Ranger Redemption (Brotherhood Protectors Colorado Book 3)

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Ranger Redemption (Brotherhood Protectors Colorado Book 3) Page 18

by Elle James

  “I saw Nora’s car pull into the parking lot as I walked in. Layla’s riding with her,” Beth said. “They should be coming through the door about now.”

  Sophia glanced past Beth. “They’re here.”

  Beth grinned. “Now, all we need is the guys. I’m betting they’re ready for a little R & R.”

  “Speaking of which,” Sophia said, “are we still on for the trip to Cancún?”

  “About that…” Beth started and paused as she glanced toward the two women entering the bar.

  Nora and Layla stepped through the door and turned toward another woman entering behind them.

  “I didn’t know Kylie was going to make it,” Sophia said.

  “Me either. She must be back from her latest news assignment.”

  Nora Michaels, wearing her nurse’s scrubs, hugged Kylie.

  Layla took her turn hugging the woman next. The three women made their way across the room to the bar, where Beth and Sophia stood.

  Nora smiled. “We’re all here. Where are the guys?”

  “I got a text a few minutes ago.” Kylie held up her cellphone. “Mac said they got stuck in a debriefing with their commander. He’s convinced they’ll all get in trouble since they’re on leave. He wants to make sure they don’t do anything stupid.”

  “What are the chances of that?” Nora grinned.

  Kylie nodded. “I know. They’re all a bunch of adrenaline junkies. If they don’t stay busy, they’ll get bored pretty quickly.”

  “And boredom leads to…” Sophia waited for all the women to chime in.

  “Trouble!” Sophia, Layla, Kylie, Nora and Beth said at once.

  “Someone call my name?” a deep voice called out from the saloon entrance.

  Sophia’s heart fluttered as she glanced across the barroom at the man who’d captured her heart from the moment he’d first walked into the Salty Dog Saloon over a year ago. The man who was now her next-door neighbor, and the man who didn’t know she existed, other than as a waitress, bartender and a friend.

  The friend zone sucked.

  She sighed and willed her pulse to slow to a normal rate.

  Michael Calhoun, or Blade, had the blackest hair and the bluest eyes of any man Sophia had ever seen. He could have any woman he wanted, and usually did…have any woman who caught his eye.

  Unfortunately, that didn’t include Sophia. Still, her heart fluttered, and her body flushed all over.

  Blade opened his arms. “Can a guy get a welcome home hug around here?” His gaze landed on Sophia as he crossed the bar to where she stood with the other women.

  “If you’re not going to hug the man, I sure as hell am.” Beth stepped into Blade’s arms. “Welcome home, soldier,” she said with a smile and leaned up on her toes to press a kiss to Blade’s lips.

  Heat rushed into Sophia’s cheeks, and her fingers curled into her palms to keep from scratching Beth’s eyes out. Some friend she was.

  Then again, Blade hadn’t singled out any one woman with his comment.

  He hugged Beth and set her to the side. Then Blade looked at the other ladies standing close by. “What? Is Beth the only one who’s happy to see me?”

  “Of course not,” Nora Michaels said. She crossed to Blade, gave him a short hug, and then looked over his shoulder and exclaimed, “Rucker, you’re here!” She ran into her fiancé’s arms.

  “I’m glad to see you.” Layla gave Blade a quick hug and hurried past him to throw herself into Craig Bullington’s arms.

  “Good to see you, Blade.” Kylie Adams waved as she rushed past him to Sean “Mac” McDaniel, leaving Sophia standing by herself.

  With the rest of his team filing in behind him, Blade moved a few steps forward, stopping in front of Sophia. “Hey.”

  Heat rose up Sophia’s neck, filling her cheeks. “Hey, yourself.”

  Blade took a step toward her. “I didn’t see you at the airport last night.”

  Sophia forced a shrug. “I had to work.”

  “Surely your boss would’ve let you off to welcome me home after being deployed for so many months.”

  “I’m sure he would have,” she said, “had you been a fiancé or a spouse. I didn’t even think to ask.”

  Blade cocked an eyebrow. “Good friends don’t count?”

