Dark Wolf

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Dark Wolf Page 32

by Christine Feehan

  "I've got you. Just let yourself feel. You're safe with me."

  Her eyes met his, searching. He looked at her steadily, letting her see he would always be there to catch her. She let her breath out and nodded, lying back again, but her fists remained in his hair as if she anchored herself there.

  He kissed her belly button and continued his leisurely exploring, running his tongue along her hipbones, and then over to the dragon, the mark of the Dragonseeker, much like a tattoo, very faint just over her ovary. He spent time there, lapping at it, tracing it, nuzzling her over and over. His hand went to her thigh, parting her legs, letting her feel the cool air on her hot, wet entrance.

  So much heat. He was drawn there, his mouth moving lower until he could catch drops of nectar. Her taste was addictive and he found he couldn't stop. He lifted her hips to his mouth, pressing deep, his tongue pushing into that little tight flower, drawing out as much liquid as he could get. She gasped and cried out, thrashing again.

  Dimitri lifted his head to look at her. He knew his eyes glowed with the heat of a predator. There was no way to hide what he was from her, but she was safe with him. "Let me," he said softly. "Give yourself to me. All of you. You belong to me, csitri, you know you do. Let me have you."

  She nodded, but she looked frightened. "It's too much. The sensation. As if I might fly apart and never be me again."

  Deliberately, watching her eyes, he swiped his tongue through her soft folds, circled her most sensitive bud and then stabbed deep again. Tremors wracked her body, but her gaze didn't falter. He saw fear, but he saw trust. His heart leapt and his cock jerked. He was already caught between the intensity of love and urgent need for her body. The two were woven so tightly together he couldn't separate them.

  He began to devour her, driving her up that high cliff and stopping just before she tumbled over. Again and again. He needed to hear her soft little cries. He wanted to feel her fingers clamped in his hair, or her nails digging into his shoulders. Her cries were music to him, a symphony of desire, the notes so sweet he was nearly as addicted to that as he was to her taste.

  Skyler crammed a fist in her mouth as fiery need licked over her skin. She had expected pain and degradation, not his worshiping her body as she had his. Her breathing came in harsh gasps, and she couldn't stop writhing, no matter how hard she tried. She felt as if Dimitri's passion and love were destroying her, tearing down fear and shame and forging her into a strong, sensual woman.

  She heard herself chanting his name and she couldn't stop. He was her talisman, her anchor, her very strength. He lapped at the hot nectar spilling from her body, his tongue licking and stabbing deep, moving in torturous slow circles, driving her insane as tension built and built, stretching her out on a rack of pleasure.

  Her head thrashed back and forth. Tremors ran down her thighs. Her breasts burned and ached for him. Deep inside, she coiled tighter and tighter, desperate for release. She whimpered. Sobbed. Pleaded with him. She needed him inside of her, to sate the all-encompassing hunger. She felt as if she was soaring out of control. She was skating the edge of panic, only her trust in him keeping her from fighting. She was afraid of burning up from the inside out, fragmenting into tiny pieces, or going insane from sheer pleasure.

  He lifted his head when she cried out, her hips bucking, as she pleaded with him. He knelt up slowly between her thighs. He looked . . . intimidating. He was a big man and the thought of him fitting inside her was daunting, but she was too far gone to care. She needed him. Desperately. She wanted him. More than anything she wanted to be fully his.

  You are mine.

  Her eyes met his. His had gone nearly all wolf, the glowing predatory, focused stare that should have terrified her, but kept her steady and sane. She terrified herself, never Dimitri. No matter what face he wore, he was hers. She moistened her lips, her heart pounding.

  His hands were big as they ran up her thighs, and then slowly back toward her heated center. The head of his cock lodged at her entrance, pressing hotly into her. Her heart pounded so loud she feared it would burst from her chest.

  "I take into my keeping your body." His voice was rough with need.

  His expression was sin itself, so sensual her body flooded with more welcoming heat. He inched into her, stretching her impossibly. Her gaze jumped to the junction where their bodies met. Her body struggled against the invasion, reluctantly giving way for him, strangling his thick shaft as it moved deeper inside of her.

