Winning Her Love

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Winning Her Love Page 12

by Hazel Gower

  “Mummy, you’re all red.”

  Lana looked down at Olivia, horrified she’d pointed out her flushed cheeks. “Mummy is just a bit hot this morning.”

  Charles chuckled and Catharine whacked him. “Leave the poor girl alone.” She glared at her sons. “Go put some clothes on, boys.”

  Steph strolled in. “Argh, yeah, before I hurl.” She sat next to Lana. “What time do you have to be at work?”

  Lana had almost forgotten about work. “I have the day off. I was going to pick Chad up at lunchtime, but your parents said he got an earlier flight.”

  “I have night shifts all week, but I made sure I got this weekend off. Is Chad looking after Olivia?”

  Lana racked her brain for what Steph was talking about then groaned as she remembered they’d organized a big girl’s only night. “Crap. I’ll ask hi—”

  “We’ll take her,” Catharine said. “I was going to ask you if I could have her later in the afternoon anyway. A friend has given me her tickets they had for Disney On Ice. They couldn’t make it.”

  Lana noticed that Olivia now sat in a booster seat next to Lockie and Owen, who hadn’t bothered to get clothes. She shoved food in her mouth, but at the mention of Disney her eyes lit up.

  “Are you sure? You’re looking after her an awful lot, and I would hate to put you out.”

  “Nonsense.” Charles waved at her. “She is our grandbaby, and we love having her.”

  Catharine nodded in agreement with what her husband had said.

  “Okay, but if she gets to be too much, call me or Chad.”

  Steph grinned and nudged her. “I’m looking forward to a girl’s night.”

  Lana nodded, but she wasn’t looking forward to a girl’s night. She’d been hoping to spend a relaxing weekend with Chad and their daughter.

  * * * *

  Chad couldn’t wait to get back to his family. He’d missed Olivia and he was eager to feel Lana against him. Since starting the relationship with Lana he’d barely slept a night without her snuggled into his side. These last two weeks though, he’d been on the road, home a whole of three days and two nights. He was missing his girls like crazy, so instead of coming home this afternoon he’d gotten an earlier flight so he could spend some much needed time with them.

  The hour and half flight seemed triple that length as he counted down the minutes until he could hold his baby girl in his arms and kiss his woman. The guys had ripped into him this morning when he’d told them he was leaving early. They all thought he was pussy whipped. Chad didn’t give a fuck what his friends thought. He loved Lana, and Olivia was his whole world, so if that made him pussy whipped then he happily was.

  Lana and Olivia had stayed at his parents’ house this weekend and she had today off work. He wanted to take his girls out and enjoy the outdoors. He stood in line at airport security, eager to get through, grab his luggage, and find a taxi. Taking his shoes and belt off, he deposited them, along with his phone, in the crate provided and moved through the metal detector. Putting his shoes and belt on, he put his phone in his pocket and walked out into the arrivals area.

  “Daddy, Daddy.” Olivia ran to him and threw herself at him. Lana followed after her with a smile on her face.

  Lifting his daughter up, he kissed both her cheeks and hugged her. “Hey, princess. What are you and your mum doing here? I was going to come home early and surprise you.” Gathering Lana into his embrace, he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “Hi, angel.”

  Lana snuggled into him, wrapping her arms around him.

  Olivia giggled. “Granddad told us. Mummy and me wanted to be with you so bad. So we came and got you.”

  “I’m so happy you did. I missed my girls.”

  “We missed you too. Guess what?”

  “What, princess?” He walked with them over to the luggage carrousel.

  Olivia bounced in his arms with excitement. “Mummy and I’s stayed at Grandma’s and Granddad’s house. Did you knows Uncle Locks and Uncle Owe only wear boxers? Aunt Steph said it’s gross. I told her yous don’t wear boxers.”

  Lana groaned and buried her head against his chest. Tilting her chin up, he saw Lana was bright red.

  “Mummy is red again. She’s beened red all morning too.”

  Lana closed her eyes and Chad chuckled. “Your daughter is a blabbermouth. Do you know when we finished eating, before your brothers went to work, she told them that they didn’t have to get dressed because you never did. That when you’re home I like rubbing your chest and kissing it.”

