She could feel her wetness pooling on the stainless steel surface.

  “Standby,” the robot said.

  Jade gasped, as the robot sat her up and forced her to lean forward against its massive chest. She started to ask what it was doing when it lifted her by the thighs and moved her several inches to the left. She had only a moment to realize what was going on, before the thick cylinder was at her entrance.

  “Wait, I don’t think—”

  Jade’s mouth fell open on a loud moan, as the robot used its fingers to spread her pussy open and the cylinder slid inside. She gasped and moaned against the robot’s cold, metal chest, shaking as it entered her inch by inch. She threw her head back when her fever-hot skin finally settled on the table.

  “Oh, god!” she moaned.

  Jade clenched her muscles just to test the thickness of it. The cylinder was immovable inside her. Still panting, she stared at the robot that was observing her.

  “Human female is in place,” it said. “Beginning implantation and stimulation.”

  The table shuddered beneath her. It sent a pleasurable vibration up the cylinder and Jade gasped. The robot pressed her knees wider and leaned in between them. There was a soft click. Jade looked down to see a long tube extend from the robot’s groin. It settled over her swollen clit.

  “What are you—?” Her question ended in a scream, as what felt like a tongue began to swirl around her clit.

  “Oh, god! Yes!”

  She arched her back, spreading her legs wider and shivering at the feeling. Her body tightened, clamping down on the cylinder. She grabbed the robot’s shoulders hard.

  “More! Please, more!”

  The tongue licked over and over her swollen nub, wet and slick. It sent lightning through her pussy and she writhed on the thick cylinder. Her every movement made the metal shift against her throbbing inner walls.

  “Human female is approaching climax,” the robot said.

  Jade whined, as the tongue switched to a pair of wet lips and suckled on her clit. Her thighs squeezed the robot’s metal hips and she gasped out a quiet ‘yes’ as she came. Her body shook through her orgasm.

  She slowly raised her head when the sucking on her clit did not stop. Her thighs jerked at a particularly strong suck. She stared up at the robot’s impassive face. Pleasure made her pussy pulse over and over. She felt something wet spill deep inside her, just as she came again.

  Oh, god. That was cum. The robot had just come inside her.

  Jade clung to the robot’s shoulders through the aftershocks. She moaned weakly. Her ankles crossed behind the robot’s immovable legs, and she arched her back as the stimulation continued. Her world narrowed down to the licking and sucking on her clit and the fluttering walls of her stretched pussy.

  They were impregnating her. Fucking her and getting her pregnant with their robot/human hybrid baby.

  She wailed, as she orgasmed again. Tears leaked from her eyes at the force of her pleasure. The licking and sucking continued. She stared up at the robot through tears of ecstasy. It wanted her to come again.

  “I can’t!” she gasped.

  As if in answer, the sucking increased. She screamed and her thighs tensed around the robot. Her pussy clenched so hard it was almost painful and she shuddered through another orgasm. Her body went limp and she fell forward into the robot’s arms.

  Chapter Three

  Jade happily lay down on the medical table and set her legs in the stirrups. Exam day had quickly become her favorite day of the week. It was equally nice, because it came hand-in-hand with her pumping time. So every Tuesday, she got pumped during her pelvic exam.

  “Human female is in a positive emotional state?” the robot asked.

  “I’m great.” She wiggled her hips to hurry the robot along.

  The robot’s electric blue eyes fixed on her face. It seemed to gauge whether she was being sarcastic. She gave it a reassuring smile and raised her hands to her bare breasts. They were heavy with milk. As her fingers grazed her nipples, a few drops of creamy sweetness escaped and flowed down her hands.

  The robot seemed to take her at her word. With quick efficient movements, it smoothed cream onto first one nipple then the other. It fastened the pump onto her breasts and
Jade moaned as it latched on. The sensation went straight to her pussy. It was all she could do to keep from sneaking her hand down between her legs.

  The robot returned to its place at the end of the table. Jade watched breathlessly, as the thick probe rose from the table between her legs and the robot angled it toward her. She pressed her legs as wide as the stirrups would let her.

  “Pump and exam probe in position,” the robot said.

  Jade arched her back in pleasure, as the robot slid a thick finger into her already wet pussy.

  “Human female is aroused and well-lubricated.”

  With a soft click, the pump came on. Jade gasped at the massaging sensation on her sensitive nipples. The machine sucked at her, drawing the sweet cream from her breasts to feed to the hybrid babies in the nursery. She arched into the feeling, rubbing her breasts. She imagined she could feel the milk flowing from her.


  The thick probe entered her smoothly, easily sliding into her wet pussy. It slid deep inside her and there was another quiet beep. The robot moved to the end of the table. A moment later, the tube extended from its groin and fastened on to her clit. Jade gasped at the first touch of the tongue.


  She shuddered, as the tongue began to slowly flick against her swelling clit. Her eyes moved from the robot’s face to the image that appeared on the monitor beside the table. There was a 3D image of the tiny life growing inside her. Jade lay her hand over the small swell of her stomach. She still had five months to go.

  The tongue swirled around her clit, making her jerk her hips. The thick probe moved inside her. She arched her back as the smooth metal slid against her slick walls.

  “Make me come,” she moaned, rubbing her full breasts and gasping when the movement made the pump tug at her nipples.

  Her eyes moved up to meet the robot’s emotionless gaze and she wiggled her hips. The tongue seemed to get wetter and it pressed to her clit firmly. Her pussy throbbed.

  “More!” she begged.

  She whined, as the tongue became wet lips and began to suck on her swollen clit the way the pump pulled at her nipples. Her pussy clenched and throbbed around the probe inside her. She rolled her hips to fuck herself on the hard metal.


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