Cushman, Susan, 33, 40–41, 44
Daly, Augustin, 121, 150
Damon, Matt, 196, 197
Dandridge Sisters, 157
Danes, Claire, 177
Darwin, Charles, 122
Davenport, Edward L., 97
Davidge, William, 121
Davis, Jefferson, 111, 116
Day-Lewis, Daniel, 183
Days of the Commune, The (Brecht), xvi–xvii
Decius, xxii
Dee, Ruby, 202
Defense of Marriage Act, 195
Delacorte Theater, xvi, 214, 219
Julius Caesar at, xvi–xxix, 200, 203–20
Delta Air Lines, 210–11
de Mille, Agnes, 157
democracy, xvi, xvii, xix, xxvii–xxviii, 138, 206, 218, 220
Fairness Doctrine and, xxviii–xxix
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), x, 60
Democrats, 62, 69, 218
Dent, Emma, 26
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 122
Desdemona, 1–4, 8–14, 17–20, 24–26, 30, 31, 47
Devlin, Mary, 41
DiCaprio, Leonardo, 177
DiGiacomo, Frank, 197
Disney, Walt, 157
diversity, 202–3
divorce, 155, 170
Dixon, George Washington, 59
Doctors’ Riot, 58
domestic violence, 166, 169
Douglass, Frederick, 68
Drake, Alfred, 148
Drama League of America, 138–39
Drama Society, 122
Duncan (Macbeth), 65, 66, 112, 117–18
Duncan, Isadora, 141
Duyckinck, Evert, 69
Edgar, 99
Edinburgh Theatre, 50–51
Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt), xiv
Elderkin, J. D., 26
Ellis Island, 123
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 100
Emilia, 40
Emma (Austen), 186
English language, 129
Esquire, 151
Eustis, Oskar, xvi–xxix, 204, 206, 212–13, 217–20
Evans, Andrew Browne, 166
Facebook, 212, 213, 218
Fagan, Bridget, 49
Fairness Doctrine, xxviii–xxix
Falstaff, 96, 97, 98, 101, 107, 125
Faludi, Susan, 181
Farnham, Marynia F., 154–55
Farren, George, 58–59
Farren Riot, 58, 59
fascism, xix, xx
Faux, William, 13
FBI, 212, 214, 218
Federal Communications Commission, xxviii–xxix
Ferguson, William J., 99
Fiennes, Joseph, 183
Finkelpearl, Tom, 212
Finnish War Relief Fund, 152
First Amendment, 102
Fiske, John, 124
Flavius, xxi
Fletcher, George, 44–45
Fletcher, John, 149
Flour Riots, 58
Folger Shakespeare Library, 145–47
Fontanne, Lynn, 150–52, 158, 160
Ford, Henry Clay, 106
Ford, John T., 108, 115
Ford’s Theatre, 97, 99, 103, 106
Forney, John W., 113
Forrest, Edwin, 36–37, 39–40, 51–54, 58, 59, 63–66, 69–70, 72, 76, 77, 97–99, 113
Fort Monroe, 89
Fort Sumter, 102
Foster, Gloria, 202
Founding Fathers, ix
Fox, 209, 216–17
Fox, Richard Wightman, 117
Fox & Friends, 209–10
Freeman, Bud, 157
Free Shakespeare in the Park, see Delacorte Theater
free speech, 217, 218
French, Benjamin Brown, 116
Friar Lawrence, 32, 104
From Manassas to Appomattox (Longstreet), 30–31
Frontier Gal, 166
Fruits of Amalgamation, The (Clay), xxxii, 18
Furness, Howard H., 132
Gallup polls, 187
Garrett, John, 110
Gayley, Charles Mills, 134–35
gay relationships, 40, 179–82, 188, 193–97
Gedney, George W., 49
“General Macbeth” (McCarthy), xiv
German University League, 141
Germany, Nazi, xix–xx, 215
Gibson, Mel, 177
Gigliotti, Donna, 174
Gilbert, Robert, xviii
Gilded Age, xiv
Gingrich, Newt, xxix
Ginsberg, Ruth Bader, xv
Gioia, Dana, 203
Gladiator, The, 53
Globe Theatre, 221
Goebbels, Joseph, 215
