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Reflecting On Wishes (The Wishes Series)

Page 3

by Felthauser, DeAnna

  Chapter 3


  Back at his hotel room, Dakota showered and shaved his cheeks and neck, trimming his goatee to give him a clean cut look, while singing along to classic rock music. One thing was on his mind. Well, one person, Angel Vega. Today had gone better than he could have hoped. This time when he spoke to her she responded, even to the point she’d accepted when he suggested taking her out on a date. Holy hell, he was going on a date with the girl of his dreams. He shook his head and smiled at himself in the mirror, flexing and grinning like a fool. He hadn’t been this excited to go out in a very long time.

  In his twenty-five years he only had two girlfriends he had gotten serious with. One was in high school. But when his parents were killed in a car wreck, his girlfriend of three years didn’t know how to console him. It was awkward between them. Dakota had been moody and scared, moving from one foster family to the next with his younger, twin siblings. Right before graduation she broke up with him. She didn’t want to stick around for a guy that suddenly had to grow up and was no longer the fun and playful track star she had fallen for. Dakota had focused on his goal to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy, struggling to get grants and moving into the dorms since he had aged out of the foster care system.

  His main focus was setting a good example for his twin brother and sister—Dominic and Delilah, and to be able to afford a place for the three of them. It had broken his heart to have to move out and leave them in foster care. The twins had taken it personally, feeling like he had deserted them, but it had been so hard keeping track of them as they were moved from one family to the next. Both of them at times, running away and getting into fights until the night that changed all of their lives.

  The twins had been placed with a foster family that never followed through with letting Dakota visit or spend time with his siblings, so he was unaware of how bad it had gotten. Their foster mom had passed out drunk, and their foster dad had locked Delilah and himself in her bedroom with the intent to force himself on her. Thank God Dominic woke up to her screams and broke the door in, saving his sister and running away. The kids were on their way to Dakota’s dorm when the police caught up with them and called in their caseworker Meghan again.

  Luckily, the twins were placed with a newly married foster couple that couldn’t have children and were looking to adopt. They had been the saving grace that kept their family together as they adopted not only Dominic and Delilah, but they also welcomed Dakota into their family too. Noah and Mikayla Cane had made it a priority in their life to help others. On their wedding day they received a lottery ticket from Noah’s dad that ended up being the winning numbers of the largest jackpot in Georgia history. Since then, they had started a foundation for granting random wishes called, A Million Wishes. They also had started a rehab training center called, Reconstructing Warriors for amputee’s and wounded vets. Dakota was a physical therapist there and his best friend, Tank was a personal trainer and motivational speaker.

  Naturally, in the process of going to college and working to help finish building Reconstructing Warriors, Dakota dated casually but he didn’t let himself get mixed up in a relationship that he didn’t have time for. Now that the facility was finished and working smoothly in the last year, he had more free time and wanted someone to share it with. But he didn’t want to share it with just anyone. He’d had his eyes on Angel for quite some time now. It was hard to believe he was fortunate enough to be getting ready to go pick her up to take her out.

  Dakota sprayed on his Burberry cologne and stepped out of the bathroom to slip on his black leather boots to complete his dark outfit of black Levi jeans and a short sleeve black shirt with a tribal design across the shoulders in shades of gray. The silver cross his parents gave him rested in the vee of his shirt, matching the silver watch that wrapped his wrist. Grabbing his wallet, keys and helmet, Dakota headed out to go pick up the most beautiful girl in the world, whistling as he walked out the door.

  The first thing he saw as he pulled up to the trailer was Angel. She was sitting next to her father laughing with him, while he looked at her adoringly. Her slender legs were crossed, encased in black pants that hugged her slender figure like a second skin. The stilettos she was wearing had silver heels that had him damn near drooling. Her skin looked like satiny, smooth caramel and he couldn’t stop thinking about how it would feel and taste under his tongue. But, the most beautiful thing about her was when she turned her smile to him—for him. His heart thudded in his chest like a bass drum line getting the crowd ready for a game.

