Broadway Army Store (St. Louis)
Bronfman, Samuel, II
Bronx Bombers
Brooklyn Dodgers
Brown, Bonnie Emily. See Heady, Bonnie Brown
Brown, Edward G.
Brown, French P. (Father)
Brown, John
Brown, Mabel Clutter (Mother)
Brownell, Herbert
Brownie’s Tavern (St. Louis)
Brulez, Arthur
Buescher Funeral Home (Jefferson City, KS)
Bulgari, Giovanni
Bull, Father
Burlington Junction (MO)
Bush, John
Camel News Caravan (NBC)
Cannella, Joseph J.
Carr, Bobby Gene
Carr, Jesse
Carr, John
Carrara, Mary
Carroll, Bertha
Carson, William
Castle, Robert
Cauthen, Dave
Chapman, James E.
Chase Hotel (St. Louis)
Chicago American
Chris (Ace mechanic)
Clark, Father Charles Dismas, SJ
Clearmont (MO)
Clearmont High School
Cleveland, Grover
Clutter, Ed
Clutter, Nellie
Coates House (Kansas City)
Columbo’s Bar (St. Louis)
Colwell, Ward
Commerce Trust Company (Kansas City)
Connor’s Pink House (St. Louis)
Coral Court Motel (Marlborough, MO)
Costello, Barbara
Costello, Joseph
accidental shooting of
Edward G. Brown, murder of
FBI and
and the missing ransom money
Senate subcommittee testimony
suicide attempt
Country Club Plaza (Kansas City)
Creech, Willard
Crowley, Raymond
Cupp, Barbara
Daily Oklahoman
Davison, Leslie S.
Day, Raymond
Detroit Times
Dickinson, Emily
Dietrich, Roy K.s
Doc (Heady’s pet boxer)
Dolan, Elmer
Costello’s financial assistance of
D. & S. Cleaner
death of
Carl Hall, arrest of
and the Hall/Heady trial
and the missing ransom money
missing ransom money, confession concerning
perjury charges, indictment and prison term for
presidential pardon
Dolan, Mary
Donnelly, Phil M.
Dorfman, Allen M.
Dowd, Edward L.
Downs, John E.
Dreste, Herman J.
Duncan, Richard
Eidson, Ralph
Eisenhower, Arthur B.
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Evans, Dan
Evans, Rev. George L.
Eversull, Dr. Hubert
Fallaro, Frances Keplin
and Bobby Greenlease kidnapping
and Carl Hall
and the missing ransom money
Fletcher, Jean
Fletcher, John S.
Floyd, Charles “Pretty Boy”
Ford, Robert
Forest Hills Cemetery (Kansas City)
Franks, Bobby
Freeman, Rev. Joseph M.
Freeny, Viola
French Institute of Notre Dame de Sion (Kansas City, MO)
Gates, Grace
George, June Marie
Gerabeck, Dick
Getty, J. Paul
Getty, J. Paul, III
Giamanco, James
God Goes to Murderer’s Row (Raymond)
Gorman, Edward
Grapp, Wesley
Greenlease, Paul Robert (brother)
and Bobby’s funeral
classmate of Carl Hall
and the kidnapping
Greenlease, Robert Cosgrove (father)
attempts to exploit and defraud
Cadillac franchise
and Carl Hall’s letter of apology
Hall/Heady death sentence, reaction to
and the Hall/Heady trial
health, concern for
and the kidnapping
and the media
and the missing ransom money
Mission Hills mansion
wealth of
Greenlease, Robert “Bobby”
Cosgrove, Jr. (kidnapping)
body, disposal of
body, recovery of
classified newspaper advertisement
FBI and
French Institute of Notre Dame de Sion, abduction from
Jerusalem medal
the media and
murder of
police and
public responded to
ransom drop-off
ransom letters
ransom money, missing
Greenlease, Virginia Pollock (mother)
and Bobby’s funeral
Carl Hall, phone conversation with
and the Hall/Heady trial
health, concern for
kidnapping, reaction to
Greenlease, Virginia Sue (sister)
kidnapping, reaction to
Greyhound Bus Depot (St. Louis)
Hager, John Oliver
arrest of
California, move to
and Joseph Costello
Costello’s financial assistance of
and Carl Hall
Carl Hall, suspicion of
Carl Hall’s bogus identification
and Sandra O’Day
and the missing ransom money
Hall, Amos (uncle)
Hall, Austin (grandfather)
Hall, Carl Austin
alcoholism and drug abuse
appearance, concerned about
business ventures and failure
childhood and education
criminal career
gambling habit
Irene Holmes, marriage to
military service
mother, later defense of
mother, relationship with
personality and temperament
playboy lifestyle
as a womanizer