  He was everywhere, surrounding her. In her mind. Her heart. Her soul. And now, at last he was in her body, making them truly one. Another sob escaped. Tears ran down her face. He was in her mind, so he would know she wanted him just like this. It was all too perfect, too overwhelming and too good.

  "Take a breath," he ordered roughly. "Relax for me."

  She was used to doing as he said and she did both. He drove deep, burying himself to the hilt, so deep she thought he might have lodged in her stomach. She heard her own cry as her tight inner muscles gripped him nearly to the point of strangulation. The bite of pain as he stretched her only added to the erotic pleasure pulsing through her body, coming in waves now, from thigh to breast.

  Dimitri blanketed her body with his, bracing his arms at her shoulders. His hips took up a fast, hard tempo that kept her breath rushing from her burning lungs. He moved in her with deep harsh strokes that drove her higher and higher, always up toward that impossible cliff. The pace was furious, his body a piston, moving harder and deeper, over and over, so that shocks of pleasure coursed through her.

  Dimitri's relentless, surging hips drove into her again and again, his hunger nearly insatiable. He felt as if flames licked at him, all over his body. His cock felt as though it was held tight in a fist of fiery, living silk. He was drowning in her. He never wanted it to end. He had known they were meant for one another, but her body was exquisite, made for him, the perfect fit.

  She felt small and soft, her skin melting under him. Her ragged breathing and breathy chants interspersed with sobs and pleading only added to the sheer pleasure coursing through his veins. She had changed him for all time. She moved him, took him to places he never thought he could ever go.

  Hunger was a monster that clawed and raged. It had been with him since he'd laid eyes on his lifemate, heard her speak and knew she was the one. It had torn at him every rising, yet even in his most savage moment, love tempered his touch. He kept his mind in hers, wanting her pleasure above all else, above his own.

  She had given herself to him, body and soul, placing her absolute trust in him, a priceless gift he would treasure above all else. Her body was flushed, her eyes glazed, her hips bucked under his assault, but with every surge of his hips, every gasp she drew, there was pleasure streaking through her--through him.

  He set a wild pace, and she followed. He knew she would. He had sensed the building passion in her, and no matter how fragile she was, she had a core of solid steel. She was determined to match him. His control slipped even more.

  Tell me you want this, sivamet. Tell me I can lose myself in you.

  His love for her was ferocious, consuming them both, and his discipline was fast dissolving before the urgency of his need.

  Always, my love. Anything.

  He closed his eyes briefly for a moment, listening to her voice. There was no hesitation, but there was that little edge of trepidation. She wasn't afraid of him, only of the rising pleasure, rolling over her in waves now and the tightening coil of tension in her body, begging for release. She meant what she said, giving herself generously, wanted--no--needing to be what he needed.

  He penetrated deep, allowing the fire pouring over him to take him to another place. The breath hissed out of him as he reared back and plunged deep. With every furious stroke, her body surrounded his, tight and hot, stroking and squeezing. Her strangled moans and gasping chant added to his pleasure, and filled him with the most protective of instincts.

  Her head tossed back and forth, her body f
lushed, her breasts swaying temptingly as her hips rose to meet his. She was beautiful, with her eyes slightly glazed and the shock on her face. The little sounds she made resonated right through his cock adding to the fire that only seemed to grow hotter and hotter.

  He was close, the power in his body coiling tighter and tighter, ready for release, but he refused to allow the pleasure to end. He gathered her hips tightly, holding her still, pushing them both into another realm where the exquisite pleasure skated close to pain.

  Skyler could feel the thickness and length of him driving into her, stretching her, forcing her tight body to allow his invasion. She was so hot and slick, surrounding him with fire. The erotic tension winding so tight in her refused to release, refused to give her the time to catch her breath.

