Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0)

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Crimson Knight (Crimson Series Book 0) Page 20

by K. L. O Johnson

  I felt claws dig gently into my soft idol flesh, it tattered around my waist and onto my shoulders. Aware of the small dragon growling at the figure within the shadowing smoke. You will not touch her!

  “Is that so Keeper? Tell me where is your master?” the dangerous voice asked. The dragon was silent. “So I see, open, to destroy.” Shocked by his words I was as I felt the anger in the dragon’s roar as it growled.

  I noticed the change in the air, the blood serpents watched me but the demon was gone. The dragon landed on the floor with undeniable grace and glanced up at me, Cecelia, deal with them, I have to protect my lady!

  “Wait!” I called knowing my breath was wasted as I gravely understood, I was alone. My eyes stared as my mind detailed in depth this daunting encounter. I knew I could handle a number of Vampieres but in a sense that was different, one was land the other was water—or so I liked to think. Closely, I watched crystal clear water roll off the ruby red scales from the serpents. My mind told me to run. Training or not, Vampieruz or not I knew I couldn’t breathe under water like Odette even though I’d like to so I began to back away slowly from the blood lust monsters. “Nice, serpents.” I muttered. Their teeth shone like jagged razors, rivalling a piercing roar that I felt brush against my cheeks and hair.

  Spinning on my heel. I raced to the exit, I saw the dragon disappear into. I recalled him stating, very clearly, that he need to help his lady—the only lady that overruled the dragons was Kal, well not entirely, as she was next in line to be the Emerald Empress.

  The searing sound of shattering glass permeated the air. It was accompanied shortly by their ferocious roar. It bombed my ears and the approaching stomping singed towards me. As I escaped the room, slamming the heavy metal door behind me, it bent apart and tossed me down a sterling silver hall. I landed on the shrapnel covered ground and gasped, the sound of grinding nails ricocheted throughout my ears. I knew it had nothing to do with the serpents tearing apart the metal door behind me. Instead, it was from the glass; ceiling to floor windows that held crawling Vampieres. Their red eyes burned mine and I knew I had to look away, I knew I had to get away.

  Their sharply bared teeth hissed spit and snarled. I aimed to avoid them, as every bit of me knew, more were bound to follow. With three of my exits blocked I headed towards the large electronic-sensor-detector doors that I knew would be my safe haven. Glass shattered again and the Serpents screeched as did the Vampieres that cried out in pain, I presumed were being clawed and devoured by the Blood Serpents. To my surprise the Vampieres were taking on the Blood Serpents, my gaze drifted from over my shoulder and to my right—taking in the large crack that journeyed to race me as the Vampieres scream for the purest blood of all Resoncretalians.

  My blood.

  I made it to my destination, the doors sealed shut and I darted to the electronic keypad, I pressed the Lock button and the silver rods began to fasten and bolt the doors. No one was getting in. “Very, well done, Princess,” hummed a voice. I glanced at the shadows behind me, soon planting my back against the armoury locker that housed Nefaliem weapons both advanced and energetic. This place was built and prepared for an invasion or an extermination.

  I didn’t speak, my mind and body prepared to freeze over as I noted someone or something in the same shadows, held my unwavering attention. Something that became clearer and more distinct. A silver clawed hand moved, revealing itself then the side of its face. Beaming red eyes locked onto me and thud the door that separated me from the primal Vampieres, stood standing, taking the pounding and clawing they dished, desperate to ascertain me.

  My gaze returned to the blood red eyes that shone sharply as slitting daggers. “You do remember me, don’t you?” he whispered revealing two long incisors—he looked rather youthful and beautiful curling a small smile which, within the blink of an eye, turned into a hissing roar as his teeth changed into two rows of longer sharper teeth—something that closely simulated a shark’s mouth. A snapping sharp tongue followed, spraying arced sputum.

