Stream Ran Dry

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Stream Ran Dry Page 4

by Jeanne Harrell

  “I bet you have. Have you had any fun along the way, though?”

  Rebecca wearily shook her head. “No…not much.”

  “Is that what you want in life? To be a reporter?”

  Rebecca shook her head again, but smiled this time. “You really ask good questions, Mary. Sure you haven’t been a reporter too?”

  “No,” she sipped her coffee. “Just an interested spectator of life. So tell me,” she encouraged. “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to… become a real author. I want to write a book and then another one and another one. I’ve always loved writing, but I haven’t gotten off the ground yet with my profession.”

  “You sound like Wyatt…”

  Rebecca scrunched her face. “… No way.”

  “You probably don’t like him very much right now, correct?”

  “Well…no. He was a horse’s ass during the interview tonight.”

  “…He’s covering up a whole lot of hurt just like you, dear.”

  She tasted her coffee – It had cooled. “…Can you tell me some of it?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “…I…I just don’t know.” She looked over at her. “Mary?”


  “What would you say if I told you… and this is kinda spooky… that I felt some kind of connection with Wyatt when he first walked in. Before we spoke, that is, and pissed each other off…”

  Mary reached over to touch her arm. “He felt it too, dear, which contributed to his abrupt behavior. He didn’t know what to do with those feelings either. He hasn’t had them for a very long time. They probably startled him.”

  “What’s it about?”

  “Just like your tragedy of three years ago, Rebecca… Wyatt had a tragedy of his own. His wife died of cancer about then.”

  “Oh, no.” A hand flew to Rebecca’s mouth as she gasped.

  “They’d only been married a year and it couldn’t have been more of a shock when she was diagnosed. Missy thought she was pregnant and found out she had cancer.”

  “Oh, my God…How terrible.”

  Mary sighed. “Yes…it was.”

  “How does that explain his crappy behavior tonight though?”

  “Rebecca… You’re a grown woman – You can’t tell when a man is attracted to you?”

  She blinked astonished… She saw her wide eyes reflected in Mary’s face. “…You’re right, Mary. It’s been a long time for me too. In fact, I’ve never really had a long-term, serious relationship with a man. Just lots of flirtings…”

  “Oh, my dear. You’re missing out on one of the most wonderful things in life. To love and be loved – Well, there’s nothing like it and it’s not to be missed.” She took Rebecca’s hands in hers.

  “…Don’t be afraid to love, Rebecca. Someone…sometime – Let it happen. You’ll see…”

  Rebecca’s tears were falling again by now. She wiped them with the back of her hand while Mary rose to find a tissue. “…Sure you aren’t a therapist or something?”

  Mary laughed. “I’m sure.” She handed her the tissue. “Here. Now march on to bed and get a good night’s sleep. Everything will look better in the morning.”

  Rebecca nodded and got up to leave. She turned around by the entrance to the hallway.

  “…Thank you, Mary…”

  “You’re welcome, dear. Now sleep…”

  And Rebecca eventually did. She also dreamed of deep blue eyes watching her… cowboy hat… boots and jeans….

  * * *

  Meanwhile, in the truck on the way home, Clint tried to talk with Wyatt.

  “Well, that was an interesting evening.”

  “…Not really,” growled Wyatt.

  “You don’t think Rebecca’s beautiful?”

  “A beautiful pain in the ass…”

  “I think you like her.”

  Wyatt glanced over at him and snorted. “…And I think you’re nuts.”

  “What was all that business with the plate of watermelon about then?”


  “Nope. Don’t see it like that.”

  “Fine. See it however you want to see it.”

  “You don’t want to know how I see it?”


  “…Anyway, I think there was an instant attraction between the two of you.”

  “Really?” His voice dripped sarcasm.

  “Yeah… You couldn’t stop staring at her and she frankly looked you over too. I know it’s been a while, Wyatt, but you must know when a woman is attracted to you.”

