The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict

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The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict Page 4

by Raymond L. Weil

  “They’re giving us their particle beam weapon, which was so devastating to the AIs, as well as their sublight antimatter missiles,” Bennett replied. “They have warned us that the AIs will probably now strengthen their shields in an attempt to make their ships less vulnerable to the particle beam weapon. They are also giving us a new fusion reactor, which is much more efficient and powerful than our class one reactors. It will substantially increase the strength of our ship’s energy shields as well as our other weapons.”

  “Their ships also use a type of armor that is much more resistant to energy weapons,” added Richard, recalling what he had been told in his last briefing by Admiral Johnson. “We will be using that armor on all of our new construction.”

  They passed through a large hatch that was guarded by several heavily armed marines and stepped into one of the shipyard’s large construction bays. Inside, a new hull had been laid and numerous technicians and a few Altons were busy working on the massive construction. A number of the spider-like work robots were also present.

  “What is it?” asked Amanda, curiously. From the size of the hull, she suspected the vessel had to be a battleship. Currently, the Federation only had two, the StarStrike and the Tellus.

  “It’s your new command ship,” Admiral Bennett replied with a pleased grin. “With your permission, we would like to name your new battleship the WarStorm in memory of her sacrifice.”

  Amanda felt herself choke up as she gazed at what would soon be a massive warship. There had been times recently when she had wondered if she even wanted command of another ship or fleet again. She looked over at Lieutenants Stalls and Trask and saw the excited hope in their faces. It was time for her to accept the reality of her situation. There was a war to fight, and Admiral Streth would need her.

  Straightening up her shoulders, she drew in a sharp breath and looked at Admiral Bennett. “I think the WarStorm will be a fine name. How soon before she’s completed?”

  “With some of the construction techniques the Altons are providing and the work robots, we can have her ready in six months,” Admiral Bennett replied. “When we’re done, she will be the most advanced and powerful warship in our fleet.”

  Amanda nodded. The Hocklyns had taken many of her friends away from her. This new WarStorm would be what she would use to avenge them. She would build a new fleet around this battleship. After seeing what the Hocklyns had done to the cities of New Tellus and the destruction they'd left in orbit of the planet, they would find no mercy from Amanda. The new ship would be her Sword of Damocles, and she would use it to make the Hocklyns and AIs pay for what they had done.

  Richard could see the new resolve in his wife’s eyes. For the first time since her injury, he could see the fire return to Amanda. Her eyes were full of life and determination. He was already beginning to feel sorry for the Hocklyns.

  Chapter Three

  Jeremy and the rest of the Special Five were in the officers' mess eating. Ariel was sitting with them with a look of deep concern upon her face.

  “It’s been nearly a week and the Hocklyns haven’t attacked again,” she said in her young female voice, sounding perplexed. “They are just sitting there doing nothing, I don’t understand. They have us outnumbered and have ten AI ships. What are they waiting on?”

  “Be patient, Ariel,” spoke Kelsey, looking over compassionately at the AI. Kelsey knew that Ariel missed her daily talks with Clarissa.

  “We need to do something, Jeremy,” Kevin added as he toyed with the French fries on his plate. “We need to find out what happened at New Tellus. Most of the people in the fleet are talking and asking questions.”

  “I would have thought Admiral Streth would have returned by now,” Angela said as she leaned back and crossed her arms over her breasts. “Why hasn’t he?” The marine captain that Angela had been dating had expressed some deep concern earlier when the two had been talking over a private com channel. Every day the rumors were getting worse.

  “I’m getting worried, Jeremy,” Katie said in a soft voice, her green eyes showing her unease “What if Admiral Streth lost and we’re all that’s left of the Federation Fleet?”

  “He didn’t lose,” replied Jeremy, shaking his head in denial. “Admiral Streth will show up; he promised to return and the Fleet Admiral keeps his promises.”

