The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict

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The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict Page 30

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Fighters are beginning to move out of the way,” announced Captain Reynolds, seeing the fighters on both sides moving from between the two fleets so as to avoid the ordnance that would soon be prevalent between the two.

  Hedon looked at his fleet disposition. Both First Fleet and Ceres Fleet had joined into one massive formation of warships. He had the StarStrike, which was the only battleship in the system, twenty-one battlecarriers, twenty-seven battlecruisers, thirty-two strikecruisers, thirty Monarch cruisers, eighty light cruisers, and thirty Alton battlecruisers. He wondered how many of those ships, if any, would be left after this battle. The important thing was that Careth itself survived.

  “Engagement range!” Major Weir called out.

  “Fire all weapons!” Hedon ordered over his mini-com to all the ships in the fleet. “Maneuver six, ten percent sublight, now!”

  Instantly the StarStrike and all other ships in the fleet turned to starboard to hit one side of the enemy fleet formation.

  “Admiral Bixby,” Hedon spoke over his mini-com to the recently promoted admiral on the battlecarrier Essex, who was in charge of all fleet fighter and bomber operations. “Launch your bomber strike.”

  “Flight bays will be clear in five minutes,” Bixby replied.

  Hedon leaned back and let out a deep breath. It was dangerous sending the bombers in this early, but he had to slow down the enemy fleets. Bixby would be launching over sixteen hundred Anlon bombers, each armed with four nuclear tipped Shrike missiles. They would have four hundred fighters as escorts.

  “Enemy fighters are coming in on their attack runs,” Captain Reynolds warned as thousands of red icons began accelerating toward the Human fleets.

  Hedon nodded. He knew the fleets’ Hunter missiles and defensive laser turrets would make it difficult for the enemy to reach their targets. The more powerful energy shields should also protect them from the missiles the fighters were carrying. The only problem was there were so many of them.


  From the Federation capital ships, hundreds of sublight antimatter missiles with 100-megaton yields vanished from their launch tubes as they launched toward their targets. From the Monarchs and light cruisers, hundreds of Devastator Threes erupted from their launch tubes as they accelerated toward their targets in the enemy fleet. Power beams began to flash as well as powerful pulse lasers. Hunter missiles launched toward the inbound fighter strike and defensive laser fire began to reach out destroying additional inbound targets.

  Across the Hocklyn formation, massive explosions smashed against newly strengthened energy screens. Many failed under the onslaught of the energy released by the powerful antimatter missiles. There was not a screen devised that could stand up to a direct hit from one of those ship killers. Hocklyn escort cruisers vanished in fiery explosions as their screens were annihilated and hulls were melted away. In many instances, more than one missile targeted a ship. Warcruisers and dreadnoughts were blown apart as the missile attack washed across the targeted section of the Hocklyn fleet formation.

  Borzon shields were no more successful than the Hocklyns' at standing up to the antimatter ship killers. Over a dozen Borzon ships vanished under the onslaught as their screens failed and their battlecruisers were blown into oblivion. Even two of the AI ships were severely damaged by the attack and quickly finished off by watchful Alton ships that were targeting the large 1,500-meter spheres.


  Fleet Commodore Resmunt blanched at the devastation being levied against his fleet, but now his own missiles and energy beams were striking the Human and Alton ships. With satisfaction, he saw a Human battlecruiser die under multiple explosions from the antimatter missiles the AIs had provided. Then another and another as more of the powerful weapons found their targets.

  Resmunt grabbed onto the command console as the Liberator shook violently when a nuclear warhead detonated against his flagship’s energy shield.

  “Shield is holding at forty percent,” First Leader Ganth reported as he picked himself up from the deck. “Minor damage to the outer hull.”

  “Continue the attack,” Resmunt ordered, his eyes glowing with fire. This time he would destroy the Humans; defeat was not an option.


  Fleet Commodore Versith was hurriedly turning his section of the fleet. His ships were in the center and the Humans had concentrated their attack on one of the flanks. It was a good strategy considering how badly the Humans were outnumbered. However, it would only take him a few minutes to maneuver his section of the fleet to attack range.

