Divine Royalty

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by Shelli Humphrey

  Divine Royalty

  The Descendants

  By Shelli Humphrey

  This book is dedicated to my sister who was my inspiration behind Catalina. The bond between Catalina and Anastasia mirrors that of mine and my sister's, for that despite the distance between us we are still connected by heart and soul.

  I also dedicate this book to my niece Annastasia, who's name I borrowed for my main character. From the first time I met my little niece, I sensed a strong but wild spirit. When I was thinking of a name for my main character, I knew I needed one that embodied the strength and ferocity that the character was filled with. Every time I tried a name, it felt wrong and my niece's face kept popping into my head. Finally something felt right, and thus Queen Anastasia was born.

  Copyright © 2016 by Shelli Humphrey

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover art by M.B.M. Design Studios. www.facebook.com/MBMPress

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2016

  ISBN 9781980261131

  Enchanted Fantasies

  294 River Rd

  Leyden, MA. 01337

  Chapter One

  Looking up at the full moon, I was surprised to see there was a purple haze covering it. Thinking back to my studies of the moon, I realized what it meant. There was no time to waste. I headed inside to find my spellbook and the box of herbs I had been saving for this day.

  Heading out to my garden, I set up the circle, and got started putting the herbs together for the spell. Once the fire was built and the herbs were ready, I centered myself and cast the circle. As the elements came alive, I started the incantation.

  Et luna sub regium

  Et interpellabit majores natu

  et aperuerit ostium

  et enutries me

  After repeating the incantation thrice, I felt the power of my words flow through me. Above the flames of my fire, a purple portal opened and through it I could see the silhouette of a large castle. As I stepped closer and got ready to walk through the portal, a hand reached out and grabbed hold of me, pulling me through.

  As the vertigo passed, she came into view. Catalina stood in front of me with all of her beauty and power. All of a sudden, I was engulfed in her presence, as she threw her arms around me. “I cannot believe you are finally home! I have been waiting so long for this day.” She exclaimed with happiness. “Lina how I have missed you!” I cried as I hugged my sister back, “But how did you know?” She looked at me like I was a young child asking an obvious question. “When the sun rose this morning, it was not normal. Look.” She told me as she pointed behind me. I turned to see the sun shining bright but all the rays coming off of it were purple. “As soon as I saw that, I saddled up my horse and rode out here. I have been sitting here waiting for the portal all day. It is just about dinner time. Oh how our parents will be so surprised. Oo and Michael too.” She said, her words filled with excitement, “Come now. We must hurry, if we are to get back before dessert.”

  We jumped on her horse and rode back to the castle as fast as her beautiful mare could move. The guards at the gates were stunned to see me with my sister, as were the servants we passed in the halls. Outside the banquet hall I stopped. “What do I say? It has been so long!” I cried to her, the realization that I was finally home just sinking in now. “Do not worry. You probably will not have to talk much if I know our parents and you know Michael will not make you say anything if you do not want to.” She said as she stepped forward to open the doors. I hid behind her, as she walked up to our parents table, and waited for her to signal me.

  “Where have you been Catalina? You almost missed dinner.” Our mother's voice rang in my ears like the most beautiful sound in the world. “I am sorry Mother. I was out picking something up that we thought lost forever.” Catalina said mysteriously. “What do you mean?” Mother asked confused. At Mother's question, I stepped out from behind my sister.

  The entire room went silent except for my mother who cried out as she jumped from her seat and ran to me. She threw her arms around me, as the tears started falling from her eyes. “My sweet sweet girl, how I have missed you! Oh Goddess thank you for bringing her home!” My mother whispered in my ear as I wrapped my arms around her.

  I looked up from her shoulder to see Michael standing a few feet behind her. As Mother released me and stepped away, he ran up to me and kissed me. I melted into his arms. I had never felt right in that other realm. I always felt as if a piece of me was missing, and here it was. As my betrothed released my lips, I smiled up at him with tears in my eyes. “You are home now my love.” He said sweetly as he wiped away a tear that managed to escape down my cheek.

