Ruled by her Daddies

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Ruled by her Daddies Page 18

by Roberts, Laylah

  “Of course he can experience emotion. He’s not a robot,” she defended Wolfe.

  Hux stared at her. “Well, I’ll be. You found someone to tame the Wolfe.”

  “He’s not a wild animal.” She scowled at the man.

  Hux held up at his hands. “No offense meant, darlin’. I just never thought I’d see the day.”

  “Hux,” Caleb commanded. “If you know what’s good for you, stop eyeing up our woman and let us in. It’s been a long trip and she’s tired. Plus, you’re putting Wolfe on edge.”

  Wolfe just stared at him coldly.

  “Yeah, right, got it. Go on through. I’ll let Prince Kassim know you’re here. He wanted to meet with you before you go into your Marjarsom.”

  She wasn’t really tired. She’d slept well for the first time in ages. And while she was sure she’d tire easily, at the moment she was filled with excitement. The fact that they lived in a place with armed guards and a huge gate didn’t scare her.

  In fact, it made her feel safe.

  “Marjarsom?” she asked as the window went back up.

  “The twenty-one days where we have to woo you and make you decide to stay with us,” Aleki explained.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to tell them she’d already decided. But that would be too hasty. She should make sure they were all on the same page. And that she could be what they needed.

  “I’ll meet with Kassim while you get Vivi fed and settled,” Caleb told the other two.

  “She needs to rest,” Aleki stated.

  “I don’t need to rest.”

  “The physician will need to check her over, too,” Wolfe said. “I’ll set that up.”

  “I feel fine. I don’t need a doctor.”

  “We also need to set down a time to talk about the schedule and rules,” Wolfe said.

  “Set up a time and let us all know,” Caleb agreed.


  They all looked to her. “Did you think about maybe including me in the conversation?”

  They stared at each other. Obviously not.

  She sighed. “I might not be at my best yet, but I don’t want to be cut out of all decisions. I need a say too. Not to be spoken about like I’m not here.”

  “Shit. Sorry, jelly bean,” Caleb told her, running his hand over his face. “We’re used to making decisions between the three of us.”

  “Yes, I gathered.” She swallowed nervously. “But there’s four of us now, right?”

  Caleb’s eyes lit up. Aleki smiled but it was Wolfe who spoke.

  “Four of us.”

  * * *

  Caleb left Wolfe and Aleki fussing over Vivi at their house. It was separated from the main palace, but not so far away as to make it difficult to get there. Still, the princes provided golf carts to anyone who wanted to get around.

  But Caleb was an ex-SEAL. Ex-SEALs didn’t use golf carts. It was some sort of rule.

  So he quickly changed into lighter clothing, because the heat of the day could be torturous until you acclimatized. Then he headed to the main palace. Guards nodded to him along the way. Most of them he’d helped train. When they’d arrived here two years ago, he’d built the security force up almost from scratch.

  It had been necessary. There had been a lot of dissension and poor training.

  Now it all operated like a well-oiled machine.

  He made his way to Kassim’s office. Kassim’s secretary, who was a pretty red-haired woman from New Zealand, smiled up at him.

  “Hey, Pippa,” he said with a grin.

  “Caleb, hear you brought yourself back a bride.”

  “I did. I’ll have to introduce you. She could use someone to help her acclimate to living here. It’s a bit different from San Francisco.”

  Pippa smiled. “Of course. I’d be happy to.” Pippa was always extra polite. To everyone. Aleki was the only person he’d ever seen her relax around. She didn’t like to rock the boat. But there was something in her gaze that told she was holding back.

  “You’ll like her, Pippa,” he said gently. “She’s had a tough time of it and she’s feeling a bit battered. She’s been left with nothing. She really could use a friend.”

  Pippa’s face softened. “Poor thing. I know what it’s like to be all alone.”

  “You’re not alone anymore, though, are you?” a deep voice drawled from the doorway.