  “Sure, they do.” She couldn’t hold back any longer. She walked up to him, put her arms around his neck and hugged him. God, she’d missed him. His arms settled around her waist. She leaned into him for just a moment, inhaling the sexy outdoorsy scent of him. As quickly as she hugged him, she stepped back. She couldn’t let herself get used to holding him. “Good to see you, Blade.”

  “Wow,” he said, “that was almost a hug.”

  She shot him a tight smile. “Can I get you a beer?”

  He nodded.

  She didn’t ask him what kind. Sophia knew what he liked. She slipped behind the counter and drew a draft beer in a mug for him. The rest of the guys and the women stepped up to the bar, and she filled their orders as well.

  “You missed the big engagement last night at the airport,” Nora said.

  Sophia’s head popped up. “Really? Which one of you?”

  “Bull asked me.” Layla raised her hand, displaying a diamond on her ring finger. “I said yes.”

  “It was all very beautiful,” Nora said. “You should’ve been there.”

  “I had to work,” Sophia insisted.

  “No, you didn’t,” Sarge said. “Mags was here last night. She would’ve covered for you.”

  Trust Sarge to walk by and open his mouth at just the wrong moment. “Why don’t y’all get a table? I’ll bring the drinks over,” Sophia said.

  “But you’re not working tonight,” Beth said.

  “No, I’m just filling in for Mags until she gets here.” She waved a hand. “Go on. Find a table.”

  Beth was the last one to turn. “Why didn’t you come last night?”

  Sophia filled another mug with beer. “I didn’t feel like I’d fit in.”

  “What are you talking about? We’re all a part of this little group.”

  “Yeah, but most of the women already have their guys, and I don’t.”

  “Neither do I,” Beth said.

  “Yeah, but you and Nora are close friends.”

  “We’re not?” Beth asked.

  Sophia smiled. “We’re getting there. After all, I did invite you to go to Cancún with me.”

  Beth grinned. “Yes, you did. I’d like to think you wouldn’t have invited just anybody.”

  Sophia glanced across the barroom to where Blade was pulling a seat out at one of the tables. “No, I wouldn’t ask just anybody.”

  Beth turned to see where Sophia was looking. “Still friend-zoned?”

  Sophia sighed. “Yes.”

  “When’s that man going to wake up and see what he’s got right in front of him?”

  “Never. I’m not his type.”

  Beth turned toward her. “And what type is that?”

  “The gorgeous, sophisticated type.”

  Beth snorted. “Ha! Sweetheart, you’re gorgeous.”

  Sophia grimaced and touched a hand to her strawberry-blond hair. “Not even close,” Sophia said. “This red hair. These freckles. All men ever see me as is the kid sister or the girl next door. I’m literally the girl next door for Blade.”

  “You would think that would make him a little more aware of you as a woman not just the girl next door, by living next door to him.”

  “Yeah, you’d think,” Sophia said. “It’s what I get for letting him know about the house that was for sale next to me.”

  “Living so close, should have given you more time to get to know each other.”

  “When he’s not deployed, we do spend time together out in our backyards. However, he’s never so much as kissed me. Face it, I’m stuck.”

  “What do you mean stuck?” Beth said.

  “He’ll never look at me as anything other than the girl next door or t
he friend who’s always there. The worst part about it is, when he does bring a woman home, I just eat my heart out. Now that he lives next to me, I’m going to have to find another house and move away.”

  “Surely it’s not that bad.”

  “How would you like it if the man you cared about brought a woman home, married her, and had children with her right next door to you?”

  Beth grimaced. “Well, when you put it that way…Yeah, I guess it is pretty bad. Just think, maybe you’ll meet somebody in Cancún and forget all about Blade.”

  “I’m really not interested in meeting anybody. I just need some time away to decide what I’m going to do with the rest of my life. Maybe it’s time I quit the bar and put my degree to use.”

  “Oh, sweetie. Accounting would be so boring.”

  “Yeah, but it would probably pay better than the tips I get here.”

  “I thought you got some pretty good tips.”

