Texas Stranger

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Texas Stranger Page 9

by Muncy, Janet

  “It certainly is, I can’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed.” Carl smiled, not taking his eyes off of her.

  January had enjoyed the evening, but somehow it seemed a strain on his behalf. Something was bothering him, but what she wasn’t sure.

  Several minutes later they were both silent, both in their own thoughts. The soft music and low flames relaxed her, and she held her gaze on the fire.

  “Would you like another drink?” January asked taking her glass into the kitchen sink to rinse out.

  “I don’t think so, I better let you go to bed, I’ve kept you up long enough.” He said standing up and taking his glass into the kitchen himself. Within seconds he was back standing there in the middle of the floor. Waiting to say goodbye. But he seemed to be uneasy about something as he leaned down to attend to the fire again. The flames started dancing and their shadows danced on the wall. He looked at them for some time before he finally reached out to touch her hand. She felt an explosion of emotions about to burst inside her. She was wilting by the second from the shear desires he transmitted through his touch. She tired to manage the rush of emotions, but it was hard to think straight with him touching her in such a slight manor. He was watching her now taking in her full beauty. Her lips parted soundlessly and without knowing, she moistened them with the tip of her tongue.

  A low groan broke from him. He bent his head, and his mouth touched hers. Unthinkingly she responded. She knew what was happening was crazy, she could call a halt immediately. But somehow she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She didn’t want it to end. But she needn’t have worried. Carl broke the spell. He moved away from her for only a short distance. She opened her eyes. Finding him looking at her strangely. She turned quickly, realizing he had figured out his mistake.

  “Please don’t turn away from me, I want you,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I...” she stumbled, “I want you too Carl.”

  Slowly inching his hand up her side, he found the soft fullness of her breast. Each hand cupping the exquisitely shaped mound. He gently massaged them the fire that was burning within her veins came a live with such forced, she pushed herself against him. Tilting her head back softly, to give him easy access to her sensitive throat. He lowered his head to touch the velvety areas, with his hot lips. She moaned with pleasure as he started to turn her around to face him. He then pulled her closer and kissed her wanting lips. Her emotions were out of control.

  “Your so beautiful, you were made to love,” he said, kissing her deeply.

  She hated the clothes that separated them, yet she couldn’t bring herself to let him have her.

  “Please Carl not here not yet.” She pleaded.

  He let her go reluctantly. “I guess I over stepped my grounds. I just forgot for a second you belong to Kevin. I’m sorry. Go to bed January, before my strength dissolves, and I take you there myself.”

  She breathed a sigh. She wanted him. He wanted her. But there was someone keeping them apart. He thinks it’s Kevin, she knows it’s Kathy. Why oh why did everything have to happen this way. Why couldn’t she love him and he love her without so many problems.

  “I’ll let myself out but I’ll take care of the fire first. Please just go to bed,” he turned away from her.

  Funny she didn’t hear Carl leave last night even though she didn’t remember going to sleep. But her alarm went off a eight. She needed to get up and showered. She wasn’t sure what time he was going to pick her up if he still does. As she went into the bathroom. She turned on the shower. The coolness of the water felt good on her hot body. As a matter of fact, her body was a little to hot. She wondered if she was coming down with something. She stepped out of the shower and the cool air felt good on her still wet body. She reached for the baby oil and poured some in the palm of her hands. The oily substance felt good on her already silky body. January dressed in a black suit and white silk blouse that showed her slim figure to perfection. Pinning her hair on top of her head, leaving a few strands to hang free she had a soft yet professional look. A splash of Royal Secret, and a little blush she was ready.

  As she was making the bed, she could faintly smell bacon frying and coffee perking. She opened the door from her bedroom and realized it was coming from her kitchen. To her surprise Carl was standing in the kitchen making breakfast.

  “How did you get in?” She asked.

  “I fell asleep on your sofa, I didn’t think you’d mind, me fixing breakfast for you, after all I fixed dinner last night,” Carl said, turning over the bacon.

  “Well, I guess its to late to mind, but I could have come barging out of the bedroom in a towel or even nothing on at all.” She said frowning at him.

  “I wouldn’t have minded,” he smiled at her.

  “Very funny Carl don’t do it again I don’t think it’s proper.”

  “I really didn’t think you would mind or I assure you I wouldn’t have done it. Besides I’ve spent the night before and you didn’t seem to mind. Was it because of last night? Do you feel guilty?”

  “You infuriate me Carl, I don’t know why I let you get to me. What run’s through your mind anyway? Do you try to find things to upset me or do you come by it naturally?” She started to yell.

  “Eat your breakfast and shut up.” He ordered her.

  “I don’t eat breakfast Mr. Richards, and you would have known that if you’d taken the time to ask. And don’t tell me to shut up.”

  “I said sit down and eat I would hate to force feed you, so don’t try me.”

  “I said I don’t eat breakfast.” Her voice calmed down, and she held her forehead trying to relieve the pounding.

  “You’re run down you need some good food, you can’t keep eating soup and expect to get the nourishment your body needs especially with your kind of work. Now sit down,” he ordered her again grabbing her arm and pulling out the chair for her.