  He’d seen Kassim walk up, but knew that Pippa hadn’t. She gasped and half-turned, looking up at the prince.

  “Umm, no. I suppose not.”

  Kassim’s gaze lingered on her. Caleb had often wondered if the other man had feelings for her, but he was a hard person to read. And it was highly unlikely he’d get involved with an employee.

  Kassim’s eyes moved to him. “You look tired.”

  Caleb ran his hand over his face. “I’m fine. Long trip.”

  “Come in. Judd is already here.”

  “Of course he is.” Judd was part of Beta team, who were all former Rangers. Judd was the leader. Then there was Hux, Owen, and Beck.

  He shut the door behind him. He didn’t want anyone overhearing what he had to say.

  Judd turned away from the windows.

  “Judd, everything good?” he asked.

  “Of course.” Judd looked mildly insulted by the question.

  Caleb just sighed. Guy needed to loosen up. Aleki liked to joke that he needed to get laid and have a pie. Then again, Aleki thought everything was better after pie.

  “Drink?” Kassim asked.

  He shook his head. He needed sleep. He’d spent most of the flight home setting things up so he had time to take off for their Marjarsom but that meant he was now exhausted.

  “Got to get back to Vivi before Aleki and Wolfe smother her to death.”

  “Wolfe? Smother someone?” Kassim asked.

  “He’s different with Vivi.” They’d see.

  “Tell us what’s going on,” Kassim demanded, sitting on an armchair.

  Caleb took one across from him while Judd stayed by the window. He told them everything that had happened since they left Escana.

  “You have someone watching the father? Looking into this mystery guy?” Kassim asked.

  “Yes, we’ve got an old friend from the SEALs watching him. He’ll follow him. Try to see if he meets with this mystery man.”

  “And you’ve no idea if her husband’s death was really a heart attack? Or who shot at her?” Judd asked.

  “No. Not yet.”

  “And how is your bride?” Kassim asked.

  “She’s been unwell and upset. The doctor in San Francisco warned us that she needs rest and as little stress as possible.”

  Kassim nodded. “We will not keep you from your Marjarsom. Congratulations, my friend.”

  “Thank you,” Caleb replied. This felt right. She was exactly where she was meant to be. Where she would stay.

  “I’m not going to cut myself off entirely.” Traditionally, during Marjarsom there would be no outside communication with others. “With everything going on, it would be foolish.”

  Kassim nodded. “That is probably for the best. And we will keep an eye on things as well. An elder will visit her soon.”

  He stood. “Wolfe is sending for Obian.”

  “That ought to be interesting,” Kassim said.

  Judd straightened. “I got a request from Wolfe to have a bowl from the plane tested at the lab. Any idea why?”

  With Wolfe? It could be anything.

  “I’ll check with him.” He said goodbye then quickly left.

  “Caleb, wait up.”

  He had to hold back a sigh of frustration as Judd called out. He paused and turned, making sure his irritation didn’t show.

  Caleb didn’t like to be away from their girl. Especially now when she was finally right where she was supposed to be.

  “Hey, man, everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course,” Judd said stiffly.

  Judd seemed to have an issue w
ith him. Aleki and Wolfe as well. Which wasn’t unusual where Wolfe was concerned. If he didn’t like you then he wasn’t interested in being polite. And he rarely liked anyone.

  “Then what can I do for you?”

  “Just wanted to talk to you a moment.” He gestured to a room, opening the door to check it was clear before stepping inside. It was one of the many sitting rooms in the palace.

  “I just wanted to talk to you about the princes’ cousins.”

  “Oh right, I saw your report that they’d arrived. Is there anything you wanted to add?”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed his hand over the back of his head. He looked unusually uncertain. “The youngest cousin, Jeric, has been throwing his weight around a bit, demanding shit. Causing some trouble.”

  “Anything you can’t handle?”

  “Of course not. Just wanted you to know.”

  Caleb nodded. “Good. Let me know if that changes or you need any help with anything. Well, I best go.”

  Talk about awkward.

