Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0) Page 3

by K. L. O Johnson

  “I’m not that small.” I rebutted, feeling a little insecure. We had done the fitting and like that, I was on my way to my next class in my fresh new uniform.

  “You’re late.” Professor Long disapprovingly announced. He glared at Bella who, I assumed, he believed was responsible for making us late. I couldn’t help but stare, the anticipation of what was next to come made me take in every detail.

  Bella bowed, a custom that surprised me. “I’m sorry Sir.” she apologised.

  “You’re forgiven. Hurry up and sit down. We beginning the introduction to Calculus.” I stared wide eyed. Calculus! I fearfully thought. When I left we only began to learn Algebra. I suddenly felt weak at the amount of work I was expected to keep up with. “Is she okay?” I heard Professor Long ask.

  “Cecelia?” I perceived Bella probe with concern.

  “I’m fine . . .” I muttered, still a bit weak, after the initial shock of our expectations. “I just don’t know where we’re going to sit and I was hoping to sit beside Bella,” I covered looking at Bella with a convincing smile, “if that’s okay?”

  “Of course it is. Why wouldn’t it be?” She grasped my wrist and tugged me to my seat for the year. We sat in the centre of the room Bella sat on one side of me; while on the other side of me, there sat a girl with long black hair and dark eyes—her hair was dead straight—unlike mine which waved down to my waist. She was beautiful—prettier than Bella—but at the same time Bella was lovely in her own sense. I suddenly felt self-conscious at the beauty everyone in this room possessed. “Cecelia?” I heard Bella whisper and I regarded her.

  She held her slender hand to the side of her mouth as if hiding, her rebellious act, from Professor Long. “What’s wrong?” Her brows furrowed in confusion.

  “Didn’t I say no talking Isabella?” motioned the stoic tone of Professor Long. I froze at the sound and felt Bella do the same. How did he know?

  “Honestly, why waste our teacher’s time talking,” the girl beside me said in a rather smug tone. I turned towards her. As she ignored me and continued to stare on ahead. “He already has enough to deal with as it is.” I felt my brows inch down as I glared at her.

  “Be quiet Genevieve!” I heard Bella whisper in a growl.

  “Enough! The only person to talk in this class at this moment is me. Now pull out your text books.” I automatically did as he ordered suddenly feeling very afraid this attractive teacher. His features were something in which was strange, weren’t teachers supposed to be old like Mr. McGrath. Professor Long looked rather young for his age unless he just took very good care of himself. That was how class went by for periods one and two. We learned about the basics of Calculus even though I had difficulty understanding it. The only thing I was able to pick up was the equations they looked similar to quadratic functions.

  The bell rang overhead, my classmates packed their equipment before migrating to their next class. I motioned to follow but was soon stopped by Professor Long. “I saw you were struggling with today’s class,” he said.

  “Yeah, I did. It’s a bit hard.” I confessed, embarrassed.

  “Where were you up to when you left your previous school?” he asked.

  “Basics of Algebra.”

  “Bella.” I heard him say, I turned beside me and there stood Bella with her briefcase in hand as she appeared to be waiting for me. “I’ll need you to help her catch up in Math if that’s okay.”

  “That’s fine Sir. Only if Cecelia wants me to.” I nodded, immediately.

  “Of course!” I exclaimed beyond happy to have some help. Maybe I just might survive. I pleasingly thought.

  “Well that settles it. You are to tutor her in other subjects until she catches up with the curriculum.” ordered Professor Long, “And this will be added as an extracurricular activity.”

  “So I’ll get more points.”

  “Five to be exact,” he admitted and I found myself lost. Hopefully, Bella will explain it later to me.

  “Thanks Sir, I would have done it without the points though,” admitted Bella as she smiled at me. I felt suddenly happy at the idea of having made a new friend.

  “So do you want me to deduct the points?” he mused with a risen brow.

  “No!” she cried. I sighed. Maybe I jumped to the wrong conclusion too soon . . . I exasperatingly thought. Once Professor Long was certain I’d get the help I needed, he leisurely freed us.