  I slipped around the corner and ran through the next set of automatic sliding doors. This time a glass staircase spiralled high up, with bridges cutting into and out at each level, so I travelled up. I sprinted up the stairs, my fingers sliding over the railing aware my idol form will be severely injured should I fall. I was careful but quick, my mind raced as I felt the anxiety of my potential attack at the forefront of my mind. There was nothing I knew I could do or say that would waver this person who I knew was the one who haunted and hunted me. I glanced over my shoulder and gawked in fear at the sight of him standing there—staring up at me. I hastily picked up my pace, as idolly possible.

  Racing up the stairs I knew wasn’t going to save me but I hoped it would help in calming my already altered nerves. Each step became harder and harder, a part of me told me it’d be easy to transition, as my body will no longer slow down or slacken. But the other part, told me not to because that was what he was waiting for—my powers to drain and take for himself. Something I could never to allow, to happen, the thought of my human friends at the hands of this Resoncretalian, was motivation enough to push through.

  Eventually I arrived at the level I wanted, large blue fluoro letters remain displayed as Level 30, proving my theory. Down the hall I bolted, back tracking the route I had taken before hand. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw him yet again, cladded in black, pale stickily skin glowed a creamy and almost ceramic glow. His black sclera made his red eyes glow intensely under scrutiny. His blood smeared lips curled into a mocking sneer that made my heart leap in fear. I had no idea what he intended but I knew he was the one that I had to keep hidden from.

  That voice, was so familiar. I knew something was wrong the moment I first saw him but as I sprinted to Kal’s apartment, I knew my hunch was correct and I didn’t know whether to be proud or scared. The sound of sharp nails clawing against glass, bought back the enormous reality I had faced. Vampieres insisted on destroying me and everything my family stood for, the Rusakova’s a name, never changed unlike with Human Christianity.

  The United Council had adopted the way the Nefaliem, had passed on their names by surrendering their family name to those of stronger energetic levels, so if I were to marry Viktor, which now will never happen he’d take on my name because of my family’s higher energetic level. But if he were to marry another Vampieruz aristocrat they would take on his family’s name due to their higher energetic level marked as the highest among the aristocratic patriarchs.

  Circling around a nearby corner, I was in the hall, I evoked held Kal’s apartment. I just had to remember which one—all the doors looked the same. I raced down the hall and stopped, my lungs burnt as my feet threatened to mould into place. It was a blood curdling cry that had my eyes lock behind to the sight of crouching vampieres beside the same man.

  I knew I had to get to Kal’s apartment so I twisted around only to gasp, fearing the sight displayed before me. “Hello little Princess.” A very large armoured Resoncretalian stood staring down at me. His gaze was as sharp as his daunting teeth, “I was hoping we could talk,” he declared, with a lick of his sharp shifty tongue.

  “I was often . . . told not to speak to strangers,” I stuttered and the demon merely smiled. I could tell this demon wasn’t like the other demons from before, this one was powerful, so I figured I couldn’t take him but considering his friend blocking the entrance behind me, I knew I wasn’t going to take the chance. It would make this, easier, if I knew the best escape route, except each idea that occurred was a little more out of this world then the last. I peered over the demon servant’s shoulder and knew this was somewhat difficult especially, given the situation I figured to play along.

  I glanced at the demon’s features, taking in the dark crackly skin that soon began to peel away, revealing fleshy human skin. Bit by bit the sight of a man stood before me, his blue eyes pierced my black ones and he continued to smile as if he won a game of some kind I was not certain about.

  What followed next, was the zing of an unsheathing sword, echoing around us, captivating us in the reality of a rivalling foe. I spied the last person I expected, David his long silver sword gleamed like a warning positioned before him ready to use. “Cecelia!” he warned.

  Bella’s beautifully dark eyes were angered, immediately it transformed to blood red slitted ones—identical to ones of a snake—as her black hair turned silver which glowed under the laminating lights overhead. Her fleshy human skin transformed into her scaly Vampieruz secondary form. “Back away from her.” She threatened, her sharp Vampieruz fangs bared in warning, her silver cloak fell around her frame slightly parted on the side as all our cloaks were, exposing the gadgets, weapons and gleaming silver armour.

  “David, Bella!” I cried in relief, aching to run to the safety of their presence.

