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Taken Page 6

by Desiree Broussard

  His fangs quickly pierced her throat, sliding through her skin like a hot knife in butter. Distantly, he heard her moan in pleasure, as her hands worked furiously to free him from his pants. Sliding a hand underneath her skirt, he ripped her panties free of her body before lifting her to impale her on his shaft. They both groaned in pleasure.

  He was too far gone to delay, and judging from the wetness of her passage, she felt the same. Zander fucked her with fast, deep thrusts, the warmth of her blood matching the heat he pounded so ruthlessly. She reached her peak, her blood spurting into his greedy mouth from the force of her release.

  And as Zander reached his own fulfillment, he suddenly pictured the curvaceous body of the dark-haired concubine from the space plane... and he came like he'd never came before.

  Chapter 5

  Keely rolled over in the large bed, turning her face in the direction of the clock that hung on the wall. She'd been tossing and turning for the past two hours, unable to sleep despite her exhaustion. Now, it was five minutes till midnight, and still Kosmas hadn't returned to their rooms.

  Some Christmas, she thought miserably, pulling the covers up to her chin. Even with the roaring fire, the large room felt cold and drafty. Or maybe it was simply the chill in her heart. Although it was Christmas Eve, she'd yet to see her mate. It wasn't how she'd envisioned spending the holidays, but it was how it had turned out to be.

  At least Abby would get some enjoyment from her preparations, though. The thought of the young girl eased some of her heart ache. After leaving her rooms, Keely had ventured out into the merchant section of Golden Harbor, determined to purchase the girl some gifts she would enjoy. The merchandise to be found on Legionnaire varied quite greatly from what Abby would be used to, but at least there were toys.

  Next year would be different, Keely vowed to herself. Not only would she have Abby to think about, she'd also have a child of her own. There were some things that couldn't be found on Legionnaire that she would need. And by the following Christmas, she'd be better prepared.

  The clock chimed midnight, the small hammer beating the bell to signify the passage of time. It was officially Christmas, and she was officially alone. It was a bleak thought and an even bleaker situation.

  The fire went out with a sizzle as Keely sat straight up in the bed with a frown. How had it even happened? One moment, it had been blazing, the next, completely gone. The difference in the temperature was immediate. Reluctantly, she pulled the covers away from her, shivering although she hadn't even left the bed. Sliding to the edge, she quickly felt for her house shoes, not wanting to walk across the cold floor barefooted.

  Grabbing her robe from the chair, she felt exasperated when she remembered she'd picked out the sexy one, instead of the one made for warmth. Hurriedly, she pulled it on as she dashed over to the fireplace, wishing that Kosmas was there. Even back on Earth, she'd never been the best when it came to creating a solid fire. At least not without a full bottle of charcoal fluid, something she doubted could even be found on Legionnaire. After all, what vampire grilled?

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” a raspy voice hissed in the darkness. It sounded... muffled. The curse startled Keely, her eyes widening as they searched out the room. She was alone, just as she'd thought, but she couldn't explain away what she'd heard. Someone was there, but where? Edging toward the fireplace, she grabbed a poker, prepared to defend herself, if necessary.

  “Oh, oh, S-H-I-T,” a panicked voice yelled, his voice increasing in intensity. A moment later, there was a huge crash from within the fireplace, as a male body landed hard. Soot and ash shot out into the room, the smell choking her. Keely jumped back as she gripped the poker hard.

  The man within the fireplace groaned out as he gyrated wildly, in a futile attempt to free himself. The large fireplace suddenly looked small, with his big body trapped inside. Keely couldn't make out his face. In fact, all she could see was red velour, the material of his clothing ruined from the black soot. “Who are you?” she demanded, her voice firm and steady. “And what the hell are you doing in my fireplace? Announce yourself, before I call for the guards.”

  A large red bag was shoved out, landing on the floor next to the fireplace with a thud. Keely belatedly realized that some of the bulk that she'd been seeing came from it. She stared at the startling scene in front of her as the man finally freed his legs enough to crawl out, feet first. It also meant he crawled out with his butt in the air, which didn't help her in her efforts to identify him.