  “Honor comes for many of our warriors,” War Leader Trion muttered as he watched Hocklyn and Borzon ships both fall to the Human and Alton attack. Even two of the deadly AI spheres had succumbed.

  “We have the numbers,” Versith commented as he quickly passed orders to the other ships. “The Humans and the Altons will lose in the end.”

  Second Leader Jaseth seethed in silent rage. His hands hovered over his weapon controls. His cold, dark reptilian eyes were full of fury as the Humans remained just outside of the range of his weapons. However, he knew that wouldn't last for long. Already the Viden was turning as well as the other warships around it. Shortly the Humans would be within range and Jaseth could rain death down upon their ships. The Viden had a full load out of the AIs' antimatter missiles, and he intended for the Humans to pay a full price in blood.


  Hedon felt the StarStrike shake slightly as weapons fire impacted the ship’s energy screen. It was deep within the fleet formation and not an easy target for the enemy warships.

  “Battlecruisers Canth, Lisbon, Trinity, and Boston are down,” Captain Reynolds reported in a pained voice.

  “We’ve also lost two battlecarriers, four strikecruisers, three Monarchs and twelve light cruisers,” reported Colonel Grissim, grimly. “Hocklyn losses are much higher, but they have a lot more ships.”

  “Their fighter attack is pulling back,” Colonel Trist reported as he studied one of the tactical displays. “We took some hits and lost a few ships, but our defensive fire was too much for them. They don’t have anything like out defensive laser turrets.”

  “They’re joining back up with their other fighters,” Captain Reynolds added.

  “Bomber strike is going in,” Colonel Trist spoke as he watched the sixteen hundred Anlon bombers beginning their attack run from above the massed Hocklyn and Borzon fleet where they were temporarily safe from all the weapons fire going on.


  Fleet Commodore Resmunt frowned with concern when he heard the Humans were launching their small fighter sized bombers. He had no doubt that he was about to lose more ships, but for every Human fighter, bomber, and warship his ships destroyed the more outnumbered the Humans became. It was a battle of attrition, and he had the superior numbers. He forced himself to ignore the growing number of dying Hocklyn ships.

  “Ask the AIs if they can help destroy the Human bombers,” Resmunt instructed Third Leader Grodno in front of Communications. “Also, order some of our fighters to break off from the current battle and engage the inbound bomber strike.” He wanted to destroy as many of those inbound bombers as possible before they launched their deadly missiles.

  “The Humans are losing a lot of their fighters,” First Leader Ganth reported, pleased with the way the battle was going. True, many Hocklyns were finding their final honor in death, but the Humans were suffering heavily too. On one of the viewscreens, he watched as another Human strikecruiser exploded under the onslaught of Hocklyn weapons fire. “I will order some of the war wings to engage the Human bombers.”

  “Continue to press them,” Resmunt ordered, not wanting to give the Humans time to reorganize and set up an effective defense.

  It was obvious the Humans had hoped their hell missiles would drive the fleet back. This time, it wasn't going to work. He'd also noticed that Fleet Commodore Versith was nearly within attack range with his section of the Hocklyn fleet.

  Resmunt winced as a v
iewscreen showed a nearby dreadnought exploding. Two of the Humans' antimatter missiles had blown away the ship’s energy screen, allowing more missiles to strike the ship. A glowing field of flaming debris was all that remained.


  Hundreds of Hocklyn fighters peeled away from the swirling dogfight and headed toward the inbound bomber strike. Major Brice swore as he saw the number of Hocklyn fighters disengaging and turning toward the bombers. He was helpless to do anything as all of his squadrons were heavily engaged. He could only hope that the escorting fighters could stop the Hocklyns from ravaging the bomber formation.

  Darting his Talon fighter downward, he hit his turbos and swiftly accelerated toward another enemy fighter. Pressing down on the button that controlled his twin, 30mm cannons he stitched the Hocklyn ship from bow to stern. It instantly exploded in a reddish orange fireball.


