The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict

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The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict Page 19

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Their species will be eliminated,” agreed Jaseth, feeling the hot rush of his blood feeding his desire to kill the Humans. Jaseth would not rest until his family was avenged and every last Human was dead.


  High Leader Nartel had made a decision. He was going to take a small escort fleet and go to Kenward Seven. He wanted to make sure there was no doubt in the minds of either Fleet Commodore Resmunt or Fleet Commodore Versith as to what their orders were. He also needed to be there when another special group of ships he was expecting arrived.

  “Is this wise?” High Councilor Berken asked, his dark eyes focusing on the High Leader. “This is a dangerous time for the Empire. Your untimely death after the way High Leader Ankler died would unsettle the Empire.” It was very seldom a High Leader ever traveled away from the home worlds.

  “I will be perfectly safe,” Nartel replied confidently as he tapped his chest plate with his left hand. “I will be taking the dreadnought HammersHand and a small escort fleet to Kenward Seven where I will supervise the final preparations of the fleet. This will be our last chance to destroy the Humans and we must not make any mistakes. If we fail, the AIs may abandon us completely.”

  High Councilor Jarles only shook his head. He was standing next to Berken and they were all in the High Leader’s office. “The Humans and Altons are a big threat,” Jarles commented, his eyes narrowing. “We might be able to destroy the Humans with our superior numbers, but what about the Altons? Even our newly updated ships may not be able to destroy them.”

  “The AIs are rearming their own fleet,” responded Nartel, recalling his last conversation with their mechanical masters. “Once they have finished updating their ships they will take care of the Altons. The AIs feel certain that with more powerful ships and superior numbers they can destroy what remains of the Alton race.”

  “There are a lot of ifs in all of this,” spoke Berken, shaking his head. “We have underestimated the Humans every time. I just hope we're not doing so again.”


  Fleet Admiral Streth gazed in satisfaction at the arrival of the latest supply fleet. On the tactical display, hundreds of new friendly green icons were appearing as they exited hyperspace. There were Federation supply ships and warships, Alton ships both cargo and battlecruisers, Kessel warships and their attending supply ships, as well as Darvonian warships and their supply ships.

  “That’s one hell of a supply fleet,” Colonel Trist spoke with a wide grin across his face. “I’ve never seen that many in a single fleet before.”

  “We're being reinforced with six more battlecruisers, four battlecarriers, eight strikecruisers, and twenty light cruisers,” Colonel Grissim reported as she looked at the latest scans and the messages from the admiral commanding the arriving supply fleet.

  “Contact Colonel Barnes on the Ceres and tell her that I'll be having a meeting with all the admirals of the recently arrived fleets as well as Grayseth and I would like her to attend,” ordered Hedon, looking over at Janice, who was sitting in front of Communications.

  “I'll send the message immediately,” Janice replied with a grin. “She knew that Colonel Barnes was not happy with her new assignment, even though she was the best qualified person in the fleet to handle this type of diplomacy. Kathryn had joined the fleet to get away from the diplomatic part of her family life.

  “There are eighty Kessel warships in the fleet, including ten of their battlecruisers,” Colonel Grissim reported. “The Darvonian fleet has one hundred and forty ships, including seven of their light cruiser size command ships.”

  “Our allies really came through,” Commented Colonel Trist, feeling more secure with all the new ships. “This will free us up to resume combat operations against the Hocklyns.”

  Hedon nodded, all of the Kessel and Darvonian ships would be assigned to defensive duty inside the Carethian system. This would free up his heavier Federation ships to attack the Hocklyns, and he already had his first high priority target picked out. One other thing this fleet contained were five hundred new particle beam satellites built by the Altons. Once they were deployed, he would be ready to throw his next punch at the enemy, one they would never suspect was coming.


  Colonel Kathryn Barnes gazed pensively at the newly arrived fleet. It would take them hours to finish entering the gravity well and go into orbit around Careth. She was still aboard the Ceres and in the ship’s Command Center.