  “I know… I’m just choosing to ignore it. Besides, I thought you wanted to date her.”

  Clint laughed, slapping his knee. “I relinquish my claim…”

  When Wyatt just sat there frowning, he tried again.

  Clint ran a hand through his hair. “…Damn it. She’s beautiful, she’s here…”

  “She’s a city gal.” There was a catch in his voice. “…And she’s not Missy.”

  “But no one will ever be. Is that what you want? To be in love with a ghost for the rest of your life?” Wyatt gave him a scorching look. “Sorry, man, but this is the way it is… You’re young – your life is far from over. Want to spend it all alone?”

  Wyatt shook his head. “I know what you’re saying, Clint. I’ve already come to terms with that very fact – that I may be alone.”

  “Would Missy want that?”


  “…No…” he whispered.

  “All right then… All I’m saying is to be a little nicer to her next time you see her. Maybe something will come of it and maybe it won’t. But you’ll be awakening at any rate, which is a good place to start.”

  Wyatt nodded. “… I hear you and I…I promise to try.” He looked over at him. “How’s that?”


  He stopped the truck at Clint’s ranch and Clint got out. He leaned back in the window and extended his hand. Wyatt laughed and shook it.

  “Roping practice tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, definitely… See you…”


  Wyatt drove the final few miles to his ranch, parked the truck and sat for a minute. When he got out of the truck, he looked up into the inky sky, laden with millions of bright stars. All of a sudden, Wyatt saw a shooting star. Missy had loved shooting stars… He understood it to be a sign.

  “All right, Missy… I’ll try to come back. Is that okay with you?”

  Unbelievably, he saw another shooting star and took it for her answer. When his eyes misted, he waited until they cleared and then whistled while walking the few yards to his front door.


  * * *


  Allenville was located a few miles west of the city of Mesquite in southeastern Nevada. It was an old ranching town that had a train depot where cattle ranchers could ship off their stock. Just outside of Allenville lay the Howard Ranch where Gareth Howard was having all the trouble with the Bureau of Land Management.

  The whole business had become too high profile. Outsiders had descended from everywhere -- Many had camped around the ranch, making the atmosphere was rife with tension.

  Rebecca and Tim arrived after breakfast and just walked into the camp. There were tents scattered around with a few campfires, and wash hanging on makeshift lines. Cooking smells filled the air. Several other news people were there with a few cameras. Law enforcement backed up a ways, trying to stay out of the way and out of sight of those cameras.

  Rebecca and Tim tried to be low-key, wearing jeans and Western shirts that Rob had given them. Mary had given Rebecca a pale pink scarf to tie her hair back with. Her ponytail hung down her back like a horse’s mane. She was pretty and popular… Lots of armed men there wanted to talk to her. Tim was getting very uncomfortable and told Rebecca they should beat it out of there while they could. She demurred… Not enough for a story yet, so she continued to interview people
. Tim took a few pictures.

  Not long after lunch, when the day was getting hotter, so were the tempers. Many of the armed men, some with bandannas tied around their heads decided that the law enforcement presence, several Las Vegas police officers, were too close to them and demanded that they move back. Into the mix of high temperatures, policemen and armed men came two BLM trucks with four agents dispatched to the scene to talk with the rancher. It was an explosive mixture…

  Mary and Rob had been worried since breakfast about Rebecca and Tim, and from about a half mile back, had checked out the campsite themselves to see what was going on. What they saw through their binoculars made them uneasy, so Mary suggested they call a few local people to see if the situation could be calmed. Rob called Wyatt and Clint; Wyatt showed within the hour.

  On a ridge overlooking the campsite and ranch, Wyatt, Mary and Rob surveyed the scene with mounting concern. Agitated, armed men were pacing around, watching the police and looking very angry. Loud voices, excited tones, furious looks… And there in the middle of it all, Wyatt saw Rebecca. His gut clenched.

  “Why is she still in there, Mary? Doesn’t she realize she could be in danger?”

