Stream Ran Dry

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Stream Ran Dry Page 12

by Jeanne Harrell

  * * *


  She had tears in her eyes by now. “Is there a happily ever after?”

  “You bet – with me.”

  She sat up and with glistening cheeks, brought him up with her. Rebecca sat there watching her reflection mirrored in his eyes. Those deep blue eyes that followed her everywhere… He apparently wanted the rest of him to follow her for the rest of his days too.

  “Yes, Wyatt Albert Washburn, I will marry you… I will live with you forever and have your children. But are you sure you want to spend that much time with me? We don’t always get along…”

  Wyatt’s laugh was quick -- He brought her lips close to his. “Absolutely. Without a doubt in my mind… Let’s add one diamond engagement ring and two matching wedding bands to the shopping list.”

  Feeling good, he kissed her sweetly and they burrowed into their comforter cocoon. He flipped her over and continued to kiss all over her lovely face. He loved her so much he thought his heart would burst.

  “Maybe we should get off the floor…”

  “What time is it?”

  Wyatt took the comforter off his head and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Eleven.”

  “Let’s get some sleep. We’ve worked hard today and it’s all been eventful.”

  “You can say that again… But don’t,” he chuckled as she opened her mouth to repeat herself.

  He helped her up and onto the bed where they got under the covers and snuggled up close.

  “…Love you, honey,” Rebecca whispered as she fell asleep.

  “I love you too, sweetheart.” Wyatt pulled her closer to him and gave silent thanks that he was given another shot at happiness. He realized how very lucky he was and how incredibly close he’d come to losing it all. He mentally promised to do everything on her list the first chance he got.

  Nodding off, Wyatt tenderly kissed her cheek. It would be the last thing he did at night from now on and the first thing he did every morning. A new ritual was born that night that made him a very happy man indeed.

  * * *

  Ella called early the next morning – Sunday – and left a message. Rebecca returned her call first chance she got… Wyatt had joined her in the shower and that took more time than showers usually take…

  “Rebecca? Are you back in Vegas?”

  “Yup. I got in last night.”

  “Wyatt with you?”

  She laughed. “…How’d you guess?”

  “Because you practically purred answering the phone. I bet you’re still in bed with him, aren’t you?”

  “…Do you think I’d be calling you if I were in bed with a gorgeous cowboy?”

  “…No. Guess you’re right. Want to meet up for lunch? I want to hear about your exciting week at the ranch.”

  “Can we make it drinks or dinner? We’ve got some shopping to do and we need to do it before work tomorrow.”

  “Tell you the truth, I didn’t think you’d be back. Dave and I both guessed you’d marry Wyatt and never ever be back in Vegas again.”


  “Dave got mad just thinking you’d quit the paper, by the way.”

  “…Let’s talk about it tonight.”

  “Can you get away?” Her voice had a big smile in it.

  “Yes, Ella. I’m not roped and tied to his saddle.”

  “You’re just not lucky enough apparently.”

  She laughed at that. “Okay…for drinks – How about the Crystal Bar at the Mirage around four? Wyatt can join us for dinner later.”

  “Great. I’d like another look at this handsome guy of yours up close. Why should you get all the fun?”

  * * *

  Wyatt and Rebecca had a fun day shopping. He insisted on buying her engagement ring first. They went to a very nice jewelry store in downtown Vegas where he told her to pick out anything she wanted. There were rows of glass cases with the most gorgeous jewelry in each one. All the diamonds sparkled and danced in the light, exciting her while Wyatt just happily watched. But she was reluctant to choose any particular one because of the high prices.

  When he whispered in her ear how much money he made last year, she immediately chose a large square-set white diamond mounted in a beautiful setting with many smaller diamonds around it.

  “That’s the one?”

  “You told me to pick one. This is the one…”

  The saleslady said it would take an hour to size the ring and they picked out matching wedding bands while they were there. They chose simple plain yellow gold bands – simple, yet elegant… With three rings to be sized, Wyatt and Rebecca headed off for a furniture store.

  A man at one of the largest stores in the area told Wyatt that the furniture could be delivered right out to his ranch, so they picked out several pieces, including a big overstuffed couch with matching chairs. Then they wandered to the part of the store that had the bedroom sets.

  Seeing the beautiful wooden beds and dressers, Rebecca playfully grabbed Wyatt by his shirt lapels and dragged him down on a bed.

  He laughingly kissed her nose. “…Probably not appropriate here in the store, honey…”

  She raised an eyebrow and gave him a sexy look. “…Maybe later?”

  “Yeah… Let’s pick out a mattress now or would you rather just replace all the bedroom furniture?”

  Her eyes widened and her lips parted. “Do you mean it? You’d get rid of all of it?”

  “Yes. I feel the need to make a clean start with you, Becca.” He glanced around, got up and took her hand. “Come on. Let’s find something we both like.”

  She happily started walking around with him, chatting about one style or the other. He liked the big Western look with pine and a four-poster bed. Rebecca grinned and loved it too.

  “See? This isn’t so hard.”

  “What? Picking out furniture or us getting along?”

  “Both.” She leaned up to kiss his lips. “I love you, Wyatt.”

