Forever His Baby

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Forever His Baby Page 24

by Airicka Phoenix



  A moment later, Sloan was darkening the doorway, hands wringing in a filthy bandana. He was smeared in grease and sweat. His jeans and shirt were caked. He looked gorgeous.

  “I thought I heard you.” He watched as she ripped open drawers and rifled through papers as though they’d done something to piss her off. “What’s going on?”

  With a frustrated growl, she slammed the desk drawer and straightened. “I can’t find anything! I have a wedding to photograph this evening. I have to pick Calla up from my parents. I can’t find the number for the caterer and the wedding is only three days away…” She broke off, gasping for breath. “My dress isn’t ready. The flowers I requested won’t be delivered until the day before, which gives us barely any time to prepare. And that guy who bought my last two pieces, wants six more like it for his New York apartment and I don’t even have time to go pee.”

  He walked over to her and gently took her shoulders in his hands. “Breathe,” he told her calmly. “You’re going to make yourself pass out … again.”

  “I’m fine!” she snapped at him. “I just … I need a system so I can be better organized.”

  “Baby, what you need is to stop taking on so much work,” he protested. “We’re getting married in three days, focus on that. Everything else can wait until we get back from our honeymoon. As for the catering number, it’s in your day planner. You wrote it there the other day so you wouldn’t lose it. Mrs. Parker called earlier while you were out and said she’ll have your dress finished by this afternoon and I will help you with the flowers, just tell me where they need to go.”


  He silenced her with a gentle finger against her lips. “As for the New York guy, he can fucking wait for his damn photos. If he gives you a hard time, I’ll talk to him. As for Calla, Cole told you yesterday he was picking her up today so they could spend some time together. It’s the first day off the law firm has given him in months. So, the only thing on your plate really is that job this evening.”

  When broken down like that, she couldn’t remember why she’d been freaking out, yet she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was forgetting something.

  “What about—”

  “Baby, there is nothing.” He pulled her to him, and she let him, not caring that he was getting grease all over her new dress suit. “Actually, there is one thing you’ve been sorely neglecting.”

  Her lungs contracted when his fingers hooked around the zipper holding her skirt in place and dragged it down.

  “What’s that?”

  He peered through his lashes down at her, the hunger in them unmistakable.

  “Your husband.”

  The skirt fluttered down the length of her legs to pool round her ankles. Her blazer followed it so she was in nothing but a camisole, black, lacy panties and her heels.

  “Not for another three days, Mister,” she teased him. “I’m a free woman until then.”

  The darkness in his eyes consumed his face. “Is that so?”

  With a sultry half smile, she ducked around him and headed for the door. But he was faster. In one swift movement, he had her thrown over his shoulder and was marching with her through the living room and up the stairs to their room. He dumped her unceremoniously onto the bed. Her ankles were caught before she could make a sound and she was dragged towards him, twisted onto her stomach and forced over the side of the bed so the edge of the mattress gouged into the soft tissues of her abdomen and her ass was on display for him to do with as he wished.

  He kicked her feet apart as the jingle of his buckle filled the room, momentarily muffling her ragged breaths. A second later, her arms were forced behind her back and the belt was tightened around her wrists.

  Lily moaned into the bedspread. Her knees trembled, but she locked them at the kneecaps.

  “Do you remember your safeword, baby girl?” he asked, while dragging the tongue of the belt up the back of her right thigh.

  When he had first brought up the mention of a safeword, Lily had thought he’d been kidding. The things they did together, the things he did to her, she wouldn’t ask him to stop for anything. Every second of the pain he enticed was instantaneously followed by a pleasure that left her thrumming for days. Why would she ask him to stop? But as their games became darker and more intense, she saw the necessity behind it. While she knew he would never do anything to hurt her, having a way to stop anything that made her uncomfortable was a small piece of mind. The fact that he made sure she remembered that each time only made her love him more.

  A snapping pain jerked her from her reverie and Lily yelped at the sting on her backside.

  “Safeword, Lily.”

  “I remember!” she panted.

  His hand smoothed the spot he’d smacked with the length of the belt. “What is it?”


  As safewords went, it was probably the stupidest, but it had been the first thing she had spotted when thinking of a word and it was a word that would most likely never come up in the throes of passion. Sloan had agreed.

  “Good.” The flat of the belt slipped over the patch of fabric nestled between her legs. “You will use it, do you understand?”

  She started to nod and felt a second burn on the same spot.

  “Yes!” she gasped.

  “Words, Lily,” he purred, stroking the spot with his palm. “You’re a big girl. I want you to use your words when I ask you a question, understand?”

  A quick learner, Lily said, “Yes.”

  His mouth skimmed the skin between her shoulder blades. “Good girl.”

  As much as she had always thought spanking was for children, she couldn’t help loving it when Sloan did it. She had never earned a full one, only the occasional tap here and there, but she was actually excited for the day when she did.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he told her. “But I don’t know if you’re ready.”

  A white hot tingle spread down the length of her body and her hips wiggled against the belt rocking over her core. Sloan’s surprises always ended with her experiencing a level of euphoria that bordered on madness. The orgasms alone had become an addiction she couldn’t go more than a few days without needing again. He had completely ruined her and she loved it.