  “Some of those ships in system K-774 are the same ones that went to attack New Tellus,” Ariel reminded Jeremy, her dark eyes focusing on him. “From my scans, at least two of those Hocklyn war fleets were involved. If the Hocklyns lost at New Tellus, why have those two fleets returned to help the ones besieging us?”

  Jeremy closed his eyes as he tried to think. If his friends were this concerned, he could imagine how the rest of the fleet must feel. He was also becoming worried as he'd also thought Admiral Streth would have been back by now or at least sent word as to what had happened in the battle. The lack of any news was disconcerting. He needed to do something or the morale in the fleet would quickly deteriorate.

  “We need to send another ship back,” Kelsey suggested, her deep blue eyes focusing on Jeremy. She reached out, took his hand, and squeezed encouragingly. “Jeremy, we need to find out what happened.”

  “I think you’re right,” Jeremy responded with a heavy sigh. He'd been thinking about that very idea for several days now. They needed to find out what had happened back in the Federation. “Only this time we’ll send a light cruiser. It will have a better chance of defending itself than a destroyer.”

  “I think a light cruiser would do very well,” added Ariel, wanting to hear from Clarissa. She was sure Clarissa would have all kinds of exciting stories to tell about the battle around New Tellus. Ariel was also curious to find out what part her AI friend might have played.

  It was at that moment that the Condition One alarm went off and red lights in the mess hall began flashing. Colonel Malen’s voice then came over the internal speakers. “All crew, go to Condition One; this is not a drill. Admiral Strong, please report to the Command Center.”

  “It’s the Hocklyns,” Ariel reported. Her dark eyes had that faraway look they often got when she was studying her sensors. “A large number of their ships have jumped out of system K-774. From the stealth scout scans of their entry vectors, they are headed here.”

  Jeremy stood up, knowing they still had a good forty minutes before the enemy showed up. “Let’s get to the Command Center and see what we’re up against.”

  Kevin sighed heavily as he looked down at the partially eaten hamburger on his plate. He hated wasting food. “Why couldn’t they have waited ten more minutes?” he mumbled as he stood up.

  A few minutes later, they were all in the Command Center and Jeremy took his place behind the command console. “What do we have?”

  Colonel Malen turned away from the tactical display and looked over at Jeremy. “Over two hundred Hocklyn ships have jumped into hyperspace, as well as four AI ships. Grayseth has brought the defense grid online. He's also placed the battle stations and the space station at Condition One and is readying his fighters and bombers. Commander Marks has suggested that he arm the bombers with Shrike nuclear tipped missiles. I have brought our fleets up to Condition One also. Admiral Stillson has his fleet on the far side of the planet in case the AIs attempt to jump inside the gravity well. All strikecruisers have Devastator Threes loaded and ready to launch upon detecting an AI ship.”

  Jeremy nodded. Admiral Stillson and he had decided to position their two fleets on opposite sides of the planet. That way if an AI ship did jump in, they would be in immediate attack range of the Devastator Threes from the strikecruisers.

  Fourth Fleet was currently five hundred kilometers away from the space station. The station had four of the type two battle stations, which could engage an AI ship. It also had twenty power beam installations as well as its other weapons. But Fourth Fleet was still close enough to support the station if need be.

  “Grayseth reports he has fighters and bombers
being prepped and ready to deploy upon your orders,” Angela reported from Communications. She looked nervously at the main viewscreen, knowing that soon it would be showing Hocklyn ships coming with the intention of killing them. She swallowed loudly and then looked around, hoping no one had noticed.

  Jeremy nodded, knowing that today many of Grayseth’s brave pilots might die. There was nothing else they could do until the Hocklyns and the AIs arrived. He leaned back in his chair and watched the tactical display expectantly.


  Commodore Krilen nodded in satisfaction as his dreadnought, the IronHand, exited hyperspace into the Careth system. “Status,” he rasped in his cold and demanding voice.

  “All ships present, including the AIs,” First Leader Angoth reported as he checked the tactical screen. “We are two million kilometers out from the planet.”

  “Take us into the gravity well,” ordered Krilen, as he watched the tactical screen begin to fill up with red threat icons.