  “I love you too, but let’s get a move on, if you’re going to meet Ella at four.”


  He flagged down a salesman to discuss the furniture and make the sale.

  “What are you going to do when I’m with Ella?”

  “…I ordered a saddle a few months ago and it’s come in. I’ll drop you off and then go pick it up. I can meet you and your friend for dinner at six… Is that all right?”

  “Six is great. We can just eat at one of the restaurants at the Mirage.”

  “Sounds good, honey. Let’s wrap up the furniture order.”

  She saw the salesman heading their way. “Wait a minute. What about the dishes, glasses and silverware? Will we have enough time to do that now?”

  “…If we don’t, you can always order some of that online.”

  “There’s deliveries made to Allenville?”

  He grinned. “Yes. There are deliveries made even to a tiny town like Allenville. Either that or we can pick up whatever over in Mesquite.”

  “We have to get that kitchen stuff, Wyatt. Your kitchen’s a disaster.”

  “Excuse me -- our kitchen is a disaster.”

  “… Well, it won’t be when I get ahold of it, Mr. Washburn.”

  Rebecca was very excited by the time they’d finished buying all the furniture. He was thrilled to see her dancing eyes. And when Wyatt drove them back to pick up the sized rings, she was over the moon with happiness.

  Sitting in his truck, Wyatt pulled out the ring from its jewelry case and reached for Rebecca’s left hand. He put the diamond ring on her engagement finger and looked up into her beaming face.

  “I’ll ask you again. Rebecca Sawyer, will you do me the honor of marrying me? I love you and I want to make you as happy as you make me.”

  She looked up from the ring on her hand. “…I know I don’t always make you happy, but I promise to try harder, Wyatt, if you really want me. I love you too…”

  He kissed the ring on her finger and leaned in to k
iss her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. Their kiss caught fire and became deeper, more serious. They broke apart breathing harder.

  “…Wow…I can’t wait to get you home tonight, Wyatt Washburn. You’re a pretty good kisser.”

  He grinned at her. “…I’m going to hold you to that, Mrs. Washburn.” Which made her smile all the more. “Come on. We need to get you over to meet Ella. I’m sure you’ll be excited to tell her a few things.”

  Rebecca gazed at her beautiful new ring, her eyes sparkling. “…And show her something…”

  * * *


  “Let me see that rock.” Ella grabbed Rebecca’s hand and pulled it over to get a good look. She moved it this way and that, watching how the lights made various diamonds sparkle. “My God, Rebecca. He must have spent a fortune on this.”

  She shrugged. “He said to pick out whatever I liked. And believe me when I tell you, he can afford it.”

  Ella gave her hand back and rolled her eyes. “… So you fell for a handsome guy who’s got some bucks? How cliché…”

  “Well, they’re much easier to fall for than some poor mousy guy…” she shot her a look.

  Ella sat back, sipped her glass of wine and considered Rebecca.

  “You look good, Rebecca. Happy…in love.”

  “…Thanks. I am…” She took a sip of her wine.

  “How was the week? Lots of fun riding horses and going on hayrides?”

  Rebecca shook her head, exhaling deeply. “I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard in my life, Ella. I was ready to come home about an hour after we’d arrived.”

  “What? Why?”

  “… We’ve worked long and hard on the deceased wife issue the whole week. I was ready to give up several times…”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  She smiled. “…Wyatt wouldn’t let me. He just kept saying we could work it out and that he loved me.”

  “…And then there’s the sex.”

  A wicked smile flashed on her face. “…And then there’s the sex…” She raised an eyebrow and Ella laughed.

  “Oh, come on, honey. Give me one small detail.”

  “You know I don’t kiss and tell…”

  Ella took another sip. “…Damn…”

  “…But I will tell you this –“

  She leaned forward in her chair to hear Rebecca better. “…Yes?”

  “He’s as wonderful a lover as he is handsome.” Her smile hit high beams.

  Ella blew out a breath. “That’s just so unfair. An incredibly handsome man who’s also apparently incredible in bed and has lots of money asks you to marry him. Who are you – Angelina Jolie?”

  They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  “I don’t even look like Angelina Jolie…”

  “Well, you have missed some excitement around here, though.”


  “… That series you’re doing has gone through the roof – circulation-wise. And on the blog side, there have been well over two million hits per story. That’s both stories! Dave is deliriously happy with you and wants that third story.”

  Rebecca almost choked on her wine.

  “Millions of hits? Really? Wow…I had no idea.”

  “… Yes, while you’ve been playing footsy with a cute cowboy, your career has gone nuclear.”

  Rebecca sat up straighter, eyes looking inward. “You know what, Ella?”


  “I’m going to turn these stories into a book.” A light bulb practically appeared over her head. “This is that one great story idea that I’ve been searching for.”


  “I’ve been so distracted with Wyatt…”


  “Okay, maybe that’s the wrong word… Falling in love with Wyatt…”

  “…Took you out of your comfort zone and you were receptive to that one great idea when it plopped in your lap.”

  “Yes… I didn’t overthink a story for once because I didn’t have the time. I’ve been so happily wrapped up in Wyatt.”

