Texas Stranger

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Texas Stranger Page 16

by Muncy, Janet

  “Here,” She slung the towel at him and stepped past him to the other room.

  Pouring the coffee into the cups, January stood there waiting for the brownies to finish baking. Carl stepped through the door way and started for the table. The blankets wrapped around his shoulders, he seemed to be slightly shivering.

  “Maybe you should go sit by the fire, I’ll bring you some coffee.” January turned to get a serving tray from under the cabinet.

  Without a word he slowly turned toward the living room and sat down on the sofa, pulling his feet up under the blankets.

  January finished putting the brownies on the tray and followed moments later. She could feel his eyes on her as she sat the tray on the coffee table and handed him a cup. For just a few seconds their eyes met and neither one spoke. Somehow January managed a “Here.” As she herself picked up a cup and sat down in the chair opposite him. Holding the cup with both hands, as not to let the liquid spill out of the cup, for her hands shaking so noticeably.

  The warmth of the room was comforting as January tried to settle back and relax. Still after several minutes had gone by neither one spoke. And then suddenly a gust of wind howled outside and January jumped and shivered looking toward the large picture window. Even though the curtains had been shut earlier, she could still feel the cold air coming in around the edges.

  “Are you cold?” Carl asked, his voice deep and sexy.

  “No, I’m..huh, fine, thank you.” January stuttered, taking a drink of the coffee, looking at Carl over the rim of the cup.

  “Are you scared of me.... January?”

  For a moment, she stared blankly at him. “No..no,” She repeated more firmly. “Should I be?”

  Chapter 28

  Carl uncovered his feet and put them down on the braided rug. Sitting his cup on the coffee table, he then stood up. January froze, not knowing what to do. She was afraid to move, afraid he would move to fast for her, and she wouldn’t be able to get away. But instead of coming toward her he moved over to put more logs on the fire.

  She sighed a silent relief. Watching his long powerful frame move the logs around, making the fire more brilliant. He sat back down on the sofa and stared at the typewriter. The paper that laid next to it was blank. He looked up at her again and for a second didn’t say anything.

  “What have you been doing up here all week? It doesn’t look like you been writing.”

  “I...huh can’t seem to get started. I guess I have to many other things on my mind.” January said putting her coffee cup down.

  “Do you have any cards? Or do you even play cards?” Carl grinned at her.

  “I really don’t know if there are any around. I haven’t taken the time to find out what is in this old place, but I’m sure there are some in one of these draws.” She smiled back.

  “What do you know how to play?”

  “How about Gin everyone knows how to play that,” she smiled opening draws and fishing around in them to find the cards. She found several packs.

  “It looks like they’ve done a lot of card playing during the summer months.” She giggled.

  Carl took a bite of the brownies January had put in front of him earlier.

  “These are really good, I didn’t know you knew how to cook.” He smiled.

  “I never had a chance to show you. But actually I’m not bad.” She smiled at him.

  “What do you have planned for dinner, surely not brownies?”

  “Oh, I really don’t know. I haven’t really wanted anything much,” She said. “I picked up some T-bone steak’s, but they are frozen.” She sighed.

  “Ha... T-bone steaks can be broiled anyway. I’ll help you fix them later. Now lets get to this game, what are the steaks, a penny a point, or would you like to make it interesting?” He rubbed his chin and showed his pearly white teeth.

  “Look I must warn you I’m pretty good at his, maybe we shouldn’t bet at all.”

  “Nonsense. A dollar a point. If your so good there shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Suit yourself. It’s just a warning. Financial ruin is about to begin.”

  For hours they played Gin. Naturally January warned him she was good, but he had no idea how good. He was into her for a good bit of money when she thought she should put an end to the game.

  “How about fixing those steaks now? How much do you owe me?” She beamed.

  “Huh... Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. When do I get my rematch.”

  He frowned at her.

  “No rematch unless you can afford to lose more.” She laughed.

  “No, but maybe I’ll get a winning streak. And maybe you’ll owe me.”

  “Don’t bet on it.” She laughed, standing up and clearing off the table. “Besides you shouldn’t have up the stakes.”

  “I had to do something to catch up how was I suppose to know you stacked the cards.” He wrapped the blanket tighter around him and stood up, towering over her.

  “I don’t cheat.”

  “You couldn’t have proved it by me, how else could you get all those good hands?”

  “I can’t help it if you don’t know how to play. It was your own fault.”

  The steaks were broiling in the oven, mashed potatoes had been made and she was finishing up the salad. Carl, in the meantime was keeping the fire going.