  Kissing his daughter, he laughed.

  Lana whacked him. “It’s not funny. I was mortified she’d said that in front of your brothers and sister, but your parents were there too.”

  He was laughing so hard he almost missed his bag as it came around the carrousel. Putting Olivia down, he picked his bag up. Lana picked Olivia up and he held Lana’s hand. “Let’s go.” They walked toward the exit.

  “I’m parked in the left car park at the top.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “I brought your car. I hope you don’t mind. I just thought your SUV would be more comfortable than my little car.”

  “No problem. I’m glad. You can drive my cars whenever you want. I got them insured so you could drive them not long after I found out about Olivia.”

  They came to the lift and Olivia pressed the button. When the door opened they got in. Another couple and some older ladies got in as well. Olivia pressed the numbers for everyone.

  When they got out of the lift Lana dug the keys from her purse. “Here are your keys.” She placed them in his hands, but he put them back in hers.

  “You drive. I’m fine to sit and relax.”

  Lana smiled and they walked to his dark blue SUV. She pressed the open button on the remote and he placed his bag in the boot as Lana put Olivia in her car seat. Before Lana could get into the driver’s seat he captured her and gathered her to him, planting his lips on hers. His tongue came out to trace her lips before seeking entry to taste and tangle its counterpart.

  A car horn honked and on a sigh he separated. “I missed you.”

  Lana’s whole face lit up. Her eyes shone with happiness, and her smile was huge. “Good, because I missed you like crazy, and Olivia might even have been worse. Let’s get in the car before she gets upset.”

  He nodded and opened the passenger door, slipping in. As Lana started the car, he looked behind him at his daughter and back to the woman he loved and knew he was one lucky man.

  * * * *

  After going home to put his bag away and shower, they changed and got ready for a day at the beach. It was starting to get cooler, so it was too cold to swim but sunny enough to build sandcastles and have a small dip in the water.

  Chad never realized having a child you would need so many things just to go to the beach. Lana packed towels, extra clothes, sunscreen, hat, rash vest, a rug to sit on, a big shade umbrella, snacks, water, and buckets and spades to dig in the sand.

  “How on earth did you carry all this stuff without me?” He glanced at Lana who held the snack food, a bag with towels and clothes, and Olivia’s hand while he juggled the rest.

  “I used to have a wagon that I put it in, but most of the time I never went to the beach alone. My sister, Mum, or a friend would help. The beaches are different in England. I’m used to this weather and hotter temperatures, so I always thought it was way too cold to swim over there. Olivia did swimming lessons at the local pool. If I wanted to go for a swim, we went there.”

  They found a spot on the sand, and he helped Lana set up. Olivia ran around them, excited to be at the beach.

  “Olivia has done some swimming lessons?” He sat on the rug she unfolded.

  Lana undid the umbrella and dug the stick end into the sand as she set everything up. “Yeah, she used to go twice a week. She started a year ago. Now that we’re a bit more settled in here, I’ll have to organize lessons for her.” She sat on the rug. “Olivia, come here and let me put some ex
tra sunscreen on you.”

  Olivia ran over to Lana and jumped on her. “Mummy, I’m going to build the biggest castles.”

  Lana nodded as she fixed the hat on Olivia’s head and put sunscreen in her hand, then slavered it on their daughter who wriggled and squirmed, eager to get back to the sand she was digging in. Lana wiped her hands on a towel, and as soon as Olivia got the okay she ran off to dig in the sand.

  Gathering Lana to him, he hugged her. She wrapped her arms around him as they watched Olivia. “I’ll have to find a place that does private lessons or works on Sundays. I may get lucky and find one for her age group that is on when I have my two afternoons off.”

  Chad smiled as he looked at Olivia. She was covered in sand, but she didn’t seem to mind, she had a huge grin on her face as she filled her bucket and turned it over, patting it. He loved spending time with Lana and Olivia. “I could organize and take Olivia to swimming lessons. I have time.” He did. The only times he wouldn’t be able to take her was when he was away. Chad was sure his brothers or parents could take her when he couldn’t.