  The four hundred Talon fighters protecting the bombers broke away and headed to intercept the inbound Hocklyn threat. Missiles launched and soon the Hocklyn fighter formations were full of dying ships as Hunter interceptor missiles found their targets. The Hocklyn fighters were short on missiles as they had used most of theirs in the dogfight. However, they had the numbers, and soon their cannons began blasting away at the Human ships. The Human fighters were determined to keep the Hocklyns away from the bombers. More fighters on both sides died and then the bomber strike slipped past, leaving the dueling fighters behind.

  Hocklyn and Borzon ships opened up on the inbound bombers, destroying them by the dozens with interceptor missiles, railgun rounds, and energy beams. The Human strike continued in, oblivious to its mounting losses. They had to get in close so their missiles wouldn’t be intercepted. Then the nearest AIs spheres opened up with their energy beams and the Human losses increased substantially. The Human bomber formation was full of exploding ships as enemy fire continued to intensify.


  “We’re losing hundreds of our fighters and the same with the bombers,” Colonel Trist reported as he watched the green icons fading away on the tactical display. He felt a pain in his gut, knowing the sacrifice the fighter and bomber crews were making. “The energy fire from the AIs are taking a lot of them out.”

  Hedon nodded as he kept his eyes glued to the tactical situation. His eyes moved from one display to the next as he attempted to keep track of the battle. “Begin moving us back,” he ordered calmly as the bombers neared launch range of their missiles. Hedon knew that if he survived this battle he'd be in for a lot of sleepless nights.

  “Bombers have launched their missiles,” Captain Reynolds reported breathlessly as his sensor screen suddenly lit up with hundreds of fresh contacts.

  “Order the bombers back as soon as all missiles have been launched,” ordered Hedon, knowing he was going to lose most of them. They hadn’t wavered in their attack run and most would not be coming back to the waiting carriers.

  “Six hundred and forty bombers have launched their missiles and are attempting to withdraw,” Colonel Grissim said as she watched the bombers beginning to break off contact. Her eyes coaxed each one to escape and make it back to the safety of the flight bays. She felt a deep sadness as more of the friendly green icons continued to vanish. Not many were going to make it back.


  Even as the bombers attempted to reverse course many were being destroyed by the heavy fire from the enemy warships. The fire suddenly began to slacken as the Hocklyn and Borzon ships began switching over to intercept the more than twenty four hundred Shrike missiles that were now inbound. The AI spheres had not been targeted, as the Shrike missiles didn’t have the firepower to knock their shields down.

  The surviving bombers could now withdraw as the enemy was no longer focusing on them. The remaining squadron leaders felt numb at seeing so many bombers from their squadrons no longer showing up on their sensor screens. Each knew that they themselves had been lucky to survive.


  Resmunt watched in silent fascination as the Human missiles steadily came closer. Every second, more vanished as they were intercepted and destroyed by non-stop defensive fire.

  “We’re not going to get all of them,” First Leader Ganth reported in his harsh and grating voice. The Humans had launched from an extremely close range.

  Resmunt only nodded as the first missile reached the fleet and detonated against a light cruiser’s screen.

  Over the next minute, six hundred and forty three more explosions rolled across the front of the Hocklyn and Borzon fleet formation. When it was over, another eighty-seven Hocklyn ship crews had gone to find their final honor. The Borzon lost twenty-three of their cruisers.


  The Federation and Alton ships began to fall back with the Hocklyns, the Borzon, and the AIs in close pursuit. The Federation ships steadily retreated until they were within range of the heavy weapons from the Alton battle stations, the space station, and the shipyard. Missile platforms launched their Devastator missiles, and the space station unleashed its power beams. With the addition of the heavy firepower from these installations, the Hocklyn advance slowed and came to a stop. Then the Hocklyns pulled back slightly to just outside the range of Careth’s powerful defenses.

  “It’s time,” Admiral Streth said looking at a timer that was running on one of the tactical displays.


  Moments later, Second Fleet, Fourth Fleet, and Rear Admiral Tolsen’s new Third Fleet dropped out of hyperspace amid a sudden appearance of blue-white space vortexes. In all, two hundred and fifteen Federation warships and twenty Alton battlecruisers appeared just outside of Careth’s gravity well.