  “Ready for your new assignment?” Admiral Telleck asked with a soft smile.

  “I guess,” Kathryn replied with a heavy sigh.

  She'd joined the fleet to get away from all the diplomatic intrigue that seemed to be such a big part of politics. Her father loved being a Federation Senator, but Kathryn had never felt the desire to pursue a political career. She knew it had been a big disappointment to her father, but he had allowed her to go her own way.

  “I know you wanted to stay out of this kind of thing,” Telleck added, his eyes focusing on the hazel eyes of his executive officer. “But we’re a long way from the Federation and you’re by far the best qualified person we have to fill this position.”

  “I know,” Kathryn responded with a heavy sigh. She had traveled with her father on numerous diplomatic trips to the home worlds of the Federation’s allies and was familiar with their intricacies. They'd even entertained alien diplomats in their home inside Ceres upon occasion.

  “We have arranged for a new set of offices for you on board the Carethian space station,” Telleck added, wanting to make this transition as easy as possible on Kathryn. “Admiral Streth and I have found several other fleet personnel who have worked with our alien allies that should be of use to you. You should be interested to know that a Carethian officer has requested to be part of your staff.”

  “Which one?” asked Kathryn, curiously. She'd met several on the space station when she had taken a tour of the facility.

  “Malith,” Telleck replied. “She serves as a Communications and Navigation officer on the station. She is highly interested in meeting representatives from our allies.”

  “What are the plans, Sir?” Kathryn asked as she took a deep breath.

  “We want to acclimate our allies into working with each other, as well as us and the Carethians. Their primary responsibility will be defending Careth, with help from the Carethians and a few Alton ships, while Admiral Streth and I take our fleets on the offensive.”

  “Do you have a target chosen?” Kathryn knew it would be hard for her to see Ceres Fleet leave and not be going with it.

  “Yes,” Admiral Telleck spoke, his voice suddenly sounding serious. “We want to hit the Hocklyns where it hurts. One of their major fleet construction bases lies between us and their home worlds. If we can damage it, we'll seriously hamper their ability to build new warships as well as update their old ones.”

  “What’s the name of this base?” To Kathryn this sounded like a bold move but it was also very risky. A major ship construction facility would probably have a large number of Hocklyn warships defending it; perhaps even a few AIs.

  “Kenward Seven,” Admiral Telleck replied after a moment. “We managed to get a lot of intelligence from the fleet base we captured. Several computers didn't have their memory cores completely wiped.”

  “I hope it’s a successful operation,” spoke Kathryn, wishing that she was going and not stuck on the space station. Then, squaring her shoulders she added, “I'd better go over to the station and get organized.”

  Admiral Telleck watched her leave the Command Center and then turned back to his command console. He had some readiness reports to look over and Admiral Kalen had sent him a message stating that additional new battle units would soon be arriving from Ceres to reinforce his fleet for the coming campaign.


  Admiral Streth was sitting down in a conference room on board the StarStrike with Grayseth, Daelthon, Colonel Trist, Colonel Grissim, and Colonel Malang. The only viewscreen in the room was focu
sed on the newly arriving ships.

  “We are building many more of our small warships to add to the defense of our planet,” Grayseth reported with his large hairy arms lying on the table.

  “Construction of the new shipyard is coming along rapidly,” Daelthon added. “The new construction robots from Ceres have been really helpful.”

  “Still look like giant spiders,” Colonel Trist muttered with a frown.

  Colonel Grissim laughed and then spoke. “If you stay on Ceres long enough you get used to them. We use them for everything in the asteroid.”

  “How soon before the first construction bay is finished?” asked Hedon, looking over at Daelthon.

  The light brown furred Carethian looked down at some notes in front of him and replied. “In two more months, we can begin building our first large warship.”