  “Uh, uh, uh princess, not so fast.” The demon was quick to slip around me, locking his long arm over my shoulders and the other near my face, his human fingers malformed into black prickly blades. I noticed the Morkania Banshee, hovered behind Bella and I screamed.

  “Behind you!” Bella spun around and her forearm braces, positioned to protect her face as the Banshee began to scream at her, the sound sent a shockwave so powerful that the metal ground beneath our feet began to shift into small waves and before long David lost his footing and flew into us. Bella held her ground, I noticed from where I rolled on my stomach glancing up. Clashing metal rang loudly in my ears and I noted David was fighting the demon that had grabbed me. David, was quick, his movements were precise and very powerful. I smiled internally happy he was on my side.

  “Cecelia!” Bella called and pointed at Kal’s apartment. “Help her ladyship!” It took a moment or two to determine who this ladyship was. Then I realised it was Kal, she was in trouble. Pulling myself to my feet I sprinted to a nearby apartment door praying I’d get to her in time. The doors flew open and were embedded in the wall across the corridor. Between the stationed doors was a Nefaliem dress in traditional clothing. His eyes locked with mine.

  “Help milady!” he shouted and out crawled an alien from Kutio, I believed it was, they too had higher energy levels then humans. He didn’t look human at all though or humanoid. Instead he had green armadillo skin that was mostly concealed by thick armour. With two thick arms and legs, it towered over me as its green crocodile-like-eyes regarded me with intense curiosity.

  I shifted around the alien and zipped into the apartment, as quick as humanly possible. Something which left me speechless, half of the apartment room was destroyed, with fraying edges of concrete and electrical circuits sparked every now and again. The Central city of the Citadel was displayed before me and far beyond the city was the high guarded walls that glowed under the peeking sun that shimmed under the clouds.

  It was morning, early morning and I noted the full moon hung high in the sky, it would have been a beautiful sight to gaze at and take in, if it weren’t for the imminent danger my friends faced. The cool chilly breeze was loud but not enough so to drown out the impending sound of shattering glass. I heard heavy footfalls pounding against the tile ground. Turning over my shoulder I spied a large blue skinned, black haired troll; its sharp blue ears swayed as he moved. His sharp blue azure eyes drifted to me and immediately he unsheathed a large tribal machete.

  At the sight of him, I was terrified. However, all my fears disintegrated when I recognised what he cradled over his shoulder, “Kal?”

  “You will not stop me, kin of Azunicanti,” he said and I vaguely recalled what that term had meant; Azunicanti it translated to demon bats. It was an old demonic language that we were collectively taught alongside of our race’s universal languages, where like Kal’s was a derivative of our species name hence, mine was called Vataricani.

  “You will let her go!” I demanded, tapping into my power of submission, he instead smirked.

  “That will not work on me,” he declared and pulled out a pendent chained around his thick neck. “I’m immune to Resoncretalian power.”

  I smiled, “Good to know.” Feeling confident in my abilities, I lunged straight towards him with a single goal to remove that amulet. The troll side stepped out of my reach and kicked me away.

  “You will not interfere,” he devilishly demanded. He stifled a laugh and under my glare he arrogantly smiled. Even as he smiled, I knew I wasn’t going to be disgruntled or discouraged by the likes of him. I was aware, he was skilled but I knew I couldn’t let him walk away with Kal. There was no way, I was letting that thing just up and take her way. Especially, if I had the potential to stop him so at him, I hauled myself.

  This time he twirled around me. That smile frustratingly continued to pull at his lips revealing his sharp fangs that most Cretalians harboured. I went after him again, to my surprise, he caught hold of my hair and tugged. It happened so quickly, I flew towards him and didn’t have a chance to react when his knee slammed into my back. To make matters worse with his leg he slammed me to the ground. I didn’t realise I had been knocked out, not until Bella was hovering over me, calling my name. By the time my tired eyes opened, Bella held up two fingers, “How many fingers am I holding?”

