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Catalina's Caress

Page 14

by Sylvie F. Sommerfield


  "You are a friend of Mr. Copeland's?" Catalina asked as nonchalantly as she could.

  "Oh, yes. Marc is a very good friend of mine and of Nina and Charlene and Paulette. But mostly he and China are ... well... really close friends."

  "I see." Catalina was enraged. The man had an absolute harem at his beck and call.

  "You all live on this boat?"

  "Yes," Shawna said brightly. "We live here and we work here."

  Catalina nearly choked on her outrage. It was obvious that Shawna was not the brightest person she had ever met, and she was now certain that Marc chose women who would be totally dependent upon him. But curiosity and anger at Marc brought the next question to her lips before she could stop it. "What do you do here?"

  Having asked it, she could have bit her tongue. She wondered if Shawna would be hurt by the question. But Shawna gave her such an innocent smile that Catalina was forced to realize the truth: Shawna was a little girl in a woman's body. Somewhere, somehow, nature had stopped her mind from growing although it had molded her body to perfection. A new anger swept over Catalina. What kind of man would take advantage of her.

  "Oh, I deal the cards for the men who like to gamble, and I serve drinks. Sometimes I play the piano and sing. I like that... to play music and sing. Marc says I have a pretty voice."

  "I'll bet he does," Catalina declared grimly.

  There," Shawna said, as she stepped back to look at Catalina again. "You really are so beautiful."

  "Thank you, Shawna. Have you ever thought of leaving here and finding a nice home to live in, with friends or family? Do you have a family?"

  Shawna's face blanched and tears sprang to her magnificent, yet innocent, eyes. Her lips quivered.

  "No," she gasped. "I... I don't want to leave China. Marc says I don't have to—I don't have to. He says I don't ever have to go back there. I don't have to! I don't have to!"

  Catalina was totally shocked, for she realized that Shawna was terrified. She was again filled with disgust. Marc Copeland was obviously taking advantage of Shawna's fear to keep her where he wanted her—under his command.

  She had to change the subject before Shawna succumbed to the strange fear that held her.

  "China," she said gently. "China is your friend?"

  "Oh, yes." Shawna's face brightened at once, as if she had shut one door and opened another.

  "I haven't met China yet. She lives on the boat also?"

  "Yes. She lives with Marc."

  The words were said with such total trust that Catalina was nearly struck speechless. "I see," she said grimly.

  She decided that Marc Copeland was a total scoundrel. What could she put past him after what she had heard? A wave of horror washed over her as she thought about what such a man might have done with Seth.

  Seth had gotten in Marc's way and she was now certain that Marc had done something about it. She just wondered what. She had to find out, and she knew there were two people who might have that information—Marc and the elusive China.

  "I thank you for helping me dress, Shawna," Catalina said gently. "It was considerate since I left home so quickly I had no opportunity to bring a maid."

  "You're welcome. It was a pleasure to help. You're nice. I like you. Sometimes Nina and Charlene and Paulette can be mean. Oh, I don't mean real mean ... but they're not like you."

  Catalina's heart went out to Shawna, who seemed to be caught in a terrible life, and fury at Marc settled in her breast like a live coal.



  "Are you Mr. Sherman's mistress?"

  The question was asked so casually that Catalina, at first, could only stare at Shawna in disbelief. Then she realized in Shawna's childlike mind a man and woman who traveled together and were not married must be in such a situation.

  "No, Shawna, I am not. Can you see that the door between us is securely bolted? I have no intention of unbolting it. Mr. Sherman is just a friend who is trying to help me find . .. something I recently lost."


  "What made you think I was ... that our situation was involved?"

  "He is very handsome."

  "H'm, yes, he is."

  "But not as handsome as Marc." Shawna giggled softly.

  "Handsome only describes the exterior, Shawna. It is the man within that counts. I think Marc Copeland lacks what it takes to be truly handsome. He is a cold and calculating opportunist who does not hesitate to take what pleases him."

  "Why do you feel like that? Marc is a good man."