  As we all sat down and a servant brought Catalina and I some food, my father leaned over and kissed my cheek before turning to my sister. “How did you get her home Lina? We have tried everything. The priestesses and the muses have done every spell and ritual they could find.” He questioned her. “I did not do it. She did. When the Royal Moon rose in the other realm, she cast the portal spell and I was waiting on the other side to pull her through. I knew she would be coming home today as soon as I saw the sun rise this morning. So I rode out to the clearing and waited until the portal opened.” “But what if you had been sucked through like your sister? This kingdom would not have survived losing another princess.” My father said sadly. “I did not care for my self, with my little sister stuck over there going through goddess knows what. I figured it was a risk worth taking if I had the chance to give this kingdom back their missing princess, and I wanted my sister back.” Catalina explained. “Well I for one am thankful your sister has finally returned to us.” Michael said to Catalina as I smiled up at him. “Yes you have been waiting very patiently, since she disappeared on the eve of your wedding day.” Lina teased him. “Speaking of which!” My mother said.

  Everyone in the room turned to Mother as they always do when their queen speaks. She looked as if she had aged much in the 3 years I had been away. There were worry lines surrounding her eyes and covering her forehead, and her hair had started to gray. Despite all that, she still looked just as beautiful as she did when I left. “Anastasia, I can give you a little time to get settled back in to life here, but we must start preparing for your wedding as soon as possible. The people will be ecstatic when word gets out that you have returned, but until your wedding takes place, they will not be able to move on.” My mother said gently to me. “I understand Mother. I do not need any time. I have waited three years for my wedding day. I will wait only long enough to get everything set up. The full moon will start to wan in 2 days. Is that enough time to prepare the wedding?” I declared as Michael gripped my hand in his. “If that is what you wish, then I shall make it happen my dear.” Mother smiled as she called one of the servants to her. After a whispered conversation, the servant rushed off to do whatever task my mother gave her.

  By this time, we had all finished our meals and the servants were bringing out dessert. All I could smell, even before they stepped into the room, was the delicious strawberry and crème truffles the servants carried to us. “Oh how I missed these!” I stated as I took my first bite of a childhood favorite that the other realm sadly lacked. Lina and Michael laughed at me as I devoured my dessert in a very unladylike manner.

  The door opened as the servants were taking our empty plates. Much to my surprise, in walked my childhood best friend. She was followed by the royal florist and my mother's favorite seamstress. As Lysandra's eyes found me she gasped and her feet stopped. I jumped up from my seat and ran to her,
much like my mother did when I made my entrance. I threw my arms around her and cried. “Lysa I have missed you so much!” I said as I pulled back. “I cannot believe you are here!” She exclaimed, her facing showing just as much surprise as her voice.

  “Thank you all for coming so quickly.” My mother called out. As she spoke, I took my cue to head back to my seat. Once I was seated, she continued. “As you can see, Princess Anastasia has returned to us. That being said, Lysandra you will return to your position as her handmaiden and will coordinate the details and preparation of her wedding. Sarah, I need you to work with Lysandra to make sure the throne room and this room are properly decorated. Shealah, I need you to prepare her wedding gown. The wedding is to take place in two days, and everything must be perfect! This will not only be a royal wedding, but also the first time the people see their long lost princess in three years.” Lysandra and Sarah both accepted their tasks and stepped aside to start making plans. Shealah looked over at me. “Your Highness, if I am to prepare your gown for the wedding in two days, I will need to see you tonight to get your measurements.” She said softly. “That is fine. I will come with you now. I am finished eating and I am sure anything else my family needs of me tonight can wait a little while.” I said as I stood up. Michael kissed my hand before releasing me. “I will be waiting when you are through.” He whispered to me.

  Shealah and I walked out together. Once we were out of earshot of my mother, she turned to me and looked me over. “You do not seem to have changed much. You are a little taller and broader but that is expected after three years.” She stated plainly. “Yes. I made sure that despite the difference in culture, I did not slip from the way we eat here and I kept very active.” I responded politely.