  I knew, I knew the answer but my brain seemed to be slower at making the connections as all I wanted to do was sleep. My lids felt heavy and I felt Bella nudge me, to keep me awake. I was sure but unsure at the same time if she had actually said something. Then a man that I’ve never met before spoke, “It’s a mild concussion. She’ll be fine, for now.”

  “Ah, my head . . . and body,” I groaned feeling the burning ache against my chest and back.

  I felt David help lift me into a half sitting position, “Try not to push yourself, remember, you may have a mild concussion and potential internal haemorrhaging.”

  I spoke next without thinking, “Ah . . . what happened?”

  “Yep, definitely a concussion,” the stranger replied.

  “Who are you?” I managed realising I was taking in parts of the conversation that jumped around me.

  “The name’s Marquith,” he said and held out his hand, glancing down at it, I knew what was expected to do but like before my brain didn’t bother to make the connections. Even as he put his hand away, I couldn’t remember what to do but I was eighty per cent certain it was a custom.

  I said. “Nice to meet you. I’m Cecelia.”

  “I know,” he declared.

  “How’s that?” The sound of spiralling sirens rang out and agonising screams of something monstrous that accompanied it. It took me a moment to comprehend what had happened and what was occurring. “The Vampieres!”

  The sound of gunfire echoed down the hall and soon, heaving pounding thumps and clapping metal revealed a scene of Knights. Several ran passed while, a few turned into the room, all heavily armed. They regarded us on the ground. Their silver armour gleamed and I could sense the Nefaliem behind that black face plate locked into place by a helmet. The helmet pulled away from the features to reveal a woman kneeling down before us, behind her were two other Knights. Males by the sound as they recognised a secure room.

  “Are you kids okay?” she asked her blue eyes scanning each of us, critically.

  “Mostly, first degree battle injuries,” Bella stated. “Plus my friend here may have a concussion.”

  “Understood.” she turned over her shoulder, “Addica, call the medic.”

  “On it,” he replied his finger flew to his ear and he started. “Dispatch medic unit to level thirty, compartment seven.”

  My attention returned back to the woman, “Have any of you seen lady Nindo?”

  “Not really, I was busy.” David began.

  “So was I,” confirmed Bella.

  “Me too,” stated the stranger.

  The woman drifted a levelled gaze between us then smiled, “Alright, I’m going to be needing combat statements from you lot and all recounts from this recent incident after we secure the building.” She stood on her feet and scanned the destroyed a
partment before turning her gaze over to new open view of citadel city.

  I recalled something, “Vampieres! And Blood Serpents were in the building.” The woman turned to me and her eyes glazed over with understanding.

  “We know; we’ll have to ensure the central vault is secure.” She looked prepared to say more until, recent gun-fire graced our ears and I knew this problem was far beyond what I had originally intended.

  I knew there was more to come, so the gunfire that rained wasn’t something I had expected so soon but given the fast flooding memories of vampieres scaling the side of the citadel tower made me realise that nothing was going to stop them, above all I knew they were out for my blood. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone, anyone died. I motioned to move, after the others who left but David was quick to hold me vastly in place. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Going to help.” I growled. His eyes glazed subduing anger.

  “No, you’re not. Remember, if you die then so does our race and its future,” David reminded somehow I recalled my mother mentioning that to me, when I had moved to Castle Haven. I was uncertain if I wanted something so extreme to occur but what else could I do, I had the power to help save these Nefaliem soldiers and my friends in so many ways. A memory of Kal being taken caused my blood to freeze in fear. I knew I had to transition but I had little to no energy left.

  “What about Kal huh? Who’s going to save her?” I demanded glaring at David. “If something happens to her or if she dies, we all suffer not just her race.” I managed and continued more softly, “We have to save her David, the Knights are busy and if we can wake Daphne and Marcus and the others we just may have a chance of locating her.”

  He was quiet for a moment and within that moment, I ached for an answer but when he agreed, he was cautious as he helped me to my feet. We travelled to the back of the apartment and choose the closest spare room. Stepping before it the door didn’t open. “It’s locked,” I said moving back and forth checking to see if the sensor could pick up on me.


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