Ruled by her Daddies

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Ruled by her Daddies Page 14

by Roberts, Laylah

  “Not good with words, huh?” she said weakly.

  He shrugged. “Don’t expect me to explain myself all the time. But I figured you needed to hear it.”

  She did.

  God, she hoped this crazy plan of theirs worked. Because she couldn’t stand the idea of leaving them again.


  Caleb came back from where he’d been chatting to the attractive blonde flight attendant. She had a very loud laugh. It was kind of annoying. But Vivi knew she was short on patience. Wolfe had given her some pain killers, but they hadn’t kicked in yet and her arm and ankle were throbbing. At least she’d managed to avoid getting poked up the bottom.

  Something to be thankful for.

  “We’re taking off now, jelly bean. Belt up.” Caleb sat next to her, while Wolfe and Aleki sat across from her. Aleki was munching on a bag of caramel popcorn. Wolfe would only let her have a small handful.

  She growled at Caleb as he reached across her to do up the lap belt. She smacked at his hand. “I got it.”

  Caleb leaned in and brushed his mouth against her ear. “That was naughty. No hitting Daddy. I’m going to have to add that to your punishments.”

  She gaped at him.

  “She’s cranky. She needs a nap,” Wolfe said as Caleb turned back to his seat. “She also hasn’t put her belt on.”

  Caleb spun back around and grabbed the lap belt, giving her a pointed look when he did it up. Okay, so she’d forgotten to actually fasten it.

  “I am not cranky.”

  “You seem kind of cranky,” Aleki said.

  “We did get her up early. She’s healing. The doctor said she needs lots of rest. Until she’s better, she can take naps twice a day along with having a full ten hours at night,” Wolfe stated.

  This was . . . this was . . . she reached over to pinch herself.

  Caleb grabbed her hand, shaking his head at her. “No pinching yourself.”

  Wolfe frowned. “Do you think she needs to see someone about that?”

  “About what?” she asked.

  “The pinching.”

  “See someone? How do you see someone?” she asked.

  “Like a shrink,” Wolfe muttered. “I’ll make a note on it for her file.”

  “My file? You have a file for me?”

  “Of course.” Wolfe blinked at her from behind his glasses as though it was totally normal and wasn’t she weird for questioning him.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s . . . it’s . . . what’s in it?”

  “Medical information from the doctor, who we’ll never use again. I’ll send a complaint about his unprofessionalism.”

  “He wasn’t unprofessional,” she protested.

  “He flirted with you,” Wolfe stated.

  “No, he didn’t.”

  “Yes, he did.”

  She turned to give Caleb an exasperated look. “Aren’t you going to say something?”

  He raised an eyebrow. Then looked to Wolfe. There, Caleb would set him straight. “I wouldn’t waste your time on an email, just blackball him on the list.”


  “He flirted with you,” Caleb confirmed. “And you are ours.”

  Damn. Those words.

  “I still don’t know if this is a good idea. I don’t think I can lose you all again,” she whispered.

  Caleb wrapped her hand in his. “You won’t.”

  “I’m working out a schedule for you,” Wolfe told her, writing in a notebook.

  “I need a schedule?”

  “Uh-huh. What time would you normally say you wake up? Around seven?”

  She didn’t even know what to say. Was he for real right now?

  “I’ll put seven,” Wolfe said when she didn’t reply. “We can adjust it as well as your nap times if need be.”

  Nap times?

  “I’ll put in time for exercise once your ankle is completely healed, I take it you still like to run?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “You need to build up some muscle, you’re far too puny.”

  “Puny?” she said, outraged.

  “Need to get you on a scale,” Wolfe muttered. “But the doctor estimated that you’re a good twenty pounds underweight. Gonna take a bit to get you back up to a fighting weight.”

  “I’m not planning on taking up boxing,” she pointed out.

  “No, but you’ll need stamina to be with the three of us.”

  What did he mean . . . oh shit. She went hot at the implication. “By stamina you mean . . .”

