Winning Her Love

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Winning Her Love Page 10

by Hazel Gower

  “Mmm, I don’t want that. What happened to taking me hard?” She ran her hands up and down his muscular chest. “Want me to show you how it’s done?” Circling his neck, she rose up and teased his dick with her wet core.

  Chad’s eyes narrowed, and his hands came to grip her legs as he lined his cock up and pushed home. The force of his thrust had her back hitting hard against the wall. She groaned as he drove in over and over. Her hips propelled forward and each time she stared as his muscles bunched and retracted. God, it was so hot. His pace picked up, and she saw a bead of sweat trail down and she homed in on it, basking in the pleasure of his frenzied onslaught.

  The pressure inside her built, and her body vibrated with the tension she knew would soon snap. The strain of helping hold her own weight was adding to the excitement and tension building high in her body, ready to explode. Chad was grunting, and she knew from that sound he was close. Easing her hands down, she wrapped them around his strong arms, feeling the strain as he pumped into her.

  Gazing up into his vibrant green eyes, his jaw clenched and his forehead wrinkled, she let herself go. He was so gorgeous, and all hers. The dam broke and she fell apart, letting the falling and exploding sensation take over. “Oh God, Chad.” She dug her nails into him, needing an anchor.

  He thrust hard a couple more times before roaring his release. “Laannnaa.”

  They shook together and she could feel his body strain as she forgot to help hold her weight. Groaning, she eased off him and placed her feet down on shaky legs. “That was amazing.”

  Chad toed off his shoes and jeans, naked from the waist down. He gathered her close. “Come on, let’s finish this in bed. We have a whole night without Miss Moo. Let’s enjoy ourselves.”

  Oh, Lana intended to.

  Chapter 6

  From Teammate Brawls to Illegitimate Love Children, Chad Douglas Has Been Busy

  “Fuck.” Chad threw the paper onto the table, the image of him beating the crap out of Tim staring back at him. The picture next to that was of Olivia with her little arms wrapped around him. Further down the article was a picture of him kissing Lana.

  He read the article, and it was one nasty word after another. Grabbing his phone, he dialed his manager. Damage control was needed. As he waited for Brent to answer he glanced back to the bedroom and hoped Lana would sleep a little bit longer so he could sort out the mess before she awoke and begin to worry.

  Chad knew she’d freak when she saw the headlines. Lana may be outspoken, and when she’d been younger, before Olivia, hadn’t minded attention, but now that she had their daughter she stayed away from the limelight and anything that drew attention their way. She wouldn’t be happy with the attention this article would give her and Olivia.

  “Chad, do you want to tell me why I’m staring at a little female version of you and another picture of you making out with the girl’s mother? We’ll start with that first one as from what I’ve read and heard the first has something to do with the latter of those two.” His manager didn’t even say hello or start with small talk, he answered his phone and got straight into it.

  Not eager for Lana to hear what he had to say, Chad walked outside and shut the door. “I should have called you as soon as I found out.”

  “You’re damn right you should have. Now we need to do major damage control.”

  He gulped and ran his fingers through his growing hair. He really needed to shave. “I’m sorry I didn’t call. I’ve been busy.”

  “I think I can see that.”

  “Lana came back from England, and she had a surprise for me.”

  “What! Are you telling me this woman kept your child from you? Did you know about the child?”

  “No, no. It’s not like that. Lana didn’t know I was the father.” He scrubbed his face and took a deep breath. “She was drunk and I took advantage of her. Olivia is the result of that.”

  “Fucking hell. Is she going to press charges? What about the child?”

  “Lana wouldn’t press charges. She…we… Look, I love Lana and...well, when she knows it I’m going to ask her to marry me. The child, my daughter, is named Olivia, and she’s almost three. I’ll be calling my lawyers this week to organize back child support and make sure she gets it in the future. I want this whole shitfest sorted out. I’m willing to talk to the press and do strategic media appearances to clean this mess up. I’ll even play nice with the dickhead Tim.”