  We stepped into my dressing chambers and once we were alone, Shea dropped the formalities. No one in my family or in the palace staff knew of our relationship, except for Michael. “It is good to see you Ana.” She said with a smile as she searched for a measuring tape. “It is good to see you too Shea!” I said with a little more happiness. She started taking my measurements. As she finished up she said, “As I said earlier, you haven't changed much. I will need to lengthen your dress but that should be it, since it is strapless.” “Thank you Shea! This means a lot!” I told her honestly. Usually your mistress is not the one making your wedding gown, but seeing as how I chose my mother's seamstress, she was kinda stuck in an awkward spot. “It is not a big deal. I was asked by my queen so I must obey. Oh lets get you out of those clothes and into something proper.” She said as she turned to sift through my wardrobe.

  Ten minutes later, I walked around the corner towards my bedroom and almost ran into someone I did not recognize coming out of my room. “Excuse me. Who are you?” I asked as she looked up at me in surprise. “Your Highness! It is true! You have returned!” She exclaimed. “Yes I have returned. Now who are you and why are you coming from my bedroom?” I demanded getting angry that she did not answer the first time I asked. Did being gone for three years change how people acted around me? “Oh I am sorry Your Highness. My name is Meagahn. I am Michael's sister in law. His brother wanted me to bring him a message.” She explained sweetly. “Nathaniel is married? Since when?” I asked dumbfounded. Michael's younger brother did not seem like he was interested in women or settling down the last time I saw him. “About two years ago we wed. Last summer I gave birth to our first child and last week he fell ill. This morning his fever finally broke and Nathaniel bid me come tell his brother the good news.” She answered happily. “Oh that is wonderful news! I cannot wait to meet your little boy. Have you heard our news?” I exclaimed getting excited to have my old life back. “No Your Highness. I have not.” “We will have our wedding in two days time! You and your family must be there!” “Oh that is wonderful news! Nathaniel will be so happy! Well I must get back to my son. Have a good night Your Highness!” She said as she stepped around me to leave.

  Walking into my bedroom, I was greeted with the lovely sight of my fiance half naked on my bed. “I heard you talking to Meagahn, so I figured I would get comfy.” He said as he got up and pulled me into his arms. “Oh how I have missed you my love! You do not know how long I searched all over the realm for a way to bring you home to me.” He exclaimed as he started tearing up. It seemed like it would be a night of tears from everyone. “It is okay. I am home now! And we will be wed once and for all in two days time.” I reassured him as I kissed him softly. “I cannot wait two days. I need you now. Will you let me have you just two days before you are my wife?” He asked quietly as if he were afraid of my answer. “I have spent three years not only waiting to be your wife, but also for you to take me as your own forever. I will wait no longer. The rules be damned. If the Goddess did not want us to be together yet, she would not have allowed us to want it so badly.” I said quickly before smothering him with my lips. He managed to get my dress off without me even realizing it. After laying me on the bed, he stripped his clothes off and joined me.

  Chapter Two

  I awoke the next morning feeling as if I could finally relax. I was home with my parents and my big sister. I had the love of my life beside me. I was getting married tomorrow night. And that's when I realized, I would not relax until after the wedding. Lysandra would keep me on my toes with the wedding preparations and Shealah would be hounding me for fittings. And if that were not bad enough, Mother would go crazy if I did not give her a rundown of everything that has happened to me these last three years. As if she needed to reinforce my thoughts, Lysandra knocked on the door. “I am sorry Stasia, but we need your approval on floral choices before I can start having the men decorate.” She apologized sweetly. “I understand. Give me five minutes to dress and I shall meet you in the banquet hall. That way I can eat breakfast while we work.” I said with a smile. She nodded her head and left.

  I ran down to my dressing chambers and started sifting through my wardrobe. I finally found my old favorite dress. I was stunned to see it fit perfectly despite me being taller. I had such fun finally dressing as the princess I was born to be. My dresses and jewels were my obsession as a child, and living the last three years without them was torture.

