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The Irish Getaway: A Kennedy Boys Optional Short Novel (The Kennedy Boys)

Page 8

by Siobhan Davis

  Kade stands, stalking toward the front entrance without saying a word. Steam is practically billowing out of his ears. Kev gets up to follow, and I jump up, applying light pressure to his arm as I hold onto him. “You want me to come with?”

  He shakes my hand off. “Leave it, Ky. This doesn’t involve you.”

  I’m seething when I sit back down, and a muscle pulses in my jaw.

  “He didn’t mean anything by that,” Faye murmurs in a soothing voice.

  I rub the back of my stiff neck. “Yes, he did. This is exactly how those two get. They are always so damned secretive, and they always keep shit from me.”

  She takes my hand, linking her fingers in mine. “Things will be different come September. Once we are all in Harvard, I bet they’ll open up to you more.”

  I harrumph. “I don’t care,” I lie, but hurt radiates from my words.

  Wordlessly, she wraps her arms around my waist, cuddling into my side. Some of my anger and hurt ebbs away. A heavy layer of tension has settled on our table though, obliterating the previous chill vibes, and I could kill my brothers for spoiling the mood. The band continues to entertain the crowd, and we listen quietly, all conversation halted as everyone is locked in their own thoughts. A few minutes pass, and then I feel a hand on my back. A tall guy with slim shoulders and reddish-brown hair leans over me. “Are those your brothers out front?” His lyrical Irish accent is pronounced. I nod sharply. “Then I think you need to get out there,” he says ominously before walking away.

  I get up. Everyone is staring at me expectantly. I shrug. “I’m going outside to check. Stay here.” Faye stands up, lacing her fingers in mine and jutting her chin out defiantly. I don’t even bother arguing with her. Keeping her close to my back, I maintain a hold of her hand, as I navigate a path out of the bar.

  “Ho. Lee. Shit,” Faye exclaims, clamping a hand over her mouth as we step out on the sidewalk. Darkness has encroached on the nighttime sky, but my brothers are well lit under the full glare of the streetlights. Kade’s head jerks back as Kev lands a solid punch to his jaw. Kade staggers a little, recovering quickly and launching a fast retaliation. He punches Kev full-force in the face. Blood spurts out of a cut on Kev’s lip, and his responding bloodstained toothy grin is creepy as hell. Kev darts forward, grabbing Kade into a headlock. Kade roars, digging his elbow in Kev’s gut as he tries to work himself free.

  “Oh my God!” Mom shrieks, and I whip around. The rest of the family is frozen in place at the entrance to the bar with matching slack jaws and shell-shocked expressions. “Stop them, James!” she pleads.

  Dad moves forward, exuding anger and disappointment with every step. “Release your brother, Keven,” he demands. Kev tightens his hold around Kade’s neck, and Kade splutters as his face turns blue.

  “He can’t breathe!” Mom screams in a panic-laden tone. “Stop it, Keven. Please!” Tears stream down her face.

  I step up beside Dad. “Kev. You’re scaring Mom. Let him go.”

  Kev’s eyes are enraged as he lifts his face to mine. He whips his head around, and his aggression lowers a notch when he locks gazes with Mom. Stepping back, he releases Kaden, shoving him away from him as if he can’t bear the sight of him. Kade grasps for air, clutching a hand to his throat as he shoots daggers at Kev. He straightens up. “I’m done with you.” His voice is hoarse. “Stay the hell out of my life, and I’ll stay out of yours.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Kev spits out.

  Kaden walks over to Mom, forcing a neutral expression on his face. He hugs her. “It’s okay, Mom. I’m okay.” He presses a kiss to the top of her head as silent tears roll down her cheeks. I move back to Faye, circling my arm around her shoulder. She looks upset by this too. Dad looks like he wants to knock both their heads together as he talks in urgent whispers to Keven.

  Kade wraps his arm around Mom’s waist, ushering her in the direction of the hotel. Faye and I follow suit, and the rest of my brothers trail behind us. We leave Dad and Kev still talking outside the bar.

  I only relax when we are back in our hotel room, away from my warring family. “What the hell was that all about?” Faye ponders, shimmying out of her jeans.