  Sophia grinned. “I do. And I never really wanted to become an accountant. My parents talked me into that degree. No, I’m not going on a manhunt in Cancún. I’m just going to relax and enjoy the sun, the sand and the water.” She filled the last mug, set it on a tray and lifted it into her arms. “Let’s go join the others.”

  Beth’s eyes narrowed as Sophia passed her. “Girl, we gotta get that man to really notice you.”

  “That’ll never happen. Come on, let’s go enjoy some time with everyone.” Sophia carried the tray of drinks across to the couple of tables they’d pulled together, and they all sat around. They passed out their drinks.

  When everybody had one in hand, Nora raised hers. “To the guys. We’re so very glad you came back, all in one piece.”

  Sophia lifted her glass. “Here, here.”

  Rucker lifted his mug. “And to the ladies who were here to greet us when we got home. Thank you for keeping the home fires burning.”

  The men all lifted their mugs. “Here, here.” They all took a drink and settled in.

  “So, what have you guys been up to since we’ve been gone?” Dawg asked.

  Beth grinned. “Sophia won a trip to Cancún.”

  All eyes turned to Sophia.

  Blade said, “Really?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I got an all-expense paid trip by signing up at the local home and garden show.”

  “She leaves in two days,” Beth said.

  “We leave in two days,” Sophia corrected.

  “Oh, so Beth’s going with you?” Blade asked.

  Sophia nodded. “Yup.”

  “Sounds like fun,” Blade said.

  Beth frowned. “Well, you know, Sophia, I meant to tell you. I got a call just before I got here.”

  Sophia frowned. “From whom?”

  “From my Aunt Petunia. She’s in the hospital and, uh, I’m afraid I’m going to have to back out of the trip.”

  Sophia frowned. “You can’t back out on me now. We leave in two days.”

  “Can’t you reschedule?” Beth asked.

  “No, the dates are set in stone. I leave in two days, or I forfeit the trip.”

  Beth gave her a forlorn look. “Well, maybe you can find somebody to take my place.”

  “At the last minute?” Sophia asked, her voice rising.

  Beth glanced around the table. “Yeah, I’m sure there’s one of us, or maybe one of you guys. I mean you’re all on leave, right? Surely somebody can take the time off to go with Sophia to Cancún.”

  Sophia shook her head. “I don’t even know if they’ll let me exchange a name at this late date. And it would have to be somebody with a passport. You’ve got your passport.”

  “And so do all the guys,” Beth pointed out. “What about you, Dawg? Don’t you want an all-expense paid trip to Cancún with Sophia?”

  Dawg grinned. “Oh, hell yeah.”

  Blade smacked his mug on the table. “Oh, hell no, you don’t. If anyone’s going with Sophia, it’s going to be me, rather than any of you other horndogs.”

  Dawg said, “Why should she go with you? You’re the biggest womanizer of all of us.”

  “Exactly, she should go with me because I’m not interested.”

  Sophia wanted to reach across the table and smack him.

  “She’s my neighbor—and my friend. I’ve never even thought about dating her. I’d be the safest bet.”

  “Well, I hadn’t thought about dating her,” Dawg said, “until now.” He waggled his brows at Sophia.

  Sophia grinned, although her heart pounded at the thought of Blade offering to take Beth’s place on the trip. “Seriously,” she said, “I don’t know if we can make a replacement at this late a date. It’s only two days from now. I’ll just have to go by myself.”

  “The hell you are,” Blade said. “As your friend, I can’t allow that. Mexico isn’t always a safe place. You need a buddy to go along with you. Somebody who’s got your back.”

  “Yeah, but if you go with me, you’ll be off flirting with somebody else.”

  “I’ll flirt, but I’ll keep an eye on you.”

  Sophia shook her head. “No, I’d be better off going by myself.”

  Blade looked to Beth. “Beth, talk some sense into your friend.”

  Beth shook her head. “She’s your friend, too. You convince her. I have to take care of my aunt.”

  Sophia looked at her friend narrow-eyed. “Aunt Petunia, huh?”

  Beth raised her chin. “Yup. She never liked her name. We all love her anyway.”