  Brent was quiet on the other end. “You’ll need a press conference. You and Tim will need to make nice and tell everyone it was a silly misunderstanding mixed up with the high testosterone after winning a game. Lana and need to come clean about that. Not that you took advantage of her, but that you are with them. I would like for them to be there with you to show they support you and are with you, but you haven’t told me what Lana’s stance is on all this yet.”

  Chad glanced behind him into the kitchen to make sure Lana wasn’t up yet. When he didn’t see her he sat on his outdoor patio setting. “Lana doesn’t want Olivia in the spotlight. Lana herself doesn’t like the limelight. She is not a fan of my reputation. It has already taken me some talking to get her to realize I’m serious about her and not everything she’s seen in the papers is true.”

  Brent sighed. “You need to talk to her before we go ahead. It’s important you’re both on the same page.”

  Chad knew Brent was right, he just wasn’t looking forward to the conversation with Lana. “Fine. Book a press conference. I’ll talk to Lana.”

  “Keep your phone close.” With that he hung up.

  Chad leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. He really wasn’t looking forward to showing Lana the paper or explaining what he would have to do.

  * * * *

  The other side of the bed was cold. Lana wrapped the covers around her naked body and snuggled into the warmth. Chad’s exercise was annoying. Couldn’t he sleep in one morning out of the week? She wanted to wake up and enjoy his warmth, maybe have some morning action.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to go back to sleep and bask in not having to get up and sort out a little miss, but she was too awake. On a groan, she pushed the covers off and jumped out of bed, going to the bathroom and doing her morning business. Feeling refreshed, she went to the chest of drawers and opened the middle one and grabbed one of Chad’s shirts, shoving it on.

  Strolling out of the room, she went in search of Chad. Lana went first to the gym, surprised when he wasn’t in there. Chewing on her lip, she gazed out back. Maybe he was in the pool. As she entered the family room she saw that the back sliding door was open. Going to the door, she went outside.

  Chad sat in a chair, staring at the backyard. His gaze seemed in a far off place. Slowly, she walked to him and sat down on his lap. “Hey, what’s up? You seem deep in thought.”

  He shook his head and his eyes rested on hers. “Go get the paper on the kitchen table and come back to me please.”

  The please had her easing off him and padding across the concrete, going back inside to get the paper. The paper was spread out on the table, and she rolled it up and went back to her spot on Chad’s lap.

  Staring up at him, she nibbled on her lips nervously. “Is there something you want to tell me before I open this?”

  He shrugged. “I work in the public eye. Everything I do is watched. I should have done something so it didn’t come out like this.” He stroked her cheek. “I’m sorry.”

  Lana felt her breath hitch, and she nodded. Unrolling the paper, she gasped as the front page headline became visible.

  From Teammate Brawls to Illegitimate Love Children, Chad Douglas Has Been Busy

  There were two big pictures beside each other. One of Olivia in Chad’s arms after the game, beaming at him. The image beside that one was of Chad gripping Tim’s shirt and his fist about to connect. Lana didn’t want to read the article; she knew she wouldn’t like what it said. But the bottom of the page caught her attention, there was a small pho
to of her and Chad kissing. Under the image was her name and that she worked at Pick a Bunch. Dreading it, she read the article, cringing at the words gold digger, lying, pursuing, and new friend to the family.

  Lana felt sick. What would it do for her job? Would Ann be angry the business had been mentioned? What would this do to her and Olivia?

  She needed to get to Olivia. Getting off of Chad’s lap, she ran back to the bedroom and gathered her clothes, shoving them on. Chad came in as she struggled with her shoes. Giving up, she placed them in her hands. Shooting her gaze up to Chad, she walked toward the door. “We need to go to your parents’ now. I need to get my baby. I need to go home. I need to call Ann. I need to—”

  “Stop. You need to stop. Olivia is fine with Mum and Dad. Our daughter is safe.” His arms came around her.

