Thunderclap (Steel Infidels MC) (Bad Boy Romance) (Steel Infidels Series Book 4)

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Thunderclap (Steel Infidels MC) (Bad Boy Romance) (Steel Infidels Series Book 4) Page 47

by Burke, Dez

  I point to my t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops.

  “Nothing too revealing, I hope,” he says, suddenly serious.

  “Why? Are you jealous? Afraid another man might look at my boobs?”

  He grabs my hand and links his fingers through mine. “Yes, exactly that. And your curvy ass too.”

  “If it makes you feel better, you’re the only man I’m letting touch them.”

  He grins. “Thanks for that and for the mental image. Now the whole ride back, all I’ll be thinking about is fondling your tits. And other things. If I start weaving off the road, you’ll know where my mind is wandering off to. Are you absolutely sure I can’t talk you into the sand dune thing? Because I spotted a few secluded places on the drive up.”

  I playfully punch him.

  “Time to hit the road, big fella, before you get all frisky right here at the table.”

  “What about on a fishing pier then? Or under a fishing pier? That would be unique.”

  “Now you’re just being weird.” I smile at him. “Ask me again sometime and I just might take you up on it.”

  “You can bet I will.”



  “I’ll be back before closing to pick you up,” I tell Trish before kissing her goodbye at the front door of the bar. “If you need me before then, don’t hesitate to call. I’ll keep my phone on.”

  “Don’t worry, I will.”

  She turns to go through the door then runs back over to reach up on her tiptoes and plant a long kiss on my lips.

  “Wow!” I say, holding on to her arm when she pulls away. “What was that for?”

  “So you don’t forget me,” she answers.

  “As if I ever could.”

  Once she goes inside and out of sight, I pull her cell phone out of my pocket to send a text to her brother. After scrolling through the past several texts back and forth between him and Trish, I decide a simple, 'I’m sorry. Meet me tonight after work?' is best.

  I hit the send button. Now all I can do is wait and hope he is mad enough or curious enough to show up.

  I’m not really expecting him to reply to her by phone, if their previous texts are any indication. Most of their conversations consisted of Ty ordering her to do something and Trish replying with, ‘okay.’ Reading the texts pisses me off all over again. I wish there was a way to get her away from him for good. I don’t like that he is a part of her life.

  If I have any say about it, he won’t be for long.


  “Any word?” Flint asks me for the hundredth time. He leans back against a light pole, pulls a cigarette out of a pack, and lights it.

  We’re sitting at the far end of the parking lot under a street lamp with a busted out lightbulb. From our vantage point, we can see everyone walking through the lot while we’re safely hidden in the shadows. If Ty shows up, we’ll see him.

  “Nope,” I say, checking Trish’s cell phone again and shaking my head. I give him a curious look. “Does Kendra know you smoke?”

  “Nope,” he replies. He blows a ring of smoke up into the air. “And she won’t. Will she?” He turns to stare at me.

  “Not from me. I wouldn’t want to be near that conversation. Kendra is going to kick your ass all the way from Georgia to the Mississippi River when she finds out.”

  “I’ll quit before then.”

  “That’s what they all say.”

  “Think the brother will show up tonight?”

  “I don’t know. I hope so. If not, it means they smell a rat or they’ve decided to go underground again and not show their faces. It can go either way.”

  Flint flips open his cell phone. “Sam just sent me a text saying there is no sign of the brother or any of the Liberators inside. He’s going to approach a couple of the friendly biker groups and give them a head’s up about the situation in case we need them.”

  “I don’t think we have to worry about the Liberators getting to Trish inside the bar. Roger swore to me that he wouldn’t let Ty back in after I told him he was part of the Liberators. He hates that club almost as much as we do. I’ve got Rocco keeping a close eye on Trish just in case though. We don’t want any surprises.”

  “They’ve ambushed us before.”

  “You don’t need to remind me,” I say dryly. “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about it. I can’t believe you actually convinced Kendra to marry you after that mess at the safe house.”

