Stroked by my Dad's Best FriendA Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

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Stroked by my Dad's Best FriendA Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Page 49

by Natasha Spencer

  “So you didn’t leave your mother’s house until you were married?” Blake also seemed fascinated.

  “Yes,” she smiled. “That was my first time out of her house. In Hispanic culture, it is normal to live at home until you’re married. My mother didn’t even let me move into the dorms at college. I had to take the ferry to and from the Island every day. It let me get a lot of studying done, though. She didn’t even want me to go to NYU at first – she didn’t understand the point of it since I was getting married, anyway. She didn’t think I would do anything with my degree, but she relented when I told her that being educated would make me a better wife.”

  Almost in unison, everyone in the room let out, “Old School”.

  “Wow. I heard about cultures like that but I thought Americans didn’t do that,” someone commented.

  “Yes! It’s very old-world. But, it’s 2018 now!” Blake piped up.

  “Most third-generation Hispanics break away from that type of mentality. But my family is not from here. My mother came here from Mexico with her first husband when she was only twenty and pregnant with my older brother. We’re devout Catholics, and the Catholic tradition is what makes my family the way that we are. So my Mom clings to tradition pretty hard. It is all she knows. She means well, even if she tries to hold me back. I think mainly she is just afraid that I will lose my faith and make the same mistakes she made after my father died. She knows how hard it is to be alone without a man and she doesn’t want that for me. She thinks having a husband is the key to a good life and that’s what Catholic tradition teaches.

  My grandmother would never have allowed her to deviate from tradition, either. Her second marriage after my father died, was even a hard thing for Grandmother to accept, but Mother is so happy with Carlos.” She smiled and shrugged. “It’s just something I have to deal with. It’s hard, but she’s my mother. I love her very much.”

  “I imagine it’s pretty hard. You ever feel like you are hurting her or letting her down?” Adam ventured.

  Sophia smiled sadly, appreciating his empathy. “I suppose I do at times. Guilt is a big part of the Catholic tradition, and she is good at putting doubt into my mind. But I stay strong and stick to what I think is right. Finding a balance between the way I was raised and the way I feel is hard, so I have to look into my heart after every conversation with her. Sometimes it gets really confusing and frustrating. Sometimes I want to give up and crawl back to Tony. But I know that’s not what will make me happy and I have to remind myself why I am doing this, why I’m on my own now. When I remember the point of it all, I am able to keep from letting her get to me.”

  “So what’s it like to be out on your own for, what, the first time?” Blake asked.

  “I’m sure it’s terrifying,” a young woman in the room ventured.

  “We’ll make sure you have a good time,” Adam replied. “If you are ever lonely, you can always come over here to visit.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Thanks. I’m not sure how I’ll feel being all alone right now, so I appreciate your offer. I’ll let you know.”

  “For sure. It’s not every day that we have a hot twenty-eight-year-old come visit,” Blake cracked with a bit of a smile.

  Sophia surveyed him with her piercing dark eyes. “I highly doubt that,” she teased back.

  He turned bright red. “Honestly, we don’t. I know we have reputations, but…”

  “Really, it’s always a big sausage party up here,” Dennis quirked.

  Adam playfully hit him. “Let her think it’s more fun than that or she won’t come over again,” he joked.

  “I think I will.” She said that archly as she swilled the wine in her glass. Both brothers fell silent, clearly overwhelmed with a sudden surge of desire for her.

  “Do you want some more wine?” Blake inquired.

  She smiled. “Hit me.”

  After Blake refilled her glass, they decided to start a game of poker. Sophia giggled when one of the guests proposed strip poker. “No one wants to see your naked fat ass,” everyone teased back.

  But, something about the idea made her heart quake and gave her an unusual tingle between her legs. The brothers clearly both had very nice bodies. She couldn’t explain her boldness, but she wanted to see the brothers naked. And she knew they’d like hers, since she spent considerable effort keeping herself toned and fit. Still she was shy. And Catholic. She had not shown her naked adult body to anyone but Tony. But then Tony had never stared at her, lustily, as they did. And she was now a single woman! Sophia spent a moment daydreaming before responding with a little laugh, “No, but how about playing for money?”

  “Penny pot as usual?” Dennis proposed.

  Adam and Blake blithely agreed, “Of course.”

  Sophia smiled. Here were some of the richest men in New York. And they played penny poker. She fished a penny out of her clutch and tossed it into the pot.

  Of course the guys expected Sophia to be a novice and a mark, but unbeknownst to them, she often played poker with her older brother and his friends. After a few hours she cleaned out them all. “I’m a dollar richer,” she joked as she collected the final pot. Her clutch was now full of pennies. Adam laughed and handed her a dollar, crisp and clean as if he had washed it.

