Ruled by her Daddies

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Ruled by her Daddies Page 22

by Roberts, Laylah

  And he was determined it would be all.

  Legally, she was allowed to leave at the end of their Marjarsom. But Wolfe wasn’t one to care about the law when it didn’t suit his purposes.

  She wouldn’t be going anywhere.

  Wolfe wasn’t taking chances. Not when it came to her.

  It’s why he kept in touch constantly with Micah, getting updates on her father. So far, that bastard hadn’t put a foot wrong. In fact, he’d basically sequestered himself since her husband’s death. Only doing the occasional public speech. The funeral was soon. It would be interesting how he dealt with Genevieve’s absence.

  No doubt he was searching frantically for her and that’s why the funeral had been put off for so long. But he couldn’t delay forever.

  “Dude, watching is kind of creepy,” Aleki murmured, walking up beside him.

  He couldn’t help it. He felt like if he took his eyes off her that she might disappear on him.

  But he nodded. Because he knew that was expected of him. However, he’d already decided to set up cameras in all the rooms. He wouldn’t watch them. Well, not all the time. However, if she went missing again, he’d be able to instantly search for her.

  “So why didn’t you just check the GPS to find out where she was? She’s still wearing the locket,” Aleki asked curiously.

  Fuck. Shit.

  “Aww, Wolfie, you forgot, didn’t you?” Aleki patted his shoulder and he turned to scowl at him. “You panicked.”

  He did not panic. He never panicked. He was cool under fire.

  What was she doing to him? She had him tied up in knots. What he needed was for everything to be scheduled out and controlled. He needed eyes on her constantly. Maybe he should put some sort of alarm on her. So if she left the house without his knowledge, an alarm would call to his phone.

  Something to think about.

  “You’re worried she’s going to leave,” Aleki said quietly. “I get it.”

  He glanced at Aleki curiously. Was he worried about that as well? Well, she wouldn’t be leaving. Not if he had anything to do with it. She’d be with them forever.

  Another giggle came from in the room. Caleb was wearing a pair of ridiculous glasses. The kind with the eyeballs on a spring. He was talking in a posh voice asking for a cup of tea while Genevieve laughed.

  “I missed that laugh. I’m gonna go make some afternoon tea.”

  “Stick to the list,” Wolfe ordered.

  “Sir, yes, sir.” Aleki saluted.

  Wolfe ignored him and just stood there, listening to her laugh.


  “Shall we go over the rules again?” Wolfe frowned down at his notebook.

  She wondered if he slept with it.

  Aleki groaned. “Dude, she’s got it.” He held up his hand and ticked rules off each finger. “No talking down about herself. No leaving the house without letting one of us know. No skipping meals. No lying. No putting herself in danger. Although, I still think my suggestion should be made a rule.”

  Caleb shot Aleki a look. “She’s not spending all her time naked.”

  “Not all her time. Just when we’re in the house.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  She shot him a glare but her lips twitched. He was such a fool sometimes. Although she had no doubt that he was half-serious. She liked it when he teased.

  “Well, what about sitting on our laps?” Aleki asked. “I don’t think she needs to sit on a chair or the floor when we all have perfectly good laps.”

  She rolled her eyes then let out a yelp as Aleki picked her up, setting her on his thighs. “Did you just roll your eyes, baby girl?” he said with a growl. “That’s naughty behavior. I ought to punish you for that. Ten swats, I think.”

  “No!” she cried out with a laugh as he carefully placed her face down over his lap. “Aleki! Stop!”

  “Be careful!” Wolfe barked. “Remember her arm.”

  “It’s not her arm that’s going to get hurt,” Aleki replied. “Rolling your eyes is a serious offense and worthy of great punishment.”

  “Caleb!” she cried out.

  “Caleb? Is that what you should call me if you want my help?” Caleb asked.

  Ooh. That rat.

  “Daddy, please!”

  His smile made her heart race. She did love pleasing him. But calling him Daddy wasn’t just about making him happy. It felt right. Today in the playroom, he’d spent over an hour with her, they’d moved from coloring to crafting.