  “I didn’t know Professor Long was going to be our teacher.” I had said once we had left Professor Long’s class far behind and were on our way to our next class which I believed was Anatomy. It was strange, our subjects that was I wondered if this school had a different curriculum. I figured the school itself was signed up to a different program.

  “Wait, did you know him from somewhere before?” she asked confused. I nodded.

  “He escorted me to my dorm and told me that someone would show me around the school grounds and help me with what I needed from the school shop,” I said.

  “He didn’t tell me about that,” she said and I was surprised. Why wouldn’t he have told her that? I considered to let it slide, as it wasn’t like I could judge what a full grown adult does. The problem was, only they could judge what I do which to me was so unfair, in so many ways. “Maybe he never thought it was necessary to,” she commented.


  The air around me chilled. “I’m quite thirsty my dear . . .” cooed that same voice and I froze.

  “Cecelia?” I heard Bella flutter beside me. Her gentle touch, pulled my mind back to the reality I faced. There, however, was a cool lingering sensation stinging my skin in the safety of these halls. “Cecelia?” Bella examined once more. I felt relieved to have her by my side as I was certain beyond any reasonable doubt; I was bound to hear it once again.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you,” I confessed. Bella relaxed a bit but her eyes still read: apprehension, concern and fear it was not that I blamed her for. As I was slightly scared myself. It was the second time I’ve heard that voice and the second time I felt that stinging cold out of nowhere. Father did say that when someone was hearing things they were on the verge of craziness, I just prayed I wasn’t. “I guess I was just a little nervous,” I lied.

  “What’s there to be nervous about?” she asked not completely believing my lie.

  “You know it being a new school and all . . . new people . . . I’m scared to make a bad impression.” Which was very true. I was strangely and notably scared to start over, even though it felt oddly familiar.

  “Relax, you have nothing to be concerned about. People here don’t judge. We really are the same.” she said and the way she said that, made me question what she truly meant. “We all have more in common than you know,” she admitted smiling warmly at me. Without further ado, we continued on route to our class, even though, I didn’t understand what she had meant. I felt her relax a little more, as if the weight of something was lifted off her shoulders and because of that I decided to leave her be.

  I stared painfully at the paper before me. Nothing stuck as blurry lines riddled my vision. Reading the page over and over again, didn’t increase my already lack of concentration so regrettably I gave up. Placing my head on my folded arms. I released a frustrated sigh. “Don’t give up you’ll get there,” she encouraged.

  I spent the day going to all of my classes while being escorted by Bella. Not that I minded. I however, would have preferred to understand what was considered to be senior level work. We were just learning algebra, when I left at my old school for math so the gap in academic levels was wide to fill. Then there was Anatomy and Physiology II, a class describing all the different names of bones, muscles as well as how they worked together. With the levels required to reach. I disapprovingly felt like a University student already.

  “Maybe but it’s going to be at a slow pace . . .” I muttered.

  Bella was helping me catch up at the moment like Professor Long had asked her to except wh
en she tried to explain stuff to me—I felt like I was wasting her time—I couldn’t even comprehend French and she was teaching the basics. “The key to languages such as French and German is memory.” she had said at one point. Just thinking about it now made me really feel more insecure than I did when I first laid my eyes on Genevieve who I found out was the girl that sat next to me in Professor Long’s math class. She was like a god given gift—I bet she had the most popular guy as her boyfriend. “I swear I’ll never catch up!” I moaned. I heard the chair shift along the floorboards and felt light pressure on my shoulder.

  I looked up and there stood Bella with a warm encouraging smile. “Maybe it’s time for a break.” she said and I almost jumped in excitement at her idea.

  “A break?” I asked, she nodded.

  “Yeah, we’ve been at this for a few hours now.” I turned to the cloak and almost cried, it was five in the morning and school had finished at two o’clock. Also it turns out there was no such thing as the weekends but instead a weekend, so in other words, Sunday was free.