  Lana stayed stiff in his embrace and gazed up at him. “It was the front page.” Her whole world felt like it was crashing down. “What will everyone think?”

  Chad pulled her tighter into him. “Oh, angel, I’m so sorry.” He used his thumb to wipe the tears that now slid down her cheeks. He guided her to the bed and they both got on and sat up. Chad held her against him, stroking her back. “I called my manager. He’s going to help with damage control. My phone has a bunch of missed calls, but it’s you I want to talk to and make sure you know what will happen and know how I feel.”

  Taking in deep breaths of his fresh, woodsy smell, she sighed. “I’m listening. I’m calmer.”

  “Good. Lana, I will have to tell them about Olivia. We need to figure out what you want said about her and us.” He tilted her chin so she looked at him. “I want to say we are together now. I want to tell them you and my baby girl will be moving in. I want everyone to know how I feel about you.” Chad kissed the tip of her nose.

  Lana felt her heart start to race and a warmth spread through her at Chad’s words. “You can tell them we are together. I’m scared about what we say about Olivia.” Sitting up, she knelt in front of him. “I’m so embarrassed I got so inebriated that I blacked out and don’t remember that night. I sound so slutty that I don’t even remember the night my daughter was conceived.”

  “Lana, we won’t tell them about that night. It’s no one’s business but ours. I was thinking of telling people that you went away with your family before you realized you were pregnant, and we talked and kept in contact. You decided to come back after finishing your course and are ready to give us being together a chance. I don’t think more needs to be said about the past. What do you think?”

  What he’d said didn’t sound bad. “You would lie for me?”

  He brushed his lips over hers, and a shiver ran through her at his gentle touch. “I would do anything for you.” He swept back some of her hair that had fallen forward, and her breath hitched at his words. Her heart soared, and she knew she still loved him with everything she had.

  “Do you need me there with you at this press conference?”

  Chad pulled her so she straddled him and his mouth took hers. His fingers delved into her hair, bringing her closer. Drowning in the feel of Chad, she eagerly took what he offered, rubbing herself against him. When he eased his mouth from hers and rested his forehead against hers he panted, “I always need you. I would really appreciate you and Olivia being there.”

  Lana knew how important this was. She could face this for Chad. “Sure. Olivia and I will be there.”

  * * * *

  Lana clutched her daughter against her, hoping if she held her that they wouldn’t be pushed further into the flashing camera lights. At the moment Chad and Tim were playing nice. They were smiling for the camera and answering questions.

  “Chad, were you marking your territory?”

  “Tim, are you and Lana Cage having a relationship behind Chad’s back?”

  “Since Chad is the bigger name, will you be moving to another team, Tim?”

  “Chad, will you be taking time off?”

  The questions kept firing until they were solely about her, Olivia, and Chad. Brent moved her forward, and she gripped Olivia tighter and told herself to breathe. Chad came over and pulled the chair out for her to sit down before he sat in the one next to her.

  As soon as they came into the limelight Olivia turned shy and Lana froze, terrified when Olivia flung herself across to Chad and buried herself against him, hiding. The cameras went crazy. Chad’s arms came around their daughter and he slowed his explanation down of what had happened and how Olivia had come to be.

  Lana gazed up and avoided the crowd. She couldn’t look at them with her heart feeling like it might stop beating. They all seemed focused on them now, and they were the center of attention. It wasn’t fun. Chad told them the situation and what had happened. The media was nasty, and they all seemed to make her out to be the baddy. Like she had intentionally kept Olivia from him, nagged him to date her, that she only became friends with the Douglases to get to know Chad, and so on.

  Questions flew around like crazy and Chad answered them. Lana’s heart sank with each well placed nasty question. She told herself to ignore them. She knew if she listened she would only get more upset. That much she was learning. One reporter call her a gold digger, another ask if she planned Olivia to get child support out of Chad. Lana pasted a smile on her face and dug her fingers into the seat, needing an anchor.

