A Lesson in Presumption

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A Lesson in Presumption Page 6

by Jennifer Connors

  It was a strange thing, living in the past. There were so many different things that it made it difficult to function. After living without certain things for so long, Ginny had grown accustomed to not bathing every day or the strange powder used to brush your teeth. This being her first time on a ship, though, added to the general discomfort of lacking in creature comforts.

  She did have access to the Captain's private bathroom. Of course, the room was called a head and it was essentially a hole that allowed the waste to fall directly into the ocean. Normally, the openness of such a structure would have embarrassed Ginny to no end. But after only a few days on board, seeing the crew peeing over the side of the ship during their normal duties, at least she was afforded some privacy to do her business.

  After washing up with the little water she could have, Ginny went up on deck to find out if there was anything she could do. Spotting Jeremy by the bow, Ginny walked over and waited for him to finish his discussion with a crew member. After only a minute, he turned as if he sensed her presence. Ginny wondered it there would be any awkwardness between them. Regrets could rise with the sun, leaving the captain feeling as though he'd made a grave error in judgment. His face remained stoic as he regarded her.

  “Good morning, my lady. I trust you slept well?” The only indication he gave of their evening together was raising his one eyebrow slightly.

  “I did. Thank you for asking, Captain,” Ginny returned with a dazzling smile. “I don't think I've slept as well as when onboard a ship. Must be the gentle rocking and all.”

  “Excellent,” was all he said in reply.

  Taking that as her opening, Ginny asked, “Is there anything I can do today. My fingers are better, so I can sew. Or, if anyone wouldn't be too annoyed by my presence, I could follow someone around and learn about their job.”

  Looking perplexed, the captain asked, “You would want to do that?”

  “Of course. It's a long journey, and I would like to make myself useful. I'm sure there are things I couldn't do because I lack the strength, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to learn about them.”

  A smile came across Jeremy's face as he continued to look at her. His heart beat faster in his chest at the thought that this extraordinary woman was now a part of his life. When another part of his anatomy woke up to take notice, he asked, “Perhaps I shall show you a little about navigating, my lady. If you would join me in my cabin?”

  It was the raised eyebrow that alerted Ginny to his real purpose. Giving him a smile of her own, she preceded him to his cabin. No, she thought to herself, it certainly won't take long before every member of this crew knew exactly what was going on between her and the captain. Part of Ginny should have been embarrassed by the thought, but a larger part of her was ready to let her hair down and let the chips fall where they may. If the crew knew she was having wild sex with their leader, so what. They were just jealous, right?


  Over the next few days, Ginny learned a lot of about what the crew did during their shift. It seemed that there was always something needing done, from repairs to general ship wide operations. Ginny had the pleasure of climbing the rigging, which Jeremy was rather unpleased to find when he spotted her with another sailor trying to unhook a snag in the rigging.

  Commander Reynolds had agreed to teach Ginny how to use a sword. His lessons, which included young Digby as well, took place every morning. Ginny had spotted the two working together and cheerfully requested to join them. With each parry and thrust, Ginny's attitude lightened. It was such strange things that could lift the darkness from a heart. After so many goodbyes, it felt good to let go and enjoy the adventure laid out before her.

  The commander was impressed by how quickly Ginny had picked up fencing. She was using a foil, which to Ginny was more like a skinny, pointy stick than a sword, but she wasn't about to argue. She thought that this would come in handy if she ever had to fight a duel in another novel.

  Ginny thought about wielding a giant cutlass and taking off someone's head. The thought left as quickly as it came, since Ginny wasn't the type to exact that kind of violence on anyone. Well, maybe there were a few people who could use a beheading by cutlass, but she wasn't the one to do it. Not to mention, she doubted she had the strength to hold up the heavy instrument. It probably wouldn't be nearly as impressive if she were to cut off someone's head while panting from the exertion.

  The routine was set, the same pretty much day after day until they finally reached the Canary Islands. The night before their arrival, after a rather subdued but satisfying session in Jeremy's berth, the conversation turned to what Ginny should expect once they reached their first destination.

  Rubbing his hand down her arm, spooned behind her, Jeremy said, “I am sorry, but you will have to stay on board and out of sight.”

  After being on the ship for only a about a week, Ginny was itching to get off and walk around. “Why? I doubt anyone would care about me there?”

  Nuzzling her ear, he whispered, “Perhaps not, but your mother-in-law had time to dispatch spies to check and make sure that you are being transported properly.”

  Ginny rolled to face her lover. “Anyone on board this ship could tell otherwise, Jeremy. I doubt there is anyone who doesn't know about our nightly visits.” When he sighed, she added, “Or the visits during the day either.”

  “My crew is loyal, Corliss. I cannot believe that anyone would betray you. Most are quite fond of you.”

  Ginny rubbed the graying hair on Jeremy's chest. Although it looked wiry, it was soft and she got lost in her thoughts while caressing it. She knew that Jeremy was being naïve. There was no way that this book would end with her being dropped off at a house on Hispaniola, living out her life as lover of a British naval captain. It seemed to her that it wouldn't matter if she got off the boat or not, but there would be no convincing him of that. Besides, Ginny wouldn't risk his career after all he'd done for her.