  Aleki had brought in this plate with cut up finger food and ranch dressing. Which Wolfe had actually approved of. Then they’d all sat there together and eaten with her.

  It was the happiest she could remember being in a long time. And she hadn’t worried once.

  She wanted more of that.

  So yeah, it wasn’t just about pleasing them. It was about her too. It was kind of weird to be thinking about her needs when she’d spent so long caring about everyone else.

  “Save me!”

  “Nobody can save you from me!” Aleki said and then let out a huge fake, evil laugh. Then he peppered her bottom with quick slaps which barely stung.

  “Noooo! Daddyyyy! Wolfieeee! Save me!” She started giggling.

  “Don’t be calling for them! They won’t save you! You’re mine now, princess.” Aleki turned her over then stood with her in his arms. “To the living room!”

  The living room? He carried her over and held her above the couch.

  “Aleki!” Caleb barked.

  “Don’t you drop her!” Wolfe snapped.

  Aleki grinned and winked down at her. “Bunch of old worrywarts.” But he carefully set her down, then brushed his hand over her arm. “Is it hurting?”

  “No. As long as I don’t move it suddenly or try to raise it up too high, it’s fine.”

  “See. She’s tougher than you think, aren’t you?”

  “Yep. Just look at these guns.”

  She held up her good arm, flexing the bicep muscle.

  Caleb grinned and came to sit next to her on the sofa.

  “Hmm, not sure I’d call those guns. They’re more like . . .”

  “Water pistols,” Aleki teased.

  She glared at him, sniffing in mock-outrage. “I’m not talking to you. You smacked my bottom.”

  “And a cute bottom it is.” He sat on the other side to her and leaned in, his breath tickling her ear. Her heart raced. “And wasn’t it good to get your first spanking over and done with?”

  Wait. Was that what the teasing had been about? Had he noticed how nervous she was during their talk about what her limits were and what the consequences were for breaking the rules? Things like standing in the corner or writing lines were bad enough. But the idea of being over one of their laps had made her shift around on her seat in worry.

  And he’d seen it. And taken care of it. And she hadn’t been embarrassed at all.

  Mind you, a punishment spanking wasn’t going to be like that.

  “Don’t think I won’t get revenge for that,” she warned him.

  “Bring it.” His eyes danced.

  Oh. It was so on.

  “All right, everyone,” Caleb said in a voice that called for their instant attention. “We’re having family night.”

  “What’s family night?” she asked Aleki as Caleb stood and moved in front of them. Wolfe sat on the coffee table. He grabbed her foot, inspecting it. Obian had been just before dinner and told her that it was fine to walk on her foot for short periods but if it started to swell again or hurt badly that she was to get off it.

  It had just given Wolfe an excuse to follow her around, watching her obsessively.

  “I don’t know,” Aleki replied. “Wolfe, man, she hasn’t been walking on it.”

  “Just checking.” Wolfe sat on the armchair and looked up at Caleb. “Family night?”

  “Yep. Family nights are for all of us together.”

  Oh. She’d never done that with her own family. It sounded sweet.

nbsp; “What will we do?” she asked.

  Caleb turned to her. “Anything you want to do, jelly bean. But tonight, I thought we’d watch a movie. Your pick.”

  She smiled evilly. “My pick, huh?”

  Wolfe groaned. “Please don’t tell me we have to watch a romantic comedy.”

  Aleki grinned. “Not our girl. If something isn’t getting blown up, she’s not happy.”

  He had that right.

  “I’ll set the air-conditioning on low and get a blanket for us,” Caleb stated, moving to the thermostat.

  Aleki jumped up. “I’ll get some popcorn.”

  “And a protein drink,” Wolfe yelled after him.

  She pouted. “I don’t need a protein drink.”

  “You’re having one,” Wolfe told her.

  “I’m full from dinner.”

  “You barely ate dinner.”

  She sighed and shook her head at him. “You’re terrible to argue with.”

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t argue with me.”