  “Sex.” Wolfe raised his face. “I must say that I’ve never been that interested. And if the urge ever came over me, I’d just use my hand. But when it comes to you . . . well, I seem to have a lot of pent-up need. But there are three of us to satisfy. For that you’ll need stamina.”

  She had nothing. Nothing at all.

  Aleki’s eyes widened as he stared at her. “Uh-oh, Wolfe, man, I think you’re going a bit fast. You might have broken her.”

  Wolfe waved a hand in front of her face. “You might be right.”

  “Jelly bean, Wolfe is getting ahead of himself,” Caleb said soothingly. “Remember, nothing happens that you don’t want to happen. You’re still recovering. And we’re all getting to know each other. We have time for sex to happen when it feels right.”

  “Well, we have twenty-one days,” Wolfe said.

  “What else you got in that notebook, man?” Aleki asked Wolfe.

  “Hmm? Oh, well, I’m writing out a diet too. Exercise plan once she’s better. I’ll create a sleep schedule, including naps. And then playtime for her Little. We’ll need to set up a playroom, yes? What do you think your Little would like to play with?”

  “I . . . I don’t even know if I have a Little side.”

  “Don’t you?” Wolfe countered calmly without looking at her. “You know that I can’t stand lies, even when you are lying to yourself.”

  “This is all fast, Wolfe. Give me a break, huh?” she said tiredly.

  Wolfe’s face shot up and he studied her intently. Something he saw seemed to make him back down. He gave her a nod and Caleb placed a hand around the back of her neck, rubbing away the tension.

  “You’re all stiff, jelly bean. I’ll give you a rub down later. Before your nap.”

  She glared up at the amusement in Caleb’s voice. She knew he was trying to lighten things up. But he didn’t need to encourage Wolfe.

  “You are not helping,” she told him.

  He slid up the armrest between them and drew her close, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

  Oh God.

  That felt so good.

  “When it comes to you, jelly bean, I think you’ll find we’re all on the same page. Wolfe might be more blunt and sometimes he bulldozes ahead, but the three of us just want what’s best for you. Including building up your health. And not just for sex.”

  “Although that’s definitely part of it.” Aleki wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

  She rolled her eyes at him.

  “I also have a schedule for multivitamins, protein drinks, and your pain medication,” Wolfe added.

  “I don’t have vitamins and protein drinks.”

  “You do now,” Wolfe countered. He raised his head. “We should add water intake to that as well.”

  “Oh God. Next you’ll be wanting to know how often I pee.”

  “Yes, I nearly forgot about that.”

  “Wolfe, I was joking,” she said desperately.

  “I wasn’t.”

  Next to Wolfe, Aleki had started shaking. She felt Caleb’s chest starting to move.

  “Stop it, you two, and help me out here,” she demanded.

  They both laughed.

  Wolfe just shook his head. “Imbeciles.”

  * * *

  Her mind was still reeling from hurricane Wolfe when the flight attendant came up to them. Or should she say, sashayed over to them. Her hips swung wit
h each movement. She was poised and sure-footed, despite the fact she was wearing six-inch heels.

  She was blonde with a breathy voice that immediately grated on Vivi’s nerves. Her make-up was spotless and she had a body that didn’t quit. Vivi started to feel self-conscious. She knew she was scrawny. Skin and bones.

  At one stage, she could have given this woman a run for her money. But that was a long time ago. Although she’d never had boobs like that. Were they real? She had no idea, but she should really do up another button or two. If she leaned over too far, Vivi was worried that they were gonna get more than an eyeful.

  “Hello, Mr. Pierce, Mr. Samuels, and Mr. Callahan, it’s good to have you back on board.”

  Caleb smiled. “Hello, Marilyn.”

  Aleki gave her a head bob. Wolfe ignored her completely.

  Then the woman’s gaze went to her, and her smile became condescending as she glanced down. It was then that Vivi realized she was still clutching Piggles and she had wolf slippers on her feet. Shame filled her.