  "You are being deceived. Shawna, will you tell me something?"

  "Yes, if I can."

  "Is there another young gentleman aboard anywhere? I mean... maybe he is ill or something and your friends are watching over him."

  "I do not think so. But I can ask China."

  "No. Don't do that. It's all right. I was only curious. Please don't bother. I'll ask Marc myself."

  Catalina had no intention of doing that, but she had thought it possible Shawna might tell her where Seth was without Marc and China knowing. Catalina was more than curious about the woman called China. She thought China was the madam for Marc's hoard of prostitutes and she envisioned her as a hard cold woman who used people as freely as Marc did.

  Before either woman could speak again, there was a light rap on her door.

  "Catalina?" Travis called from the hallway.

  "I'll be with you in a moment," Catalina replied. She didn't want to invite him in and give the impression that he could come and go as he chose. The adjoining door still irritated her.

  "Thank you again, Shawna. I believe it's time for dinner. Would you care to eat with us?"

  "No, I will eat in China and Marc's rooms."

  China and Marc. Of course. Was she his mistress too? The man must be an insatiable satyr. God, how she detested him. Whatever blow she could strike at him, she would carry out without hesitation.

  Catalina opened the door and stepped out into the hall with Shawna behind her. Since she was draping a lace shawl over her shoulders, she missed Travis's lascivious glance. But Shawna didn't. Her smile faded, and she shivered slightly. She hoped Catalina knew what this man was like.

  By the time Catalina looked up, the heated look in Travis's eyes had been replaced by a cool and friendly glance.

  "You look lovely as usual, Cat," he said. "The dining room is exquisite, and I hear the chef is excellent. We can look forward to a very pleasant evening."

  If he hoped the evening would end in Catalina's bed, he kept his thoughts in control. What Catalina didn't know was that he had laid a plan for their evening hours ago.

  After asking several pertinent but subtle questions of the crew, he had found the man he wanted, a man who would do anything for a price, no questions asked. He had returned to his stateroom and sent for the man, who appeared after a lengthy wait.

  The crewman was short, rather squat and shapeless.

  His dark eyes were shielded by hooded lids that gave him a reptilian look, and his teeth were broken and yellowed. He had been hired by Marc's captain due to a last-minute need for a roustabout, but the captain had already decided to replace him at the first opportunity for this was not the type of man Marc liked to have on his crew.

  Travis was appalled by the scent of the man's obviously unwashed body. But no matter, he was a tool Travis needed.

  "What's your name?" Travis said in a commanding voice that cowed the roustabout

  "Best, sir. Willie Best"

  "Well, Willie, I have a little job for you."

  "Aye, sir." Willie's eyes followed Travis's hand as it went to his pocket and brought forth several gold coins. He licked his lips in anticipation.

  Travis was assured that he had found the right man. He had seen the glow of avarice before. "It seems I need a door to be opened for me and a little ... work to be done on someone. Can you do this?"

  Willie knew exactly what Travis wanted, entrance to someone else'
s stateroom. He had no qualms about breaking in if he were paid enough for it

  "I can gets into any room on this boat any time I wants ta."

  "Good." Travis smiled. "I want this little job done while the lady and I are at dinner."

  "Sure." Willie's eyes narrowed. "What'cha payin' fer this little bit o' work?"

  Travis let the gold coins clink from one hand to the other. Their glitter held Willie spellbound.

  "They're all yours. I'll see you on deck when I finish my dinner. If you tell me this little job is done, I'll give you these." Again he let the tinkle of coins fill the air.

  But Willie fashioned himself too shrewd for this ploy. Besides he had been fooled too many times. "Give me half of 'em now and half later, and I'll do what ya want. If not, ya can just do the job yourself."

  Travis laughed to himself, but he kept his amusement camouflaged. Without another word he counted out half the coins and put them into Willie's dirty hand.

  "Now, Willie, here's what I want you to do."


