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Dollhouse Page 2

by Tim Miller

  He could see her as his wife. Other girls had tried, but none could ever meet his high standards. So many women had attitudes these days. That was why he made his family to begin with. Ernie always figured if he put his family together his way, the right way, that everything would run smoothly. But as he has learned, women cannot be tamed so easily.

  Moonseed berries were great for keeping them in a constant state of paralysis; they didn't seem to do anything for their attitude, though. He still wasn't sure how they were all able to speak and speak so loudly. Hopefully, things would settle down now, after this last expulsion. Bringing another girl into the family might not be the best move at the moment. Maybe he should let things settle down for a bit.

  This woman, though, she was the key. Her smile, her voice, her eyes were all so soothing and peaceful. No doubt she'd put the rest of the girls at ease. They'd listen to her. They'd be mesmerized by her, the way he was. Ernie took out his phone and flipped through the photos and found the picture of her he'd snuck before he left.

  She was so beautiful. Her black hair just touched her shoulders, and her cat-like eyes burned into him as her smile melted his insides. It was ridiculous. Just thinking it sounded ridiculous to him. But there was nothing he could do. No girl had made him feel this way before.

  He started the car and headed home. Tomorrow afternoon couldn't come fast enough. He couldn't believe she’d agreed to meet with him. Then again, he was good at his job. He would have to prepare. Taking the picture would help as well. Using the photo and his memory, he could estimate her height and weight for the proper dosage of the moonseed berries.

  In the past, he'd used other drugs, but those were often harsh and had resulted in the death of many potential family members. He’d met a guy on the 'dark web' who told him about these very interesting berries. They were easier to get and legal to ship. He'd heard the berries also grew in Texas, but he was happy with his contact.

  He'd been using it long enough now; he'd gotten fairly proficient with it. Once he was home, he pulled into the garage and lowered the door. He climbed out of the car and headed into the house. The house was quiet and peaceful. He set his keys on the counter and got a beer out of the refrigerator. After a few sips, he set it down and walked to the back of the house.

  He opened the walk-in closet and pulled apart the clothes hanging from the racks in the back of the closet. It revealed another door. He took out his key and turned it in the lock, sliding the deadbolt open. He stepped inside to see his family, his dolls, sitting around just as he'd left them. Except for Alison? She'd been on the couch. Where did she go? How could she have gone?

  He walked around the room and saw her foot from behind the bed. He walked around to find her on the floor; her body was trembling, and her arms were out in front of her, pulling her along the floor. Her head was turned to the side, and she was crying and grunting.

  "Alison? What are you doing? How'd you get over here?"

  She turned her head, looking up at him and began crying. She tried to speak, but it came out muffled.

  "Please let me go! Please!" she pleaded.

  "Aww, poor thing. Your medicine must have worn off." He knelt down and rolled her over. She attempted to swat at him, but her hands were too weak. He picked her up and carried her to the bed, carefully laying her down. He walked to the mini fridge in the corner and took out the pitcher of juice and poured some of it into a small cup. He grabbed a funnel and came back over to Alison.

  She was whimpering and trying to move away.

  "No! No please!" she begged

  "It's ok," he said, swatting her hands away again. "I'll take good care of you." He pulled out her feed tube and poured the juice inside. The juice was from the moonseed berries. He must have missed a dosage for her, and it had worn off. This would put her back into her harmless, doll state. In a matter of minutes, her movements slowed down until she was just lying there staring at the ceiling. Making the berries into a juice allowed for a quicker absorption.

  A tear ran down her cheek, and he reached up, wiping it away with his thumb.

  "There, there," he said. "Don't cry. It'll be ok. What if I do that thing you like? I'm sure that will comfort you."

  Now she could only whimper as the toxin had set in. He undid the front of her dress and pulled it open, revealing her soft and perky breasts. She'd always been gifted in that area. One of the reasons Ernie gave her more leeway over the other girls.

  He held one of her breasts in his hand, massaged it and squeezed it as he looked into her eyes.