  When he returned to their house, it was surprisingly quiet. He strode into the master bedroom, which the guys would have given to Vivi, to find Wolfe pacing up and down outside the closed bathroom door.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Vivi’s taking a bath,” Wolfe said tensely.

  Caleb raised an eyebrow. “And that’s a problem?”

  “I don’t like closed doors between us,” he muttered. “She wouldn’t let me stay in there with her. What if she falls asleep and drowns? What if she slips and cracks her head open?”

  “Is the door locked?” Caleb asked.

  Wolfe shook his head. “Not locked.”

  He knew that Wolfe’s reaction likely had something to do with his messed-up childhood.

  “Then you can get in at any time, can’t you?”

  Wolfe nodded, his gaze still intent on the door.

  “She got in the bath on her own?” How did she manage that with an injured ankle?

  “No, Aleki helped her while I was unpacking and arranging things. But now she won’t let me in.”

  Which was tearing Wolfe up. He had to calm him down.

  “Where is Aleki?” he asked.

  “Making her a pie.”

  He should have known. Moving to the door, he knocked.

  “Wolfe, I’m fine,” she called out. “Stop pacing and go relax.”

  “It’s Caleb,” he called out.

  “Oh. Well, I’m still fine.”

  “That’s good. I know having a bath probably feels good, but you need to eat and the palace doctor will be here soon.”

  “All right,” she mumbled.

  He grinned at the note of disgruntlement in her voice.

  “And don’t get out on your own, call one of us.”

  “I can do it.”

  “Vivi, call one of us. You can’t get out alone with your foot as it is.” Caleb made sure his voice was calm but firm. He wouldn’t be disobeyed in this.

  “Fine,” she snapped.

  “She’s cranky, she needs food and sleep,” Wolfe commented.

  “I am not cranky!” she yelled.

  “See, cranky,” Wolfe said. But he whispered this time. He was learning.

  “I’m going to go take a quick shower,” Caleb told him. “Good luck.”



  She’d give him cranky.

  She’d go all cranky on his ass.

  You’re an idiot.

  She glanced down at the dirty bathwater with a grimace. She’d gotten Aleki to grab a razor before he’d helped her into the bath. It was easier, somehow, to be naked around him. Maybe because they’d had a relationship in the past.

  Or maybe because he wasn’t as intense as Wolfe. Or so perfect like Caleb. She knew he wasn’t actually perfect, but he was always so confident and put-together. And she felt anything but.

  Aleki had taken her on a quick tour as the enormous bathtub was filling. There were four bedrooms all with attached bathrooms and a huge open-plan kitchen, dining, and living area. She’d imagined something far simpler and smaller but this was a proper house.

  She reached for the plug, hoping they wouldn’t hear the water going down the drain. She’d need to somehow wipe down the bathtub. As the water drained down, she tried to figure out the best way of getting out.

  It would help if her limbs didn’t feel like limp noodles. Rolling over onto her hands and knees, she braced her hands on the side of the tub then tried to get her good foot under her.

  This was pathetic.

  Finally, she managed to get her foot underneath her and was just pushing up when her foot slipped. She slammed into the bath, her knee cracking against the porcelain. She let out a cry of pain.

  The door slammed open. “What is it? What happened? What are you doing?”

  As she breathed through the pain, trying hard not to let the tears in her eyes slip free, Wolfe grabbed her around the waist, lifting her.

  “Where are you hurt?” he asked urgently.

  “It’s just my right knee. Knocked it when I slipped getting out of the bath.”

  He set her down on the cool, marble countertop then crouched to look at her right knee.

  “It’s red,” he said in an accusing voice. “You hurt yourself.”

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  “You tried to get out of the bath on your own.”

  Okay, that was kind of a good point. But she wasn’t conceding.

  “I’m not an invalid, Wolfe.”

  “You are injured. You’re recovering from a gunshot wound, fever, and a bout of diarrhea. And you were already likely rundown before all of that.”