  Skyler felt her body melting around his, and she cried his name, gripping his shoulders as the tension coiled so tight the edges of mind began to blur, to go dark. It was too much for her, too perfectly beautiful and too terribly frightening. She was losing herself in him, in pleasure, in their bodies coming together in a frenzy of heat and fire.

  "Stay with me, sivamet," he whispered roughly, his mouth moving over her neck, teeth nipping and scraping. "Soar with me."

  As always, just the sound of his voice calmed her, and she let go, knowing he would catch her, that he would keep her safe. Her body gripped his so tightly that she heard his roar of release and felt the hot spurts of seed filling her. Wave after wave rocked her body, but his arms were around her, holding her tight. She felt the ripples in her stomach, down her thighs, up to her breasts. Thunder roared in her ears. Her body clamped down hard, like a vise, around his while wave after wave of pleasure tore through her.

  Skyler buried her face against his shoulder, gasping for breath, aftershocks rocking her, nearly as strong as the orgasm that had taken her over. He rolled them both over so they were on their sides, still locked together. She could feel his struggle for every breath. A fine sheen of sweat dampened his body. Even his long hair was damp.

  She nuzzled his shoulder, pressing kisses along his collarbone. They were a tangle of legs and thighs, and she never wanted to untangle. He pulsed and throbbed inside of her. When he could move, it was toward her breast, and she changed position slightly to give him better access. The movement caused another rogue wave to burst through her body.

  He licked at her nipple and then caught it gently between his teeth, tugging and then suckling strongly, bringing her fully into the heat of his mouth. His arm went around her, hand sliding down her back to her bottom. She had never realized just how sensitive the nerves were there. His every touch sent another spasm of pleasure through her core.

  They lay together in silence while their hearts slowed down and their bodies cooled--a little. She had to admit to herself she loved his hands and mouth on her.

  When he finally lifted his head to look down at her, his body slowly, reluctantly leaving hers, she had the urge to stop him. His eyes were so blue, so brilliant, and he looked at her with so much love, she wanted to cry. He was the true miracle, no matter what he thought, and she was determined to make him happy she was his lifemate.

  "Csitri, I doubt I will ever be able to show you your true worth," he told her softly. "You don't understand what you mean to me."

  There were no words to explain to him what a miracle he was. He had given her the gift of making love, something she had been absolutely certain she'd never have in her life. More, she could lie next to him, completely naked and vulnerable and feel as if she was the safest woman in the world. She wanted to be naked beside him. She wanted him to touch her whenever he needed or--or simply desired. She loved stroking her fingers down his shaft just to feel him tremble at her touch. Who would ever have thought she would have a man such as Dimitri love her?

  "I'll understand how much I mean to you someday, probably a long time from now," she said, "but it really doesn't matter right at this moment. All that matters to me is that you gave me this incredible gift. I love you all the more for it."


  "The council members are inside," Fen greeted them. "Waiting." He pinned his brother with an appraising eye.

  "They've been waiting the last six nights," Zev added. "We thought for certain you would be here last night."

  Skyler blushed and glanced up at Dimitri's impassive face. Clearly, he couldn't care less that he'd kept the council waiting. They hadn't left the bed the night before. Dimitri had taught her all kinds of intriguing things she would much rather be doing than standing before the Lycan council with the prince looking on.

  She had made certain that Dimitri looked exactly as he had before she'd healed him the night before. She wanted the Lycans to see the evidence of their medieval tortures. She slipped her hand into Dimitri's for comfort. She didn't especially want to see any of these people.

  At once she had his undivided attention. What is it, csitri?

  One word from her and they would turn and walk away. Dimitri wouldn't care what others thought of him. He never had. He was a man who went his own way. It was tempting to use that power she knew she had, but it was wrong. This meeting was important. She took a deep breath and let it out.

  I'm just steeling myself to meet the prince again. Well, because she wasn't going to lie to him, that and seeing these Lycans.

  Zev is Lycan and he's a good man.

  She gave a little indelicate sniff of disdain. Maybe he is, but he didn't save you when he should have.

  Dimitri's amusement filled her mind. Why, Skyler Rose. You carry a grudge.