  As he got off his bike and was walking towards her, his grin widened as he held out his hand to her, oblivious to the rest of her family.

  “Angel,” his voice was husky when he shook his head as if to clear the cobwebs her beauty had spun in his mind. “You are simply stunning, you take my breath away.”

  Her eyes fluttered as she stood up, looking into his eyes. “You’re looking rather handsome yourself, big guy.”

  He swallowed visibly, squeezing her hand in his, reaching to brush his thumb along her jaw.

  “Ahem, you guys do realize we’re sitting right here, right?” Rage laughed, rolling his eyes.

  Laughter broke the tension that had sprung up between them, even more so when it suddenly thundered and lightening cracked across the sky making Angel jump.

  Dakota curled his arm around her and tucked her against his side. “Ugh, I was really hoping the rain would hold off since I only have my bike here.”

  Rage reached into his pocket and tossed his truck keys to Dakota. “Take my truck, man. No sense in getting soaked and ruining all that work these girls put into making Angel look like a girl.”

  Nahni elbowed her husband and Angel flipped him off while all the guys laughed, including her dad.

  He gave a nod towards Rage, “Thanks, bruh.” Dakota grinned, tightening his hold on her. “Are you ready to go, beautiful?”

  “I’m ready. I can only tolerate so much of my brother before I want to beat him down.” Angel grinned at her brother, giving him a wink as she put her arm around Dakota’s waist.

  “Don’t be out too late. We have a long day tomorrow, mija.”

  Angel rolled her eyes, starting to pull Dakota towards the truck. “I know, Papá. I’m not a kid anymore you know.”

  Vito smiled at his daughter saying, “You will always be mi bebita.”

  He could tell by the look on her face her heart melted. She was a daddy’s girl, after all. Angel let go of Dakota long enough to go to her father and brush a kiss on his weathered cheek. “Buenas noches, Papá. Te amo.”

  He patted her cheek and nodded towards her date. “Vaya, diviértase mija. Te amo.”

  “Go have fun,” he said.

  Dakota’s palm pressed lightly to the small of her back, his eyes drawn to her tattoo. He unlocked the driver’s side door, waiting for her to slide to the middle of the seat before he climbed in beside her and shut the door, starting the engine.

  “I think this is the first time I’ve seen your entire tattoo. It’s really gorgeous, a work of art, Angel.”

  “Thank you,” her soft brown eyes beamed up at him. “I actually ended up getting it because I wanted to cover the scars on my back that I got from a wreck several years ago. I had severe road rash from sliding across the pavement on my back, so I decided to make something beautiful from it.”

  He nodded his head, pulling out of the parking spot and heading towards the restaurant. “I remember reading about that in the paper. I can’t even imagine how bad that must have hurt. I’ve gotten road rash on my leg and arms before when I was younger and street racing without the proper gear on. But you’re right; you made something wildly beautiful from it. The tattoo just enhances how beautiful and exotic you are.”

  Her cheeks flushed with color, “You’re quite the charmer. I think I like that about you.”

  Dakota draped his arm around her shoulder, laughing. “Good to know, pretty lady.”

They made small talk while driving to the restaurant in the nearby town of Athens. It was a short ride, but it was difficult to concentrate when her hand rested on his thigh. Her bright red fingernails were posing quite the contrast to his black pants. She smelled so good. The aroma was a seductive blend of oranges and berries. There was also a hint of vanilla and something floral, maybe violets. It blended sweetly with her natural, fresh scent. It was distracting him to the point he wanted to cradle her in his arms, bury his face against her neck and absorb her into him.

  Once he parked the truck, he tilted her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “I have no idea what kind of perfume you’re wearing but it’s driving me absolutely crazy.” Before she could answer his lips brushed over hers lightly, once, twice, then he gently kissed her forehead. He watched as she caught her bottom lip between her teeth, staying silent for a moment. He wondered if he had moved too fast. Searching her eyes to see if he could figure out what she was thinking, he took a deep, calming breath then uttered, “Sorry if that was too soon. I just….”