  War Leader Versith and he had come up with a plan to force the Humans to commit their fleet. They would take their ships into the gravity well, but stay well away from the large space station and the weapons it was bound to be armed with. The Human fleet would have to engage or risk allowing the Hocklyn ships to bombard the planet.


  On board the Viden, War Leader Versith watched as the Hocklyn fleet neared the gravity well of the planet. He noted that the Humans had divided their forces into two separate fleets, one on each side of Careth. It was a good strategy to protect the planet from the Hocklyns, as well as the AIs. Stepping down from the command pedestal, he walked across the War Room until he was standing in front of the large tactical display.

  “We will take our fleet to this position,” he said to First Leader Trion as he pointed to a part of the display between the two Human fleets, but away from the space station. “They will have no choice but to engage us.”

  “Honor will come today,” Trion spoke with a satisfied nod. “It is a good plan.”

  “Have our war wings ready to deploy armed with interceptors. If the Humans launch their bombers, I want to be able to destroy them. Inform our pilots that the Human bombers are their priority target.”

  “As you command,” Trion responded as he moved over to Communications to carry out the order.

  Versith’s eyes strayed over to Second Leader Jaseth at his weapons console. Once again, a Protector stood watchfully nearby. Soon, Jaseth would have the opportunity to use the Viden’s weapons against the Humans. Perhaps that would help to curb the young Hocklyn’s raging anger.


  Commodore Krilen watched impassively as the fleets began to enter the planet’s gravity well. The goal of this battle was to severely cripple the Humans' ability to defend the planet and to see how many of the deadly sublight missiles they might have.

  “AIs are ready to jump once engagement has begun,” First Leader Angoth reported. He crossed his large, powerful arms across the chest plate of his dark gray battle armor and looked intently at the tactical screen. He was curious to see if the AIs would do as promised.

  Krilen nodded. The AIs had started speaking again. They'd agreed with the battle plan that Versith had come up with. Very shortly, they would begin their crucial part in this engagement.

  “Honor comes to us today,” Angoth intoned, pleased that after so long they were finally going into battle.

  “Yes, there will be much honor gained today,” Krilen agreed in response. He needed to accrue honor if he wanted to continue to advance in the Hocklyn command hierarchy. This battle today would be the next step in his desire for more and greater power.


  “They have entered the gravity well,” Ariel reported as she studied her sensors. She was standing to Jeremy’s left, dressed in her regulation dark blue uniform without insignia. Her dark black hair rested upon her shoulders and her face had that youthful look of innocence.

  “They seek to engage us this time,” Colonel Malen announced as she studied the tactical display.

  “What’s their fleet makeup?” Jeremy asked as he leaned forward and studied the display more intently.

  Ariel studied her sensors briefly and then reported. “Sixteen dreadnoughts, thirty-six warcruisers, and one hundred and forty-four escort cruisers.”

  Jeremy drew in a sharp breath. Fourth Fleet was composed of only two battlecruisers, four battlecarriers, eight strikecruisers, eight Monarch cruisers, and eighteen light cruisers. He would be outnumbered five to one in the upcoming battle. For a moment, he wondered if he should call in Admiral Stillson’s fleet, which had forty-eight more ships in it.

  “Whoever drew up this attack plan is clever,” Colonel Malen commented with a deep frown as she arched her eyebrows. “They attack away from the station’s heavy weapons, forcing us to engage. If we call in Admiral Stillson, then the AIs can jump in and attack the defense grid and possibly the planet.”

  “But we have Devastator Threes, and a lot of them,” Jeremy replied as he studied the tactical display. “I don’t think they realize just how many we have and we'll use that to our advantage.”

  He had placed Devastator Threes on all of his warships except the destroyers. From studying the battle data between Fleet Admiral Streth and the Hocklyns above the fleet base, he knew the Devastator Threes could be extremely dangerous to the Hocklyn ships. The Hocklyns, of course, would have no idea of just how many of the deadly weapons he had. They were about to find out.