  “Look, Sophia,” Blade said, “I promise I’ll keep an eye on you, and you can keep an eye on me. That’s what friends do for each other.” He held up his hand. “I swear, I won’t take any other woman to bed before I see you tucked into yours.”

  Sophia’s lips twisted. “Thanks,” she said and under her breath muttered, “for nothing.”

  “So, it’s decided?” Beth asked.

  “What? What’s decided?” Sophia asked.

  “That Blade’s going to go with you to Cancún.”

  Blade nodded.

  Sophia shook her head. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Me either,” said Rucker.

  Blade glared at the man and kicked him beneath the table.

  “Ouch!” Rucker frowned. “Why’d you kick me?”

  Blade glared back at him. “Why’d you say it was a bad idea?”

  “We all like Sophia,” Rucker said. “We don’t want to see her hurt by you.”

  Blade held up his hands. “She’s my friend. She’s also my next-door neighbor. I’m not going to screw up our friendship when she lives right next door to me. Besides, Sophia’s the marrying kind.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Sophia asked.

  “You’re the kind of woman a man wants to marry.”

  Her lips twisted. “Whatever.”

  “And I’m not ever getting married.”

  “Famous last words,” Mac said as he grinned across the table at Layla. He reached for his fiancée’s hand and twirled the ring around her finger. “Apparently, you haven’t met the right woman yet.”

  “That’s not the case. I just don’t plan on ever getting married. As a Delta, it just doesn’t make sense. And why would I screw up a perfectly good friendship marrying her or taking her to bed?”

  Mac frowned. “How do we know you won’t try to get into Sophia’s pants while you’re in Cancún?”

  Sophia gasped. “Wow, did you really ask that?”

  Beth backhanded Mac.

  “Yeah, we like Sophia,” Lance said. “We like the Salty Dog Saloon. We don’t wanna see her leave.”

  “Look,” Blade said, “I care about Sophia too, and I don’t want to see her hurt while she’s down in Mexico. I could keep a close eye on her, without putting my hands on her. Like I said, she’s the girl next door. I don’t want to screw that up.”

  Sophia’s lips pressed into a thin line, and her eyes narrowed. “What if I don’t want you to go with me? What if I’d rather have
Dawg take me?”

  Dawg grinned. “I’m ready and willing.” He leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Just think of the good times we’d have.”

  Blade glared at Dawg. “You can’t trust that man. If you want to have a good time in Cancún and not worry about somebody pawing all over you, take me. I could use a vacation, and you could use some protection. You choose.”

  The men at the table chanted, “Dawg! Dawg! Dawg! Dawg!”

  And the women said, “Blade! Blade! Blade! Blade!”

  Sophia shook her head. “I’m not making a decision. Not with all this noise. Anybody need another drink? I’m going to get a refill.”

  “You haven’t drunk what you have.”

  She tipped her mug up, swallowed the contents and smacked it down on the table. “Like I said, I’m going for a refill. Anybody else?”

  “While you’re up, I’ll take another.”

  “Me, too.”

  “And me.”

  She gathered the empties on a tray and carried them back to the bar.

  Beth followed. “You’re not seriously considering Dawg, are you?”

  Sophia glared at Beth. “I can’t believe you just backed out on this trip.”

  Beth grinned. “You have the perfect opportunity to get some alone time with Blade. With none of the other guys around. You won’t be next door. You’ll be out on your own.”

  “You heard him. He’s not interested in me. You know what kind of torture that will be?”

  “It might help get him out of your system. Who knows? Maybe you’ll figure out he really does care about you as more than just a friend.”

  “It’s bad enough when he brings women to his house. I don’t think I could stand it if I’m in Cancún with him as he’s flirting with another woman.”

  Beth quirked her lip. “Turn it around on him. You flirt with somebody else.”

  Sophia shook her head. “I’m not interested in anybody else.”

  Her friend crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, maybe it’s about time you should be.”

  Sophia stared across the barroom at Blade. Maybe that was it. Maybe if she made him jealous, he might actually think of her as something other than the girl next door. The friend. If that didn’t work, then…well…she knew she had to get over him.

  Sophia sighed. “Okay. But promise me you’ll never pull some shit like this again.”


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