Stargazing (The Walker Family Book 2)

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Stargazing (The Walker Family Book 2) Page 9

by Bernadette Marie

“You don’t get to decide that.”

  “Sure I do,” he said putting the tie back on. “She makes me feel like I’ve never felt before.”

  “And that’s why you’re dating. You go out in public a few times and see what you think about each other and then you spend some time alone. Kent, there’s no need to rush anything. You just met this woman.”

  He nodded as he finished the knot. “She doesn’t like people to recognize her.”

  “Then don’t take her anywhere where they will. Keep it low key.”

  “I want to bring her home.”

  “Mom will think that’s pretty serious.”

  Kent clucked his tongue. “I know. Maybe it will be.”

  His sister picked up a wandering toddler that happened by. “Tell Uncle Kent to have fun on his date.”

  Instead he was blown a kiss and that was even better, he thought.

  “I’ll let you know how it goes.”

  “If it ends early enough, they’d love a bedtime story. But if it goes well, don’t call too late.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it. Bye, sis.”

  “Bye,” she said as he closed his laptop and stood to examine himself in the mirror.

  He wouldn’t consider himself a catch by any means, but Bethany seemed interested. How that happened, he had no idea, but damn it felt good.

  Tonight would be a big one, he figured. They’d already kissed. Really that should have waited, but hey, they were adults. Date number two could have a lot more kissing.

  He let out a long steady breath to calm his nerves. Closing his eyes, he sent up a little prayer for the night to go well, because he really—really—wanted it to go well.

  As he turned down her street, Kent looked at his watch. It was seven-fifteen. He hated to be late, but he’d taken that damn tie off and changed one more time.

  There was a beat-up red pickup truck out front of the house, which, when he thought of it, might have been there the night before. Oh, how could he remember anything such as a detail as that. All he could remember was kissing Bethany and hoping he was going to get to do a lot more of that tonight.

  Kent put the car into park and opened the door just as the front door to the house opened and Bethany stepped out.

  To say his breath was taken away, would be an understatement. The short dress seemed to fit her casual style. The bright color highlighted the flame of hair that cascaded over her shoulders. He was sure there was never a time she could possibly look bad.

  He hurried around the to the other side of the car as she came toward him.

  “I’m really sorry I’m late. My nephew was helping me pick out my outfit.”

  “No, you’re fine.”

  He pulled open the door and she quickly slid past him and sat down. Not so much as a hug or a kiss. Something seemed to be bothering her. That was okay too. He just wanted to be with her.

  Kent shut the door and walked around to the other side. “Is there any place you want to go?”

  “Anywhere. Just go,” she said.

  Her arms were crossed and she kept her gaze out the front window. Kent looked back at the house assuming that Susan would be running after her, but the door remained closed.

  “Italian? I saw a…”

  “That’s fine.”

  Kent took a deep breath, started the car, and drove away from the house. It wasn’t promising to be the romantic night he’d hoped for. Perhaps this was better, though. He’d either help her through whatever was eating at her, or he’d quickly realize there was a reason she was the one that was killed off in all her movies.

  He drove through town until he found the restaurant he’d been thinking about when he passed it a few days ago. Usually, you couldn’t go wrong with Italian. How many people could screw up a plate of spaghetti?

  Kent parked his van in the parking lot and opened his door just as she did the same. There wouldn’t be a grand chance to be a gentleman tonight, he thought.

  Closing his door, he could hear her slam hers. He took a deep breath of caution and walked around the van with a smile.

  “I’ve been dying for pasta.”

  Bethany turned to him and kissed him hard on the mouth. The action was so sporadic he tripped backward against the van and hit his head.

  “Sorry,” she said with a regretful look on her face.

  “God, don’t be sorry.” He stood and rubbed the back of his head. “I just didn’t expect that. Certainly didn’t mind it either. What do you say we try that again?”

  For the first time the slightest hint of a smile crossed her lips as she moved in and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “This is better,” he said as he dipped his head and took over the kiss she’d started.

  When their lips parted, he rested his forehead to hers. “Everything okay?”

  “No. But we can discuss that over dinner. I’m sorry I was in such a mood.”

  “We all have them. I’m here to listen.”

  Kent took her hand, intertwining their fingers, and walked toward the front door of the restaurant.

  Inside was quaint, cozy. The smell of garlic permeated the air. His stomach rumbled and Bethany turned with a grin.

  “Hungry, Mr. Black?”

  “Almost always.”

  “Me too.”

  Her mood seemed to have lifted after she’d kissed him. That had to be positive if he brought out the best in her.

  They were seated in the corner. Red gingham tablecloths adorned each table. Tacky bottles of wine and statues of fat chefs holding pizza adorned the shelves on the walls.

  “I don’t even have to look at the menu. I want spaghetti with meatballs. A huge plate of it. And bread, lots of bread,” Bethany said with wide eyes.

  “You are hungry, aren’t you?”

  “Life is too short to starve. And I’m starving. I haven’t eaten since yesterday sometime.”

  The waitress took their orders and brought them a basket of bread. Bethany had a piece in her hand and was slathering it with butter before he’d even noticed it was on the table.

