A Lesson in Presumption

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A Lesson in Presumption Page 21

by Jennifer Connors

  Stopping his pacing, Nathaniel came and sat next to her on the bunk. Without looking at her, he said, “I do love her, Corliss. I would not wish to hurt you, but being with her was different than any woman I have ever had.”

  “Then I'm happy for you, Nathaniel, but why are you telling me this. Shouldn't you be begging her forgiveness right now?”

  Looking into his former lover's eyes, he asked, “Why are you taking this so well, Corliss? I expected you to be hitting me, or at least screaming at me.”

  “Because you weren't the only one who realized that we would never work together. What we had was fun, but it wasn't anything to base a lifetime commitment on. My biggest fear was that you would dump me off on Puerto Rico when we arrived.”

  Taking Ginny's hand, Nathaniel placed a chaste kiss on her palm. “I would never do that, Corliss.”

  “Thank you. I guess you want my help getting her back, huh?”

  His eyes turned sad when he said, “She is unwilling to speak to me, and I certainly cannot get her alone. What can I do?”

  “I'll figure something out. In the meantime, there is something you should know. Spencer was acting so protective because he likes me... a lot. I might like to see how things go with him.”

  Standing up abruptly, Nathaniel turned and looked down on Ginny. “You and Spencer? And how long has this been going on?”

  Laughing over his contempt, Ginny said, “Don't you dare get mad at me because of this. Spencer only made his feelings known to me this afternoon after the funeral.” The mention of the funeral brought both of them down measurably.

  “It doesn't matter anyway, Nathaniel. Can't we just be happy for each other? Let bygones, be bygones?”

  Giving her a small smile, he answered, “If you can help me win her back, then I will be happy for you.”

  Returning his smile, she nodded. “I agree with your terms, sir.”

  “Where will you sleep tonight?”

  “Don't worry about me, Nathaniel. I'll figure out something.”

  “Or someone?”

  Letting him get the last word, Ginny returned to the surgery. Gideon was still there, mostly to make sure she wasn't harmed. Seeing her in one piece, he let out an audible sigh.

  “'Tis good to know that you did not irritate him enough to slap you.”

  “Thanks, Gideon. It's good to know that my friends think me so abrasive that I make perfect gentlemen want to beat me.”

  Spencer reached out and took Ginny's hand and kissed it. Ginny looked from him to Gideon and knew that the cat was out of the bag. “You told him then?”

  Gideon responded, “Well, Corliss, he had to. I was trying to make arrangements for you to get a new bed.”

  “That's pretty presumptive, isn't it, Sherwood.”

  “Yes it was, but you will still be in my bed tonight, Corliss.”

  At his tone, Ginny turned to jelly. She hated to admit that despite how many years of women's liberation, she could be turned on by a manly order. But only when it came to sharing his bed. As the pair continued to stare at one another, Ginny remotely heard Gideon say goodnight and take his leave.

  “Come to bed, Corliss,” Spencer said, taking her hand and leading her to his cabin.

  Ginny was briefly disturbed by the promiscuity she'd displayed in this adventure. But, in all fairness, she should have been living her happily ever after with Nathaniel. She now knew there was way more to a perfect relationship than how your partner looks. Spencer might not fit the mega-hunk role to a tee, but he was a gentleman and hopefully, a decent lover.

  Chapter 30

  Spencer's cabin was right next to the surgery. It was even smaller than most, since the room was used more for the surgery. It contained only a berth, a small porthole and several hooks on the wall for clothing. No desk or wardrobe would fit. Ginny walked in before Spencer, so he didn't see the look of shock on her face. At least he had a door, which most of the crew couldn't claim.

  Bumping into the berth, Ginny stopped and turned around. Spencer came around next to her, lit the oil lamp and sat down on the bed to remove his shoes. Taking his cue, Ginny did the same, feeling suddenly awkward and shy. It was a feeling she knew well. It always came on when she knew it was right, and she was where she was supposed to be. It was what happened when she cared what her partner thought. It was like being home, though Ginny squashed that immediately, not wanting to risk her heart in any way.

  When her shoes were off, she chanced a look at Spencer, who had stopped as soon as his shoes were off. She wasn't the only one who sensed the change between them. Ginny faced Spencer, whose face was lost in shadow from the lamp. He could see her expression clearly, and whatever he saw made him smile.

  With a shaking hand, he cupped her cheek and rubbed his thumb against her cheek.

  “I have wanted you since the first day I met you, Corliss.”

  Looking incredulous, she said, “I have my doubts about that. I looked terrible.”

  “I saw you before you awoke. Gideon told me how beautiful you were, but I had not the chance to see you until the captain called me down to examine you. Even in the filth of that cell, you shone like a new penny.”

  Not knowing how to respond, she simply smiled.

  “And of course, when I did first speak to you, you questioned my abilities. I think that was when I fell in love with you.”