  "I'll do that for you. I know how comforting this is for you," he said as he leaned down and put his mouth around her nipple. He looked up at her as he began suckling on her nipple like a newborn. He suckled for several minutes before moving on to her other breast. When he was done, she was no longer whimpering and no longer crying. He picked her up and carried her to the big easy chair. From there she could see the whole room. He wanted her to see her new sister when he brought her back tomorrow.

  Chapter 5

  Jodi sat in the coffee shop anxious to see what Ernie would tell her. Part of her felt it was a waste of time, but she hated her boss so badly that she was willing to hear about any alternative. She'd arrived a few minutes early and sat in the corner playing on her phone. Soon Ernie came through the door carrying his briefcase.

  "Hi!" he said walking over and shaking her hand. "Did you want something to drink?" He asked. "My treat."

  "Um, sure. I'll have a caramel mocha."

  "Great! I'll be right back."

  As he went to order, she got up and went to the ladies' room. She looked in the mirror, giving herself a once over as she played with her hair. In her mind, this was something of a job interview, so she wanted to look as presentable as possible. She hadn't slept well the night before, but the bags under her eyes weren't too bad. She lived alone, which sometimes wasn't as easy as it seemed.

  Coming home to a quiet apartment was quite nice occasionally, but there were many nights when it was simply lonely. It would have been nice to have someone to discuss her day, watch TV, or to snuggle with after a bad day. She didn't even have a cat. She hated cats and was too busy for a dog. So, here she was, hoping for something to change her luck and her life, and pull her out of her ten to twelve hours a day in retail hell.

  She headed back to the table where Ernie was working on his tablet. Her coffee was sitting in front of her seat. She sat down as he looked up.

  "Hey! Ok, so this is an overview of our company." He handed her the tablet where she watched a short video that gave a broad overview of the company. They had been around for a few years. Some pro athletes claimed to have used their products with great success. There were testimonials from other sales reps as to how successful they had been since working for the company. It wasn't unlike anything she'd seen at any other sales or retail job she'd previously had. She sipped her coffee as she watched the video.

  "So, any questions?" Ernie asked once it was over.

  "No, looks pretty interesting.'

  "Ok. Great. Here are some more numbers." He handed her some charts showing annual revenues, average monthly and annual commissions, bonuses, and a variety of other numbers and metrics. Once he was done, she felt like she'd been through information overload. It all sounded like a great job and good money, but once again, it was pure commission with no guarantees.

  "So how does this sound?"

  "It sounds ok. I'm just worried about what I'll do for money until I get started. It may take me a month or two to get some sales. I can't go that long with no income," she explained.

  "Totally understandable. We do have a ninety day probation period. You'll get $400.00 a week for the first ninety days. You won't make any commission in those days if you do sell anything. But you'll definitely not be going broke as you build a portfolio."

  "Oh wow, that's not…" she paused as her head suddenly felt funny. She felt dizzy, and it was suddenly harder to formulate her thoughts, or move h
er mouth for that matter.

  "You ok?" he asked. Jodi stood to get to the bathroom as her stomach suddenly felt queasy.

  "I think so. I just feel…"

  "Here," he said as he stood and put his arm around her. "Maybe some air will help." He guided her outside as she stumbled along on legs that were beginning to feel like jelly.

  "Where are we going?" she asked, not sure what was happening. Things seemed to be spinning for a moment as they reached a car. He helped her into the passenger seat as he fastened the seatbelt.

  "What is this?" she struggled to ask. "What are you doing?"

  "It's ok," he said. "It will all be ok."

  "I don't understand?" her voice was now strained and weak as each movement became more and more difficult.

  "Everything will be fine, Jodi. You don't need this job. You have a new family now."

  "Family?" she whimpered as he got into the driver's seat and started the car. What was happening? Her muscles stiffened as her head began to clear. She tried to reach up and open the door, but her arm just flailed helplessly. As the fog cleared, it occurred to her. He drugged me! I'm being kidnaped! She tried to scream, but no sound came out, only a weak whimper. Ernie was driving and looking over at her, smiling.