  “I think Tim’s been trying to get her out, but no luck so far.” She turned to her husband. “Rob, go down and get those two out of there. I don’t like the looks of this group. It’s becoming a mob and it’s going to turn violent.”

  Rob nodded, but Wyatt put a hand on his arm. “I’ll go…”

  “Let me go with you.”

  He shook his head. “I’d rather do this alone, but if Clint shows up, you can send him down as backup.”


  Wyatt watched for Rebecca as he walked down the hill into the camp. Men looked him over for weapons. He was probably all right by the way he was dressed – like a local rancher. She’d gone over to interview one of the BLM agents standing by his truck, but Wyatt couldn’t see Tim. He wondered briefly where Tim had gone and was beginning to wonder what in the world he could say to get Rebecca to move when…

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw several men shifting into position. Wyatt knew an ambush when he saw one. Before he could reach Rebecca, shots rang out and he ran quickly behind a car. She’d moved quickly too, but he couldn’t see where she went. The furious voices and excited tones suddenly quieted to dead silence… One of the BLM agents called out that he’d been hit and Wyatt knew there would now be hell to pay. This whole area would become an armed camp with a million more law enforcement officers descending. What a mess…

  Everyone now was taking cover behind something, just waiting… watching. The cops and agents had taken up battle lines against the activists, crouching behind tents and trucks. No one had returned fire – yet. It was a timber box ready to explode.

  Wyatt kept low, stole quietly around a few parked vehicles and finally found Rebecca. She was lying prone nearly under a BLM truck and she was scared stiff. She’d been interviewing the BLM agent when he was shot. The agent had taken evasive action and was lying a ways behind her. Wyatt saw he was all right for now.

  Covered in dirt, her eyes were wide and her face was pale. He came up softly behind her and touched her arm. She almost jumped out of her skin, blinking fast when she recognized him.

  “Shh…” He put a finger to his lips. “Keep quiet and stay down.”

  “Okay.” She blew out a breath and looked so relieved to see him. “What kept you?” she whispered and smiled.

  “Are you always this much trouble?” The ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. “Now stay put. I’ll come back for you.” When she nodded, he moved away. Wyatt glanced around, saw where Clint was and surveyed the scene. Then he pulled his big cowboy hat low over his forehead and did the bravest thing she’d ever seen…

  “All right, everyone,” he yelled. “I’m a local rancher and I’m going to stand up. This business is coming to an end.”

  He stood up with raised hands and began walking out into the center of the campsite, towards the men who had opened fire on the BLM agent. Clint walked up from the other side and together they took the guns away from several men. For some reason, the men acquiesced to Wyatt… It was hard to believe, but she saw it with her own eyes.

  “Everyone put up your weapons. This isn’t how we settle things in the West anymore. I don’t care what TV show you’ve seen.”

  Wyatt stood courageously in the center of the campsite and looked, for all the world, like the man in charge – The one to be reckoned with. Rebecca thought he seemed to be ten feet tall and felt a funny feeling deep inside. By this time, Gareth Howard and some hands had made it over from their ranch to see what the shots were about… What was going on.

  The Vegas policemen came over to join Wyatt and Clint, and to arrest the man who had fired on the BLM agent. When the guns were down and the man taken away, Wyatt looked over at Rebecca and waved to her. She’d been peeking out from behind the truck and had never seen anything like this in her life. Rebecca came running over to him and smiled up into his open face.

  “That’s exactly what the Lone Ranger would have done…” She looked so cute and even though it was a pretty strange thing to say, Wyatt just laughed at her. A BLM agent came over to talk to them.

  “Thanks, mister. You diffused a tough situation here. Thanks for your help.”

  Wyatt tipped his hat at him. “Glad I could help you, sir.” Rebecca’s smile broadened across her face.

  “Listen. I’ll need your names. You’re witnesses to what happened and we’ll need you to come into town to make depositions. Will you do that?” He looked expectantly at Wyatt.

  “Yes, sir.” Wyatt’s deep voice carried the strength of character.