  She snorted. “Nice try. I don’t argue with you and you’ll become a complete dictator.”

  “Princess, I already am.” With someone else, that statement might have been said teasingly. But he was deadly serious.

  The ass.

  She let out a sigh but took the protein drink when Aleki handed it to her with a wink. It had a straw and a little umbrella.

  “Ooh, cute, an umbrella.”

  “You can pretend it’s a cocktail,” he told her, settling in next to her with popcorn on his lap. Caleb returned with the blanket, settling in next to her and placing it over the three of them. Wolfe grabbed the remote and sat on the armchair. She kind of wished he would join them on the sofa, but she knew he liked his space.

  “Can I have some popcorn?”

  “After your drink,” Wolfe said.

  She pouted. “Stop being so mean.”

  He turned and pointed at her. “Drink. Or I’ll put it in the baby bottle and feed it to you.”

  She blushed bright red and squirmed as the memory of the last time she was fed came back to her. Why did she want that? She felt equally embarrassed and intrigued.

  “Hmm, I think she might enjoy that,” Aleki murmured. She turned to look at him. His face had warmed. Softened.

  “Is that so?” Wolfe asked, eyeing her.

  She decided it might be in her best interests to just drink the darn drink.

  Damn them all.

  * * *

  At the end of the movie, the bad guys had been obliterated and she’d had enough high-speed car chases to feed her addiction for a while.

  “Jesus, that was bad,” Caleb joked.

  “None of that was even remotely well researched,” Wolfe added. “They never reloaded their Glock 17s, despite one guy firing it over thirty times. The blood splatter in the murder scene looked like someone had finger painted with it. And the girl totally should have ended up with the bad guy.”

  “He was a psychopathic killer,” she pointed out.

  “But the so-called good guy killed more people than he did.”

  “Give up, you’ll never win,” Aleki whispered to her. She’d been so engrossed in the movie that she hadn’t noticed how close he and Caleb were sitting next to her.

  Now her heart started to race as Aleki set his hand on her thigh. He moved his fingertips up close to her pussy. She was wearing shorts and a tank top under the blanket.

  “Hello, what’s going on here?” Caleb asked as he turned to her. “Someone just started breathing faster.”

  “Hmm, I know,” Aleki replied. “She shivered too. Maybe she’s cold.”

  “She needs warming up,” Caleb agreed.

  Oh God. What were they doing to her? Aleki brushed his fingers over her pussy. She startled, letting out a small moan.

  “I can turn the air-conditioning back up,” Wolfe said. He jumped to his feet and moved to the thermostat.

  “I don’t think it’s that sort of warming up that she needs,” Caleb told him as he sat back down.

  Wolfe gave him a puzzled look before Caleb reached up to run a finger down her breast. “Your nipples are hard, baby.”

  Aleki slid a finger over the slit of her pussy and she whimpered.

  “She’s turned on?” Wolfe asked.

  “Oh yeah, she’s turned on. See how fast she’s breathing?” Caleb asked. “She’s flushed. Her nipples are hard nubs. Maybe we should show him, hmm, Vivi? Would you like to watch her come, Wolfe?”

  “Yes,” he said in a low voice.

  Her heart skipped a beat. Holy. Shit.

  “What do you say, Vivi? Would you like Aleki and I to make you come while Wolfe watches?” Caleb asked.

  Did she? She’d rather have him touch her. Caleb leaned in to brush her ear with his lips. “He wants to watch. You know how he likes to do his research first. He’s a fast learner. He’ll take note of every touch you enjoy. The noises you make, the way you squirm, your breath coming in faster pants as you grow closer to that peak. Let us pleasure you. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, you can say your safeword.”

  Yes, that’s right. All she had to do was say was boo. At any time. She relaxed slightly and nodded.

  “All right.”

  Wolfe stood and turned his armchair so he was completely facing them, his gaze intent. Caleb reached up and gently tugged the tank top down her injured arm.

  “Careful,” Wolfe warned. “Don’t hurt her.”