  “I want it,” she pleaded. “I’m ready. Please,” she added quickly.

  He seemed to be considering her answer while he drew the belt back and gave her pussy a light smack that had her toes curling and her thighs trembling. The fabric of her panties peeled away from her skin, wet and sticky, and she shuddered.

  “Don’t move.”

  Aside from the tremors and her ragged breathing, Lily lay as perfectly still as humanly possible as he moved away from her. She heard the closet door slide open and her pussy clenched in anticipation. She struggled not to shift when the screech of metal drawers being drawn open filled the room. Inside, she knew, lay an assortment of items Sloan had personally selected for her, things that the close minded people of Willow Creek would never understand, things that drove Lily wild just at the sight of. Knowing he was going for something in there nearly had her climaxing on the spot.

  He returned a moment later. She felt his heat push up against her bare backside and legs. Cold steel kissed the back of her knee and she jumped involuntarily. Her eyes squeezed shut tight and she held her breath as it glided up the inside of her thigh to skate the lacy edges of her panties. There was a distinct sound of scissors opening and then her panties were fluttering in strips around her feet.

  “There she is,” Sloan murmured, setting the scissors aside. “My fuck toy. Is she ready for me?”

  “Yes, please, yes!”

  His hands closed on her hips, gripping her steady and she knew what was about to come. She wasn’t wrong. He pushed inside her with one graceful thrust. Lily cried out her gratification and lifted her hips to meet him.

  The smack came from his hand, the burn was sharper a
nd lasted longer.

  “I told you not to move.”

  Lily bit her lip and fought not to shift again.

  For several punishing minutes, he simply fucked her, pulling all the way out and plunging back in. It was killing Lily not to push back.

  “Are you ready, Lily?” he asked at last.

  Desperately needing more, sobbed into the comforter, “Yes, please, Sloan.”

  Without leaving the swollen confines of her vagina, Sloan reached for the belt around her wrists. But rather than lift her up, he slid a finger over the crack of her ass to circle the puckered hole nestled in between.

  “I want you here,” he told her quietly. “Not today, but soon.”

  “Why not today?”

  “Because it needs to be slow. I need to prepare you.”

  She wanted to beg him to do it now, but it would only earn her a punishment and she was afraid he would force her not to come. He knew that was the worst torture for her and he took great pleasure in making her wait and suffer.

  Giving her a few more thrusts, he pulled out, tucked an arm round her and gently eased her up. He bent down and lifted her up into his arms and sat her down on the bed. He slipped off her shoes, climbed up behind her and deftly arranged the pillows. He leaned against them and motioned for her to move forward.

  “Turn,” he told her.

  On her knees, Lily turned and was guided onto his lap with her bent knees on either side of his outstretched legs. He made her sit on his cock.

  “I want you to watch,” he murmured into her ear.

  Bemused, Lily frowned and was about to turn her head to ask him what he meant, when something glinted in the near darkness. A splinter of light from where the curtains hadn’t closed all the way lanced off a sheet of glass she didn’t recognize.

  It was an enormous mirror that took up nearly the entire wall at the foot of the bed. The gilded frame was worn, the gold nearly faded, but the sheet of glass itself was flawless.

  “When did you…?”

  “Shh,” he told her. “Fuck me and watch.”

  Lily knew how it felt moving over him, but she had never actually watched it. The experience was something else entirely. Watching him disappear inside her and then appear again, covered in her cream was exhilarating. It was hot.

  “That’s all you,” he drawled. “You’re so wet, Lily.” He raised his gaze and met hers through the glass. “And I haven’t even made you come yet.”

  With his hands gripping her waist tight, he lifted her so he came free, coated in a thick layer of her juices. Lily’s insides clenched with the need for him to return.

  Slowly, he fed his cock back into her opening, letting it disappear inside her inch by painfully slow inch until he was buried to the halt. His deep groan of pleasure was swallowed by her animalistic sob of triumph.

  He reached up and tore apart her camisole, letting her breasts bounce free. He took them into his greedy hands and the nipples were assaulted under his clever fingers. Lily thrust her chest out, pushing them into his palms for more. Her hips rolled over his, her clit grinding into the hilt of his shaft for the release she could feel inches away.

  “You’re close,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Yes!” she said, even though he hadn’t asked her a question.

  “I think you’re ready for your surprise now.”

  Eyes she couldn’t recall shutting flew open and she blinked in the mirror. “I thought—”

  “That is only half.”

  The dark glimmer in his eyes slickened her further around him. She watched and waited as he plucked something small off the comforter beside him and slid an arm around her middle.

  She couldn’t see what it was until his fingers had parted her lips and something clamped over her protruding and swollen clit. He touched something on it and it began to hum … violently.

  Lily screamed. For something so tiny, it tore her in half as the first orgasm ripped through her with the second one close on its heels. The third was harder and faster. They just kept pounding over her until it was all she could do to keep from sliding into unconsciousness.

  In the mirror, Sloan watched her, his eyes heavily lidded in victory. He continued to lazily toy with her nipples while she writhed and shook over him. Without the use of her hands, she was powerless to do anything but take every brutal climax with tears streaming down her cheeks and her ears screeching.