Hall, Carl Austin (kidnapping)
Arsenal Street apartment
bogus identification
cabs and cars
classified newspaper advertisement
at Coral Court Motel
duffel bag, disposal of
footlocker and suitcase
Bobby Greenlease, murder of
Bobby Greenlease’s body, disposal of
Greenlease home, calls to
and John Hager
and Bonnie Heady
Bonnie Heady, marriage plans
Bonnie Heady, meeting
as Bonnie Heady’s pimp
initial idea and planning
Jerusalem medal
“Tom Marsh” as fictional third party
and Sandra O’Day
Sandra O’Day, refusing sex with
Barney Patton, letter to
sociopathic and psychopathic indicators
at Town House Motel
Hall, Carl Austin (kidnapping: arrest and trial)
arrest and interrogation
clemency requests
on death row
death sentence
execution, preparation for
execution, response to
execution, ticket request for
George Greenlease, letter of apology to
George Greenlease testifying at
Bonnie Heady, alleged plan to kill
last meal
last words to each other
media and
missing ransom money, testimony concerning
pre-trial incarceration
reaction to
reading material
taking full responsibility
Hall, Carl Austin (kidnapping: ransom)
missing ransom money
missing ransom money, search for
ransom money, dealing with
Hall, Irene Holmes (wife)
Hall, John (father)
Hall, Larry
Hall, Tomama (grandmother)
Hall, Zella Cannon (mother)
son, disinheriting
son, relationship with
Hamelton, Charles
Harbor Inn (St. Louis)
Hartley, Glen C.
Hartman, Howard
Hatfield, Bennie Bruce
Hatfield, Grace
Hauptmann, Bruno Richard
Hazel Dell school (Clearmont, MO)
Heady, Bonnie Brown
appearance and wardrobe, concern over
Doc (pet boxer)
as dog breeder and horsewoman
Vernon Ellis Heady, marriage to
illegal abortions
loan application
mental breakdown
as a prostitute
Heady, Bonnie Brown (kidnapping)
French Institute of Notre Dame de Sion, impersonation at
Bobby Greenlease, murder of
Carl Hall, marriage plans
Carl Hall, meeting
Carl Hall’s letter to
sociopathic and psychopathic indicators
Heady, Bonnie Brown (kidnapping: arrest and trial)
arrest of
artistic endeavors
clemency requests
on death row
death sentence
execution, preparation for
execution, response to
execution, ticket requests for
Greenlease family, letter of apology to
Carl Hall’s alleged plan to kill
last meal
last words to each other
media and
pre-trial incarceration
reaction to
tombstone, selecting
Heady, Vernon Ellis
Bonnie’s marriage to
Hensley, E. E.
Herschfield, Buzz
Hesselmeyer, Mrs. J. F.
Hi-Nabor Buffet (St. Louis)
Hill, Henry
Hines, John J.
Hoag, Marshall K.
Hoffa, Jimmy
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hotel Muehlebach (Kansas City)
Hotel Phillips (Kansas City)
Hotel Robidoux (St. Joseph)
Hull, Harold
Hunkeler, Abp. Edward J.
Hyde Park (Kansas City, MO)
In Memoriam (Tennyson)
Inman, Jack
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
International New Service
Irene, Notre Mère
James, Bob
James, Claude
James, Francis
James, Jesse
Jansen, Susan
Jansen, Thomas
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Stewart M.
and the ransom drop
Jones, Edward
Kansas City
criminal elements
economic boom
and the Hall/Heady trial
Union Station Massacre
Kansas City Hummer
Kansas City Star
Kansas City Police Department
Katz Drug Store (Kansas City, MO)
Kearns, James A., Jr.
Kemper, Frederick T.
Kemper Military School (MO)
Kennedy, Howard
Kennedy, Robert F.
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb
Lindbergh kidnapping and killing
ransoms, n
See also Greenlease, Robert “Bobby” Cosgrove, Jr. (kidnapping)
Kilgallon, James
King, Lawrence
Kinney, John Francis
Koenig, Grace
Koenig, Mrs. William
Kohl, Rev. Franklin
Krist, Gary
Kyger, Dr. Fred B.
Laclede Cab
Lambkins, Gerald T.
Lane, Polly
Ledterman, Robert L.
and Bobby’s funeral
and the Hall/Heady trial
and the ransom drop
Leedy, H. Gavin
Leisure, Lawrence
Leopold, Nathan
Lewis, Howard A.