Goodman, Benny, 157
Grant, Julia, 31
Grant, Ulysses S., 22, 25–27, 30–31, 46, 47, 100, 111
Great Britain, 38–39, 46
Green, Jesse, 206
Greenberg, Amy S., 29
Greenblatt, Stephen, xv, xvi
Greene, William H., 88
Greet, Ben, 121
Griffin, Kathy, 205
Grover, Leonard, 97
Grover’s Theatre, 97
Guthrie, Tyrone, 122
Guthrie Theater, Melrose’s production of Julius Caesar at, 206–7, 210, 211
Guy Mannering (Scott), 91
Hackett, James, 20–21, 51, 86, 96–98, 101, 112–13
Hakluyt, Richard, 146
Hal, Prince, 98
Hale, Edward Everett, 133
Hamblin, Mrs., 34
Hamblin, Thomas, 58, 59, 63
Hamlet, ix, 34, 47, 50–51, 87, 93, 97, 107–9, 202
“The School Boy Hamlet” (Mori), xii–xiii
Hamlet, xi, xviii, 50–54, 64, 86, 87, 95, 114, 116, 121
film of, 177
“G.I. Hamlet,” xiii
Hammerstein, Oscar, 156, 163
Hammond, James Henry, 18–19
Hanks, Dennis, 88
Hannity, Sean, xxix, 216–17
Harper’s Magazine, 129
Hart, Gertrude, 31
Hay, John, 94–98
Haymarket Theatre, 32, 33, 44
Hays, Alexander, 22
Hays, Matilda, 41
“Heart of the Race, The” (Gayley), 135
Heldon, Edward, 192–93
Hellenic Union, 141
Henry, Gregg, xviii, xxi, xxiii
Henry IV, 64, 86, 97
Henry IV, King, 98
Henry V, ix, x, 143
film of, 177
Henry V, King, 86, 107
Henry VI, 53, 95, 98
Henry VIII, 64, 86
Henry VIII, King, 53
Herndon, William, 88, 89
Highbrow/Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America (Levine), 78
Hill, Anita, 181
Holinshed, Raphael, Chronicles of, 117
Holland, Joseph, xix
Hollywood, 176–77, 181
Holmes, Mary Ann, 90, 92
Home Journal, 61
Homeland, xviii
homosexual relationships, 179–82
Hoover, Herbert, 145
Horatio, 50, 51, 109
Hotspur, 86, 108–9
Huckabee, Mike, 210
Hunter, James Davison, 201
“Hunting a Mythical Pall-Bearer” (Conway), 192–93
Iago, 9, 13, 14, 24, 25
Illustrated London News, 43–44
Immigrants, The (MacKaye), 137
Immigrants in America Review, 137
ion, 121–47
literacy tests for, 128–30, 131, 145
Lodge and, 127–31
quotas for, 145, 147
Immigration Act (1916), 141
Immigration Commission, 131
Immigration Restriction League, 124, 131, 134, 138
income inequality and class warfare, 49–80
Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 19
Inside Edition, 205, 212
Instagram, 212
“In the Old Churchyard at Fredericksburg” (Loring), 192
Irish Catholics, 93
Irish Famine, 62
Irving, Washington, 69
Isaacson, Barry, 182
ISIS, 214
Italy, xix
Ivanhoe (Scott), 86
Jack Cade, 53
Jackson, Andrew, 5, 37
Jacksonian democracy, 37
Jacques, 125
James, Henry, 77
James, Nikki M., xviii
Japanese Americans, xii–xiii, 136, 155
Jews, 124, 128, 130, 161
in Nazi Germany, xx
Jolie, Angelina, 187
Jones, James Earl, 202
Jones, Julia, 208
Jones, Paula, 189–90
Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838–1839 (Kemble), 21
Judd, Ashley, 186
Julia, Raul, 202
Juliet, 2, 5, 32, 33, 35, 40–41, 44
Julius Caesar, xviii, xxv–xxvi, 64, 75, 84–86, 92–94, 101–4, 106, 110, 116, 117, 121, 127, 221
Antony in, xvii, xviii, xx–xxii, xxvi–xxvii, 101, 104, 207, 219
Booths in, 82
Brutus in, xvi–xviii, xix, xxii, xxiv–xxvii, 85, 92, 94, 97, 101, 104, 106, 110, 114–16, 207, 219
Caesar in, xvii, xix–xxiii, xxv–xxvii, 101, 104, 106, 116