  She was not surprised that he hadn’t mentioned Kathy’s marriage to Steve. Or the fact Kevin was marrying Cheryl.

  He was probably afraid of hurting her with the news of Kevin, and most likely hurt too much himself to mention Kathy. January decided at any rate not to mention the subject herself. Besides he’ll probably leave later and she may as well make the evening enjoyable for the both of them.

  She finished sitting the table and called to Carl. They eat in near silence as he watched her movements often, and she felt self-conscious.

  “When are you going to be leaving for home?” Carl asked, taking another drink of his ice tea.

  “In a couple of weeks. I’ve got reservations.” She answered, avoiding his eyes.

  “Are you going to spend Christmas with your family?”

  “Yes, my intentions were to fly from here.” She smiled.

  “Oh, I thought you’d go back to Texas from here. But I guess I was wrong.”

  January only smiled at him as she moved her plate and silver-ware from the table to the sink. He finished his tea and done the same.

  “Supper was wonderful, you really are a good cook.” He complemented her.

  “Thank you, my mother taught me everything I know.” She smiled, not looking at him but wiping off the table.

  “Where do you want me to sleep tonight?” Carl said, taking the last dish out and drying it.

  The question caught her totally off guard as she stared at him wide- eyed. Unable to answer.

  “Do you want me to sleep on the sofa or in the bed?” Carl asked again.

  January set the cup down on the drain board and turned slowly around to face him.

  “You surely aren’t staying here tonight?”

  “I am unless you intend to throw me out in this blizzard with wet clothes.”

  “Oh my,” January had to shake her head for a second, before she could answer, “I never thought you’d be staying all night. Huh... I guess you could sleep on the sofa next to the fire.” Although the sofa had been her bed since her arrival, the bedroom had always been to cold.

  “Won’t the bedroom be a little to cold for you? I noticed there were no heat vents in there working.”

  “No, I..ha..like the cool.” January lied.

  “Well if you insist. I’ll just make sure there’s enough logs on the fire and then I’m going to sleep. Do you have an extra pillow?” Carl stood wrapping the blanket tighter around him.

  “Yes, I believe so,” January said setting her dish towel down and going into the bedroom to get one from the bed. As she walked through the door way, she could feel the coldness of the room. Even the pillow that she pulle
d from the bed was cold to the touch. Carl had got the fire going full blast by the time she returned. Handing the pillow to him she noticed how the fire made his eyes dance to the flames. How handsome he looked standing there dressed in only a blanket. He looked like some prince from a foreign land.

  “Are you sure you’ll be warm enough in there? This pillow is awfully cold?” He asked taking it from her.

  “Yes, I think so,” She stood staring at him.

  “Well, if you change your mind, you can join me on the sofa.” Carl added with a devilish grin.

  “That’s okay, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” January turned and headed for the bedroom.

  January tried to get comfortable under the mounds of blankets she had piled on the bed. She could hear the wind whistle around the cabin outside making the room seem even colder. She did close the door and thought maybe she should have kept it open to get as much warmth from the stove that she could. After several attempts at trying to get warm she decided to go into the living room and made herself as comfortable as possible in the armed chair. Pulling the foot stool closer she stretched out wrapping the blankets around her tighter.

  Finally after several attempts at trying to get comfortable, she gave up and went into the small kitchen and found the brandy bottle. January had figured it would come in handy on the cold and lonely nights that lied ahead.

  Never figuring it would come in handy to help her sleep. She poured a small glass of the brown liquid and sat down at the table. After several sips she downed the entire glass and poured another one. She sat back in the chair and tried to relax. All the time watching the silhouette laying on her sofa.

  Carl stirred softly and re-adjusted the covers. January watched him move with such ease. “How could he just sleep so calmly while I sit here wishing I were back in Texas.” She cursed to herself.

  The wind continued to howl outside and January shivered at the sound. Taking her glass she strolled back into the kitchen and sat down again at the table.. Turning her head she sat and watched Carl sleeping softly. Or was he really asleep.

  She sat there for better part of the night when she finally tried to make herself more comfortable on the chair beside the sofa. She was dreaming of people whispering all around her and she was trying to run away from them. She could feel herself being moved from the chair, but couldn’t tell if it was a dream or it was actually happening. Although the bare skin she longed to touch held her closely for just a few seconds. And then laid her softly down on the sofa. She moaned in appreciation and settled more comfortably.

  She wasn’t sure what woke her but what ever it was, she jumped from the sofa with a start. Her head pounding furiously as though someone was using a hammer on her head.

  “Good morning sunshine.” Carl observed her movements from across the room.