  “I don’t know, but I’ve never seen Kaden so incensed. I think he meant what he said too.” I pull my shirt up over my head and unbutton my jeans.

  Faye wanders into the bathroom in her shirt and panties, and my gaze roams her long, slim, tanned legs with interest. She reappears with a toothbrush in the corner of her mouth. “Keven kinda scared me tonight. The look on his face…” Her words are slightly garbled, but she doesn’t need to elaborate. I get what she’s saying, and I totally agree. Kev is one of the most controlled guys I know, but he has this dark center that erupts every now and then, and it ain’t pretty. I don’t even want to think about why it’s there or what he may or may not have done up to this point. Some of the dudes he mixes with are downright scary, and not for the first time, I’m genuinely concerned for my brother.

  But I don’t know what to do about it.

  In the past, I’ve raised my concerns to Kade, and he always assured me he was looking out for him. But after tonight, who knows? I have a feeling that things have irrevocably altered between my brothers, and that worries me more than it should.

  The tension is palpable the next day on the bus as we travel to County Wexford. Faye is anxious and antsy beside me, and Mom looks like she’s been up half the night crying. Dad is sitting beside her today, and they are talking in quiet whispers. Kaden and Keven are sitting at opposite ends of the minibus, and they haven’t uttered a word to anyone since last night.

  After a few hours’ drive, the bus turns off the main road, jostling alongside roads that are in ill repair and getting narrower and rougher the farther we advance. We’re bumped from side to side in our seats as the bus travels on uneven terrain. “Look,” Faye says, pointing straight ahead. “I can see the sea.” A stunning smile lights up her face. Sure enough, we are driving closer to the blue-green waters of the Irish Sea. The bus veers a sudden left, and we sway in our seats.

  “I think I’m going to hurl,” Keaton announces, looking decidedly green in the face. He clamps a hand over his mouth.

  “Just hold on, we’re here,” Faye supplies as the bus pulls up in front of an impressively sized beachfront property. The house is on two levels, and it’s modern and stylish with its crisp white walls and cherry-stained wooden windows. A large balcony extends across the width of the property at the top level overlooking the vast, lush, green lawn out front. The bus draws to a complete standstill behind the two SUVs Dad rented, and we amble out. I help Dad, Kal, Keanu, and the bus driver unload our luggage while Mom greets the pretty brunette in the cream fitted pant suit waiting at the front door. Her cheeks darken as she greets us one by one, and I smirk. It’s a reaction we are well used to, but it never gets old.

  Faye smacks my arm.


  “Stop being so smug,” she admonishes, firmly putting me back in place.

  We claim one of the double rooms facing onto the rear of the property, overlooking the outdoor swimming pool. A stone path stretches from the far side of the pool down to a small wooden gate, and, I’m guessing, on to the beach beyond.

  “Wow, this place is gorgeous. Your mom chose well,” Faye says, quickly unpacking our stuff. We’ll be staying here for the next week before we drive back to Dublin for the trip home.

  I open the French doors to our private balcony, taking Faye’s hand and pulling her out with me. We have our own wicker table and chairs and two loungers. I wrap my arms around her from behind as we take in the amazing view. The beach seems to stretch for miles on either side. The white silken sand and clear blue sea is as good as you’d find anywhere. Basking under streams of buttery sunshine, we could be in the Adriatic or the Caribbean, and it wouldn’t beat this. Ireland has surprised me with
the variety of the scenery, and the warmth and humor of the people. I can totally understand why it’s such a popular tourist destination.

  A loud knock raps on our door. “Are you decent?” Kal shouts out. Faye laughs, and I roll my eyes. I stalk to the door and fling it open. Kal is shading his eyes with his hand and staring purposely at the floor. “Is it safe to look?”

  I swat his head. “Stop being a jerk.”

  His grin is teasing as he lifts his head, lounging against the doorframe. Of course, he’s bare chested, and his shorts hang low on his hips. “I wouldn’t have to be if you weren’t so keen to get Faye naked and on her back all the time.”

  Faye chokes on a laugh. “You make it sound like we have sex nonstop.”

  His brows climb up to his hairline. “Don’t you?”

  “Knock it off, asshole. Was there a reason for your visit or is this just an attempt to piss me off?”