  “Pink,” she whispered, cutting him off as she began slowly licking over her bottom lip.

  “Pink? I don’t understand.”

  “You asked about my perfume. It’s Pink, by Victoria’s Secret.”

  He swallowed so hard he nearly choked. She shopped at…damn. Visions of everything that could be found in that store of silk and lace flashed through his mind and he couldn’t help but wonder what else she was wearing from there.

  “Pink…I like it. On you.” He sounded like an idiot. He was unable to string more than a few words together at once because she had innocently spun a web of desire around him so thick, it impeded all rational thought.

  “I’m glad you…” He didn’t let her finish. One more taste. He needed to feel her soft full lips against his again. Dakota ached to feel her sharp nails digging into his thigh just once more and then he would pull back, start acting like a gentleman. But then he felt her tongue slide across his lower lip while she made this sound in the back of her throat that sounded raw, cat-like, and hungry. His fingers wound through her silky curls at the nape of her neck as his tongue delved between her sweet lips. He knew he should calm down. Act rationally and respectfully towards her. But once the taste of her sweetness hit his tongue he was lost. He realized she didn’t seem to mind when she turned towards him more and wrapped her arms around him. Her nails dug into his shoulders and scored the back of his neck, making him growl. His hands moved down her back to cup her bottom in his palms lifting her onto his lap, wedging her between his chest and the steering wheel. A loud honk startled them both, breaking them apart and sending them into a bout of laughter when they realized her bottom had bumped against the horn.

  Angel grinned at him, mischief in her eyes. “I’ll make sure every time I want to turn you into a growling panther I wear this perfume. In fact, I don’t think I’ll ever wear anything else.”

  “Oh yeah—nothing else?” Dakota chuckled, cupping the back of her neck and pulling her to him for a tender kiss. “That sounds irresistible, except that wouldn’t be the best thing to do while racing. At home is another matter altogether…”

  She playfully smacked his chest, rolling her eyes. “Of course your brain would go there. You know I meant perfume, not clothing.”

  “Hey now, I’m a man, where did you expect my mind to go when your delicious bottom is planted on my lap?”

  Angel laughed opening the door and sliding off his lap to drop to the ground. “Come on bad boy. It’s time to feed me something more than cocky sarcasm.”

  His stomach rumbled in reply, making them both laugh. “Apparently my stomach agrees with you.”

  He took her hand in his and led her towards the restaurant. “I’ve never eaten here before but my mom told me this was a great place. It’s kind of a cross between a bistro and fine dining.”

  “Bellisimo’s—hmm, I’ve never been here either. I’m afraid I might be under-dressed though.”

  “You look stunning, Angel.” His eyes caressed her from head to toe as he looked her over before opening the door for her.

  “Reservation for Cane,” he said to the hostess, smiling at her.

  “We have a private table for you as requested, Mr. Cane, come right this way.”

  “Private table, Mr. Cane? So this is what it’s like to have money huh?” Angel whispered to him, looking around the beautiful, serene setting of the room.

  Dakota pulled her chair out for her, scooting her in comfortably before taking his seat. “I wanted to bring you somewhere nice. Make you feel special for finally agreeing to go out with me.”

  Laughing, she shook her head before saying, “You did well. I’ve never had a guy take me somewhere so nice. I appreciate it. I have to admit—I think it’s incredibly cute that your mom told you where to take me.”

  He was really trying to play it cool but he was smiling so much his cheeks hurt. Their waitress came to take their drink order and he was pleasantly surprised when instead of ordering wine, Angel ordered a Corona. He grinned and ordered the same thing, opening his menu and began looking over the appetizers. They decided on marinated olives and bruschetta on ciabatta bread with tomatoes, basil and olive oil. Once the server left, Angel set down her menu and crossed her arms over her chest defensively.

  “Why are you laughing at me?”

  “I’m not laughing at you, baby. I’m adoring you actually.”