  She shrunk in even further, moving away from Caleb who shot her a concerned look before his attention was stolen by a question from Marilyn.

  “What can I get you all for breakfast? I’m happy to make anything you might desire.”

  Vivi scowled. She just bet she was.

  “Maybe a big country breakfast for you each? I’m sure it takes a lot of food to fuel those large bodies.”

  Vivi started to gag. It was just too much.

  Wolfe shot out of his seat. “Are you ill? Don’t just stand there, get a sick bag,” he snapped at Marilyn, who looked affronted. Whether at his tone or his order, Vivi wasn’t sure.

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. Just felt a bit nauseous.”

  “Here, have some water,” Caleb told her. He undid the bottle, but instead of handing it to her, he held it to her mouth. “Small sips. That’s it.”

  She glanced up at Marilyn and saw the way she glared at her.

  “Better?” Caleb asked, wiping away a drop of water with his finger.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “Perhaps you need to go lie down,” Marilyn suggested. “Quarantine yourself. If you have a stomach bug, I’m sure you don’t want to give it to the rest of us.”

  “I’m fine,” Vivi retorted. “Just a little nauseous. Nothing serious.”

  “It’s probably because your stomach is empty,” Wolfe muttered. “You’re sure you’re not pregnant?”

  “Yes, Wolfe, I’m sure,” she said. Hard to be pregnant when you haven’t had sex in years.

  Marilyn giggled at something Aleki said to her and she narrowed her gaze at how close the other woman stood to him.

  Not. Cool.

  “Okay, well, you need to eat. Something soft on your stomach.” Wolfe drew out the list of food and she groaned. Yep. Her next mission was to get rid of that list. Then the notebook.

  “Genevieve will have porridge with whole milk. None of that skim crap. Honey. Walnuts. Raisins. A side bowl of fresh fruit salad. No apples, she doesn’t like apples. And a glass of orange juice.”

  She sought for patience. “Actually, I’ll just have some toast with chocolate spread.”

  Marilyn pulled a face. “Really?”


  “Chocolate spread isn’t on the list,” Wolfe said.

  She knew by the look on his face, he wasn’t going to budge.

  Wolfe shows his affection by doing things. He’s a man of action.

  And she needed to learn to pick her battles.

  “I’m not sure we have chocolate spread,” Marilyn said snootily. “I usually only stock it when children fly. Which is rather rare.” She gave Piggles another pointed look. “If you’d told me, I’d have stocked up.”

  “Not your fault,” Caleb told her.

  Seriously. Could he not see what a bitch she was being?

  “Fine, porridge it is. I need coffee though.”

  Wolfe scowled. “No coffee.”

  Oh no he didn’t. There had to be a place where she drew the line. And it was here. He could make her eat porridge, but he could not make her give up coffee.

  “Yes, coffee.”

  He harrumphed. “It’s not on the list.”

  “Coffee, Wolfe.”

  “Fine. If you eat something first you can have coffee.”

  “Shit. Did Wolfe just compromise?” Aleki whispered. “Never thought I’d see the day. Are you a wolf whisperer?”

  She giggled as Wolfe gave them both a disgusted look. Marilyn just appeared confused.

  The three of them all ordered eggs and bacon. Only Aleki also ordered pancakes. And toast.

  “Is that everything, Mr. Pierce?” she asked Caleb.

  “Yes, thanks, Marilyn, and please, call me Caleb.”

  “If you insist.” She brushed her ass against his arm as she turned. His only saving grace was that he pulled his arm back.

  Vivi glared after her.

  “Vivi, everything okay?” Caleb asked.

  “No, it’s not. If it wasn’t for that damn food list, Wolfe would be my favorite right now.”

  “What? Why?” Caleb asked.

  “What did I do?” Aleki moaned. “I didn’t try to get between you and your coffee and chocolate spread.”

  “That’s still not a healthy breakfast,” Wolfe grumbled. “And aren’t I always your favorite?”