  “What time is it?” She remarked holding her head in both hands.

  “It’s after nine, are you feeling okay?” Carl strolled toward her offering her a cup of coffee.

  “I’m not sure, how I got on the sofa?” Trying to look up at him but found it hurt too much to do so and only graciously accepted the hot liquid he handed her.

  “You were freezing sitting in that chair. You only had a small blanket over your legs. Are you trying to catch a cold or something? I put you on the sofa. I’m also going to fix that vent in the bed room. It seems the only thing wrong with it is it was never hooked up to the furnace in the first place. Sorry I woke you with all the noise.”

  “So it was you? I could have bet someone was pounding on my head with a hammer.”

  “I’m sorry you feel so bad, maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much last night. How about some eggs and bacon for breakfast?” He smiled.

  “Oh Carl please.” She said running toward the bathroom before she made a mess in the living room floor.

  Carl only laughed and moved out of her way as he watched her run toward the bathroom.

  A few minutes later she decided to run a shower, thinking it would make her feel better. Stepping into the shower she let out a howl that could be heard for miles. Carl rushed into the bathroom seconds later and January was scrambling to get free of the ice cold water that was pouring out of the faucet.

  “What on earth is wrong?” Carl came rushing over to help her.

  “Get away from me.” She pushed at him. “What do you think you’re doing coming into the bathroom when I’m trying to take a shower?”

  “For heaven sake January I thought you were hurt. What were you doing yelling like that?” Carl handed her a towel.

  “I turned on the shower and nothing but cold water was coming out. Why don’t you try it?” She screamed at him, pushing him toward the shower with the water still running.

  “Oh no you don’t little girl. You’ll only get wet yourself if you try that.” He pushed her out the door and onto the bed.

  January laid there shocked from the over powering strength he seemed to have over her. “Carl, don’t you dare touch me!”

  “Touch you! Now why would I want to do that January? Surely your not scared of me? You don’t think that just because your beautiful body only partly covered with a towel, or the fact that we’ve already made love. Or the fact that, I’ve already seen your naked body, or the fact that I’ve flown hundreds of miles to see you has anything but friendship in my mind. Do you? Of course I want to touch you.” He was now screaming himself. “I want desperately to touch you, I want to make love to you until you beg me to stop. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and the only thing I get from you every time I get near you is your wide eyed frightened stare. What do you expect of me. Can’t you tell I’m desperately in love with you? Can’t you tell at all, I’ve wanted you almost from the moment I sat eyes on you? Are you that blind? Are you that cold?” He yelled bending over her.

  “How was I suppose to know you were in love with me after all Kathy was attached to your hip. You were all over her most of the time, I didn’t want to be your mistress I didn’t want to get hurt anymore than I have been. How was I suppose to know how you felt? Read your mind? Well let me tell you something mister. I love you too, but I’ll not play second to anyone or anything ever.” She sat up on the side of the bed and started crying.

  “January?” he said softly. “Did you really mean it? Do you really love me?”

  “Yes,” She cried.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear for so long. I just want to hear you say it. You’ll never be second to anything if you’ll marry me. You’ll always be my number one everything. January, I love you and I want you to marry me, will you marry me?” His voice softened, and he knelt down in front of her. “I love you so much it hurts me inside.” Carl whispered.

  January reached out to touch his heart. He reached up and wipe the tears that had been pouring down her cheek. “I’ll marry you on one or maybe two conditions.” She teased.

  “Anything you say.” Carl kissed her fingers, pulling her to him and wrapping his arms around her.

  “That you reach behind you and hand me my robe, I am freezing. And that you ask my father if you can marry me.” She smiled.

  He got very still “Do people still do that?” He smiled.

  “They do in my family.” She smiled back.

  “Good, because I’ve already asked, and I already got both your Father and your Mother’s blessing.”

  “What are you talking about.” January backed away from him.

  “How do you think I knew where to find you. I flew to Indianapolis and got permission from your Mother and Father to ask you. They are really nice people. I can’t wait for them to meet my Mom and Dad. And since you said you would marry me, my parents will want to fly to Indianapolis to meet yours. Now let me keep you warm, forget the robe, you won’t need it.” He said covering her body with his.


  Janet Muncy born in Indiana where she lived and grew up. Moved to Bloomington, Indiana for seventeen years, where she met and married her late husband Rick the love
of her life and sole mate. They moved to Houston, Texas, where she ran four ladies fitness centers. She has owned several businesses, but enjoys writing more. She is currently retired and living in Florida with her dog Layla.




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