  Marc sat across the table from China. It was covered by an immaculate white tablecloth, on which fine china settings were placed, and crystal that reflected the light from the chandeliers. He had just looked toward the dining-room doorway for the tenth time, and China was worried. This woman had had more of an effect on Marc than he would admit. That was evident for each time he looked at the door his eyes registered disappointment.

  China's greatest value to Marc was her ability to keep her face from revealing any judgment of him. He also relied on her to give him answers he needed before he voiced certain questions.

  "She has not entertained him in her stateroom," China said quietly.

  Marc's eyes flickered back to her, filled with questions.

  "Shawna spent much of the afternoon with her. She likes her."

  Marc laughed softly. "Shawna likes everyone."

  "Marc, Shawna is like a child. Sometimes children see clearer than grown people whose viewpoints have become jaded by emotions and occurrences."

  "This time she's wrong, China. Catalina Carrington is deceitful and spoiled—a little rich girl who is as unscrupulous as her father. She just hides behind a pretty face."

  "You find her attractive?" China said, but as she watched Marc's face she found her answer. She knew without turning around that Catalina had entered the room and that her appearance was having a devastating effect on Marc.

  Then, as if suddenly remembering that China was watching him, Marc's face froze into an unreadable mask. But it was too late. China knew quite well the turbulence in Marc had been stirred to new heights by Catalina's appearance. She also sensed that this woman was more at his mercy than she realized.

  China began to wonder if she should not have a private conversation with Catalina, at least enough of a conversation to find out about her relationship with Marc. He had, so far, refused to share that information.

  She still felt as she had at the beginning, that the truth was something Marc didn't know. It seemed to be just out of his reach, and she didn't want to see him hurt anymore, nor did she want to see Catalina suffer for something she'd had no part in.

  As Catalina and Travis stood framed in the doorway, Marc suddenly felt he would not be able to take his next breath. She exuded a sense of delicate beauty that reached out with unseen tendrils to coil about his nerves and draw them taut as bowstrings.

  Her hair, drawn back severely, left her face open to his hungry gaze, and he could actually feel the silk of her skin on the tips of his fingers. He imagined that he was touching her features, perfect and finely boned, as he looked into eyes touched to gold-amber flame by the glow of the chandeliers. Her cheeks bloomed with delicate color, and the soft curves of her lips would entice the most controlled of men into wanting to taste their tantalizing softness. She was smiling a half-smile that intrigued him. He wondered what she was thinking.

  Her gown was cut simply, but its crimson velvet material enhanced her exposed shoulders and drew his eyes to the soft curves of breasts which seemed to swell from the lace trim of the low decolletage. The bright velvet gown made her sable hair seem even darker, yet it reflected the glow of the light and made him remember well the thick satiny feel of her tresses in his hands.

  Marc totally ignored Travis until China's soft voice came to him from what seemed a long distance away.

  "He is quite handsome, this Travis Sherman. They make a very attractive couple."

  Travis was indeed striking, but China felt the coldness within him. A much better judge of the baseness in some men than Marc would ever be, she trusted her instincts. Travis Sherman was a man to be watched carefully.

  China was aware also of the current that seemed to draw Catalina's eyes to Marc. She noted her sudden intake of breath and the unconscious parting of her lips as if she had whispered his name. Obviously she had not, for Travis did not react as China knew he would if Marc's name had been on Catalina's lips.

  Catalina had stepped into the room, feeling that she was capable of handling anything that might occur. She let her gaze roam across the large elaborate dining salon. It was familiar to her, for her father had often taken her to see the Belle being built.

  It was a long salon, designed to rival the most beautiful ballroom in New Orleans. The chandeliers were aglitter with reflected light, and the tables were set to accommodate those with the finest taste and the most demanding palates.

  Catalina felt pride and satisfaction in what her father had built, and then her eyes met Marc's. She silently groaned and tried to tear her eyes away, but they refused to obey. Instead, they seemed to absorb him.