  “…Literally…” smiled Ella.

  “Yes, literally…” Rebecca smiled back.

  Ella sat back and smoothed her hair. “…So a book, huh? Does Wyatt know about your literary goals?”

  “He does and supports them.” She exhaled and looked dreamily towards her friend. “He really is the most wonderful man, Ella.”

  Ella brightened, glancing at the bar’s entrance. “…And speaking of that wonderful man, Rebecca… here he comes.”

  Ella sighed just watching him approach their table. In fact, he was the starring attraction for many of the women in the bar. As he strode by, heads turned… voices whispered… eyes appreciated.

  Tall, wearing tight jeans, light blue Western shirt and cowboy hat low on his head, Wyatt’s face shone as he approached their table. Rebecca stared at him like she’d never seen him before. All eyes were on them when Wyatt leaned over to kiss Rebecca fully on the lips and then tip his hat at Ella. Half the women in the bar practically swooned…

  “Ella… How are you? Good to see you again.” He sat down in the chair next to Rebecca and took off his hat.

  “Fine, Wyatt. You’re looking…prosperous…” she said coyly while Rebecca kicked her under the table.

  He scrunched his eyes trying to figure out that meaning, but then let it go. “Well, I hope I look happy. Did Becca tell you the news?”

  “Yes, indeed she did.” Ella gave him a bright smile. “…Congratulations. She’s not bad…”

  Rebecca laughed.

  “…Yeah, she’ll do…” Wyatt put his hand on Rebecca’s and squeezed.

  Rebecca began to excitedly tell Wyatt about the success of her two stories that had been run so far. She really needed to get to work on that third story. When she mentioned turning her stories into a book, he whistled.

  “Wow… It sounds like it’s all coming together for you. How do you want to proceed from here?”

  Their table was ready and they went in to dinner. Over dinner, Rebecca filled him in on the rest of the interviews she’d need to do and the preliminary work to be done for the book.

  “I need to stay in town for a while, Wyatt, and get the rest of my research done.”

  “I see. Okay, whatever you need.”

  Ella excused herself at that point to visit the restroom. When she was gone, Wyatt leaned over to speak softly to Rebecca.

  “You want me to go back to the ranch by myself?”

  Her eyes beseeched him. “…Just for the week. Can you come back next Saturday to pick me up?”

  “Becca, how are you going to continue your job once we’re married? I think we have to talk about this.”

  She nodded. “…Yes, no doubt, but this is what I need to do right now. The situation in Allenville with Gareth Howard is still front page news and Dave will want to capitalize on that fact.”

  “You know I don’t want to go home without you…”

  “Yes, I know. Would you rather stay here with me?”

  He shook his head. “…There’s many things to attend to at the ranch and being gone for a week wouldn’t be a smart move on my part. We need to have a roundup pretty soon and…”

  “All right. Please give me the week, okay?”

  “I don’t want to be without you, honey…”

  They were still looking at each other when Ella came back from the restroom. The expressions on their faces told a story and they were obviously in the middle of something.

  “Well, kids…I need to take off. Rebecca, I’ll tell Dave that you’ll stop by tomorrow and go over that third story with him. All right? If you need to leave or whatever, maybe you can work from the ranch…”

  She started to leave some money for her dinner, but Wyatt stopped her.

  “No, Ella… Please let me buy you dinner. It’s actually in lieu of a friend of mine,” he teased.

  Both Ella and
Rebecca cast surprised looks at him. He smiled back mysteriously.

  “My good friend, Clint, asked me to buy you dinner while I was in town. He’d like you to visit the ranch soon so he can come over to say a neighborly hello.”

  “What?” asked Rebecca, eyes wide.

  “What?” repeated Ella, eyes wider.

  Wyatt just slyly tilted his head.

  “… Well, all right,” grinned Ella. She turned to Rebecca. “…Is he cute? Please tell me yes…”

  Rebecca nodded and laughed. “…He’s very cute…”

  “Okay, then. It’s a date. I’d love to come out to meet him. Just tell me when and where.” She cast curious eyes at Wyatt and raised an eyebrow at Rebecca. “See ya, kids…” And she left.

  Rebecca turned to Wyatt. “What in the world was all that about?”

  “Clint asked if you had any cute friends. I told him about Ella and he really wants to meet her.”

  “Great… So now we have to play Cupid.”

  “Yes, and it’ll be fun. They’ll probably get along better than we do.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. “Wyatt Washburn… That’s not a nice thing to say to your fiancé…”

  He put his arm around her. “Just trying to keep it interesting.”

  “…Let’s go home. I’m hungry for something else.”

  “You’re right, honey. I’d like some Becca-dessert at home…I remember how sweet you said you are.”

  They laughed, paid the check and left for her apartment.

  * * *


  After that sweet dessert, Wyatt and Rebecca compromised on four days, instead of seven. He said he could probably manage four days away from her, but only if they spoke a few times daily. She laughingly said that could be arranged.

  The next day, Wyatt left for the ranch and Rebecca headed down to the newspaper to see her editor. She grabbed her story outline for the book she wanted to write about Allenville and knocked on his door. He was on the phone, as usual, but waved her in.


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