  After the seventh, or eighth, or tenth orgasm, he removed the device and caught her when she tumbled backwards into his arms, her body limp and still quaking. He pressed a hand over her mound where even she could see her poor little clit throbbing before it was covered.

  “My pretty little fuck toy,” he whispered into her ear as his hips rose, thrusting him deeper inside her. “You come so beautifully for me.”

  “It was too much,” she half sobbed, half whined.

  “Was it?” He smoothed his hand over her mound, making her moan and shiver. “Your pussy doesn’t seem to think so. She’s ready to come for me again.”

  He was right. The light roll of his palm over her clit had plumped it back to life and she was so close.

  “No, Sloan, I can’t…”

  “Should I stop?”

  “No … no, oh god, please…”

  She came and he came with her, mingling their juices together inside her. It spilled free to dampen the sheets.

  “You’re evil,” she panted.

  “And yet, I know if I touch you, you’ll want me again.”

  The fact was it was true. She would. She would always want him.

  She turned her head and kissed him with all the emotions crashing through her. “I will always want you, Sloan.”

  Despite all her worries and rushing, Lily walked down the church hall feeling like nothing could make it more perfect. Her dress, a flowing gown of blinding white silk with a shower of glitter down the sweetheart bodice shimmered in the golden lights spilling from the stain glass windows. Her veil brushed lightly around her bare shoulders and traced the length of her bare back like wings. She held her bouquet, an arrangement of pink lilies and white callas intertwined with a ribbon of purple satin in one hand and smoothed her other hand over the swell of her skirt.

  “How are you?” At her side, her mother peered up at her through eyes that hadn’t stopped leaking since the rehearsal dinner the night before.

  “Anxious,” she confessed. “I just want to be his already.”

  “I think we’re a little too late for that,” Beth teased from her place behind Lily.

  Lily laughed. “Yes, but this will make it official, right?”

  Shaking out Lily’s train and smoothing the satin, Beth shrugged. “One man for the rest of your life, are you ready for that?”

  “Yes!” Lily breathed without a second of hesitation.

  “All right then!” Beth grinned. “Let’s get this party started, shall we?”

  Lily’s mother chuckled. “We better hurry. Last time I saw Cole, he was telling me Sloan was wearing a hole in the floor. He’s terrified you’re going to change your mind.”

  Lily shook her head. “What am I going to do with that man?”

  “I’m sure you’ll think of something,” Beth replied smartly.

  No sooner had the three stopped laughing when Lily’s father hurried out of the altar area and caught sight of them. His face relaxed into one of relief.

  “There you are!” He looked from face to face worriedly. “Are you ready?”

  “What’s wrong?” Lily asked.

  “Nothing!” her father said a little too loudly. “It’s just that the groom is getting a little antsy and I’m a little afraid he’s going to march out here and haul you to the altar over his shoulder.”

  Lily burst out laughing, which her father didn’t seem to appreciate.

  “I’m sorry, but can you please tell him to calm down? This is my big day and I will beat his ass if he rushes me.”

  Her father frowned. “I’ll try, bu
t I wouldn’t push it.”

  They watched him walk away.

  “You know, it’s usually the bride that is that nervous,” Beth said.

  Lily shrugged. “I had two years to fuss, worry, and be nervous. Now I’m just ready.”

  Her mother took her hand, squeezed it. “You look beautiful, Lily.”

  Blinking back unexpected tears, Lily gave her a smile and straightened her shoulders. “You ladies ready?”

  “We’re ready when you are,” Beth said.

  Lily held her breath, her heart a pattering mess in her chest. “I am so ready.”

  Beaming, her mother touched her arm. “I’ll go get your father.”

  Bending down, Lily brushed a kiss over her mother’s cheek before straightening and watching her wheel away.

  It was only when her mother had turned the corner that the butterflies started. Her palms turned clammy around the stems of her bouquet. Her heart cracked unevenly in her chest until she was sure she was having a heart attack.

  She turned to Beth, needing something to distract her.

  “So, how are you liking Willow Creek?”

  Beth rolled her eyes. “It’s not Vancouver, but it’s where Cole’s law firm is, and Cole, and Calla.” She smiled. “I’ll get used to it.”

  Lily nodded slowly, more to stave off the nausea than lack of enthusiasm. “I know Sloan and I were surprised when you agreed to move up.”

  Her chuckle was light, like there was no other choice. “What can I say? I love that idiot and Willow Creek Memorial isn’t exactly booming with patients, but the people of this town sure do have a lot of babies so at least I’m always kept busy.”

  Lily smiled and it was real, void of the tightness in her chest and filled with sincere affection for the girl. “Well, I know I’m really happy you’re here. It’s nice to have a friend. I mean besides Cole.”

  Beth beamed, flashing her dimples. “Plus I look way better in a maid of honor dress, right?”

  Laughing, Lily nodded. “Definitely. Thank you—”

  Beth put a hand up. “Stop right there. You are going to make me cry and it took me six hours to do this makeup.”

  “Hey, everyone ready?” Her father appeared at Lily’s elbow.


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