  “Can I venture into asking you what happened today?” he asked cautiously. “I took it you were upset when you left the house. But if you don’t want to talk about it…”

  “Susan fired me.”

  Kent sat back in his chair. “She fired you? Aren’t you family?”

  “Family can fire family.”

  “I suppose. But why?”

  “I deserved it. I was late. I was a mess. I forgot things that were my responsibility to bring. I dropped a tray of food.”

  Reaching across the table he took her hands, which he’d noticed had begun to shake.

  “Calm down.”

  “I can’t. I ruined the luncheon for her. She had other jobs riding on that job. I can’t take that back and make it better. I deserved to be fired. Only now I can’t pay my rent.”

  “Susan doesn’t come across as the kind of woman who holds a grudge. I’ll bet if you talk to her, you two can work this out.”

  Bethany nodded. “I’m just a little worked up over it.”

  “Of course you are. Let’s have a nice meal and I’ll take you back early so you can talk to her about it.”

  She didn’t agree to his proposition. Instead, she stood from her seat and walked around to his side of the table. Taking the seat next to him, she rested her hand on his knee, which managed to ramp up his heart rate to a dangerous level.

  “How about I forget about my horrible day and stay with you for the night.”

  Kent swallowed hard and willed his body to behave as she touched him. “I…of course…don’t you…” He stopped and took a breath because he sounded like an idiot. “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely sure,” she said, lifting her hand into his hair and raking her fingers through it.

  It was official, he thought as he placed his napkin on his lap. He was going to lose his mind over this woman. He could feel it slipping away every minute he was around her—and he liked it.
  Chapter Fourteen

  Kent sincerely thought it would be best to take Bethany back home after dinner. She’d had three large glasses of wine and had eaten all of her dinner, a few bites off of his, and most of the basket of bread. He certainly didn’t mind. But looking at her in the van, her head rested against the back of the seat and her eyes closed, he thought it was taking advantage of the situation to take her to his hotel.

  “Why don’t I take you back to your place? Something tells me you could use a good night’s sleep tonight.”

  She rolled her head so that she faced him and opened her eyes. “I don’t want to go home.”

  “You need to talk to Susan.”

  “Not tonight. I don’t want to talk to anyone but you tonight.”

  That should have been flattering, he supposed. However, looking at her he wasn’t sure.

  “How about I order us up a pot of coffee to the room when we get to the hotel? Maybe it’ll make you feel better.”

  She only nodded and he was sure she’d then fallen asleep on the ride to the hotel.

  Bethany opened her eyes when she felt the van stop. “This is your place?”

  Kent chuckled. “Yeah. It’s ugly, but they do have room service and an outdated gym.”

  She sat up and opened the door.

  “Let me help you,” he offered and she sat still, realizing she had eaten more than she had in months. Add the wine and she wondered why he hadn’t just pushed her out of the car and onto Susan’s lawn.

  Kent hurried around the front of the van, then stood before her with his hand extended. She took it and he helped her out.

  “I’m a mess, huh?”

  “You just look a little lost, that’s all. I know you had a rough day. But we’ll get you some coffee and…”

  “I wanted to have sex with you.”

  He cleared his throat and she could see the flush in his cheeks turning brighter. “That’s quite an offer.”

  “I know. I’m a mess. You don’t have to be nice to me tonight. I’ll sober up a bit and get a cab.”

  “You’re in good hands, sweetheart. Let’s just get you upstairs.”

  She leaned against him. She couldn’t believe she had just told him that she wanted to have sex with him. How embarrassing.

  Suddenly that massive meal she’d consumed and the wine were mixing and she didn’t feel good at all.

  “Is there a bathroom in the lobby?”

  “Yes.” He pointed her in the right direction and she hurried toward the door.

  Though she’d fully intended on ridding herself of the meal and the alcohol she’d consumed, she hadn’t thought it would happen spontaneously.

  She had barely reached the stall before she hurled her dinner into the toilet. Though she purged her meals often, she’d never get used the vial feeling that vomiting had on a body. She hadn’t eaten all day and then to pig out as she had and to drink—she’d been asking for this. It was a punishment for her horrible attitude and behavior today. Susan never should have had to wait for her or work around her. The money she probably lost was—she didn’t even want to think about it. Eric was probably livid with her too by now. Why wouldn’t he be? She’d upset Susan so much she wouldn’t blame them if they asked her to move out.

  She’d be on her own again. She was used to that. Family had never been there for her anyway, why would now be…

  Another wave of sickness moved over her and she heaved again and again before falling to the floor next to the toilet.

  The sobs came next. They always came next, but this time it was because she was lying to herself. Her family had been there for her. Her father kept her safe and Eric had accepted her right away. Her sisters were working on a relationship with her and so were her brothers. Her mother was gone at her own hands. Bethany couldn’t be blamed for her past.

  The sobs came harder and she could hardly breathe.

  Back in her bathroom there were pills to stop the vomiting. There were pills to keep her calm. She could sleep all night if she were just home.