  He was recklessly handsome, his firm, almost sensuous mouth flexed and the intensity of him reminiscent of a cat or a wolf—of strength ready to explode. Despite the black dinner jacket and the froth of white lace at his throat and cuffs, his body was that of a well-tuned animal with long and supple muscles, sinews that flexed and stretched and rippled.

  Marc rose slowly and began to move toward them, the sureness of his stride setting Catalina's nerves on edge. Despite her determination to hate him, she had to admire his sensual grace.

  "Good evening, Mr. Sherman ... Miss Carrington," he said, and the velvet in his voice inflamed her. It was accompanied by a knowledgeable smile, and she watched him as his eyes raked over her in blatant admiration. "How lovely you look tonight, Miss Carrington. You grace my salon. Would you care to join us?"

  Catalina was about to refuse when she saw the woman at Marc's table. China. The idea of meeting Marc Copeland's mistress was intriguing. She did not question her curiosity or fear she would be unwelcome.

  "Catalina?" Travis questioned, hoping she would decline. His plans did not include spending any part of the evening with Marc Copeland. But his hopes were dashed as Catalina responded in a voice as cool and smooth as Marc's.

  "We would be delighted, Mr. Copeland."

  Marc stood aside and bowed slightly to let her pass him. Then he stepped between Catalina and an angered Travis to follow her to the table from which a narrow-eyed China watched them approach.

  Catalina meant to be cool and aloof in the presence of Marc's mistress, but as she drew near her, she was aware that she had never seen anyone of such delicate and electrifying beauty. She wanted to dislike the woman, but in honesty she could well understand how Marc could be intrigued.

  "China," Marc said with aggravating sweetness, "this is Catalina Carrington and her ... friend, Travis Sherman."

  Catalina smiled through gritted teeth. If she had had a knife she would have plunged it, to the hilt, into his breast because of the casual way he had implied that she and Travis were more than friends.

  "Good evening, Miss Carrington ... Mr. Sherman." China smiled pleasantly. "Please sit down. I have ordered wine."

  Marc held Catalina's chair and "accidentally" let his hand brush her shoulder after she sat down.

  Emotions raged through her, emotions so turbulent that she was afraid someone wou
ld read them on her face. His touch, like fire, had sent fingers of flame through her.

  But he moved away, to all eyes heedless of her response. In truth, his matched hers and he was silently cursing himself for letting her affect him so.

  The wine came and the four were silent as it was poured. Then Marc raised his glass to offer a toast, and his eyes glittered with dangerous humor as he spoke.

  "To all kinds of friendships," he said. "Productive ... and unproductive."

  Catalina stared at him over the rim of her glass, longing to sneer at him, to strike him. It was his smug, self-satisfied expression that riled her. Her thoughts were venomous, but her smile dripped sweetness. She did not intend to allow him to see that any barb he'd used had annoyed her in any way.

  She raised her glass to touch his with a soft clink; then she drank half the glass in one quick swallow. On her empty stomach, the wine was potent and a challenging glow appeared in her eyes.

  They spent a bit more time with China and Mare; then Travis suggested they return to their table for dinner and Catalina quickly agreed. She was somewhat disturbed because China had not been the kind of woman she'd thought her. Instead, China was quiet, polite, and Catalina was well aware that her dark eyes missed nothing. This was something Catalina would have to consider.

  After Travis and Catalina had ordered, Catalina positioned herself so she could look across several tables at Marc. He seemed to be enjoying his dinner with China, for he bent close to her to talk and they laughed often. Distracted, Catalina did not notice how often Travis filled her wine glass.

  "Have you asked any questions of the crew?" she asked him. "Or any of the passengers? Has there been any sign of Seth?"

  "I've hardly had time to do that, Cat, but I will."

  "I've talked to one of his... lady friends," she responded. "Of course she denied any knowledge of Seth. Oh, Travis, someone on this boat must have seen something, even if he—or she—doesn't realize it."

  "Cat, for God's sake. I have said I will talk to every member of the crew of this boat. If there are any answers to be found here, we'll find them. Now, let's relax and enjoy our dinner."


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