  Lana gazed up at him. “I don’t know, Chad. What about when you’re away like you’ve been these last couple of weeks? Olivia would love you taking her, but she would get upset when you couldn’t because of your work. She’s too young to understand why she would have to miss out.”

  “Lockie works afternoons. He doesn’t start until after lunch. Owen sets his own times, and there is also Alex and Steph. I’m sure they’d help when I can’t do it. If not them, you know my parents would, they adore Olivia.”

  “It’s a lot to ask. They have to be in the water with her. She will climb all over them. The lessons go for an hour.” She chuckled. “Plus, I don’t think it would be fair to the other mothers if you and your brothers took her.”

  “What! Why?” He narrowed his gaze on her.

  Lana giggled and her cheeks turned a pretty red. She was so beautiful, and if his daughter wasn’t squealing with laughter a couple of inches from them he’d show her just what she did to him. “Oh, honey, let’s just say that the children would probably drown and the class would be triple the size the following week.”

  What on earth was she talking about? “Would the other women be embarrassed to have a man in the class?”

  Lana’s giggle turned into a laugh. “No.” She shook her head. “I’m just saying that one Douglas man is enough for women to see in his swimmers, more than one is…” She turned a deeper red and faced away from him.

  Turning her head back to him, he leaned down and kissed her, lingering a moment. “I better be the only Douglas man for you.”

  Her hands moved up and her fingers stroked his cheek. “Oh, I’m more than happy with you.” Her fingers trailed down and she grinned when they rubbed over his abs. “But I am only human, and your brothers are amazing soak-your-panties, forget-you-have-children eye candy.”

  He growled and came over her. “I’m the only one for you. You’ll not be looking at my brothers again. They need to bloody well make sure they always wear clothes around you.”

  Lana squealed with laughter. “Olivia, Olivia, come save me. Daddy is getting me.”

  A second later a scream resonated the air and a little body slammed onto his back, giggling as she fought him. Reaching around, he grabbed his little monster and placed her against her mother, they were both laughing.

  Lana backed up and stood. “Come on, baby girl. Let’s get away before the daddy monster gets us.” She placed Olivia on the ground and they ran off giggling.

  Jumping to his feet, he ran after his girls.

  * * * *

  Chad was having a guy’s night with his mates while Lana stayed at her friend’s house for a girl’s night. Olivia was spending the night with Chad’s parents, and they were taking her to Disney On Ice.

  Lana had arrived at Mary’s early, and all six of them had gotten ready together and were now dancing at the third and last club before they went home. The music blasted out of the speaker and Lana danced, swaying and gyrating to the rhythm. Steph and their friends—Vanessa, Mary, Haley, and Rebecca—were doing the same, all giggling and laughing as man after man came up to them and was turned away. Tonight was girl’s night, and no guy was getting in the way. They screamed as one of their favorite songs came on, and they took their shoes off and really got into the music.

  They were all trashed. All of them had ordered every alcoholic, fruity drink they could, and when one of them mentioned a guy’s name they had to do a shot. It was easier for Mary and Vanessa as they didn’t have boyfriends or brothers. Lana was so drunk she could hardly see in front of her, she’d been made to do shot after shot each time she said Chad’s name. She hadn’t drunk like this since before Olivia was born. The club they were in was closing, and Lana stumbled as she slipped into her heels and swerved as she followed her friends out of the club.

  The line to get a taxi was crazy. They’d be waiting for hours. “Fuck, we’ll be waiting for ages,” Steph grumbled. She fumbled in her bra, pulling out her phone. “I’ma gonna call’s peoples to picks us up.”

  Lana laughed and swayed as Steph fumbled and dropped her phone. Rebecca pulled her phone out too. Lana followed suit, squinting as the screen lit up. She called the last person she talked to and waited as it rang. Just as she was about to give up a groggy voice answered.

  “Hello.” Chad sounded so sexy as he mumbled sleepily.

  “I’m sorrys to wakes yous but wes need a lift. The taxi line is wayyy long.”

  “Lana, it’s twenty to four. I thought you were out having a girl’s only night and staying at a friend’s house.”

  “I am. I’ve had so much fun.”