Caesar in, and Trump, xviii, xx–xxiv, xxix, 204–6, 209–20
Casca in, xviii, xxii–xxiv, 215
Cassius in, xvi–xviii, xxii, xxiv, xxvii, 92, 101, 104, 206, 219
at Delacorte Theater, xvi–xxix, 200, 203–20
Melrose’s production of, 206–7, 210, 211
Octavius in, xvii, xviii, xx, 219
Welles’s production of, xviii–xx
Kahn, Otto, 139, 141
Kamps, Ivo, 201
Katherine, 149–52, 156, 159, 161, 163–70
Kean, Charles, 33
Kean, Edmund, 5
Kelly, Lydia, 34
Kelso, John, 88
Kemble, Charles, 4, 5
Kemble, Fanny, 3–8, 12–14, 33, 69
Adams and, 6–8, 13, 20, 21
Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838–1839, 21
Kemble, John Philip, 4, 5, 10, 33
Kent, James, 19–20
Kimball, Roger, 201
King, Rodney, 208
King John, 28, 64, 89, 116
King Lear, 7, 53, 64, 84, 86, 89, 99, 107
Lear in, 2, 99, 100, 116
Kingsland, Ambrose, 78
Kinsey Report, 163
Kiss Me, Kate, 148, 152, 155–72
spanking scene in, 148, 165–66, 170
Klawans, Stuart, 198
Knortz, Karl, x
Knowles, James Sheridan, The Wife, 24, 31
Know-Nothings, 92–93
Kovaleski, Serge, xxiv
Kushner, Jared, 79
Kushner, Tony, 181
labor, xiv
Ladies’ Home Journal, 154
Lafarge Hotel, 103
Lafayette Circus, 55
Lafayette Theater, 142
Lamon, Ward Hill, 113–14
Laugel, Auguste, 99–100
Lawrence, Friar, 32, 104
Lawrence, William, 127
Lear, King, 2, 99, 100, 116
Lee, Canada, 122
Lee, Robert E., 100, 111
Lee, Sidney, 133–34
Left/Right divide, xxv, 201–21
Leighton, Margaret, 33
Leontes, 107
lesbian, use of term, 40
Lessons in Elocution (Scott), x, 86–87, 121
Levine, Lawrence, 78
Lewinsky, Monica, 189–90, 196–97
Lewis, Mrs., 34
Lewisohn Stadium, 139, 142
liberalism, xix
Library of America, xiv
Lincoln, Abraham, x, xiii, xviii, 21, 85–90, 94–102, 111–14, 146
assassination of, xiii, 83–85, 96, 104, 106, 108, 109, 111, 113–18
education of, 85, 86
habeas corpus suspended by, 102
Hay and, 94–98
nightmare of, 113–14
reelection of, 101, 102
slaves emancipated by, 102, 105, 117
speeches of, 94, 104–6
theatergoing of, 96–100
on trip to Richmond, 111–13
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 99, 113–14
Lincoln, Tad, 99, 100, 111
Lincoln, Willie, 89–90, 94, 96
Lincoln’s Body (Fox), 117
Lindsay, Robert, 186
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 127–31, 133, 134, 204
Longstreet, James, 25, 26, 30–31
Loring, Frederick Wadsworth, 192
Los Angeles, CA, 208
Los Angeles Times, 136
Lost Cause, The: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates (Pollard), 109, 110
Lucius, xxvi
Luhrmann, Baz, 177
Lundberg, Ferdinand, 154–55
Lunt, Alfred, 150–52, 158, 160
lynchings, 128
Macbeth, xiii–xv, xviii, xix, 49, 53, 63–69, 72, 73, 84–86, 89, 95–97, 106, 112–13, 116–18, 121
Banquo in, 64, 65, 114
Duncan in, 65, 66, 112, 117–18
Lady Macbeth in, 34, 35, 44, 84, 91–92, 114, 127
Macbeth in, 19, 35, 64–65, 69, 85, 90, 107, 108, 111, 113, 114, 118
Macduff in, 65
Malcolm in, 112
Macduff, 65
MacKaye, Percy, 137
Caliban by the Yellow Sands, 120, 122–23, 137–45
The New Citizenship, 137, 138
“A Prayer of the Peoples,” 140
Macready, William, 33, 36–38, 49–57, 63–72, 76
Madden, John, 175, 183–87, 191, 193, 195–97