  This time January did what he ordered. She wasn’t sure if he would actually force feed her or not but taking the chance he won’t was crazy. His hand felt cool on her arm as he helped her into the chair.

  Sitting the plate of scrambled eggs bacon and toast in front of her he lifted her hand and pushed a fork into it. “Eat!” he said again while turning back to the kitchen to bring the coffee and juice.

  He looked over at her often, probably making sure everything was being eaten. She tried to stuff down the food afraid she would be sick at any minute. She wished he would quit making her feel so uncomfortable. This man sure could stir every emotion she had ever known, and then some. What possibly could happen next.

  Because of breakfast, and the fact they had to clean the kitchen, not to mention Carl had a business stop to make, there wouldn’t be enough time to go get her car which was on the other side of Houston. Carl would have to drive her to the convention center himself. Serves him right. Maybe next time he won’t be so hard to get along with.

  January sat quietly in the seat next to him, the expression on his face was to her knowledge, satisfaction. That only made her more angry. They arrived at the convention center, barely a word spoken between them. As he pulled the car up to the curb, he finally spoke.

  “I’ll let you out here and find a parking place.”

  “You don’t have to stay, I’ll have one of my girls take me home.” She said stepping out closing the door before, he had a chance to say anything,

  The competition was tough. There were girls from all over the mid west. There were over a hundred girls entered in this years’ competition. The year of Aerobics one of the announcers said. January had five girls entered in this years competition.. She hoped at least one of them makes it to the finals.

  Two years ago she had done the same thing. It was exciting and yet scary. Although the groups were smaller and not from all over the mid west. The excitement was still the same. Connie Henderson had been her instructor. A thirty seven year old lady, who’s body was as firm and in shape as her own. A lovely lady with soft brown eyes and light
brown hair. The face seemed to look so real as she was standing there waiting for the ready signal to start the girls on the four hour work out.

  Several girls were unable to make it the last grueling hour of work-out. Only one of her girls gave up as the last four stayed in doing their best with the new instructor. The last hour even more girls dropped out leaving only about twenty five, to really show their physical fitness.

  At least there would be a thirty minute break after the last group finished. That would give the girls time to rest and prepare their selves for the finals. The announcement came, and two of her girls made it to the finals.

  After a few minutes of congratulating her girls on how well they had done. January went for some fresh air. As she made her way past the groups of people to the side door that lead out onto a dock, probably used for loading and unloading. She leaned up against the wall of the building. The cement structure felt good against her warm body. Yes, she felt like she may be coming down with something. Her head ached, and she felt a bit light headed. The bell sounded to warn everyone there was just ten more minutes before starting the last hour. As she walked back inside the girls were scrambling to take their places. Tension was building.

  “Good luck my dear.”

  January turned around only to be shocked to find Connie Henderson standing there behind her.

  “Connie, how wonderful to see you. It’s been so long, how have you been?” January took her hand in hers.

  “I’ve been fine my dear, you yourself looks a little run down as I know I must have looked two years ago when you were my student.” she laughed.

  “Do I really look that bad?” January laughed.

  “You could use some blush, just a little pale around the edges,” Connie smiled.

  Connie and January held hands, giving each other the strength they both needed to get through this last hour. Finally it was over, the girls were dismissed, while the judges made their final decisions. They were all to return on stage in fifteen minutes.

  Out of one hundred girls, the last hour really was hard on the girls, and only ten of the one hundred were able to make the finals. They were tired and nervous as each girl sat down getting their breaths and trying to freshen up before the announcements were made.

  January and Connie took this time to follow some of the girls to the lady’s room to freshen up as well. For if anyone of their girls won, they would need to make an appearance on stage for the newspaper.

  As January looked in the mirror she realized her face was flushed and her eyes looked feverish. Connie took her arm. “I think you should get home as soon as you can my dear, you look very tired, and besides, it’s not proper for the instructor to look unhealthy in this business.” They both grinned and walked back to the stage.

  The bell sounded, and the girls all smiles filled back on stage. The decisions have been made. Everyone seemed to be holding their breaths, as the MC, strolled up to the microphone.

  “Thank you ladies and gentleman, the judges have made their decisions. Could I have the first envelope please?” As a young girl handed him the envelope you could almost hear a pin drop, for everyone could hardly wait to hear who won.

  “In third place, and One Thousand Dollars richer, the winner is... Karen Alexander!”

  Connie grabbed January’s arm. “I can still get them there kid.” She beamed.

  “Oh Connie, I’m so glad for you.” January hugged her.

  “Second place, and Two Thousand Dollars the winner is...... Carla Samuelson!” The entire center went in to an uproar, and Carla jumped up and down on stage accepting the envelope, and medal.

  “Now what you’ve all been waiting for.” The tension was building, everyone, was to excited to be quite. Before he could even get her name out of his mouth everyone was screaming and clapping.

  “With a grand prize win of Five Thousand Dollars, Angela Walker! The most Physical Fitness Female of the Year!”