Life magazine
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindbergh, Charles
Lindbergh baby
kidnapping and killing of
Lindbergh Law
Linkletter, Victor
Litz, Arthur
Livingston, Gerald
Loeb, Richard
Long, I. A.
Lugar, John “Buddy”
Lynn’s tavern (North Kansas City)
McDowall, Pansy
McDowell, Walter H.
McGarvey, Garland
Mackle, Barbara Jane
McKnelly, Dr. William V.
McNamee’s Bar (St. Louis)
McQuate, Hester
Mantle, Mickey
“Marais des Cygnes, Le” (Whittier)
Marais des Cygnes Massacre
Marlborough (MO)
Marsh, June Marie
“Marsh, Tom”
as fictional third party
Marsh, Thomas John
Marthanna, Mère
Martin, Billy
Martin, John Bartow
Martin, Richard
Maulding, Frank
Bobby Greenlease kidnapping
Bobby Greenlease kidnapping and nightly national televison coverage
Robert Greenlease and
and Carl Hall
and the Hall/Heady execution
and the Hall/Heady trial
and Bonnie Heady
Lindbergh kidnapping and killing
and the missing ransom money
Melvin, Mary Ann. See O’Day, Sandra
Minor, James L.
missing ransom money
Bland (MO), mysterious digging at
Elmer Dolan’s confession concerning
FBI and
media and
money recovered
search for
theories concerning
Mission Hills (KS)
Missouri Baptist General Association
Missouri State Penitentiary (Jefferson City)
gas chamber
Hall and Heady at
Hall and Heady’s execution
Hall and Heady’s execution, witnesses to
Moody, H. F.
Moody family farm
Moore, Bill
Moore, Robert
Moore, Robert T.
Morand, Soeur
Morrison, E. R.
Mott, Alvin
Mudd, Lyle
Murphy, Red
Murray, Don
Murrow, Edward R.
Naher, Norman
Nangle, Ja
mes F.
“Narrow Fellow in the Grass, A” (Dickinson)
Nesbitt, Harry
Nester, Mary Jane
New York Times
Newell, Joseph
Newsweek magazine
Nichols, J. C.
Northwest Missouri State College (Maryville, MO)
O’Connell, Jeremiah J.
O’Day, Sandra (“Sandy”)
grand jury appearance
and Carl Hall
Carl Hall and sex
and the Hall/Heady trial
Garland McGarvey, shooting
and Barney Patton
O’Neill, Norbert S.
and Bobby’s funeral
Hall/Heady execution, witness to
and the Hall/Heady trial
and the ransom drop
Oberbeck, George
Old Shillelagh (St. Louis)
Olsen, Mrs. Mike
Overstreet, Katherine G.
Owsley, Arvid
Parker, C. O.
Parker, George
Patton, Bernard “Barney”
Carl Hall’s letter to
Pendergast, Thomas J.
Peters, William
Pfeiffer, Rev. William O.
Phelps, Richard K.
Pino, Anthony
Pleasanton, Alfred
Pleasanton (KS)
Pleasanton Observer-Enterprise
Poiry, Bernard
Pond, Eugene
Pony Express
Pony Express Bar (Hotel Robidoux)
Price Funeral Home (Maryland, MO)
Probstein, David
Pruitt, Roy
ransom money (missing)
Bland (MO), mysterious digging at
Elmer Dolan’s confession concerning
FBI and
media and
money recovered
search for
theories concerning
Rasmussen, Charles
Raymond, M., OCSO
Reeder, Arthur S.
Reese, Samuel Norbert
Reeves, Albert L.
Richardson, Maxine
Richetti, Adam
Riley, Franklin S., Jr.
roadside motels
Robbins, Betty
Robey, James A.
Rockhurst University
Rogers, Will
Rosa, Irwin
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel
Rosenthal, William
St. Agnes Church (Kansas City)
St. Joseph (MO)
and the Hall/Heady trial
St. Louis (MO)
and car bombings
Museum of Transportation
St. Louis Board of Police Commsioners
FBI and
missing ransom money, federal grand jury inquiry
St. Louis Browns
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
St. Louis Police Department
missing ransom money, search for
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Sakellarios, John
Saltzman, Ben
Samuelson, Victor
Saturday Evening Post magazine
Sawyer, Rev. Dr. Braxton Bragg
Schafers, Ted
Scheufler, Edward L.
Schmidt, Henry
Scott, James
Selander, Britt
Shaw, Henry
Sheen, Bishop Fulton J.
Zero at the Bone: The Playboy, the Prostitute, and the Murder of Bobby Greenlease Page 22