  The three of them stared at him. “Was that a joke?” Aleki said in a half-whisper.

  “I’m not sure,” Caleb drawled. “Maybe he’s serious.”

  Wolfe glared at them both.

  “Wolfe is my favorite because he didn’t pay any attention to Miss Boobs.”

  “What?” Caleb frowned. “You mean Marilyn?”

  “We weren’t checking her boobs out,” Aleki defended himself.

  “She was flirting with you both. And neither of you discouraged her. She rubbed her ass against you,” she said to Caleb.

  Wolfe scowled. “You were looking at another woman when our bride is sitting right here?”

  “Don’t call me that.” She wasn’t comfortable being referred to as their bride.

  “But I’m your favorite,” Wolfe said.

  “You were. Until you tried to take my coffee away.”

  “You shouldn’t have too much caffeine. It will keep you awake.”

  “It will keep me sane. I could use a bit of sane right now.” Seemed like they were bleeding it out of her.

  “Baby,” Caleb said gently. “We’re not interested in Marilyn.”

  “There’s only one woman for us and there only ever has been,” Aleki added.

  She stared down at her hands. She knew they hadn’t truly been flirting. She just felt so inadequate in front of the other woman. How was she supposed to hold the attention of three gorgeous, sexy men?

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I know jealousy isn’t an attractive quality. It’s just that she’s gorgeous. She looks like she stepped straight out of a Miss America pageant. While I . . . well, I guess if there was a stringbean competition I might win, right?” She tried to laugh, but it failed as she saw the three scowling faces looking back at her.

  She swallowed heavily. Uh-oh.

  “Caleb,” Wolfe warned.

  “I got this.” Caleb reached over and undid her seatbelt then pulled her onto his lap. “Seems we need to go over a few rules.”

  “Rules?” She squeaked.

  “Uh-huh. We’re fond of rules. And consequences if they’re broken.”


  “Yeah, consequences,” Wolfe growled. “As in, that’s the third time you’ve put yourself down in front of us. So your consequences have just become more severe.”

  “Severe?” She gulped.

  “Yep, your bottom is going to be hot and sore by the time we’re finished,” Wolfe told her.

  “What is your obsession with my bottom?” she grumbled as she clenched her cheeks together.

  “Can’t blame him,” Ale
ki told her easily, although his eyes were hard, firm. “It’s a class-A ass.”

  She looked away at his words. She wasn’t sure she believed him.

  A firm hand tilted her face up. Caleb’s blue, calm eyes stared down at her. “Genevieve Amelia, you are beautiful. Inside and out. If Aleki or I made you feel like we were interested in Marilyn at all, then I’m sorry. I can assure you it wasn’t the case. We haven’t looked at another woman the way we look at you in eight years.”

  They weren’t celibate all that time.

  “There were other women, earlier on,” Aleki admitted. “But no one like you. It was always you.”

  “You haven’t had any relationships?” she asked. She knew the three of them hadn’t shared a woman, but surely they’d each had relationships with women on their own.

  “No,” Caleb said quietly brushing some of her hair back. “None.”

  She glanced over at Wolfe who watched her back with calm eyes. “I’ve never been with a woman at all.”

  Did he . . . was he saying . . .

  “Never?” she whispered.

  He shrugged. “I don’t have those urges. Except with you.”

  She sucked in a breath. Holy. Shit. Wolfe was a virgin? Sexy, dark, mysterious Wolfe? How was that possible? Did he really not have interest in any other woman but her?

  She started to sit up straighter. She knew her self-worth should come from within, but it had honestly taken such a battering these past few years that their words were just starting to heal the damage that had been done.

  “We all have those urges,” Caleb said with a smile. “What about you, jelly bean? Got any urges you want to share? Or act on?”

  Her breath quickened. One arm rested behind her back and he placed his other hand at the top of her thigh. She gulped, wishing he would move that hand slightly over.

  As though he could hear her thoughts, Caleb ran his fingers between her thighs. His fingers were pressed against her pussy.


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