  “We will finally be able to take the war to the evil ones,” Grayseth uttered with satisfaction in his voice. “It'll be good to strike at our enemies.”

  “I understand you have assigned Malith to work with Colonel Barnes in her new envoy role.”

  “Yes,” responded Grayseth, nodding his large head. “She requested it as she wants to become more familiar with the various races that are allied to the Federation.”

  “I know Colonel Barnes' father,” Anne added with a thoughtful look in her eyes. “He's our senior senator from Ceres. I can remember when Colonel Barnes was younger how her father used to take her on many of his diplomatic missions. She should be well suited for the job.”

  “I hope so,” Hedon responded. Then looking down at his notes, he continued, “The Kessels and the Darvonians do not use fighters or bombers. However, the Kessel fleet does have ten battlecruisers that have been updated to current Federation standards with Alton fusion reactors. They've also been furnished with Devastator Three missiles. They have twenty heavy cruisers similar to our Monarchs and fifty light cruisers.

  “That’s a powerful force,” commented Grayseth, realizing that the Kessels were indeed a force to be reckoned with. “Their ships will aid greatly in the defense of Careth. What about the Darvonians?”

  “The Darvonian ships are much smaller and have also been updated with Alton fusion reactors. They have seven command ships similar in size to a light cruiser and one hundred and thirty-three ships of destroyer class. I propose we use the Darvonian ships to help defend the satellite grid to ensure that no future bombardment of Careth can occur.”

  “I agree,” spoke Daelthon, nodding his head in agreement. “Many of our own new small ships will be based on the space station and upon the new shipyard we are building. They are currently being modified to carry Shrike missiles with twenty-megaton warheads. Each ship will be capable of delivering ten to its target. They will go in with the bomber strike, providing covering fire.”

  “The new orbital particle beam satellites will be deployed starting tomorrow,” Colonel Grissim added as she leaned back and folded her arms across her breasts. “There will be two Shrike missile platforms and four laser satellites assigned to protect each one. The missile platforms and satellites will be arriving with the next supply fleet in two weeks.”

  “There are also the new battle stations,” Hedon reminded them. “Those are of Alton design and should be the final key to allow us to fortify Careth to the point where it can withstand a massive AI and Hocklyn attack. Once the battle stations are in place, we will begin our new offensive against the Hocklyns.”


  The next day, Colonel Grissim was in a shuttle observing the placement of one of the new particle beam satellites. The satellite was twenty meters long and four meters wide with a base ten meters across that held the weapons' power source. The base had to be attached to the long cylinder of the particle beam weapon inside one of the construction bays of the space station and then carefully positioned into its new orbit. Targeting and identification computers in the base of the satellite would fire upon any AI or Hocklyn vessel that came within range.

  “I wish we'd had those at New Tellus when the AIs attacked,” the shuttle pilot commented wistfully as he carefully turned the small ship to give Colonel Grissim a better view of the operation.

  “At least the Altons made it in time to save the system from being destroyed,” replied Anne, recalling that horrific battle. There was a time there when everyone in the fleet had thought they were going to die.

  “From what I overheard in the flight bay on the StarStrike, the Altons are going to put some of these in every Federation and ally system.”

  “Eventually,” Anne responded as she watched the shuttle with the particle beam satellite carefully position it so it pointed away from the planet.

  The satellite's own internal computer and miniature thrusters would keep it in proper orientation after release. The construction shuttle that was positioning the satellite had several grappling arms that could be used to manipulate objects.

  The pilot of the construction shuttle finally released the particle beam satellite and began to back away. After observing the satellite for a few moments, the pilot turned his shuttle and headed back toward the construction bay on the space station for another one. There were four shuttles currently placing the particle beam satellites around Careth.

  “Seems easy enough,” commented Colonel Grissim, with a satisfied nod. She knew that later, when the Shrike missile platforms arrived along with the new batch of laser satellites, they too would have to be positioned by the construction shuttles. To her, it seemed like a lot of tedious work.