  “Status!” barked Admiral Sheen as she waited impatiently for the tactical displays to begin putting up their information.

  “Fleet Admiral Streth has withdrawn to the inner defenses,” Commander Diaz reported as the holographic tactical displays suddenly blinked to life with information. “The Hocklyns, Borzon, and the AIs have followed him in.”

  “As planned,” Amanda said, feeling her heart beginning to race. “Order all ships to form up on Second Fleet and follow us in. Fighters and bombers are to be prepared to launch upon my orders. Rear Admiral Marks will coordinate and command the fighter and bomber attack. It’s time we reminded our enemy what it’s like to fight the Federation. Order all Alton ships to concentrate their fire on the AIs. I want them either destroyed or forced to withdraw.”

  “Admiral Streth is ordering us to engage immediately,” Lieutenant Trask reported. “He's suffered massive fighter and bomber losses and is using the planet’s defenses to hold the Hocklyns at bay.”

  Amanda nodded; she wasn't surprised by this.

  “The Alton commander is volunteering to jump all of their ships into the gravity well and engage the AIs,” Lieutenant Trask spoke, her eyes widening. “He feels he can destroy a large number of them if you give the go ahead.”

  Amanda hesitated for a moment. Most of the crews on those twenty Alton ships were Human. There were fewer than thirty Altons on the individual battlecruisers. She also knew the AIs needed to be eliminated. So far, it looked as if they were staying inside the Hocklyn and Borzon fleet formation safe from attack.

  Amanda looked over at Commander Diaz meaningfully; they both knew that sending the Alton ships that deep into the Hocklyn and Borzon fleets could result in losing them. However, if the AIs could be forced to withdraw, it might be work the risk.

  Drawing in a sharp breath, Amanda passed the order. “They have permission,” she said. “However, I want them to withdraw if they begin to lose ships.”


  “Report!” snapped Fleet Commodore Resmunt as alarms suddenly began sounding on the main sensor console. His cold, dark eyes instantly transfixed on Third Leader Torlan working the console.

  “More Human and Alton ships have jumped into the system,” the Third Leader reported.

  “How many?” demanded Resmunt, growing alarmed. He should've known this battle wouldn’t be easy sin
ce the Humans were involved.

  “Over two hundred Human warships and twenty more Alton battlecruisers,” Torlan replied in his rasping voice.

  “Alton ships are jumping,” warned First Leader Ganth as the Alton ships suddenly vanished from the sensor display.

  “Where are they going?” barked Resmunt his large eyes focusing intently on the tactical display.

  “The AIs,” Ganth spoke in a stunned voice. “They’ve jumped inside our fleet formation and are attacking the AIs!”


  The Command AI looked with concern at the main tactical display. Alton ships were jumping in close to some of the AI ships and launching attacks. On several large viewscreens, AI ships could be seen under assault from the Alton battlecruisers.

  “Order all ships, including the Hocklyns and the Borzons, to concentrate their fire on the Alton ships,” the Command AI ordered. “This may be our opportunity to destroy them. Even their shields cannot withstand the firepower from a fleet of this size.”

  The AI at Communications extended its tentacles and began sending the messages to the Borzon and Hocklyn fleet commanders. The same orders also went out to all AI spheres to focus their attacks on the Alton ships.

  “It’s time our former masters learn they should not attack our ships,” the Command AI spoke, the glowing orb above its metal body glowing even brighter. “Today they shall die.”


  In space, the Alton ships fired their deadly particle beam weapons as well as multiple 100-megaton antimatter missiles at the nearest AI spheres. Space was aglow with immense explosions and AI ships began to die. First one and then two of the huge spheres blew apart as their energy shields were overwhelmed and antimatter missiles struck their armored hulls.

  But now, return fire began impacting the Alton battlecruisers’ screens. They became aglow with exploding ordnance, including fifty-megaton sublight missiles launched by the AIs and the Hocklyns. Energy beams and railgun rounds were smashing into the shields, trying to bring them down. One of the Alton ships suddenly saw its shield overloaded, and then it suddenly collapsed. The Alton battlecruiser ceased to exist as the fire from over one hundred enemy ships annihilated it.


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