  As she sat thinking, she felt a familiar hardness against her legs. Looking up into Jeremy's eyes, he only shrugged and asked, “Well, what did you expect? I am a man, after all.”

  “You're insatiable, is what you are,” she responded with a smile.

  “It can be weeks sometimes, my lady. I believe in taking advantage when I can.”

  When Jeremy was asleep, Ginny rose and dressed, putting on her shoes as well. She wasn't tired and decided to take a walk on deck for a while, figuring the night air would help her sleep. Climbing up on deck, she saw the lights of a city in the distance. Obviously, they would be arriving in Las Palmas sooner than she realized.

  Ginny took up residence at the bow, staring off in the distance at the lights. Knowing the year, she figured it must be a pretty thriving port to look so alive, so late. She held on to the railing, lost in her own thoughts about what life would be bringing her.

  Would she make it to Jeremy's home? Ginny doubted it. The story had to make a turn, a twist in its plot line. Perhaps she would get to meet her true love soon. That thought made her smile. How silly it all was, falling in love in a matter of a few moments. At this point, Ginny only wanted to have some fun, not be saddled with some bad boy that she had to show the light to. How predictable!

  Lieutenant Monroe walked over and stood beside her, looking out toward the same lights. Ginny glanced at the man, standing so straight his back might snap and waited for him to speak. In truth, she could have cared less if he made any conversation. But, that was not meant to be.

  “We will not anchor offshore until morning,” was all he said, as if she would automatically know what he was talking about.

  “Are you looking forward to standing on dry land, Lieutenant?”

  Shrugging his shoulders, he continued to regard the lights. “Not particularly. I have always felt that I was meant for the sea. Being on land only makes me wish to return to my ship.”

  His hand came up her back slowly, making Ginny stiffen in response. Turning toward the lieutenant, moving sligh
tly away from his touch, Ginny asked, “Was there anything you needed? If not, I believe I will retire.”

  Ginny took a step around Monroe in the hopes of getting away from the man, not even realizing that her words could be grossly misconstrued.

  Stepping in front of her, he whispered, “I cannot join you at the moment, my dear, but I shall when my shift is over.”

  Her eyes widened from the shock of his assumption. “Lieutenant, I don't know where the miscommunication happened, but allow me to put you straight. You will not be joining me in my room tomorrow, or any other day.”

  His hand reached out and caressed her cheek. “I know you have been so kind to service the captain, but surely you would not withhold your charms from all the officers.”

  Before she could think, her body reacted, slapping the leer off the officer's face. She watched as the play of emotions crossed over him, first, surprise, then anger. After rubbing his cheek, Monroe stood up to his full height and glared down at her.

  “You cannot possibly think that we are unaware of your dealings with the captain, my lady,” he said, dragging out the last two words in mockery.

  “What I do with the captain is between him and me. It certainly doesn't mean I have any intention of carrying on...” Ginny was momentarily at a loss for words, but then they came back with a vengeance. “I'm not a whore, Lieutenant. And if you make any overtures of that nature toward me again, I will tell the captain. I doubt he would be as forgiving as I am.”

  A leer came across his face. “Sleeping with a man not your husband? Sounds like a whore to me.”

  Ginny had to admit that he had her there. Of course, her behavior was not considered as unsavory in her time as it might be now. That, of course, would not stop her from putting him in his place.

  “Do you know what the difference between a bitch and a whore is, Lieutenant? A whore will sleep with anyone. A bitch will sleep with anyone but you. Can you guess which I am?”

  She watched his eyes narrow until he turned and walked away. Ginny decided not to tempt fate and quickly returned to her cabin. As she changed for bed, she considered that she had just been thinking that there would be some twist to the story. She just didn't realize that it would come so quickly.

  Chapter 9

  Nathaniel eyed the HMS Phoenix, anchored off shore of Las Palmas. It didn't take a lot of effort to find out which ship she was on, this being the only naval ship to enter the harbor from England in the last week. Considering the timing that his aunt has so readily supplied, it stood to reason that his cousin's murderer was sitting out in the bay as he stood there.

  He waited patiently as the long boat rowed into the wharf. It was a deep water harbor, but all the slots were taken by other ships, so new ships were required to row in. Nathaniel always had a slot available to him, and it cost him handsomely to ensure it, but it was worth it in the end. He made plenty of trips back to Europe with his sometimes ill gotten booty that the convenience was well worth it.

  Sitting on a dock post, eating an apple, he watched as some of the crew made their way toward the shore. He planned on asking permission from the most senior officer to speak to the captain. Nathaniel was friendly enough with the British navy to hopefully gain an audience with the woman accused of his cousin's murder.

