‘My very much older and wiser uncle was left holding the baby so to speak. He was a hero, I suppose. He did not turn the Grecian parlour maid away, or parcel off the child to be adopted when she died. But I don’t think it was ever possible that he could love me. Nevertheless he did do his best.’
Tara wondered if the uncle believed himself to be the baby’s father. Why else would he care for the Grecian maid, and not give the child up. It made no sense. But in end it did not matter. The child had been destined for greatness, and had seized life with both hands. ‘So little Saul Xavier decided that he could take on the world all on his own,’ she said to him gently. ‘That he needed no one, except himself and his music?’
‘Oh yes. And he did very well for quite some time. Perhaps until he met someone he couldn’t stop himself from loving.’
He turned away from her confronting the stilled images of himself on the three screens. He made a sound of disgust. ‘I was beginning to loathe myself,’ he told her. ‘I fancied that everything I did led to a plunge into disaster. I was a downhill racer, hurtling on to the destruction of everything I cared for.’
He picked up a snake of film from the floor and pulled it through his fingers, his face savage. ‘I felt myself growing older; terrified I’d lose all I had struggled for in those years when I just relied on myself. So there was only one person left to destroy. Myself.’ He glanced at the distorted, harsh faces on the screens. ‘I began to tear at the essence of my being. I would seize my precious art by the throat and squeeze. You see, Tara, if you destroy all that is precious then nobody else can step in and do it on your behalf. And when everything is torn down there is nothing more to fear.’
‘Oh, yes,’ said Tara. ‘I see that very well.’
He turned away from her, his face rigid and set. He wrenched the ribbons of film from the three parallel rollers and flung them on the floor in a shiny heap, grinding at them viciously with his foot.
He swung back to Tara. ‘Now I start building again.’
‘Yes,’ she agreed quietly. ‘Yes.’
He saw her weariness, her need for comfort after all she had endured for him. He took her in his arms. ‘Only you can help me do it, Tara.’
‘I will,’ she said. ‘And I cannot imagine how much courage it must have taken to come back.’
He held her close against him ‘You know it’s not in my power to change, don’t you? The essence of me, the Saul Xavier you first got to know, I can never change that.’
Tara considered. Warmth stole through her. ‘Which of us can change ourselves? Rebuilding is far more real and precious.’
It was the winter of the same year. Morning frosts were laying a crusty white covering over the ground and each evening the sun sank in a blaze of rose and gold.
On the day before Tara and Saul were to be married, the bride-to-be went in search of her daughter. She carried two pairs of gloves in her hand, wanting Alessandra to help her decide which would be the most suitable to complement her simple cream bridal suit.
Approaching Tosca’s stable she saw Alessandra brushing straw from Tosca’s tail – always a tricky task – and Saul standing at the horse’s head, two fingers hooked into each side of the head-collar.
‘Try to make her keep still, Daddy.’
‘I am.’
‘You’re pretty good with her. She kicks terribly sometimes.’
‘I might take up riding. I can’t remember being up on a horse for years.’
‘No,’ said Alessandra.
‘You’d be desperately good at it after about five lessons and start coming home with rosettes and silver tankards. Do keep her still!’
There were some moments of silence.
‘You know the Schubert Impromptu in A?’
‘Well, I was listening to a couple of old recordings of it. Your vinyl discs. Brendel and Barenboim.’
‘They each use an entirely different tempo in the first movement.’
‘Really. I must listen again. And what are Schubert’s instructions?’
‘He says allegro moderato.’
‘And how do you like to tackle it?’
‘Like Schubert says, of course. But then how do we know exactly what he meant by allegro moderato. Was it the same as Beethoven meant – or Brahms?’
‘Ah, now that is a fascinating question.’
Alessandra began to speak again. Offering a further opinion, confident and prepared to be innovative.
Tara crept away. She laid the gloves on her dressing table to show to Alessandra later.
Tara had told Saul she promised to look radiant for him.
Alessandra was stunning as the only attendant, wearing a jacket in hunting pink, cream jodhpurs and a black bowler complete with a cream silk ribbon.
It had been meant to be a family occasion; only a few friends and well wishers from the village. The news had leaked out. The church was crammed.
Georgiana and her new husband slipped in discreetly at the back and left equally unobtrusively as the bride and groom departed to sign the register.
The Tudor Philharmonic turned up in force and the first violinist played the Chaconne from Bach’s Partita Number 2 and the wistful Air on a G string as the congregation waited for the couple to reappear from the vestry.
At the reception Alessandra watched proceedings with a coolly mocking fifteen-year-old gaze trying to conceal the swelling surges somewhere in the region of her heart.
‘Honestly,’ she complained to Rachel and Donald, eyeing the happy couple, ‘most of my friends’ parents are at each others throats all the time. And mine are always down each other’s.’
‘Alessandra! Where do you pick up such coarse expressions?’ said Rachel, amused.
‘Ever heard of school? The media? Books? I bet Mummy was far worse when she was my age.’
There was no easy reply to that. Rachel just smiled.
Roland Grant rose to his feet to toast the couple. He sketched out the bright musical future ahead for both bride and groom. Xavier would be taking the Tudor Philharmonic to Tokyo and Shanghai in the spring, playing an exciting programme of music from both the baroque period and the twentieth century. Meanwhile Tara had accepted the invitation of the Eastlands Symphonia to take over as their musical director and chief conductor. A truly remarkable duo was Roland’s conclusion as he raised his glass.
They spent the first night of their marriage at the house in Oxfordshire.
In the morning Alessandra woke them with her clattering in the kitchen below. Clad in jodhpurs and boots ready for a morning canter, she brought up tea on a silver tray. ‘First day of married life,’ she said briskly. ‘The world is out there to be taken by the throat. So!’
They heard her running down the stairs.
‘Like father, like daughter,’ Tara chuckled, prevented from saying more by a kiss from her husband.
An outer door slammed. And then there was the sound of Alessandra’s clear treble voice striking out clean and free into the coming day.
DEATH IN A HEARTBEAT - After a heart transplant, Kate becomes convinced her donor was murdered. Her life is once again in danger as she determines to find the killer. (The third book in The Maestro Series will be published as an ebook in 2012).
Author’s website: www.angeladracup.com
Published by The Electronic Book Company
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The Maestro's Mistress Page 30