  “What are we going to do?” I asked. She had to think about that for a moment before her face light up in delight. I regarded her with confusion.

  “Why don’t I introduce you to the Faction?” she asked.

  “The Faction?” I questioned. She laughed like a lady, “What’s the Faction?” I asked, she composed herself and smiled.

  “The Faction is the school’s exclusive group of students,” said Bella.

  “They are students of each level or grade as you will. They have the top marks in the school and are the best in the Arena.” I stared at her last word: “arena” as in stadium or amphitheatre?

  “What actually part-takes in the Arena?” I asked—hiding the small bit of fear I felt in that moment. When she said arena my mind immediately jumped to the formal arena layout of ancient Rome with the gladiators. Which to me was a little strange as I didn’t think a school like this would waste their time with something so dangerous.

  “Battles of course.” I stared. She blinked, confused for a moment, “Is something the matter?”

  “Of course there is! How can people battle each other? It’s inhumane!” I growled slamming my hands on the table as I stood. I felt strongly the chilly air as I realised that I just screamed at the top of my lungs, in the school library. Other students, turned their heads towards me, including the Librarian, harbouring frosty cold glares that sent shudders down my spine like the voice, did every time but this one I knew, wasn’t as dangerous just a little scary.

  “Shh,” hushed Bella and I gave her a side look—expressing the “seriously” look, I attempted to have moulded into my features. “What?” I sighed and sank back down.

  “Never mind.” Before I can even close my eyes, Bella yanked me to my feet. “Wh—?” I began but was immediately cut short by her superhuman iron grip. This chick is really strong what on Earth are they feeding her? Without answering she towed me out of the room and into the hall where she pressed me up against the wall—her eyes narrowed at the entrance. What’s going on now?

  “Okay, we’re good,” she motioned and released me.

  “Good for what?” I asked as Bella walked passed me with her hands behind her back, acting almost as if she was purposely ignoring me. “Hey! Good for what? Bella wait up!” I called as I raced after her. I couldn’t believe it but she was only walking and suddenly she was already at the end of the hall—waving at me with a bright smile on her face.

  “Hurry up! I want you to meet the Faction!” she called cuffing her lips. When I eventually caught up to her, we made our way towards an outhouse at the edge of the school grounds. It was a mini mansion, with warm orange tilted roves, well cut bushes and a pearly white central fountain. It was beautiful at night, as the crescent moon filtered, against the fountain waters.

  “Is this where they stay?” I asked.

  “No, this was where they hang out. They have a separate dorm level of both male and female.” I nodded. That did make sense, regardless of how good they were at school work, they would definitely be separated. I was one-hundred per cent certain, my dad would make sure that I didn’t come in contact with a boy after Ryan broke up with me on our dinner date. Well, that depended on what kind of guy. My father could be a bit picky.

  “Cecelia . . . are you okay?” Bella asked.

  I glanced up to spy Bella, regard me with concern. I smiled and she returned the gesture. Before I knew it, we were on our way into the building where the Faction was. It was lavishly designed in a similar sense as the main building with wooden panels and wooden floorboards, high wooden dome ceilings with golden antique chandeliers not of electricity but of small flickering of flames. The sunset golden flames danced in a gentle yet elegant manner as Bella led the way while I followed without question.

  “Bella?” probed a female voice. I glanced at the sound and there stood a fiery red haired girl, her blazing hair fanned down to her waist as her pale blue eyes were radiant and distant, making her all the more beautiful.

  “Diana?” asked Bella before she screamed in a bubble of joy. Stumbling up the stairs to where Diana stood she wrapped her arms around her waist. The two from the sight appeared to be old best friends. I waited patiently for them to finish and once they did Bella automatically introduced me to Diana. Diana was a very cool, composed and reserved young woman. Even though, she appeared to be a year older than us.

  “I’ve heard so much about you,” said Diana as she viewed me. She and Bella slowly walked down the stairs before meeting me in the anteroom where I stood.

  “You have?” I asked confused.