  “Oh, for God's sake,” Kosmas roared, in a highly offended tone of voice. “Don't call the guards. It's just me. What other man would risk certain impalement by a log in their ass, all in the name of love?”

  Keely gaped at him as he finally managed to pull himself out. He fell on the floor on his back, his chest heaving. At her first sight of his face, Keely couldn't help but snicker. Kosmas was dressed as Santa Clause, even down to the white beard and wig. They were no longer the pure shade she was sure they once were, though. Now, his entire face was covered with soot. Black, wet soot.

  Lowering the poker down to her side in disbelief, she laughed out loud. Kosmas glared up at her, his black eyes filled with his indignation. If he thought his glower would subdue her, though, he was wrong. If anything, it only added to her amusement.

  “Laugh it up,” he bit out, rolling over again to come to his feet. His movements were slow, as if he were in pain. “You won't find it too funny when you're picking shards of wood out of my ass.” He crossed his arms as he faced her, his voice sulky.

  “What are you doing?” she asked him, finally calming down enough to speak again. “Why didn't you just use the door.”

  His lips tightened, his eyes moving away. Just when she thought he wouldn't answer, he confessed, “I wanted to make it magical for you.”

  “Oh,” she muttered softly, no longer amused by the situation. Despite her hurt, Keely felt... touched. Laying the poker down, she turned back to face him, but words escaped her. After everything that had already happened, where was she supposed to go from there?

  He took a step closer. “The night isn't over yet, though,” he added softly, his suddenly warm eyes scanning her face with a look that made her blush. Picking her up, he quickly squatted just enough to grab his bag. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Tonight?” she squeaked, thrilled to be in his arms again. Her heart rate quickened in excitement. God, how badly she'd missed this side of him. She just hoped his playfulness was the start of a new beginning.

  “Yes, tonight,” he replied, his deep voice rumbling in his wide chest. He smelled of soot, but it didn't matter. Not when they had the chance to work things out. Kosmas opened the newly replaced door before carrying her down the hallway. “This surprise can't wait.”

  “I can't wait to see it, then,” she replied, winding her arms around his neck. She was curious, but even more, she was ecstatic just to be with him. “Merry Christmas, by the way.”

  “I think that was supposed to be my line,” he answered, in a wry voice. Kosmas moved fast, quickly taking her outside the palace. A snowflake fell on her face, as Keely gasped. Holding a hand out with her palm up, she marveled at the snow that quickly filled it. “I can't believe it,” she said breathlessly. “It's actually snowing?”

  “It's a Christmas miracle,” he told her, the huge beard on his face hiding his expression. “I couldn't believe it either.”

  Kosmas came to a stop at one of the entrances to the amphitheater. “Close your eyes,” he told her mischievously. “Don't open them until I tell you to.”

  Keely quickly complied, a small smile on her face. The temptation to peek was strong, but she managed not to peek. He was quiet for several seconds, the wind rushing past her as he moved. After a bit, he came to a stop. “Okay, you can open them.”

  Gently, he set her on her feet. Keely remained in his arms, though, as she slowly surveyed the area around them. “It's beautiful,” she managed to whisper, her throat tight with e
motion. In a world that had never celebrated the holidays, with vampires that didn't understand what the concept really meant, he'd managed to do the impossible.

  The bland, even unappealing amphitheater had been turned into a Christmas wonderland. She couldn't even began to see how they'd managed to pull it off, especially in the short amount of time they'd had to complete it. The formerly open top had been partially closed off, enough to shelter the main areas where the celebration would take place. In the center of it all was a giant Christmas tree, decorated perfectly with lights and ornaments. There was even a giant star at the very top, so big that it was almost like a beacon.

  The area around the tree had been floored off to create an area for the vampires to dance. The only lighting in the middle of the amphitheater came from the large tree. It was surprisingly romantic, especially considering the amount of mistletoe that was hung everywhere. Keely arched an eyebrow at the sight, but she didn't comment.