  “That’s good.” He sounded more awake now. “Where are you? I’m getting dressed to come and get you.”

  Lana looked around her and tried to remember the club’s name. It was club number three. The one that stayed open the latest. They shouldn’t have been let in as they were already too drunk, but their boobs had got them in with the bouncer. “Kickers, bys the water. We ares out the fronts.”

  “Stay there. That’s not far from our house. I’m about five minutes away. How many are with you?”

  Lana counted a couple of times before she finally said, “Six.”

  “I’m calling a friend, Matt or Bob, and they’ll help. I’m going to park and come to you. See you soon.”

  “Aha, sees ya. Loves ya.”

  “Love you too.”

  She hung up and turned to everyone. “Chad’s fives away.”

  Rebecca swayed and nodded. “Cools, no ones answered when I calleded.”

  Steph shook on her feet as she stared at her broken phone. “I’d broke my phone. Wes all won’t fit in Chad’s though.”

  Lana’s head felt so light, her body swayed. “He’s bringing a friend to helps.”

  They stood waiting for Chad, swaying on the spot and chatting about stuff they did tonight when a couple of guys came over to them. She thought she recognized them as some of the men she’d turned down in the club. A hand came around her shoulder and even drunk Lana felt her skin crawl. She stumbled and moved away from the guy.

  “Hey, babe, we got a lift picking us up. Do you want a lift?” The guy next to her would be okay looking if he didn’t look so disheveled and reek of smoke and alcohol.

  “No. Wes have a lifts. My boyfriend is comings.”

  “Oh, come on, babe. He mustn’t be very good if he lets you out looking like this.”

  Lana stumbled back, cringing as the guy touched her breasts. Steph stumbled toward them as Vanessa and Mary battled men of their own. “Leave her alone.” Steph got right up in the guy’s face.

  Lana looked around for the bouncers who were at the taxi rank and two were at the doors talking. Her mind filled with fog. She slipped off her shoes, knowing she couldn’t walk to the bouncer with her high heels. Squinting her eyes, Lana took a step toward the bouncers, but a hard grip on her arm stopped her.

babe, stay. Come with me.”

  Getting scared, she started fighting and hoped the bouncers would come over and help.

  * * * *

  This late at night Chad had gotten a car park straightaway. He knew Matt wouldn’t be too far behind him so he went to go get his Lana and wait for Matt. But the sight that greeted him when he found her had him fuming and his blood boiling. Lana and his sister were fighting a guy who held Lana. Another two guys were in a fight with bouncers and Lana and Steph’s other friends.

  He ran to Lana and ripped the man off her. He reeked of alcohol and smoke. “Want to tell me what the fuck you’re doing to my girlfriend?”

  The guy looked up at him, shocked. “I thought she was lying. I mean, what guy would let her go out looking like that?”

  Chad counted to three slowly to control his temper and stop himself from beating the crap out of the man in front of him. He didn’t look at Lana because he knew he wouldn’t like what she was wearing, but even if she wasn’t with him, she had a right to wear whatever she wanted and not get shit for it by this idiot. “Look, fuckwit, be quiet and I’ll let you walk away. I’m going to put you down, and then I’m taking my girlfriend and her friends home.”

  The guy’s eyes widened and Chad groaned as a light in his eyes grew bright. “You’re Chad Douglas.”

  Chad let go of him and backed away. He didn’t need trouble, and usually when he got recognized it went one of two ways—the guy forgot about what happened and was happy to meet him, or the guy wanted to fight so he could get money out of him or just say that he’d fought with Chad Douglas. “Look man, I just want to get my girlfriend and go.”

  The guy poked his chest. “You lost me a thousand bucks last year when you helped take out the Dingos.”

  Chad groaned, because he knew this wasn’t going to end well. He could feel Lana at his back and knew his sister would be close too. He couldn’t get into a fight with this guy. “Sorry you lost money, but you shouldn’t have bet against me.” Scanning the now gathered crowd, he looked for Matt, hoping he’d arrived.

  Matt barreled through the crowd and Chad relaxed. Matt reached his side, grinning at him, and winked. “Lana, Steph, I’ve come to help.”


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