  Ginny's smile dropped. “In love with me?” she asked, not quite believing that he would tell her that. Wasn't there a formula to this, where neither admitted their feelings, causing bitter misunderstandings?

  “I did not know it at the time, but yes, I think that was when it happened.”

  “Spencer... I had no idea. It must have really sucked seeing me with Nathaniel.”

  Laughing, he nodded. “Yes, it hurt. But, I saw it in your eyes that you knew it was not where you belonged. I would like a chance to prove to you that here is where you belong.”

  Ginny reached up and removed his glasses, placing them on a small shelf above the berth. Leaning in to him, she kissed him sweetly, letting him know, without words, that she wanted to find where she belonged. Spencer kissed her back in earnest, using both his hands to explore her neck, shoulders and arms.

  Ginny got lost in the kiss, not realizing that the doctor's skillful hands were slowly unbuttoning her shirt. She finally noticed when he lifted the shirt over her head, exposing her chemise. His calloused hands came up and rubbed against her nipples beneath the fine fabric. The sensation made Ginny close her eyes, arching her back to receive more of his touch.

  It was all the encouragement he needed, as Spencer continued to undress her. The chemise came off next, with her pants and drawers quickly following. When all was left was her stockings, Spencer drew back to gaze at the golden skin reflected in the lamplight.

  Ginny blinked her eyes open and looked at Spencer's expression. From what she could see, it was a cross between amazement and yearning. Nathaniel hadn't looked at her that way in a long while, probably because he assumed she would always be willing. Maybe it was the love Spencer claimed for her that brought that tender mixture to his face.

  Leaning her back onto his berth, Spencer went about exploring her breasts. They were spectacular, not too large, but perky and succulent. Bending down over her, he went about tasting the flesh. She smelled like lilac soap, but she tasted salty, from the sweat of a hot day. Laving each nipple in turn, he found that he couldn't get enough and could have spent all night just paying lavish attention to her chest. However he was no virgin so he knew there were better things to come, and he wanted so badly to share those with her.

  Straddling her body, Ginny wasted no time removing his shirt and pants. When finally released, Ginny took hold of his erection, stroking it with tender care. When he pulled away suddenly, Ginny looked up at his face, finding him with his eyes closed and breathing heavy.

  “Give me a moment, Corliss. It has been some time for me.”

  Smiling, though he couldn't see it, she r
esponded in a throaty tone, “Take all the time you need.” Then Ginny ran her hands up his well-muscled chest. Since meeting him, he'd gained some weight, regaining what had been lost when he'd been kidnapped by someone hired by her mother-in-law. If Ginny hadn't been such a great believer in karma, she would have gone back to England just to teach the old bitch a lesson. But in the end she would get hers whether Ginny ever found out about it or not. Though she hoped she would.

  When his eyes opened and he was able to focus on her once again, he wasted no time. Kissing her hard, his hand found her clit and rubbed it gently. His plan was to make her as crazy with passion as he was. When his finger entered her, he knew she was ready. Though she deserved an orgasm before he entered her, his patience was at an end. If he didn't enter her soon, he was sure to die.

  Moving her legs wider apart, he settled himself down between them and slowly entered her. Inch by glorious inch, he felt her walls close around him. It took a minute, but then he was fully embedded and afraid to move, knowing it would take little to make him orgasm.

  Ginny wanted him to hold out as long as he could, but when he continued not to move, she couldn't take any more. Moving her own hips, enjoying the friction it produced, she became anxious to be fulfilled. Spencer couldn't hold out any longer either, rocking back and forth with her, matching her thrust for thrust, until suddenly Ginny screamed his name and arched her back. Immediately after, Spencer came, spilling his seed into her with such ferocity, he thought he might have hurt her.

  Looking down into her glassy eyes, she appeared anything but hurt. Not wanting to leave the warmth, but not wanting to crush her under his weight, Spencer finally moved and spooned up against her back. Rubbing her arm with his hand, he kissed her neck and said the first thing that came to mind.

  “Thank you.”

  Turning to look at him, Ginny smiled. “You don't have to thank me, Spencer. It was good for me too.”

  “Good enough to stay?”

  Hearing his vulnerability, she wanted to say something that would give him his happily ever after. Despite the corniness of it, her face never appeared anything but serious. “Why would I leave? I'm already home.”

  His face turned rock hard, like he was trying not to show an emotion that would make him appear anything less than the man he was, but Ginny saw that what she said affected him deeply. It was the least she could do for him, after everything he'd done for her since she came on board. And, she did truly like being with him. Would it be love someday? Most definitely, but she would be long gone before that happened.

  Choking back something, Spencer said, “Get some sleep. There is much still to do.”

  Not quite knowing what he meant by that, Ginny turned and found a comfortable spot. Closing her eyes, she was asleep instantly, as if all the pieces had finally come together and she had nothing to worry about. Now she would have to get the pieces back together for Nathaniel, or she might find herself stranded on a deserted island somewhere, just her and Spencer.