  “Bethany? Are you in here? Are you okay?”

  Kent’s voice echoed in the bathroom.

  “You can’t be in here. It’s a ladies’ room.”

  “You’ve been in here for twenty minutes. I told the manager I was coming in to get you.”

  She saw his feet under the door. He stopped right above her and pushed open the door.

  “You need a doctor,” he said looking down at her.

  “I’m just a little sick. I’ll be fine.”

  “C’mon, let me get you upstairs.”

  Though the thought of the pills back home seemed enticing, so did laying down on a soft bed.

  Kent helped her from the floor and slowly they walked to the elevator. He kept his arm wrapped tightly around her waist.

  As the elevator door closed, he could hear her sob.

  “Are you okay?”

  “No,” she moaned. “You must think I’m a mess of a person. I’ll understand that if you take me home tomorrow, you’ll never want to see me again.”

  That’s not what he wanted at all. Everyone was allowed bad days. So this one was a horrible one for her. He understood that. He’d had a million of them himself. God, when he thought back to the file drawer he had of rejection letters, it was a wonder he ever wrote another word.

  “Let’s get you feeling better. I can’t imagine that I won’t want to see you again. I happen to like you a lot.”

  “You do?” She stumbled against him as the elevator door opened.

  “I do.”

  She was quiet the rest of the evening. He’d managed to get her into his bed, pull off her shoes, and cover her up. She hadn’t gotten sick again and he was very grateful for that.

  Kent had laid a cold, wet towel on her forehead and she’d drifted off to sleep. She may have thought she wanted sex with him, but that was very obviously not going to happen now.

  Because his mother had raised him properly, he managed to find Susan’s phone number and call her. He wanted her to know that Bethany was in good hands.

  “Is she okay?” she asked.

  “She’s going to be. I just wanted you to know what happened and that I have her.”

  “I feel awful. I’m sure she was so worked up over today that it made her sick. I shouldn’t have told her she was fired. I’ve dropped trays and been late before.”

  “I’m sure once you talk it out everything will be okay,” he offered.

  “I can bring over some clothes. Anything you need.”

  “I think she’s fine. I’ll call you if anything happens. I’m going to let her sleep it all off. I don’t have to be anywhere tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Kent.”

  He smiled as he watched her sleep peacefully. “It’s all my pleasure.”

  Disconnecting the call, he set his phone on the table. A few moments later his alarm went off to call his nephew before bed.

  He winced. There was no way he could read a bedtime story tonight. Quickly, he texted his sister.

  I have company. Can’t call.

  She returned his text nearly immediately. You got her to your room?

  He sighed. Long story. Not so glamourous. Will call in the morning. Love you all. Goodnight.

  Bethany stirred as he set his phone back down.

  Instinct had him move to her and kneel down next to the bed. “Can I get you anything?”


  “I can do that.”

  “A T-shirt.”

  He chuckled. “I can do that too.” He stood and walked to the dresser where he pulled out his biggest T-shirt, to give her some comfort.

  He walked back to the bed and sat down on the edge next to her. “I’ll go down and get you a bottle of water. Here’s the shirt.”

  Bethany moved the towel from her forehead. “Will you help me put it on? I promise not to jump you or anything,” she said weakly.

  He’d dreamed of touching her. In fact, he was very sure he kne
w what her skin would feel like under the tips of his fingers. This, however, wasn’t how he imagined getting the opportunity.

  As she tried to sit up, he moved to help her. The dress was bunched around her and he thought, as she inched it up, he might have a heart attack.

  Kent helped pull the fabric from her pale skin and up over her head. Quickly he held up the T-shirt hoping to escape without his fingers touching her skin or his gaze getting stuck on her breasts and how they beautifully filled the delicate bra.

  He swallowed hard as he slipped the T-shirt over her head and his fingers then brushed down her back as he eased the fabric on her.

  The moment she was covered he stood.

  “I’ll go get that water.”

  Did he look to her to be as frightened as he felt, he wondered as he grabbed the room key card off the dresser and headed down the hall for a four dollar bottle of water.

  The expense was nothing. The moment alone was priceless.

  What had caused her to get so sick? He’d sure planned the night to end differently than it was. He worried about her, though. In two days, he had to leave Georgia for a week. The book tour couldn’t be postponed.

  Maybe she’d like to go with him. If she began to feel better, that would be an option.

  He laughed at himself as the bottle of water dropped from the machine. Why would she want to travel with him? They didn’t know each other at all, really. Just because he’d been just a little obsessed with her when he saw her, didn’t mean she’d want to get to know him. No, it was a bad idea.

  However, maybe it would help her out.

  He picked up the water and headed back to the room.

  From what he already knew about her she wasn’t close to her father. Her mother had passed and her family was just coming into acceptance of her. Would it really matter that she left town with a man she didn’t know very well? Would they actually notice she was gone?

  It would give her and Susan some time apart. Maybe they could both cool off after their fight earlier that day.

  He slipped his key into the door. When she felt better, he’d ask her.

  She was asleep again when he walked into the room. Only now she was uncovered and the T-shirt had hiked up over her hip.


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