  “Admiral Streth didn’t have Devastator Threes on his light cruisers,” Colonel Malen spoke with a wolfish grin. “The Hocklyns won’t be expecting them.”

  “Order all ships to load only Devastator Threes in their missile tubes,” Jeremy ordered as he prepared for the battle. “This will only work once. Lieutenant Striker, plot an interception course for the Hocklyn fleet. Contact Commander Marks and have her coordinate a bomber strike with the station. Make sure it has sufficient fighters to protect them as they go in.”

  “What about our shipboard fighters?”

  “Launch them,” Jeremy ordered, his eyes showing fire. “They are to engage any Hocklyn fighters, but stay away from their heavy warships. Leave those to us and the bombers. I want to smash this attack! Perhaps it will gain us some time before the next.”


  War Leader Versith watched the tactical display closely to see if the Humans would come out to engage the Hocklyn fleets. Without surprise, the fleet nearest the space station moved out and began heading toward them on an interception course. It also began launching fighters. The other fleet on the far side of the planet remained unmoving.

  “One Human fleet approaches,” spoke First Leader Trion, pointing toward the fleet on the tactical screen. “Why does the other not join it? The single fleet does not possess sufficient ships to be a serious threat to us. Honor will come quickly in this battle, for it will not last long.”

  “Don’t underestimate our enemy,” cautioned Versith, allowing his left hand to rest on the breastplate of his battle armor. “These Humans are full of surprises.”

  “They only have ten of the capital ships that have their heavier missiles,” Trion added as he studied the makeup of the approaching Human fleet. “We will suffer losses but our superior numbers will defeat them.”

  “Make sure those ten ships are priority targets,” ordered Versith, feeling uneasy at the way the Human ships were approaching. They seemed not to fear the Hocklyn’s superior numbers. “Launch our war wings. They have two of their large ships that carry the small bombers. I don’t want any of their small craft to make it to our fleet.”

  Second Leader Jaseth watched the small sensor screen above his weapons console with anticipation. Finally, he would be given the opportunity to destroy more Human ships. He could already taste their blood. He could feel the blood in his veins running hot as the time for battle neared. It would be a great day as he killed more of the Human vermin. His right hand moved unconsciously to the sharp blad
e at his waist. Someday that blade would be drenched with the blood of his hated enemies. On that day, he would take back his family’s honor.

  “Enemy small craft launching from the space station,” Trion suddenly reported as numerous small red threat icons began appearing.”

  Versith nodded his head, not surprised. He was certain there would be large numbers of the small deadly bombers in those approaching formations. If he were the Human commander, he would engage with his ships first and then, in the heat of the battle, attack with the small bombers.

  “Hold several of our war wings back to protect our ships,” Versith ordered as he watched the swarm of red icons continue to grow.


  Jeremy watched tensely as the Avenger and the rest of Fourth Fleet continued to move toward the approaching Hocklyns. “What are the AIs doing?”

  “They’re just sitting there,” Kevin replied as he watched the data coming across his sensor screens and then appearing on the large tactical display. “They’re two hundred thousand kilometers behind the Hocklyns and haven’t moved since they jumped in.”

  “Perhaps they’re just going to watch, same as they did last time,” Colonel Malen suggested as she gazed at the four large orange threat icons.

  “I doubt it,” Jeremy replied as he activated his mini-com to speak with Rear Admiral Stillson.

  “Yes, Sir,” Admiral Stillson’s spoke over the com link.

  “Keep an eye on those AIs,” Jeremy ordered as he took in a sharp breath. “I fully expect them to jump in toward the station or the planet as soon as Fourth Fleet becomes engaged with the Hocklyn ships. If they do, hit them with Devastator Threes.”

  “We’re watching them,” replied Stillson, confidently. “If they jump in, we'll make them pay. They won’t get past us!”

  “Nearing engagement range,” Ariel reported from her position next to Jeremy. She quickly checked the ship’s weapons systems as well as the energy screen. Everything was ready for battle.


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