Magruder, John B., 24
“Make America Great Again,” 172
Malamud, Bernard, 144
Malcolm, 112
Malone, Edmond, 132
Malvolio, xiii
Manifest Destiny, xi, 23–47, 66
Manifest Destiny and the Antebellum American Empire (Greenberg), 29
manliness and effeminacy, 29–30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 47
Marble Heart, The (Selby), 97, 107
Maria (Twelfth Night), 202
marriage, 149–72
adultery and, 184, 187–90, 193
Defense of Marriage Act, 195
divorce and, 155, 170
violence in, 166, 169
wartime, 155
Marriot, Miss, 47
Martyr of Liberty, The, 117
Marvel, Elizabeth, xviii, xxvi–xxvii
Mastin, Florence Ripley, 144
Matheny, James, 88
Matsell, George, 67
Matthews, Brander, 127, 133
Matthews, John, 106
McBrien, William, 161
McCann, Tom, 210–13
McCarthy, Mary, xiv
McConnell, Mitch, 207
McCullough, John, 99
McDonough, John, 98
McGowan, Rose, 186
McGuffey’s Reader, x, 121
McKellen, Ian, 177
McKinney, D. D., 58
McVicker, James, 121
Measure for Measure, 75
media, xix
Fairness Doctrine and, xxviii–xxix
Mediaite, 205
Meet General Grant (Woodward), 26
Melrose, Rob, 206–7, 210, 211
Melville, Herman, 69–70
Mercantile Library Association, 79
Merchant of Venice, The, 64, 125
Portia in, xv, xviii, 5, 125
Shylock in, xii, xiii, xv, 92, 93, 97, 107, 125
Mercutio, 36, 104
Merry Wives of Windsor, The, 96, 97, 98
Metamora, 53, 58
#MeToo movement, 197
Mexican Americans, 130
Mexican-American War, 23–30, 38, 46, 91–92
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A, 52
film of, 177
Swingin’ the Dream, 157
Miramax, 175, 176, 183–85, 190, 193, 196–97
Miranda, 125, 139, 140, 142–43
miscegenation (amalgamation), 1–21, 24, 68
“Misconceptions of Shakspeare Upon the Stage” (Adams), 2, 20–21
Mitchell High School, xi–xii
mob violence, xx
Moby-Dick (Melville), 69
“Modern Lear, A” (Addams), xiv
Modern Woman: The Lost Sex (Farnham and Lundberg), 154–55, 165
Molloy, Joanna, 196
Mori, Toshio, xii–xiii
Morison, Patricia, 148
Morning Advertiser, 41
Morning Chronicle, 42
Morning Express, 74
Mr. Macgreedy, or A Star at the Opera House, 64
Much Ado About Nothing, 177
Muller, Theodore, 57
New York and Brooklyn, 55
Murphy, Con T., 105
Mussolini, Benito, xix
Nate Holden Performing Arts Center, 208
Nation, 198
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 203, 210
National Gazette, 8
National Intelligence, 106
National Opinion Research Center, 188
National Songs, Ballads, and Other Patriotic Poetry Chiefly Relating to the War of 1846, 29
National Theatre, 41
Native Americans, 130, 133, 135, 146, 191, 193
Nazi Germany, xix–xx, 215
Ned Buntline’s Own, 63
Negro Riots, 58
Neshat, Marjan, xxiii, 215
New Citizenship, The (MacKaye), 137, 138
New England Magazine, 2, 8
New National Theatre, 97
New Orleans Daily Crescent, 50
New York, xvi
New York, NY, 55–57
African Americans in, 55–57
Astor Place, 79–80
Astor Place Opera House, 45, 56, 60–64, 66–69, 75–76, 79–80
Astor Place Opera House riots, 48, 49–50, 56, 58, 69–80, 204, 217
Central Park, 78, 100, 101, 139; see also Delacorte Theater
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