  “No, you’re laughing at me for ordering a beer aren’t you? You should realize now that I’m not some delicate flower of a girl that wants wine and roses and all that shit. I grew up around men, drinking beer and playing football.”

  “I never thought of you as a delicate flower. I can’t imagine a delicate flower working in a motorcycle shop or driving nearly two hundred miles per hour down a racetrack. For your information, I’m not into girls that are all about fancy things. I happen to think you’re pretty damn perfect just the way you are.”

  Her mouth opened and then shut. He could see the wheels turning in her head while she decided whether or not to be offended.

  “So why did you bring me to a fancy place if you aren’t into it?”

  He leaned towards her, his hand brushed along her jaw, thankful they had privacy in the little alcove where they were seated. “Because I wanted to make a good impression. You’re a special woman and I like you. You deserve the best, so I wanted to spoil you. Is that okay, Angel? I hope you won’t mind that even though you aren’t into fancy things, once in a while I am going to do special things for you just to show you I care.”

  She was fidgeting with her hands, stopping the moment his eyes left hers and caught her. Quickly she picked the menu back up, avoiding his gaze.

  “As long as you know that sometimes I’ll want to go out for a burger and sit by the lake, feeding the ducks my french fries while wearing something simple like shorts and a tank top with my toes in the dirt.”

  He chuckled and picked up his menu. “Duly noted. In fact, I like picnics by the lake and I like the idea of you in those short cutoffs you had on earlier today. Mhmm, I like that very much. I think maybe we should take some bread for the ducks though. French fries can’t be good for them.”

  She smirked at him, stifling a grin. “Fine, bread it is. We can’t have chunky ducks that aren’t able to waddle.”

  “I’m curious now though…” The grin on his face was mischievous.

  “Curious about what? The fact I’d rather drink beer than wine?”

  “No, the fact you play football.”

  “Hey, I’m pretty good at it too. Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean…”

  “No, no, no, that’s not what I mean, little Miss Defensive. I’m just wondering if it’s tackle football.” He watched her swallow, her eyes fluttering briefly.

  “Why do you want to know?” She leaned a little closer to him, biting her bottom lip as she tilted her head to the side, “You planning on joining us one day and play against me?”
  “I admit I rather like the idea of tackling you. It may not be appropriate to do that in front of your family though.”

  Suddenly the server was there, bringing them frosty mugs of ice cold beer and the appetizers. She took their dinner orders and left quietly. Angel speared an olive and leaned towards him again, offering him the savory bite.

  “I agree there’s probably a better place and time for a good tackling to happen.” She watched him take the bite, her eyes even darker now than they normally were.

  Dakota picked up an olive with his fingers, the olive oil dripping from them as he held it out to her. He gave a low groan when she sucked it from between his fingers, her tongue swiping over his thumb and forefinger before she pulled back. They continued taking small bites here and there from their appetizers, while not talking much at all. At least not with words spoken out loud, but their demeanor and eye contact spoke volumes. Once the entrees were brought out, they started talking again between bites, still sharing tidbits of the delicious foods. Dakota had a creamy Seafood Risotto with shrimp, mussels, scallops, and sweet peppers with a tomato and roasted garlic sauce over garlic–parmigian risotto. Angel dined on Seafood Charmaine, a spicy blend of shrimp and sea scallops sautéed with sun–dried tomato, spinach and jalapeno cream sauce over fettuccine. Once the main course was over both were too full for dessert, deciding instead to go to a dive bar that played live Latin music.

  Chapter 4

  Amante was a fairly small nightclub off Highway 129. It didn’t take much for Angel to convince him to take her there. The thought of her shaking her hips was something he couldn’t resist seeing. It was raining by the time they got there so he pulled up to the awning covering the entrance and dropped her off while he parked the truck. Once he locked the truck, he quickly ran through the rain to meet her at the door. The smile she gave him melted his heart. Her soft hands wiping the raindrops from his forehead and cheeks, then curving around his neck to bring him close for a kiss was something he only dreamed of and was extremely happy to accept.


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