  “Looks like they’re done,” the pilot reported as he watched the other shuttle move rapidly off toward the station.

  “Yes,” Anne replied. “Let’s get back to the StarStrike, Colonel Barnes is having her first meeting with all of our allies in a few hours, and I will be representing the Federation.” She'd hoped that Admiral Telleck or Fleet Admiral Streth would be the representative, but she had been chosen because of her detailed knowledge of what they were up against.


  Admiral Streth was in the gym and had just finished a long run with Captain Duncan. They'd both been silent as they ran. They had pushed themselves and were now just walking as they caught their breath.

  “That felt good,” Janice commented with a pleased smile as she took a deep breath. “I like to push myself like that on occasion. It gets the heart really pumping.”

  Hedon laughed and looked over at Janice. “I enjoy our runs together. For a while, I can forget there is a war going on.”

  Janice was quiet for a moment. There had been a question she had been wanting to ask Hedon for several weeks now but had been hesitant to bring it up. “The ship from New Providence is still at Ceres, Hedon. When will it be returning home?”

  Hedon walked over and picked up a towel off a bench next to the wall. He wiped off his face and arms and then turned to face Janice. “Sometime in the next three weeks they'll be returning to New Providence,” he responded. “Senator Arden and Commander Strone are anxious to return home and tell their people about the Federation.”

  “It’s surprising that they were willing to stay so long,” she said. “I would have thought they would have left months ago.”

  “It was important for them to see how the battle at New Tellus went,” Hedon responded. “They were also given two years to complete their mission.”

  Janice walked over close to Hedon until they were nearly touching. “When are you returning home? And I don’t mean Ceres or New Tellus.”

  For a long moment, Hedon was silent and then he finally answered. “With the new particle beam satellites and Alton battle stations we can fortify New Providence and make it secure from attack. It may take a while but eventually we'll take back control of all the other systems in the former Human Federation of Worlds. Those are Human worlds and someday they'll have people walking on their surfaces once more.”

  “How soon before New Providence is fortified?” Janice asked. She knew that Hedon ached to return to the lake on
Maken where Taylor and Lendle had lived.

  “It'll probably be at least another year,” responded Hedon, wishing it could be sooner. “Once the Federation worlds are all fortified with the Alton particle beam satellites and battle stations we can move on to New Providence.”

  “There are several things that worry me about all of this,” Janice said as she gazed deeply into Hedon’s eyes. “What are the AIs and the Hocklyns going to be doing during all of this time? They have to know that we’re coming for them.”

  “I guess that’s the big question,” Hedon replied, looking at Janice. Over the months, they'd gotten closer. He wished that Taylor and Lendle could have met Janice. He had a strong suspicion they both would have liked her. “The Altons feel the AIs are updating their ships with better weapons, same as the Hocklyns. That’s one reason why we have to strike soon and strike hard.”

  Janice nodded. She wished that she and Hedon could become more romantically involved, but he was the Fleet Admiral and she had to restrain herself and not distract him. The Federation needed Admiral Streth if they wanted to win this war. The romance she so deeply wanted would have to wait.


  Kathryn let out a deep, steadying breath as she watched members from all of the allied races file into the large conference room she'd set up on the space station. There was Colonel Grissim, Malith, Major Deleen from the Kessels, and Captain Anchon from the Darvonians.

  “If everyone will please take a seat, we'll get this meeting started,” Kathryn said with a polite smile upon her face.

  The representatives all sat down and looked over at Kathryn with expectant looks upon their faces.

  “We have representatives here from four of the races that form our alliance,” she began from her seat at the head of the table. “The main purpose of this group will be to ensure that our different peoples work well together in this war against the AIs and the Hocklyns.”

  “We have worked with Humans and even the Kessels for many years,” Captain Anchon spoke. “We wish to get to know the Carethians better as it is their world that we will be defending.”


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