  "You're going to love your new sisters, Jodi, although most of them aren't as pretty as you. You'll still fit right in." he said.

  Sisters? What the hell was he talking about and what had he given her? She couldn't move. She could feel his hand on her leg as he reached across and squeezed her thigh, but she couldn't move or react. She tried to open the door again but this time her hand wouldn't move at all. Whatever he’d drugged her with, it had paralyzed her. Holy shit! What if he was going to rape or torture her? She was totally paralyzed. He could do anything he wanted, and she couldn't resist at all. Couldn't even scream.

  Terror welled up inside her at the reality of what was happening. She wanted to immediately extract herself from her body, but she was trapped. She was in this car, paralyzed, with this man she barely knew. There was no other choice but to go where he was going and hope and pray he was merciful and would set her free later.

  They stopped at a red light where, just next to them, there was a police car. The officer glanced over and nodded at her. She wanted to blink her eyes frantically or kick and scream to get the officer's attention. Instead, the light turned green, and the officer drove away, her hope going with him.

  Chapter 6

  Jodi must have passed out at some point. When she came too, she was still paralyzed. She was helpless as he lay her on a steel table and began undressing her. Despite her inability to move, the steel felt cold against her skin. She wanted to move or pull away from the cold metal but was unable to do so. He wheeled a small work table up next to her as he whistled.

  "Hey, beautiful girl. You all ready to be one of the family? This will make you so happy," he said as he took a scalpel and cut a small hole into her stomach. She could feel what he was doing but couldn't see. She felt pain and then some tugging and then pressure. When he was done, it still hurt, but he tugged on the feeding tube that was now inserted into her stomach.

  Once he was finished there, he turned on the water in the sink and leaned over her with a spray nozzle. The warm water hit her face, getting into her eyes and nose. It burned as she was unable to react to the pain. He wasn't torturing her, though. That was her first thought. He was washing her. Ernie soaked her hair and skin from head to toe. Once she had been sprayed over, he began shampooing her hair.

  She could feel his hands working through it as he lathered it up.

  "You have such beautiful hair," Ernie said. "It'll look so much prettier when it grows out more. Don't worry. I'll help you take care of it. Here, we only use organic hair products. They do wonders. Your hair will love them." He continued speaking and whistling as he lathered her hair up and then used the nozzle to rinse it off. Once he’d finished, he saturated it again, but this time some kind of greasy conditioner.

  "There we go," he said. "This must feel so good to you. It's looking so much better already."

  Once he’d rinsed her hair a second time, he walked to her side with a basin and sponge. He dipped the sponge into the basin and began dabbing the sponge along her skin. He'd slide it up and down her body. His touch made her stomach lurch and his voice, while soothing, made her want to shrivel up into a ball and fade away.

  "You have such beautiful skin. Although..." he looked down between her legs. "...looks like you haven't been tending to your garden very well." He was referring to her pubic hair. She didn't like shaving or waxing it any more than necessary, so she often let it grow and just occasionally trimmed it. If she'd had a date, she might have groomed it a bit more, but she'd never liked the idea of being bald down there.

  "Don't worry," he said. "I'll help you take good care of it."

  He washed along her neck, shoulders, and breasts. As he did so, he squeezed her left breast and jiggled it.

  "These are so nice," he said as he put his mouth on her nipple and began sucking. She wanted to scream as his mouth around her tit felt like someone sticking a vacuum cleaner hose on the end of it. It was sinking into her that he was about to rape her, and there wasn't a single thing she could do about it. She'd read about rape cases previously in the news. Many times, she’d wondered how she would handle such a situation.

  Most the time, she thought she'd be able to resist or fight them off. She'd sometimes imagine being attacked and pictured herself kicking the guy in the nuts and clawing his eyes out. It’d never occurred to her that her attacker might drug her and take her out of the fight before it even started. Yet, here she was.

