“I love you, too, honey. More than you’ll ever know.”
“Congratulations again on your wedding to Max. I can tell you’re happy being married to him. I’m so glad you found love again.”
Her mom held Sammi’s new baby brother in her arms. Little Max was so adorable it made Sammi excited for the child she and Jake would be having.
“And now it’s your wedding day. I’m overjoyed.” Andrea put the baby down to reach into her purse, then fastened a bracelet of green gems around her daughter’s wrist.
Sammi turned her hand and watched them sparkle, just as she had as a child. “I remember this.”
“Chris gave this to me when he found out I was pregnant with you. It’s a memento of your father and me.”
“Thank you, Mom. I always thought it was special, and now I know why. I’d like to think he’s near us today.”
“I’m sure he is.”
A knock on the door interrupted them. “Sammi? It’s time, sweetie,” Nels voice called out.
“All right, Grandpa.”
Her mother smiled at her. “Are you nervous?”
She smiled back, her eyes blurring. “I’m going to miss you, Mom. Will you, Max and the baby come and visit us often?”
“Of course.”
“Good, because I have something special to tell you.”
“What is it, darling?”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Oh, Sammi.” Her mother and little Max hugged her hard. She could see the tears in her mother’s eyes. Sammi started to cry, as well.
“Mom, I forgive you and I’m sorry for this year. I know I haven’t made it easy. But now that I’m pregnant I’m beginning to understand the reason you lied. My love for this child is so intense already. I love you, Mom.”
“Nels? We have a few things for Sammi.” Marta’s voice echoed in the hall. “Come on, Doris. There isn’t much time.”
The door opened and in walked two of her favorite women, dressed in spring colors. Doris was in heaven at the vineyard, and had told Doug she had no intention of ever going home. While Marta loved seeing where her granddaughter had grown up, she itched to get back to where she was comfortable.
She called over to Sammi’s mom, “Sorry to intrude on your moment, Andrea, but we have a few things we want to give our darling girl.”
Sammi watched the whole scene unfold and started giggling. Her mom laughed, too, unable to do anything but acquiesce.
“Me first, Marta. You promised!” Doris exclaimed. “Oh, Samantha—you are a dream. To look like this on your wedding day…Jacob is a fortunate man. Now I just need to find somebody for my Chris.” She reached into a bag she was carrying. “I was a Jensen before my wedding, and this is something all Jensen women wear when they marry. It’s something borrowed.” Doris handed her the sack.
Sammi looked inside, to find a blue, antique lace garter. She could feel herself blushing.
“It’s your wedding day, so we have to tease you a little. Now, I want that back. I intend to give it to Chris’s wife.”
“Put it on, dear. Jacob is waiting!”
Sammi looked to her mom for help. Andrea was all smiles as she helped to lift Sammi’s gown and pull off the new one they’d bought, replacing it with the Jensen one.
Marta came over and grasped Sammi’s face in her hands. “Samantha, you have no idea the joy you have brought to my life and your grandpa’s. The Lord sent us a gift when you came and knocked. Now we have a piece of our son back in our lives.”
Sammi’s eyes filled with tears. So did Marta’s. “We wanted to give you something new, since this is a new beginning for all of us.” She reached into her satchel and pulled out a long narrow case. Sammi opened it to discover a choker of pearls. “May I put them on you, dear?”
“Grandma, they’re so beautiful! How can I thank you?”
“Oh, don’t start that. This is our pleasure. Wear them and know that we love you.”
Once they were fastened, Sammi hugged her. “Thank you.”
Nels walked in. “Ladies? The wedding. Jake is getting worried.”
Sammi turned her head and looked at everyone, touched deeply by the tender moment they’d shared. Then she joined them all in laughter, hearing that Jake was anxious.
“Let’s do this, Grandpa.”
The other women filed out. Sammi linked her arm in her grandfather’s, where it belonged.
“I see you got our gift,” he said.
“I love it.”