  Chapter 31

  Heavy knocking woke her up long before she wanted to be up. Instead of getting up to find out what was the matter, Ginny let Spencer do it. He wrestled with a pair of pants while screaming to the person knocking to wait a minute. Finally opening the door, he made sure to keep it partially closed, since Ginny was very naked in his bed.

  “Is she here?” Ginny heard asked, figuring it was time for her to get up anyway.

  “Who is it?” Her tone was obvious. Pissed.

  A second later, Nathaniel stormed into the tiny room. Two people was a stretch, but three bordered on clown car. Sitting up, making sure that the sheet covered her fully, Ginny leaned against the hull, waiting for whatever Nathaniel had to say.

  Before speaking to her, he turned to Spencer and said, “Get out. I need to speak to Corliss alone. Wait in the surgery.”

  A look came across Spencer's face that made Ginny flinch. Without a doubt, there would be a fight, and she did not want to be the cause.

  “Stop it, both of you.” Giving her attention to Spencer, she said, “Please wait in the surgery. I'll be fine.”

  Spencer released some of the tension by releasing his breath. Nodding once, he turned and went next door, but not before saying, “Call if you need me, Corliss.”

  Nathaniel closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed. Thankfully, he didn't look at her. Ginny was at a disadvantage, lying down in bed and being completely naked. She waited for him to get around to talking to her, something she noticed he did often. Ginny wondered why he couldn't organize his thoughts before he came barging into her room.

  “We will be in port in the next day or two.”

  Looking around the room with only her eyes, Ginny asked, “And?”

  He turned and gave her his full attention. Maybe it would have been more comfortable if she was clothed, but some of it had to do with the fact that they had been intimate. A lot. And now, she was with someone else, and though he wanted to be with someone else, he wasn't at the moment, thus making it awkward. Feeling herself squirm, Ginny tried to be calm, waiting for him to explain.

  “Megan will leave this ship with her father. I cannot have that, Corliss.”

  Letting out a sigh, she asked, “What can I do?”

  Waving his hands around, he answered, “Talk to her... convince her that I am not the monster you painted me to be. I cannot live without her, Corliss. Help me... 'tis the least you can do.”

  Giving him the best “don't go there” look she had, she said, “The least I can do is nothing, and if you keep talking to me like that, that is exactly what I will do.”

  Nathaniel got up off the bed, but couldn't pace in the small room. With his hands crossed over his chest, he asked, “Will you please help me?”

  His body language was anything but sincere. Feeling sorry for her former lover, she nodded her head. “Yes, I'll help you. Get out so I can get dressed.”

  Nathaniel stood rooted to his spot. Finally, he said, “It took you little time to find a new lover, Corliss.”

  Now she was mad. For a man who needed her help, he was being a certified asshole. He was a smart man, but he had little common sense to pick a fight with her. After the time she'd been on board, he should know better.

  “At least I broke it off with you first. I didn't sleep with someone else while we were still together. Jackass.” She threw in the last part as an after-thought.

  Before saying something else to offend her, Nathaniel left the room. Closing the door harder than was necessary, he turned to walk back to his cabin. Spencer stopped him in the hallway.

  “This will be a problem, will it not?” Spencer asked, itching to punch the other man, but knowing it would anger Corliss.

  “Not if she can convince Megan to stay. If not, yes, it will be a problem.”

  Walking around the other man, Nathaniel walked back to his cabin and waited to see if Corliss could pull off a miracle. Everything she'd told Megan was true. He had seduced the innocent girl before ending things with Corliss. He had the chance to end things, but didn't. Such humiliation Megan must be feeling. Rubbing his face, trying to remove the stain of betrayal, Nathaniel got back to work. Of all the journeys, this is the one where they had good wind and no run-ins with other ships. This was the kind of luck Nathaniel didn't need at the moment.


  Ginny was fully dressed before Spencer came back into the room. One look at her and she knew he was disappointed over the fact. Smiling, she gave him a chaste kiss on the lips before walking to the open door.

  “I have to go and try to convince Megan that Nathaniel is the only man for her. Wish me luck.”

  “You have it. God knows you will need it.”

  Ginny found Megan holed up in her room. After knocking with no reply, she finally called out that it was Corliss and could they please talk. Only then did Megan pull the latch and let her in the room, quickly closing the door behind Ginny and latching it again.

  Megan had been crying, w
ith tear streaked cheeks and red rimmed eyes. The young girl went and sat on the berth, offering the single chair to Ginny. After seating herself, Ginny got right to the point.

  “Are you alright, Megan?”

  Her face was turned down toward her hands, but Megan gave a small nod. Pulling a handkerchief from the sleeve of her dress, she wiped her eyes and nose, but still refused to speak.

  “You haven't done anything wrong, Megan.”

  This must have gotten her attention because Megan's head popped up and she stared at Ginny incredulously.

  “Not done anything wrong? I gave myself to a man not my husband. A man who will never be my husband. I am a wanton, and I will spend eternity in Hell for it.”


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