  Chad was a pro at answering and avoiding the more prying questions. Lana worried for Olivia, and she knew after this she would never let her or her daughter be put through this again. Olivia slowly came out of hiding and watched her father.

  Lana was shocked when an obviously blind reporter at the front asked, “Have you done a DNA test? Is Olivia yours?”

  Chad raised his eyebrow. “I think you need to go to the optometrist. Clearly there is something wrong with your eyes. My daughter looks just like me.”

  Olivia stuck her head out and gave her best furrowed brow, angry look. “I dos. My grandma showed me a picture of Daddy and he looks like me. He would be a pretty girl. Just like my grandma said.”

  Everyone laughed, and Chad chuckled. “Thanks, princess.”

  Lana bit the inside of her cheek to stop from giggling as her gorgeous baby girl continued. She stood up on her father’s legs and put her forehead to his. “Wes have the same eyes too. See.”

  Everyone laughed again, and Lana couldn’t hold back her giggle. The logic of an almost three year old—she didn’t realize people couldn’t see their eyes when she was staring at her dad like she was.

  Chad held Olivia so she didn’t fall. He kissed her forehead and eased her away, turning her. She faced everyone now and beamed the smile she gave when she was right about something.

  Grinning at her daughter, Lana felt her courage appear. If her daughter could stick up for herself, Lana could stand up to the media. She turned to the reporter who had asked the questions. “I think my daughter has answered all your questions.” Lana had had enough. They’d been there for a couple of hours. First getting prepared, next as everyone introduced themselves, and then the explanations and questions. It was time to finish. Lana wanted to take her family home. Enough was enough. “Okay, last couple of questions. Chad has answered enough, so make them count. It’s time we go.”

  Chad stood and held out his hand. The other clung to Olivia as she wrapped her arms tight around her father. Lana got up and slid her fingers together with Chad’s.

  Chad nodded to his manager who pointed to a woman at the back. Lana followed where he pointed and felt relief when she saw it was Steph. “How long have you known the Douglases, Lana?”

  Lana tried not to roll her eyes at the question, because Steph damn well knew how long she’d known them. “Sixteen years. I have been best friends with Stephanie Douglas since kindergarten.”

  Chad’s manager pointed to someone else in the back, and Lana decided she liked Brent as Lockie winked at her before he said, “Since you have arrived back in Australia have you asked Chad out on a date? Have you called him to pu
rsue him even once? Actually, have you ever asked him out?”

  What the hell game was Lockie playing? She narrowed her gaze on Lockie before turning to Chad to see if he expected her to answer. Chad nodded. Okay. Lana had no idea what angle they were going for, but she supposed they knew what they were doing. She thought back to even before Olivia was born, and she had never once done any of what Lockie asked. She may have the night she conceived Olivia, but she didn’t remember that, so did it count? Lana didn’t think so since they weren’t talking about that night and she didn’t remember it.

  “Nope. No, I haven’t done any of those things.” Lana studied Chad now and kinda felt guilty.

  Brent smirked. “Last question.” He pointed again to the back.

  Lana sighed when Chad’s mother spoke. “Have you denied Chad, or any of his family members, access to Olivia?”

  Lana tried not to cry as she figured out what they were doing. “No, I haven’t. I never will.” Lana meant that. If she’d known Olivia was Chad’s she would have moved back to Australia as soon as she found out.

  Chad leaned down and kissed her. Olivia giggled in his arms, and when he pulled away he smiled at the media. The Douglas family now stood on stage and gathered around them.

  “Thank you all for coming. I feel we have answered all your questions. My family and I will be going now. I’d appreciate it if you would respect our privacy.” Chad turned his back, and Brent stepped forward, talking to the bunch. Lana happily followed Chad, eager to get out of there.

  * * * *

  After the press conference, they’d all gone back to Chad’s parents’ house, ordered a bunch of take-out, and had a family night. Lana basked in the feeling of family and love that surrounded her and felt so blessed that Olivia had the same.


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