  Once ashore, several sailors and a few officers made their way toward the wharf area. Nathaniel walked to intercept the group, spotting a lieutenant that he knew. Reaching up his hand to wave him over, the man turned and saw who was waving to him. Turning away from his group, the man came forward to join Nathaniel.

  “Do my eyes deceive me, or is it the dread pirate Webster,” the man asked jovially, reaching and patting Nathaniel on the shoulder.

  “Bah, what nonsense. I am merely the privateer Webster. I should never wish to be considered something as sinister as a pirate.”

  Both men laughed together before the lieutenant asked, “'Tis good to see you, my friend. I was about to seek out some company, but have time to have a drink with you first.”

  “I have a favor to ask, Thomas,” Nathaniel said, pulling his friend toward a pub. “But I can always buy an old friend a drink.”

  Raising an eyebrow toward his friend, he asked, “I am at your service, Nathaniel.”

  Entering one of the many pubs that lined the wharf, the men took a seat in the corner. After being served some ale, Nathaniel wasted no time in making his request.

  “Is it true you have a woman on board? One who was convicted of murdering her husband?”

  Thomas's eyes grew larger at the mention of their current guest. What could Nathaniel Webster want with Lady Gammage, he wondered as he slowly took a sip of his drink. Not willing to dissemble to his friend, he nodded slowly. “Yes, Lady Gammage is aboard the Phoenix. She is bound for St. Lucia, I believe.”

  “Do you think your captain would allow me to speak to her?” Nathaniel didn't consider his request completely outrageous, so when his friend's eyes grew to the size of saucers, he had to wonder why.

  “I... I doubt...” At Thomas' sputtering, Nathaniel grew even more suspicious.

  Smiling good-naturedly, Nathaniel said, “Now, what is this all about? I mean her no harm.”

  “Then why would you want to talk to her?”

  “I have my reasons, Thomas. Would you be willing to speak to your captain on my behalf? I want only a few minutes of her time.”

  “But... why?” Thomas asked again, curious over his friend's odd behavior. Nathaniel found himself curious over why Thomas seemed so disturbed over him having a chat with a convicted husband killer.

  “My reasons are my own, Thomas. I cannot see why you would have such an issue with this. She is sitting in your hold with nothing else to do, correct?”

  At his last comment, Thomas turned a bright shade of red. Chugging down the remainder of his ale, Thomas stood up to leave. “It has been fine to see you, Nathaniel, but I really need to get going. I only have so much time off the ship and have so many things to do. Safe travels to you, my friend.”

  With that, Thomas left the pub, with Nathaniel merely staring at his back in wonder.


  Ginny not only wasn't allowed to go into Las Palmas with the crew, but she was ordered to stay below deck. So, sitting on a chair in the captain's quarters, she stared out at the port, wishing for a chance to go about and explore. Not having ever visited the Canary Islands in her own time, she was curious to see what was there.

  She had watched the first long boat go in to shore, carrying some of the crew for a little rest and relaxation. The journey across the Atlantic would be long and sometimes arduous, so any time they had to let loose was encouraged, for everyone except Ginny. Trying not to feel sorry for herself, mostly because she'd promised herself not to fall into that trap again, she watched the small figures along the wharf go about their own business.

  Releasing a particularly pathetic sigh, Jeremy looked up from his paperwork to regard her. Finally taking pity on her, he said, “I am sorry that you cannot go ashore, my dear, but it is for the best. Perhaps I can retrieve something for you when I go ashore later.”

  Turning to give her companion a gimlet eye, she responded, “Gee, thanks.”

  Jeremy stood and walked over to her. He had to admit that he was perturbed by her behavior. After all, he was risking his career to help her and was giving her a beautiful home to live in until his retirement. It seemed that his own request was paltry in comparison.

  Ginny came to the same conclusion he did and turned and looked at him at his approach. “Jeremy, don't mind my selfishness. I know that you are going to a lot of trouble for me. I want you to know that I really do appreciate it.” With that, she produced a deprecating smile to demonstrate her apology.

  Jeremy's rough hand caressed her cheek. Bending down, he kissed her lips softly. Before he could say anything, she asked, “Are you angry?”

  Lifting her from the chair where she sat, Jeremy deepened the kiss before pushing her sli
ghtly away. “No, I am not angry. I do want you to be happy.”

  Giving him a half smile, she stated, “I am glad not to be sitting in a brig. But mostly, I'm happy about our relationship. Perhaps you hear this all the time, but you're quite good in bed.”

  Laughing out loud, Jeremy walked back to his desk and collected his papers. As he gathered his correspondence that needed to be posted, he said, “You are refreshingly honest, my dear. I dare say it will cause you much trouble someday.”

  “Who says it hasn't already?”

  Gazing at her one last time, he headed toward the door. “I must go into port. Is there anything I can pick up for you?”

  Ginny considered his request. “Some fresh fruit would be nice.”

  “Consider it done, Corliss. Just remember to stay below deck, please.”

  “Consider it done,” she mimicked, blowing him a kiss as he left the cabin, leaving Ginny with time on her hands, which was a dangerous prospect to be sure.


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