  Outside of the dance floor, it grew considerably brighter. Large wooden displays separated the rows of seats from the main part of the amphitheater, carefully cut and painted to symbolize different Christmas buildings. Strategically placed snow machines blew out fake snow, while the lights blinked on and off. There was something new to be seen everywhere she looked. From huge stockings to roaring fireplaces to giant outdoor snowmen, Kosmas had thought of everything. Keely felt as if she'd been magically transported to her childhood vision of the North Pole. It was perfect, and it was all due to her mate.

  She turned, her arms snaking around his waist as she hugged him hard, soot and all. “Thank you,” she quietly sobbed. “It's amazing.”

  “I love you,” he murmured quietly, his muscular arms holding her close. They fitted together perfectly, despite his significantly larger abdomen. “I made a huge mistake in how I reacted the other night, and I'm sorry for that. I could have handled it a lot better than I did. I'm not used to being wrong, but I was. I hope that this helps to make up for some of the hurt you've felt lately.”

  As far as apologies went, his was amazing. “I suppose it does,” she teased him, still holding onto him tightly. “It would be a lot more effective, though, if you put that mistletoe to good use. I'm assuming that you know what it means to stand underneath it with me, right?”

  Kosmas growled. “Why else do you think I got so much?”

  Keely tilted her face up to his, her eyes focusing on his strong, firm lips, still visible despite his huge beard. “Let's put them to good use, shall we?”

  He pulled her impossibly close, his head lowering down to kiss her. “I thought you'd never ask.”


  The festivities were in full swing, the vampires' first Christmas a huge success. Keely sat next to Kosmas on her throne, attempting to hide a yawn. She hadn't slept much the night before, but neither had Kosmas. Between exchanging gifts and making love, they'd had a very busy night.

  The large diamond and ruby ring on her finger glinted from the Christmas lights all around them. Keely smiled, happier than she'd ever been. Kosmas had put some serious effort into his gift list, and the ring was just one of many things she adored. It was amazing that he'd been able to acquire it all. Kosmas had to have some serious pull with someone back on Earth.

  Her list hadn't been as extensive as his had been, which made her feel bad. Kosmas hadn't seemed to mind, though. He'd been especially pleased with the solid gold wedding band that she'd presented him with. It was now on his finger, where he'd sworn that it would remain. Keely blinked back tears. The ring had belonged to her father, and now it belonged to her mate. It was a miracle that the guard sent to retrieve it had found it. She was willing to bet her home had been ransacked repeatedly since she'd left it behind.

  Abby sat in the distance, quietly watching some of the vampire children that had gathered around her. All of a sudden she smiled, as if her companions had said something amusing. Keely watched it all, deeply relieved. Already, the girl was finding love and acceptance amongst the vampires. Despite Keely's initial distress, it was all working out.

  The amphitheater was loud with the sounds of Christmas music, laughter, and conversations. The vampires of Golden Harbor not only enjoyed the celebration, they were loving it. Well, all of them but one, Keely corrected herself.

  Zander stood next to a lit-up reindeer, his arms crossed as he glared at those that walked in front of him. Dressed in a Santa costume similar to the one that Kosmas had worn, Keely couldn't help but grin at the sight. It was clear to anyone that saw him that the man was miserable. Zander stopped glaring long enough to yank at the collar. Despite the distance, Keely could swear she saw it rip.

  “That's one pissed off Santa,” Kosmas observed, noticing the direction she was staring. He laughed, clearly enjoying the moment. “Do you think I can convince him to wear it again next year?”

  “I don't think that costume is going to last the night,” Keely retorted, turning her face to meet her mate's eyes. “Maybe someone should inform him that this is supposed to be fun? He looks completely miserable.”

  Just then, the concubines were led out, much to the interest of the spectators. Well-groomed and beautiful, their excited expressions revealed that they, too, had discovered that life on Legionnaire could be quite agreeable. Suddenly, Keely frowned. “Where's the fourth one?” she asked her husband, her eyes scanning the crowd. “There were four, right?”