  “Me either. Who would have thought that getting shot was the luckiest thing that ever happened to me? When I opened my eyes that day and saw her tending to my wound, I honest to God thought I had seriously died and gone to heaven. She was like an angel in the bright light.”

  “That’s because you lost so much blood that you were loony tunes and fucking out of your head. I’m glad you were enjoying it, because it scared the shit out of the rest of us. You probably wouldn’t be standing here if Kendra hadn’t decided to hang around and sew you up. God, she was so fucking pissed at me. I mean really spitting mad.”

  “Can you blame her? You threatened her and basically forced a veterinarian to perform medical care on me. She could have lost her vet’s license.”

  “I don’t see how. What were we going to do if she screwed up your stitches? Sue her? I was desperate. I couldn’t just let you bleed out. I would have done anything to keep you alive. And you would have done exactly the same for me or Sam. I will always be in her debt for that. And now that she’s taking you off my hands, I’m in double debt to her.”

  Flint flicks ashes onto the ground and stamps them out with his boot. “I’m pretty confident she’s forgiven you. After all, she got me out of the deal, and I’m one hell of a consolation prize.”

  “Are you sure you’re up to being a married man? The wedding is less than a month away. You still have time to back out if you have any doubts.”

  “Are you kidding?” Flint says. “We would already be married if it were up to me. Hell, I would have dragged her to the justice of the peace as soon as she said yes. Except she wants a wedding and a dress. All that girlie stuff. If she wants a big wedding, then by God I’m going to give her one.”

  “I’m just fucking around. Wanted to see what you would say. Better you than me though. Getting married is a big commitment. I can’t imagine ever being ready for something like that.”

  “Never say never,” he says. “Look what happened to me. When Kendra came along, it hit me like a fucking tornado. One day I didn’t know her and the next I couldn’t imagine being without her.”

  “That’s you, not me. I’ll always have the club to think about.”

  “The MC isn’t everything, Jesse.”

  “It’s all I’ve got.”


  Two hours later, we’re still hanging around the parking lot bored to death and waiting. Last call is already over, and most of the bar patrons are piling out unsteadily to head for their bikes.

  “What time are you supposed to be picking up Trish at the door?” Flint asks.

  “In ten minutes.”

  “She didn’t think it was suspicious that you’re not at the bar tonight? What did you tell her you were doing instead?”

  “MC business,” I reply. “I told her you and I were brokering a deal with another club. She didn’t question it. I think she was relieved that I wouldn’t be hanging around watching her work. Truth is, I’m not sure how much of that I can tolerate anyway. Flirting with the customers is how she makes her tips. Yet every time a man looks at her tits or ass, I want to punch his face in.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t like that either if I was in your position. I hope you realize you’re getting off on the wrong foot with her if you have any intentions of taking this further.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Lying to her. Stealing her phone.”

  I cross my arms and glare at him. “Are you fucking kidding me? This dumbass plan was your idea. Remember? Incidentally, i
t doesn’t seem to be working. He’s not going to show. Otherwise he would have been here by now.”

  “Think the Liberators are on to us?”

  “No. They’re running scared again. We might have missed our best opportunity to take them down.”

  I spot Trish coming out the front door.

  “Let’s go. There she is, and brother dearest is nowhere to be seen. Act normal, okay? Don’t let her know anything is going on.”

  “Me act normal? I’m not the one lying about everything.”

  “You know what I mean. Text Sam and let him know we’re heading back to the hotel. The plan is a no go for tonight.”

  I slip up behind Trish and slide an arm around her waist. “Hey beautiful,” I say. “Ready to go?”

  She slumps tiredly against me.

  “More than ready. What a long night! My feet are killing me. I swear, I don’t know if I can take another step. Where is your bike?”

  “Not far.”

  I drop my arm from her shoulder and lean over.

  “Hop on my back and I’ll carry you piggyback style.”

  She smiles at my silly suggestion.