  “Of course,” she answered. “Bella here hasn’t shut up about you.” Bella gave me a warm smile and Diana became in a sense welcoming but still reserved.

  “Really?” I asked.

  Bella was immediately by my side, “Of course, how could I not?” I smiled and we linked arms.

  “Follow me, I’ll lead you to the others.” Diana stated and we followed after her. There in the common room, the large next room over, upon flush brown leather couches were several other students—in the same; silver, blood red and black uniform. There were six three boys all of which were attractive. Taking a closer look I pulled myself up, realising that, the three boys from before stood a mere few feet from me—David and his group.

  “Well look who it is . . . fresh meat.” droned David as he delivered a sinister gaze. The small licking of his lips at all didn’t help in not making me uncomfortable at all.

  “What did I say?” growled Bella as she stormed over to David who purposely ignored her. “You bully!” Before I could say anything—the two boys from earlier came approached me and this time I knew Bella wasn’t going to be there to protect me.

  “Wow isn’t she cute!” said the brunette boy—he extended his hand—taking mine in his in a firm grasp. “I’m Alphonse Maklakov and this beside me”—he removed his hand from my grasp and gestured next to him—“is Kristian Levkov.”

  “I see you guys have now met.” Diana observed as she joined our little social faction while Bella and David continued to argue. We all turned our heads to the brunette girl with light brown eyes—her brown hair cascaded down her back to her waist in straight silky threads. “Beatrice there you are, come and introduce yourself.” Diana waved.

  Beatrice made her way towards me and smiled. She extended her hand like Alphonse and I took her dainty pale hand in mine. She warmly smiled. “I’m Beatrice Levkov.” I stared at her, “Levkov” as in relation to Kristian Levkov. The look on my face must have spoken my thoughts as I heard those words because at that moment Beatrice giggled, “Yes, Kristian is my brother—to be exact—my twin brother.”

  I noticed at the corner of my eye, a boy with dark brown hair and eyes regard me from behind his thick book. Our eyes met for a brief moment before he turned his attention back to his book and continue to read. “Now that everyone’s formally introduced,” Diana began, “Time to head out.”

  “Time to head out where?” I question.

  “To the Arena of course.” she leered and I felt my blood run cold. “Don’t worry too much you’re just a beginner and as such you’re not expected to fight yet.”

  “Why are we even fighting to begin with?” I asked, suddenly confused at what my parents enrolled me to.

  Diana picked up a sheathed katana from beside the fireplace and held it at the pummel, I thought for a second she was going to use it but realised she wasn’t as the sheath was still on. “Because, there are beings in this world that will work to harm us and as a result we need to be prepared.”

  “Beings?” I questioned.

  “Yes, beings.” Diana ended it at that. Everyone was quick to stand and leave the room with such elegance and grace that it made me almost feel awkward. Everyone I noticed had a sword in hand as we left the building, they filed in a line and I noticed that the school was releasing a siren which sung across the entire land the school was designated on.

  I felt unsure about what to do and as a result I couldn’t help but freeze at the sight of throngs and throngs of students travelling away from the school itself but rather to the edge of the school. “Stick with us and you’ll be fine,” I recall Diana saying. So I do and when I follow the students down to an underground bunker, I see Professor Long as one of the mediators that guides the students down the bunkers.

  As I entered the room—I saw something I never thought I’d see. A woman standing in the middle of the arena. With silver hair and blue eyes—there were markings on her features but I was too far away to tell. “Let me introduce you to tonight’s battle.” At the far end, I see Diana and the girl Genevieve from professor Long’s class.

  A signal was sounded and like that, the battle began and out of it Diana reigned victor.

  Wandering around the school grounds without Bella was a big mistake; that much I knew. After all, I’ve only been here for less than a week and I was already lost. I sighed, “Didn’t anyone see this coming?” I recalled Kristian and Alphonse telling me that I’d be alright while David explained the ridiculous indecipherable directions he scribbled on a crumbled piece of paper. “And here, I thought my father’s writing was messy.”


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