  “We’re going down to the beach if you want to come with. Mom’s going to fix a picnic basket so we can eat there.”

  “Sounds good,” Faye concurs.

  “We’ll meet you down there.”

  It takes us a good forty minutes to follow my brothers. Not my fault I couldn’t keep my hands off Faye while she was changing into her skimpy white and gold bikini. I had her stripped and bare in mere seconds, wasting no time burying myself inside her, totally proving Kal’s point—not that he’s ever going to know.

  We saunter down to the beach hand in hand. With her stunning looks, tall frame, long legs, and curves in all the right places, Faye could be a model if she was so inclined. Her long, dark hair is wavy and blowing softly in the gentle breeze. I lean in and kiss her mouth as we step onto the warm sand. The beach is practically deserted with the exception of another family about two hundred meters on our left and a smattering of couples in the distance to our right. There is no sign of Kade or Kev, but the rest of my brothers are here, spread-eagled on wide loungers, sipping sodas and munching on chips.

  “Where’s Mom and Dad?” I ask, dropping Faye’s bag down on one of the empty loungers.

  “Gone to the store to get stuff for the picnic,” Keaton replies, swinging his legs around and sitting up on the side of his lounger. “It’s fucking hot. Make sure you have sunscreen on.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  Faye swats my head. “Keaton’s right. Take your top off so I can do your back.”

  “You can do me anywhere you like,” I quip.

  Every one of my brothers groans, and Faye snorts.

  “I think she already did you unless I’m mistaken about that just-got-fucked look on both your faces,” Kal replies, making a rude gesture with his hands.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know.” I smirk, and Faye swats me again.

  “Knock it off,” she murmurs quietly, tugging at the hem of my shirt. I yank it over my head and sit down on the side of the lounger while she applies sunscreen to my back.

  Keanu hands me two sodas before stretching back on his lounger, tilting his face up to the sun.

  “Right. My turn.” Faye nudges me to my feet, handing the tube of sunscreen over. She pulls her flimsy white kimono off and crawls over the lounger, sitting down on the other side. Tying her hair up in a messy bun, she grants me full access to her back. Her skin is golden and lightly freckled, and I lean down and press a soft kiss to the center of her spine. She shivers, and I smile.

  I warm the cream in my hands before lathering it over her back, working it completely into her skin. A little moan flies out of her mouth, and I mentally fist pump the air. I love how my touch affects her. How she squirms and shivers under my fingertips. The day she stops is the day I’ll start worrying.

  Kent scoffs, and I flip my attention to my younger brother. His attention is focused this way, as he eyes Faye from head to toe, and I don’t like it one fucking bit. “Eyes front and center, Kent,” I snap, growling at the little shit.

  Kal, Keaton, and Keanu all bolt upright at my tone, glancing quickly from me to him. Faye has gone stiff underneath my hands.

  “Chill the fuck out, Ky. It’s not like I haven’t seen a hot girl in a bikini before.” He deliberately refuses to look away, smirking at me as he licks his lips provocatively, blowing a kiss at my girlfriend.

  My hands ball into fists, and even though I know he’s baiting me, I can’t help taking a step forward. “She’s not yours to look at or blow kisses at,” I fume.

  Faye jumps up, planting herself in front of me. “Calm down, babe. He’s only fucking with you.” She angles her head around in Kent’s direction. “And you, knock it off. I think there’s been enough fighting in the last twenty-four hours without adding to it.”

  Surprisingly, Kent backs down without a word, and I allow Faye to drag me into the water to cool off in more ways than one.

  The rest of the afternoon passes by without issue. Thank fuck. Mom and Dad join us and we enjoy lunch outside, spending the rest of the day sunbathing and swimming. Faye reads while I listen to music on my phone, our loungers pushed together and our bodies angled toward one other. Every so often, I reach out and brush her arm, squeeze her thigh, or press a kiss to her cheek, and she emits these cute little contented sighs that I love.

  We return to the house when it turns cooler, and our stomachs start rumbling. Dad barbecues outside, and we chill for the rest of the night with a few beers. Kade joins us for a few hours, but Kev hasn’t left his room since we arrived. Mom left to coax him into joining us, but she returned on her own with an unhappy look on her face. I want to kick my brother into next week for ruining the atmosphere and upsetting Mom, but I’m also really worried about him.