  When the agent glanced at Rebecca, she was still admiring Wyatt. “How about you, miss? Will you make a deposition and possibly testify? You were standing by the agent who was shot and must have seen it all…”

  “Yes, sir.” She repeated, then shot a grin at Wyatt. He grinned back at her.

  When the police left with the arrested shooter, the wounded agent was packed up and driven to the nearest hospital in Mesquite. He’d been shot in the arm and someone had put a temporary bandage on him. Clint went off to find Tim, leaving Wyatt and Rebecca still looking into each other’s smiling faces.

  “Is this a daily occurrence for you, ma’am?”

  “Getting caught in a shootout? No way. I usually spend my days crocheting doilies.”

  She arched an eyebrow at him while he pushed back his hat and laughed at her.

  “Laughing at me is a whole lot easier than glaring at me, isn’t it?”

  “…Have you always been so much trouble, Rebecca?”

  She thought that over a minute, while tapping a finger on her chin. “Let me see…Yes…”

  She was covered with dirt and dust from lying on the ground. Wyatt reached over to brush off her clothes. Surprised, she let him… With dust flying everywhere, she coughed and sneezed, as he just smiled and continued brushing her off.

  “You want to take care of me, don’t you, Wyatt?” she teased.

  “…Not sure you’d let me. How about a cup of coffee instead?”


  At that moment, Gareth Howard and a few other cowboys walked up to Wyatt and Rebecca.

  “Thanks, Wyatt, for coming over and lending a hand. Sorry about all this…” Howard’s face was scrunched and his eyes uneasy. “I’d like to talk to you, if you have a minute.” He glanced over at Rebecca and tipped his hat at her. “Ma’am…”

  Wyatt’s eyes slid to Rebecca. She shrugged her shoulders.

  “I need to take off anyway, Mr. Washburn. Thanks for everything… And I mean it.”

  She solemnly stuck out a hand. Wyatt extended his and they shook on it. He tipped his hat at her and she laughed, walking away from him. His breath caught when he saw the pink scarf in her hair. A pink scarf? He blinked rapidly watching her walk towards Tim.

  Wyatt started to leave with Howard, but
kept glancing back. His eyes kept seeking her until her car was gone from his sight… gone from sight… A funny feeling swelled in his chest – It was a feeling long forgotten and quietly buried that floated through him until…

  He pulled his hat low on his head and walked with Clint towards Howard’s ranch house. They’d spend the next few hours discussing the situation and how further violence could be avoided. Serious topics to be sure, but Wyatt’s mind kept returning to that pink scarf holding back the prettiest long brown hair he’d ever seen.

  * * *


  “Wow! You sure know how to have fun, Rebecca…”

  Ella and Rebecca were having margaritas at the corner bar of the Bellagio Hotel and Casino on the Strip. It was large room with crystal chandeliers, mahogany bar and tables. The classic black and white marble flooring under their feet was elegant and yet casual. Dual smells of peanuts and chips permeated the air. And soon a hearty laugh burst from deep inside Ella’s throat as a small giggle bubbled out of Rebecca’s.

  “You’re just jealous you missed it…”

  “I am truly. Dave gave me the assignment to cover the dog show over at the fairgrounds. You get to meet Wyatt Earp who sets the town right. I’m over there with the hounds of Baskerville…”

  Rebecca wiped moisture from her glass. “…It nearly was that way. I know you’re teasing me,” Ella smirked, “…but you’re right. He’s long and tall and straight out of the Old West.”

  “You’re about to swoon all over the table, Rebecca. I think you like this guy…”

  “Well, I didn’t when I first met him.”

  “Yeah, I bet that was funny when you swirled on your Superwoman cape.”

  She jutted out her chin. “…He did back off.”

  “It didn’t sound like he was too fond of you either… until later.”

  “Oh, man… Yes, later… You should have seen him, Ella. Striding out in the midst of all those armed guys. He could have been shot too.”


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