  “I’d never hurt her, Wolfe,” Caleb replied. But he didn’t snap at the other man. His voice was as careful and calm as his movements. He stared into her eyes. “Ever.”

  She blushed as her breast was revealed to them all, but helped him gently tug the strap off her injured arm. It didn’t really hurt much anymore. Not unless she moved it suddenly.

  “Damn,” Aleki said admiringly. “No bra. That should be a rule.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Not like I have much to support.”

  Caleb raised an eyebrow. “That sounded suspiciously like you were putting yourself down. What do you think, Aleki?”

  “Hmm, you could be right.”

  “And we can’t have that, can we?” Caleb mused. “Seems someone needs to be reminded of how beautiful they are.”

  “I wasn’t,” she said quickly as Aleki pulled down the other side of the tank top, revealing her other breast. Both nipples were now hard nubs. “I was just speaking the truth. They’re small.”

  She placed her arm over her breasts, trying to hide them.

  “They’re fucking perfect,” Aleki muttered, drawing her arm back gently before leaning in to lick her nipple.

  Ooh. That felt nice.

  “What do you think, Wolfe? Is our girl beautiful?” Caleb asked. “Sexy?”

  “Of course she is. I’m fucking hard just staring at her breasts. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard in my life. I’m constantly aroused around her. It can’t be healthy. I’ve had to jack off five times since we got back. That never happens.”

  “TMI, Wolfe,” Aleki told him.

  She didn’t think it was too much information. It showed her how much he wanted her.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I think it’s hot.”

  Wolfe raised his eyebrows. “You do?”


  “You want to watch sometime?”

  She blushed but nodded, licking her lips. “If you don’t mind.”

  The look he gave her was hot. Wicked.

  “Think I’d like that.”

  “Jesus, you’re gonna unleash a beast,” Aleki warned her.

  “Thanks,” Wolfe replied. “It is rather a beast.”

  They all stared at him.

  “God help us,” Caleb muttered, turning his face down so he could lick at her nipple. Aleki joined him lapping at her other breast.

  Caleb then drew away the blanket and ran his fingers up her thighs, beneath her shorts to rub his fingertips against the lips of her pussy. Aleki was sucking on
her nipple, biting down then lapping gently.

  She moaned, thrashing her head back and forth as she shut her eyes and gave into the sensation.

  Someone popped her thigh. Her eyes shot open and she stared down at Caleb in shock.

  “No closing your eyes,” he ordered.

  She whimpered. How would she keep them open?

  “I want you to see who is touching you,” Caleb told her. “To know it’s us.”

  “There’s no chance of me thinking it’s anyone else. I don’t want anyone else. Well, unless it’s Chris Hemsworth,” she teased.

  “What?” Wolfe snarled. “I’ll kill him.”

  Her eyes widened. “It was a joke.”

  Aleki bit down where her neck and shoulder met. “You should know better than to tease him.”

  “You tease him all the time.”

  “Not about important things.” He took her lips with his. Damn, he was an even better kisser than she remembered. Sometimes they’d spent hours kissing. It was insane when she thought about it now.

  She’d missed this so much.

  He drew back, looking down at her with a small smile, shared memories between them. Then he moved his gaze to Caleb. “You should taste her. She’s delicious.”

  “I’ve always wanted to kiss her.”

  “Oh yeah, those lips are delicious too. But these ones. . .” He cupped her pussy.

  “Aleki!” she scolded.

  “What?” he asked. “Are you objecting to Caleb putting his face between your thighs and eating you out until you come? I used to spend hours down there and you never complained. You’re going to be the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”

  “I want a taste,” Wolfe said suddenly.

  Her gaze shot to him. He was leaning back in the armchair. He leaned forward and stripped off his shirt then slumped back. One arm was bent, the elbow on the arm of the chair.

  Holy crap.

  Wolfe might be built slimmer than the other two, but he was cut. There wasn’t any fat on him. His skin was lightly tanned, his abs were defined and there were these notches at his hips that were divine.

  He was gorgeous. He was lethal. And he was sitting there like he was on a throne, waiting for them to give him his due.


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