  January nearly fainted all the hours and hard work, was rewarded in this one minute. Angela ran over and grabbed January around the neck, laughing and jumping up and down. The place was filled with cameras and newspaper and magazine editors everywhere. People were asking questions and snapping their cameras. The MC pulled them all back on stage for pictures. There were interviews and total confusion.

  One hour later things begin to settle down, and the band was playing a slower tune. People were filling out of the building. As January was on her way back stage she felt dizzy. Trying to keep her balance she became aware of large powerful arms lifting her. She knew it was Carl holding her. He laid her down on a soft cushion, where had he come from? Where was she now? She tried to open her eyes, but when she did there was a medic hovering over her.

  “Just lie there a minute Miss. Manson, you’re running a fever, you look totally exhausted, I’m going to give you something to help you rest.”

  “No! I don’t want anything. I can’t, I need to find a way home.” She tried to sit up. But the dizziness over came her, and she dropped back on the soft cushion.

  “You need some rest Miss. Manson, now you let me give you something or I’ll have to take you to the hospital.”

  “No, please, don’t do that. If you want to give me a pill, I’ll take it when I get home. But please no shot. I’ll not be able to get home.”

  “I’ll see to it you get home January.” Carl’s voice came out of somewhere in the room.

  She couldn’t argue any more the dizziness was too much for her, and she sank back down. The doctor gave her a shot in the arm and then blackness.

  Chapter 15

  She opened her eyes, the familiar surroundings made her tense body relax, the clock on the night stand read eight thirty. She wondered how she had gotten home. The last thing she remembered was being at the convention center.

  As she threw the covers to the side, she realized she was in a night gown, not really remembering to have ever put it on. “What on earth!” she said out loud. The bedroom door opened as she scrambled to get under the protection of the covers. With a startled expression on her face she looked up to find Carl Richards filling the door way.

  “Good morning sunshine.” He said casually. “How do you feel this fine sunny day?”

  She could hardly speak. “What...what are you doing here? How did you get in?” she stuttered.

  “First question first,” he began. “I’m here to take care of you and second question I brought you here, so I used your key. Now drink your juice while I get your breakfast. Would you like it in bed or would you like to get up for a while?” He asked, sitting the juice on the night stand, waiting for her to answer.

  “I don’t eat breakfast, I’ve told you, now if you don’t mind I’d like to get up,” she said sharply.

  “Would you like me to help you?” He said reaching for her.

  “No!” she screamed. “I can manage, please leave.”

  He smiled as he backed away. “No need for modesty January. I’ve had the pleasure of undressing you when I brought you home, not to mention, giving you an alcohol bath every day.”

  “Get out!” she screamed.

  “I believe you’re back to your old self again.” He said, as he walked to the door and closed it behind him.

  “The nerve of that man, what gave him the right to undress me? What gave him the right to give me baths. I can take care of myself.” She cursed.

  As she started to get up she realized she was still a little weak. Trying to get control of herself, she reached for the glass of juice Carl had left on the night stand. The liquid felt good going down her dry throat. She needed to get hold of herself, and a shower and brushing of her teeth was what she needed most. She was just finishing dressing when he knocked on her bedroom door.

  “Mind if I come in?” he asked through the still closed door.

  “Yes, I mind, I’ll be out in a minute.” She cursed pulling on a pair of blue jeans and a pull over.

  “Well, I must admit the needed rest has done wond
ers for you, you look marvelous.” He smiled as she came through the door.

  “Thanks, I feel better.” She said slightly embarrassed.

  “Good, now, are you sure I can’t fix you something to eat? You’ve not eaten for two days, at least not anything solid.”

  “Two days?” she bellowed. “What are you talking about, two days?”

  “Well today is Monday, and you didn’t eat but a slight breakfast Saturday, which I might add were forced to do. You slept all day Sunday, except when I woke you and gave you chicken soup and an alcohol bath. And today is Monday. So you haven’t eaten for two days.”

  She couldn’t believe her ears, had he been here the whole time, taking care of her?

  “Carl.” She said out loud, “Did you stay here and take care of me?”

  “Yes,” was the only answer he gave as he walked back into the kitchen.

  If only the floor would just open up and swallow her, she wouldn’t have to face him again. But the bad part about it was she spends two days with this man that she would like to spend the rest of her life with and she wasn’t even aware of it.

  “Well, I want to thank you, but you can leave now, I’m feeling quite well enough to handle it from here.” She said, not looking at him.

  “Yes, you look as though you could,” Carl said, still standing in the kitchen door way.

  Her heart began to quicken its beat as his eyes seemed to be reading her mind. She turned toward the living room, trying to hide her uneasy feelings. Carl came up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. “January.” His soft voice sounded like music to her ears. “Nothing happened, so you can still look me in the eyes.” He said, softly.

  She closed her eyes. Crying inside she knew nothing happened, she knew he was a gentle man, and only worried about her health.

  “Thank you for reassuring me Carl, but I really think you should leave.”

  “Why? Are you afraid you might want to make love with me?”

  “Please leave Carl, please just go,” She started toward the door to let him out. But she never made it. He spun her around, pressing her body against his.


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