  “I’m not going to let you carry me, Jesse. Don’t be ridiculous. I’m too heavy. If I can stand all night, I can certainly walk a few more feet.”

  “Come on. You’re light enough and I’m strong. It will give me a chance to show you what a manly man I am.”

  Giggling, she jumps up onto my back. I stagger and I pretend like I’m about to drop her, and she laughs again. I’m glad my attempt to lighten the mood is working. Might as well enjoy what is left of the night.

  She grabs me tighter around the neck.

  “I missed you,” she whispers.

  “Music to my ears. Can you show me how much when I get you back to the hotel?”



  The ride back to the hotel seems to take forever. Trish keeps teasing me by sliding her hand down my stomach and over my belt buckle. I finally have to grab her hand and hold it tight in mine to get her to stop.

  I know she’s playing and doesn’t have any idea how incredibly distracting she is being. One small mistake on a bike and we’re both going to end up on the pavement. I would never forgive myself if I had an accident with Trish riding with me.

  I’m in such a hurry to fuck her that I don’t wait for the rest of the crew who are following behind us to catch up. When we get inside the hotel room, I slam the door shut and shove her against it.

  “Hang on a minute,” she says, pushing against my chest. “I have to take a shower first. There’s no way I’m letting you touch me when I smell like smoke and spilled beer.”

  “You really think I care?” I ask, burying my face in the space between her ear and neck.

  “Maybe not, but I do,” she says. “Don’t you want me smelling nice and clean?” She untangles herself from my arms and quickly slips around me. “I won’t be long.”

  She points to the bed as she walks past it. “Make yourself comfortable while you wait, Mr. Mason.”

  Hurrying off to the bathroom, she goes inside, shuts the door, and turns on the shower.

  Make myself comfortable? I wonder how she thinks that will be possible with a hard-on so thick I need to unzip my jeans. One touch of her body, and all I can think about is sinking deep inside her again and again.

  She’s like a drug that I can’t get enough of. The more I get, the more I crave. Trish is driving me mad, and the worst part is that she doesn’t even realize it.

  I strip off my shirt and walk to the bathroom door. The shower is still running. Damn! I pace the room back and forth like a caged tiger. How long has she been in there? Three minutes? Surely that’s long enough to rinse off. I can’t wait any longer. Opening the bathroom door, I step inside and rip back the shower curtain.

  “Jesse! What the hell!” she yelps while instinctively trying to cover her breasts.

  I reach over and turn off the water.

  “Come on. Out you go. You’re wasting water. Haven’t you ever heard of water conservation?”

  I grab a towel to throw on the floor for her to step on and another to wrap around her.

  “Who are you? Greenpeace?” she says as she steps out of the shower. “I still have soap on me.”

  I smile at her confused expression. She can’t tell if I’m serious or joking about the water. Leaning forward, I wrap the towel around her and pull her to me. “Got you now,” I tease, tugging the towel tighter so she’s caught against my body. “No escape for you, naughty water waster.”

  “I’m going to get you all wet,” she protests, spreading her hands against my bare chest. “And soapy.”

  “A problem soon to be rectified.”

  I take the edges of the towel and start drying her off. First her shoulders and arms, then I slide the towel lower and gently swab the soap from her lush breasts. A water droplet slides down the rounded globe and hangs on the tip of her nipple. I lean down and lick it off slowly.

  God! She’s irresistible.

  “You need a warning tattoo that says slippery when wet,” I tease.

  She glances up with a slightly embarrassed look, and I chuckle at her bashfulness.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean that as dirty as it sounded.” I swallow hard as her large nipples harden right in front of my eyes. “Or on second thought, maybe I did.”

  I kneel down in front of her, putting my face on the same level as her belly button. Shifting the towel down, I rub her ass dry, then her upper thighs. When I reach her stomach, I drop the towel, unable to resist the temptation any longer. With a loud groan, I bury my face in the waxed mound between her legs.

  “Your skin is so warm and smooth,” I say, inhaling deeply.