“You are a vision, Samantha Engstrom Powell. Your dad would be so proud of you. I’m so proud of you. Thank you for adding his name to yours.”
“I wanted his name, Grandpa. And there’s one more thing before we go down. I want you to know that Jake and I are three months along with our first baby.”
Her grandfather swallowed, then wrapped her in a warm embrace. “You, my dear, have brought a joy to this old man that I never thought would happen again.”
“I love you, Grandpa.”
“I love you, Samantha. No second thoughts? I could sneak you out the back door if you want.”
Her heart palpitated hard as she realized this was really happening.
“Grandpa—you’re not supposed to say stuff like that! Especially since I’m already married. Jake told me what you did for us.”
“I’m just doing my duty.”
They went down the ornate staircase that led to a large vaulted hall with beamed ceilings. The rectangular room was filled with tables covered with flowers from the gardens. Spring had come to the Napa Valley and Sammi had wanted nothing but wildflowers for her wedding.
Since she’d left the vineyard, Max had renovated the entire estate and turned the gardens into a paradise. In the great hall were windows that reached the ceiling, with huge French doors leading out to a deck overlooking the wondrous landscape.
With tables of food and a band in the far corner getting set up for the reception, it was like a dream. Sammi felt she was having an out-of-body experience.
As they approached the stone amphitheater where everyone was seated, she was so grateful to have her grandpa to hold on to. It was a beautiful place, covered by a wooden trellis, with wisteria in full amethyst bloom. The sun was setting and she could hear the string quartet and harp playing Pachebel’s Canon.
She would soon see Jake and renew their vows in front in their families. Goose bumps covered her skin. She had loved her first wedding and couldn’t understand why she was getting nervous, marrying him again.
Nels guided her down the stone stairway, and the crowd got up from their wooden chairs. But what took her breath away was seeing Jake in a tuxedo, waiting for her under the arbor. He looked so handsome! When their eyes met, any nervous feelings she had about the crowd vanished.
She saw C.J. slap his brother on the back, and wondered what he was saying to him. Jake didn’t look away from her, but laughed. She was thrilled to see that her husband had resolved his conflict with his twin and forgiven him. Now they acted like teenagers when they were together.
Dressed in tuxes, the men looked alike if you didn’t know them. C.J. was obviously proud to be best man. The brothers were identical in so many ways, but there was a confidence in Jake that made him irresistible.
Then Sammi noticed the handsome blond man standing next to C.J. Her eyes wide, she looked at Jake. He nodded. It was Cole, the doctor who’d seen her act like such a fool.
She was embarrassed all over again, but then started to laugh. She had to fight to remain poised as she walked up the aisle.
Nels came to a stop and passed her hand to Steve. The vintner, her surrogate father, looked so healthy and vibrant. What an amazing change from the man she’d left over a year ago! She bent down and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you, Steve. Thank you for letting us have the wedding here.”
“You know how I feel about you,” he murmured lovingly.
Max sat next to him and flashed her a tender smile. Sammi gav
e him a wink and smiled back.
After she straightened, they continued the short walk to the arbor, where her mom and a few of Sammi’s friends were waiting. She handed her mother the flowers, then Nels gave her to Jake. Sammi looked at her grandpa. He had tears in his eyes as he kissed her cheek. “Now you take good care of her,” he said to Jake.
“I will.”
Sammi gazed into Jake’s eyes. He couldn’t stop staring at her, and a deep contentment enveloped her. “You’re so beautiful, Sam,” he murmured.
“So are you.”
The preacher began the ceremony. As they said their vows for the second time, she knew this was for real.
After hearing the words You may kiss the bride, Jake announced loudly, “It’s about time.”
The whole crowd laughed when he swept Sammi into his arms and whispered in her ear, “This is forever.”
ISBN: 978-1-4268-5250-3
Copyright © 2010 by Harlequin Books S.A.
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Copyright © 2010 by Rebecca Winters.
Copyright © 2010 by Dominique Burton.
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A Mother's Wedding Day Page 18