  So true. She stared at the tree nearest the elite hunter.

  Above his head, a hive rocked and bees came pouring out.

  I believe in revenge, she added complacently.

  Fen flung his hands into the air, building a shield fast to keep them all from being stung by the angry bees. It took him a couple of moments to notice not a single bee came near any of them but Zev. He glared at his brother.

  "I didn't do it," Dimitri proclaimed.

  Skyler put on her most innocent face. "Nature is so unpredictable."

  "Isn't it?" Fen said wryly. "Is it safe to let you inside?"

  Skyler shrugged, unrepentant. "Only if those inside didn't issue a death by silver order on my lifemate."

  Zev burst out laughing. "Lord, Dimitri, you have your hands full."

  Dimitri tightened his fingers around Skyler's, bringing her hand to his chest, right over his heart. "I'm well aware of that. She's Dragonseeker. I would expect nothing less."

  "Related to Tatijana and Branislava?" Zev asked, interest creeping into his tone.

  Fen groaned. "Give it up, Zev. Seriously, you're like a wolf with a bone."

  "I just asked if she's related," Zev pointed out. "And if you keep it up, we're going to be crossing swords."

  Fen laughed. "I'm not drawing my sword around you. We could use lightning bolts."

  Zev's eyebrow shot up. "I haven't quite mastered that yet, but I might ask Skyler for lessons in keeping bees."

  "I'm still angry with you," Skyler said. "So any spell I give you could backfire."

  "Well, at least you warned me," Zev said. "I understand why you're angry with me. I'm angry with me right now. I don't understand completely yet what is happening with my people. None of us understand. The council members swear they didn't issue the order for Moarta de argint, in fact, they claim just the opposite--that Dimitri was to be kept safe at all times."

  "Why weren't you with him?" Skyler asked. "If you're the one trusted by the council, why wouldn't they have you guarding a prisoner so important?"

  "I was taken behind his back," Dimitri explained, his voice gentle. "Fen and I were fighting the Sange rau. Zev and his hunters were with the prince, fighting off the rogue pack. The two men who grabbed me were from Zev's pack, but they should have been with those guarding Mikhail."

  "Dimitri and I had gone off on our own without letting Zev know what we were doing," Fen clarified. "At the time he wasn't a
ware we both were of mixed blood, and we wanted to keep it that way for obvious reasons."

  "Fen also figured we had the best chance of defeating the Sange rau," Dimitri added. "With our mixed blood we were both faster and better equipped to deal with one. Fen had more experience than anyone else."

  "How did those two hunters come to be in the same place?" Skyler asked. "If no one knew where you went, how did they? Was it coincidence?"

  "I don't believe in coincidence," Zev said.

  For the first time, his voice made Skyler shiver. Her gaze jumped to his face. He was a man who had seen battle often. She could see danger stamped in him, the predator close to the surface, but she'd also experienced his kindness.

  "Neither do I," Dimitri agreed. "If there had been time, I would have known something was wrong, but everything happened so fast. Fen was in trouble and the two hunters were as well. I didn't stop to think, I just reacted. Had I asked myself that question, how did they find us, I wouldn't have been knocked over the head and taken prisoner."

  Fen lifted an eyebrow. "And then your lady wouldn't have come running to bail your butt out of trouble."

  Dimitri pressed her hand tighter against his heart. You are worth every link of those silver chains burning into my flesh night and day, he whispered into her mind, meaning it.

  Skyler stepped closer to him, slipping beneath his shoulder. You could be just a little crazy thinking like that, I must ask the healer to take a look at you.

  She couldn't help the little flare of excitement at his compliment. He had a way of always making her feel special. "Are Gabriel and Francesca inside?" she asked aloud.

  "Not yet," Fen answered. "Gabriel and your uncle Lucian are out with a few others patrolling, making certain we aren't going to get any uninvited guests."

  Dimitri's gaze met his brother's over Skyler's head. You know if the assassins come for us, they will most likely go undetected by any patrol.


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