  When I finally walked into the banquet hall a few minutes later, I was dressed like a typical princess. I wore my favorite purple dress that I had accented with my silver jeweled belt around my waist. I adorned my neck and ears with the diamond set my grandmother had passed on to me. Weaved into my hair was the amethyst circlet Mother had given to me the day I was named Heiress. And to top it all off, I wore a new pair of silvery heels Lina had left in my room this morning. I was finally where I belonged and I felt amazing.

  The servants rushed to get me breakfast while Lysandra showed me the floral arrangements for the centerpieces. There were six different options and while I was trying to choose one of them, Sarah brought in the floral options for the throne room. I had never seen so many flowers in one room before. You could tell Mother was going all out for this.

  After about an hour, I had finally decided on the centerpieces, the throne room decor, my bouquet, and the flower petals that would follow my steps down the aisle. As I sat down to breathe, Michael walked in. “Good morning my love!” He smiled at me as a servant rushed off to get him something to eat. You could feel the happiness radiating off of him. “Good morning!” I smiled back at him. “I do not want to rush you away, but Shealah stopped by your room. She wants to see you as soon as you have a minute. She said she stayed up all night to work on your gown and wants to make sure she got the length right before she starts adding on some extra decoration she thought of.” Michael relayed to me sadly. “Alright. I am done here and have already eaten. I will go see her and hopefully after, we will have a minute to ourselves.” I reassured him before kissing him and heading out the door.

  I headed out to find Shealah. Mother said she saw her heading into my dressing chambers with my gown, so I headed that way. Outside the door to my dressing room my father stopped me. “
There you are Stasia. I have been looking everywhere for you.” He said slightly out of breath. “I am sorry Father. I was in the banquet hall taking care of wedding preparations.” I apologized. “Oh of course. I should have known.” “Is everything alright Father?” I asked a little worried. Father does not usually search us out himself. That is what he pays the servants for. “Oh right. We received word from some farmers that the portal was seen opening this morning.” He answered. “What? Did anyone come through?” I asked starting to freak out. If someone had followed me from the other realm, it would not be good. “They did not see anyone but I wanted to warn you and ask you if anyone over there knew how to open the portal.” He reassured. “I never told anyone where I came from. No one over there would have believed me but I guess someone might have found my spellbook and tried out the portal spell. I have no idea who it would have been though. I kept mostly to myself because I was too busy trying to find a way home.” “Alright. I will send some guards to check it out just to make sure nothing came through.” He said before kissing my cheek and walking away.

  I took a deep breath to calm my thoughts and my racing heart, then walked into my dressing room. Shealah was standing in front of a full length mirror she must have brought with her. Draped over the mirror was my wedding gown. Seeing it again after all this time, I almost started crying. I could not believe I would finally get to wear it the next day. “Good morning Shea.” I said softly as she had not seemed to notice my entrance yet. She jumped slightly and turned to me with a smile. “Good morning Ana. Did you have a good night?” She questioned me teasingly. Shea is the only person who would not freak out over the fact that I let Michael take me as his before we were wed, seeing how her and I had slept together years ago. “Yes I had quite a wonderful night. What about you?” I asked to change the topic but also to find out how she has been doing since I had been gone. “Oh it was lovely. I stayed up all night working on your gown but was visited by a young man who is determined to win my heart.” She told me matter of factly. “Oh. Is this man worthy of your heart?” I asked, wanting more details. “According to my father he is. I am the royal seamstress and he is a royal guard. But I barely know him and I do not want to worry that my husband may one day have to go off to battle and not return.” “Who's guard is he in?” I asked curiously. Maybe I know the guy. My sister and I did grow up with most of the younger guards. “He was in your guard before you disappeared and then your father transferred him to your sister.” “Oh? What is his name?” “James. He is the son of your father's highest guard.” James was after my mistress. Oh this would play out well. James and I had a thing as kids before I met Michael or Shea. I think my face gave away my thoughts. Shea looked at me like she just found out the man she was in love with was her brother. “You know him then Ana?” She asked. “Yes I do. We had a thing before I met you or Michael. He is a really good guy, and loyal. You would do well as his wife.” I told her gently. She nodded like she already knew what I said.


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