  “I can still get in and out of a bath on my own.”

  “Obviously not, since you slipped and hurt yourself.”

  Damn it. Another good point.

  “I just think I should be doing things for myself and not relying on you guys so much.”

  “Why?” he asked as he pressed down on her knee.

  She hissed in a breath. “Because I’m an adult.”

  “Says who?”

  “Says everyone.”

  “Then everyone is an idiot. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you have to do it all on your own. You know I’d likely be a recluse without Aleki and Caleb. A man isn’t a lone mountain. Neither is a woman. Especially not you.”

  “Why especially not me?” Because she was weak and a coward?

  “Because you have us,” he told her. “Because you are precious to us. And we will do whatever we have to in order to keep you safe.” He placed his hands on the countertop on either side of her. It was then she realized she was naked. Naked and wet. Holy crap. It was so warm in here, she hadn’t felt chilled. But she couldn’t move away. Not now. Not with him pressed against her, her legs on either side of his hips.

  “I want to know who hurt you. Then I’m going to make sure they never do it again. I’ll slay all your demons, your tormentors. Let me stand between you and your nightmares.”

  Tears dripped down her face. “You don’t think me a coward, for letting you fight my battles?”

  “A coward? You? I wish you were less brave. I wish I could wrap you in bubble wrap and hide you away from everyone. You are no coward. You’re courageous. But I will let you in on something it took me a long time to learn.”

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s okay to ask for help.”

  She nodded, tears streaming down her face. He looked slightly unsure at her sign of emotion. “Sorry, could you hand me a tissue?”

  He paused then nodded. “Yes, a tissue. That’s what’s needed.”

  Poor Wolfe. He was saying all the right things. For once. And she was turning into a blubbery mess on him.

  “Sorry, you’re just being so sweet. And I’m a bit emotional. I’ll control myself soon.”

  “You don’t need to control yourself.”

  “But you don’t like when I cry.”

use you’re upset. And because I’m not good at knowing how to react. Comforting someone isn’t my strength. That’s when I ask Aleki and Caleb for help.” He gave her a pointed look as he returned with a tissue.

  “I get your point.”

  “Good.” Instead of handing her the tissue, he started to wipe her face. He was a bit rough, but she didn’t object, knowing this was foreign territory for him.

  “These next few weeks, you don’t have to worry about anything. Well, except for pleasing us.” He looked satisfied at that thought and she rolled her eyes.

  “And what about me? Will you please me?”

  His eyes darkened. “Oh yes. I will.”

  She shivered. You would never guess he was a virgin. He was potent.

  “I have never hungered for a woman before. But it seems with you everything is different.” He stared down at her with those dark, dark eyes. “There’s only ever been you, princess. Just you.”

  Her breath caught. She felt dizzy. That this man, this intense, damaged, brave man wanted her was something she could barely comprehend.

  There was a knock on the door. Wolfe turned and glared at it. “What?”

  “Obian is here,” Caleb called out. “Vivi finished with her bath?”

  “Yeah, we’re coming.”

  He picked her up. The scent of bergamot and mint hit her. Wolfe. Then he carried her out into the bedroom. There was a beat of silence.

  “Jesus, Wolfe, she’s naked,” Caleb said. Then she felt a large body press up against her. The scent of ocean hit her. Caleb.

  Wolfe stiffened. “Shit. I forgot.”

  “What’s going on? What did I miss? Obian? What are you doing here? Shit, Vivi’s naked. Turn around, man.”

  Aleki came up to them as she heard another man mutter something from behind her.

  “What’s going on? Why is she naked?” Aleki asked.

  “Just get her something to wear, will you?” Caleb demanded. “Obian, do you have your back turned?”

  “I am over a hundred years old and have been a physician for most of those years. I have seen many female naked bodies, young man,” Obian said in a thick accent.

  “A hundred?” she asked.

  “He’s exaggerating,” Aleki explained. Instead of going to find her something to wear, he whipped off his T-shirt and put it over her.


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