  When Faye’s dad, Adam, arrives on our doorstep the following morning, he brings an unexpected guest. I stifle a groan as Kent’s eyes swallow Whitney up whole, his grin getting bolder when she sends him a naughty look that’s suggestive in the extreme.


  Things are about to get even more complicated.

  Chapter Ten


  I hug Adam tightly, trying to work out how I feel about the fact my half-sister is here. I’m not sure why. Adam had told me she didn’t want to come, so I don’t know what has happened since we last spoke to change that. I’ve tried to mend bridges with Whitney on several occasions over the last few months, but she has blatantly ignored all my efforts to reach out to her. This is the first time I’m in her company since that disastrous first encounter last November. Back then, her hair was long and a shocking pink color. Now it’s shorter, framed in an edgy bob that suits her, and dyed a luminous blue à la Katy Perry.

  Josh—my half-brother and one of the twins—gives me a warm hug. “Hi, Faye,” he says, looking reticently at all the Kennedys. Josh is a little sweetheart when you get him on his own but unbelievably shy in bigger groups. This kind of a setup is probably giving him heart palpitations.

  I tuck him protectively into my side, and he’s almost up to my shoulder. Both he and Jake are only nine, and they’re going to be giants if they keep growing at this rate. “Look how tall you’ve gotten! I can’t believe it’s only been six weeks since I last saw you.”

  His smile is carefree and happy, and I squeeze him even tighter to my side. “Make sure to come up to my room later. I have something for you!” His eyes light up, and a surge of warmth invades every cell in my body. I’ve always wanted siblings, and the twins have welcomed me with open arms, in complete contrast to their older sister.

  Jake is currently high-fiving each of my cousins and chatting animatedly to Alex. His confidence knows no bounds. The twins couldn’t have more different personalities if they tried.

  “Come say hi to your sister” I overhear Adam tell Whitney.

  Reluctantly, she steps forward, eyeballing me through hooded lashes. “Hi, Faye,” she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest as she sends me a challenging look.

  So, that’s how it’s going to be.

  Or maybe not.

  I mentally count to ten, then lean down, and pull her into a hug. Shock splays across her face, and she’s frozen in my arms. “I’m really glad you came.” That’s only half a lie. Perhaps this will give us the opportunity to get to know one another, to form a sisterly bond. She shucks out of my embrace, eying me warily. I smile. “I mean it. I’m happy you’re here.”

  “Well, that makes one of us,” she mumbles ungratefully.

  “Hey, Whit,” Kent says, unashamedly raking his eyes over her body. “You look hot.” I dig my elbow in his ribs, subtly gesturing at Adam. Adam doesn’t miss a thing, and while he’s presently chatting to Alex, I’m certain he has one ear on this conversation.

  “Kent.” Whitney purses her lips in a failed attempt to hide her obvious pleasure at his comment.

  Ky comes up beside me, placing his hand on my lower back. “Whitney.” He nods at my sister. “I trust I don’t need to have a repeat of the last conversation we had.”

  Her eyes narrow to slits. “Screw your demands. You’re not the boss of me.” She thrusts her hands on her slim hips. “No one is.”

  Kent smirks, and Ky turns his death glare on him. “I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that she’s underage and you need to behave.”

  “Fuck you, Ky. Go join the oldies.” He gestures to where Adam, Alex, James, and Kaden are deep in conversation. “I’m sure you’ll fit right in.”

  I drag Ky away before it turns into World War Three. “There’s no point stating the obvious, Ky. He’s not going to listen to you, and she sure as hell isn’t. We’ll just have to keep an eye on them.” I don’t trust Kent around my sister, at all, but calling him out on it will only make him more determined.

  Ky grunts, retrieving his vibrating phone from his pocket. He frowns at the screen. “It’s Brad. I better take this.” He disappears into the house as Alex ushers everyone out to the pool area.

  Adam and my brothers and sister are spending the day with us today as prearranged, but they are actually staying at his parents’ house a few miles away. I’m due to meet them all there tomorrow for lunch. It will be my first time meeting my grandparents although I have spoken to them a couple of times on the phone.


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