  I close my eyes tight and drink in her sweetness until I’m reeling. My brain fogs over as her utter sexiness goes straight to my head. She’s like a straight shot of tequila, only a hundred times more potent.

  “Damn, you smell so delicious,” I say, kissing my way over her hip bone and down her inner thigh. “I know you’ll taste even better.”

  She grabs my shoulders with both hands for support. “Jesse, what are you doing?” she asks unsteadily, her voice so soft it’s almost a whisper. Her firm, heavy breasts rise and fall with shaky breaths, the nipples still wet and engorged.

  I don’t break eye contact with her as I firmly push open her thighs, baring her to my gaze. She moves one foot slightly and willingly opens herself to me, her pussy already glistening.

  “You know I will do anything to please you, right?” I say.

  She nods and timidly moves her legs wider to give me access. I spread her damp folds apart with my thumbs and slam my tongue deep inside her.

  Her dripping wet pussy tastes intoxicating. I close my eyes and bury my tongue deep into her slit, savoring her moistness against my face. The powerful sweet flavor drives me over the edge, getting me so hard and thick that I’m throbbing. Above me, I hear her whimper my name.

  I’m torn between wanting to drown my face in her sweet nectar and taking her now against the bathroom wall. When she grabs a fistful of my hair and grinds her pussy into my face, it makes my choice easy.

  There’s nothing I want more than to drive her wild and make her loose all control. Anything less than hearing her scream my name won’t be enough.

  “You’re melting for me, baby,” I murmur, moving my tongue to flick at her clit. Sliding my hands around, I cup her ass cheeks, massaging them beneath my large hands and holding her steady.

  “Oh God,” she says, breathing hard now.

  I lick faster over her clit and look up to see her staring down at me, lips parted and eyes hazy with lust. Her whole body is tight and I know she is almost over the edge. With a hoarse groan, I dig my face deeper into her pussy. I want to feel her cum all over my face.


  She grips my head tighter and rides my tongue through an endless, powerful release. I forget how to breathe as her
orgasm spasms wildly around my nose and tongue, her hot juices spilling into my mouth. Desperately I try to drink it all in like a starving man, her smell, her taste, the sound of her voice calling my name. Never has eating a woman’s pussy ever felt so damn amazing. Grasping her ass tightly, I brace her up with my arms so she doesn’t collapse on the tile floor.

  Shit! I’m in so deep. How the fuck did this happen?

  I can’t imagine what I could have ever done in my wretched life to deserve Trish being here with me at this moment. All I know is that I’ll do anything it takes now to make her stay.

  When her breathing slows, I stand up and scoop her up in my arms like a tiny child. Kicking the door wide, I make my way to the bed and place her gently on the edge.

  Trish links her arm behind my neck and pulls my lips down to hers for a long kiss. “Now it’s your turn,” she says, locking her eyes with mine and running her tongue slowly along her moist lips to lick off her own taste.

  The erotic gesture hits me like a taser straight to my cock. Damn! She’s so fucking sexy. I can’t remember ever needing any woman as bad as I want her.

  “The question is, why are you still wearing pants?” she asks, grabbing my belt buckle and sliding it loose.

  “Good question,” I say, whipping the belt loose from the loops and stepping out of my jeans. My long, hard cock springs free and bobs in front of her face.

  She smiles up at me with a sensual gleam in her eyes. Leaning down, she cups my balls in one hand and encircles my hardened cock with the other. With her thumb, she rubs the slit then licks off the pre-cum on the bulbous tip.

  “Oh Christ!” I mutter, summoning every bit of willpower I have not to grab her head with both hands and shove my cock deep down her throat. I swear to God she’s killing me. She has no idea how much effort it is taking me to stay in control.

  “Do you want more?” she asks, opening her mouth wide and sliding the entire length of my cock between her lips.

  She moves her hands to grip my ass, pulling me as far into her mouth as I can possibly go. Her nose touches my stomach and my cock hits the back of her throat. Black spots float in front of my eyes. I fight like hell to keep from loosing it completely.


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