  Ernie had moved onto her other breast, sucking and nibbling on it while letting out these weird moans. Once he was finished he looked up at her and smiled.

  "Those are beautiful, my dear. I'm really going to enjoy them," he said. He worked the sponge slowly down her stomach, along her legs and up in between her legs. He rinsed her pubic hair and spread her labia apart and cleaned in between them before taking the nozzle and rinsing her body. This time the water was cooler, making goosebumps form on her skin, but whatever he'd drugged her with hadn't begun to wear off yet.

  He stepped away and came back with another basin in one hand and a razor in the other. He applied some kind of cream to her vagina. It wasn't a standard shaving cream. This one was much thicker and had almost a tropical sour scent, like coconut and yogurt. She felt the razor run along her skin. She wanted to lift her leg and kick him square in the face, and she tried as hard as she could to do so.

  "This is looking so much better," he said. "A nice, clean-shaven vagina. No one likes the Amazon rainforest." He laughed at his lame joke, and before long, he was finished. She couldn't see her baldness but felt him running his finger along her now bare skin. It felt smooth and more sensitive than it had before. Though his touch still sent shivers down her body.

  "That's much better, so smooth and beautiful," he said as he slid his finger in between her labia until he found her clitoris and began massaging it. Her body betrayed her in its reaction. While she was sickened and repulsed at his touch, he was teasing her clitoris, causing an involuntary physical response. She tried to push back the arousal, but it still threatened to sweep over her.

  Wetness still soaked his finger as he played with her until he stopped. Ernie stood and took off his shirt and pants. His body was white and doughy, and his erect penis poked out toward her. It was bigger than she thought a guy his size would have, not that it impressed her. She tried again to move, to crawl off the table, scream, or do anything besides lay here in the utter torment of her captor. The only noise she made was a whimper as her body remained still.

  "Oh, you like my cock? Thank you. I was already pretty big. Girls usually like it if they ever get past the rest of me," he said as he climbed onto the table until he was on top of her. His face was right over hers, looking down at her. She wanted to look away instead of into his brown
eyes but was forced to meet his stare. He leaned in and began kissing her on the mouth and neck.

  He kissed all along her shoulders as his hard cock pressed against her leg. Finally, after several minutes of kissing her over her whole body, he slid his cock inside of her. She recoiled in her mind at the feeling of his thick member inside her. He wasn't gentle or subtle; at all once he was in her. It was an immediate thrusting and pounding. She could feel herself tearing as the pain intensified with each thrust. He moaned and grunted as he pounded away. There was more wetness, but this time she was sure it was blood.

  His grunting and pounding became fiercer and faster as he moaned loudly.

  "Oh yeah! Oh wow! Oh, that's good pussy! Oh baby!" he yelled as he grew harder inside her. She almost vomited when she felt his cock erupt inside of her. The drip, drip feeling of his sperm filling her up made her flesh crawl and stomach lurch. If she threw up in this state, she had no doubt she'd choke to death on her vomit. She wanted to cry, scream and run away, but her body was her prison.

  Finally, he pulled out and stood over her.

  "Now that was amazing!" he said. "And just think. We can do that every day from now on!" As he kissed her cheek, not noticing the tear running down her face.

  Chapter 7

  Bob was fuming. He stormed around the store looking at the clock on his phone repeatedly and asking every person in the store over and over if they'd seen Jodi. No one had seen or heard from her. It wasn't like her to just not show up. In the rare events she had missed work in the past, she’d always called in. None of this no call, no show nonsense. That was for losers, and Jodi was no loser.

  He was still miffed at how she'd spoken to him the other day. Though he really didn't care about the whole texting at work thing. What he did care about was finding out who she was texting and what they were saying. So he'd pulled her in and pulled the stunt with her phone to see if she'd give it up. If she did give it up, then he was sure there was no other guy. The fact that she’d thrown the fit that she had, told him there was indeed some new boyfriend.


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