  Something dark and uneasy flashed across Kosmas' eyes, but he quickly hid it. “The fourth concubine has been... problematic. I've ordered for her to be restrained, in the hopes that she adapts like the other women have.”

  “Kosmas,” Keely sighed, shaking her head. He stopped her.

  “Her confinement is for her safety,” he explained quietly, leaning forward so their heads were close. “Nothing more. Although her strength is no match for anyone here, I refuse to allow her to destroy what we've done. Celebrating this holiday has been good for our people. She'll eventually adapt, but in the meantime, we are going to enjoy ourselves.”

  A large golden cage was carried out, as the conversations ceased. A woman stood inside, a beautiful black-haired female with wide almond-shaped eyes. She gripped the bars tightly, as she stared out with a defiant expression on her face. Keely inhaled, the expression sending her back to the night she'd arrived. The look on the other female's face, the determination in her eyes, reminded Keely of herself, and the desperation she'd once felt.

  Two guards balanced the cage in between them. The concubine rattled the bars roughly. Although she was small, it was clear she was a fighter. And despite Keely's dislike of her confinement, she could see where her mate was coming from.

  The guard's set the cage down, but one of them didn't release their fingers in time. The concubine launched herself at his hand, biting down with a force that was surprising. The guard screeched as he fought to free himself, much to the amusement of the vampires around him. Finally he succeeded, backing away from the cage as quickly as he could.

  The concubine watched him with an expression of disdain, blood dripping down her chin. With just her teeth alone, she'd nearly severed the guard's finger. Kosmas made a funny sound in the back of his throat before adding, “See what I mean? She's feral. I'm not sure it's safe to unleash her on one of my guards. She might unman him.”

  He motioned for the musicians to start up again. The amphitheater quickly filled with the sounds of Christmas music. Keely rolled her eyes. “Please,” she muttered. “I don't think one human female is likely to do much damage to a vampire, especially one of your guards.”

  Kosmas laughed.

  The concubines began to mingle, all except for the one in the cage. “How do you expect her to find a mate, though?” Keely asked thoughtfully. “I don't see her accepting someone, especially if she's this mad. Do you want me to talk to her?”

  Kosmas frowned, his expression suddenly serious. “Absolutely not,” he forbid her, his voice low. “From what my guards have reported, she's dangerous. Do y
ou really think I'd let my pregnant mate around her?”

  “She's not dangerous, she's scared,” Keely argued. “At one time, I was in the same situation, remember?”

  “No, you're not anything like her,” he rebuked, gently. “She's lashing out at everyone, something you would have never done. She refuses to see sense, choosing instead to constantly attack everyone that has tried to assist her. Let's just wait and see how this evening plays out. Maybe one of our single vampires will approach her and ease her fear. I promise you, I won't let her come to harm.”

  “I know,” Keely replied, smiling softly at her mate. And she meant it. “It's one of the many reasons why I love you. Deep inside, you're just a big softie.”

  He grunted, his eyes flashing at her choice of words. “I'll have you know, there's nothing soft about me, woman.” Kosmas' upper lip curled, as if he found the thought extremely offensive. Keely laughed out loud. Her mate couldn't imagine being anything less than the manliest of vampires. Fortunately for them both, he never would be.

  The next hour passed by quickly. As it drew to a close, an air of expectation seem to come over the crowd. “What's going on?” Keely asked Kosmas, frowning.

  “It's time for the concubines to make their choices,” he replied, lifting her hand to press a kiss against her wrist. “And I can't wait. As much as I've enjoyed this, I'm eager to get back to our rooms.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, leaving no doubt to his meaning.

  They watched as the concubines lined up. They stood next to the golden cage, since the stage was no longer there. Keely swallowed hard, a sense of foreboding making her stomach churn. The concubine inside of the cage hadn't softened, not by a bit.


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