  “Do you keep all of your bills crisp like this?” Sophia teased as she put it in her clutch and dumped the pennies on the table.

  “Always,” he replied with a wink.

  As the night wore on, most of the party cleared out. Soon, it was just Sophia and the Franklin brothers. When they closed the door behind the last guest, Adam turned to Sophia as an awkward pause unfolded.

  “I guess I should get going,” she suggested, though she didn’t really want to leave. The penthouse apartment was suddenly quiet and she was acutely aware of both brothers staring at her. A pit of excitement began to grow in her belly, making her want to wait and see what might happen. Clearly both brothers liked her a lot, and the feeling was mutual. But which one would make the move? Would she even end up with either of them? They were known to have supermodels on their arms, and she didn’t want to end up with another Tony. But this was the first time in her life that she was free and single, and she wanted to at least experience dating and even a one-night stand for the first time ever.

  “I wish you didn’t have to go,” Adam said.

  “It was a pleasure having you over. You should come by more often,” Blake said.

  She beamed. “I sure had a great time. Thanks for getting me out of the apartment.”

  “Any time,” both Adam and Blake said at the same time. They exchanged looks and seemed irritated at each other. There was already a competition simmering between them for Sophia, it was becoming increasingly obvious. Which one would win? Sophia had never experienced this before but it was exhilarating.

  To break the awkwardness, she decided to gather her clutch and bid them both good night. She lingered at the door, and both brothers lingered after her. “Well, good night,” she said, giving each a peck on the cheek on her way out.

  Back in her ex-husband’s lavish four-poster bed, Sophia rummaged through a few boxes and then fished out her best friend since her separation - a large purple vibrator. Thankfully, she had already made the bed earlier that evening, before going to the party. As she sunk into the sheets and felt the vibrations rise in increasing spirals throughout her body, she began to fantasize about Adam. She caressed her warm pink sex, thoroughly enjoying the feeling, making her thighs quiver in delight. Her throat tightened and her mouth went dry as she imagined the feeling of Adam’s warm fingers sliding down her sides and playing with her clit. She just knew he would be a great lover. By now she was dripping wet, soaking the bed. A wave of pleasure made her back arch and she gave out an involuntary moan. She moved the vibrator down from her clit and slipped the vibrator into herself. The vibrator was quite large and she imagined it was Adam’s huge cock. The feeling of him filling her drove her crazy. She pulsed and twitched in
pleasure, anticipating the orgasm she felt was coming. Electricity seemed to run up and down her spine. Even her scalp tingled with pure, unrestricted pleasure.

  But then an image of Blake caressing her body and sucking on her nipples blotted out Adam’s face. Blake was even bigger than Adam! He stroked it a few times and she could see his massive cock growing. Now Blake was ready to slip inside of her. He was looking at her with the lust he had stared at with all evening, and she could practically feel his longing to fill her up with his length. She imagined the feeling of his wonderfully tight body and she imagined that he had a bit of chest hair that she could play with as he rammed his hips into her. Oh, she knew he was going to fuck her hard! She could just feel it, as if it was already happening.

  Then suddenly she pictured Adam again. Adam fucking her more gently, the way she liked it, but he was gaining speed. Oh my God, he was going to push her over the edge! She was so close to climaxing and exploding in ecstasy!

  It was impossible to choose which brother she preferred, and it seemed wrong to fantasize about them both. Eventually, she gave in and imagined both brothers on top of her, rocking her and caressing her. One was suckling on her nipples and caressing her. She took him in her mouth. The other was inside of her, rocking her to orgasm. Shamelessly, she indulged in the naughty idea of having sex with two brothers at the same time. Her fantasy knew no boundaries and no inhibitions; she knew they could do anything to each other. And these men practiced no shame as they took turns fucking her. They knew just how to touch her and just where to hit to make her scream with pleasure. After only a few more moments, Sophia could wait no longer. She lost all control as her feet and toes suddenly flexed, and her back arched uncontrollably. She saw stars, then a kaleidoscope of colors. Waives of pleasure filled her body as her pussy repeatedly clenched, soaking her sheets.

  She had never had an orgasm like that before. It took several moments before Sophia could even open her eyes. Who knew that she had such dirty fantasies? It was not like it would ever happen in reality, right?

  Chapter 3

  Sophia woke up with a vicious hangover. That was another feeling she was surely not accustomed to. With a groan, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and forced herself to get out of bed. It was time for work, and then she needed to come home and do more unpacking. When she looked at her face in the mirror as she applied makeup and brushed her teeth and hair, she vaguely remembered having drunken sex with herself and the crazy fantasies she had indulged in. Wow! How scandalous! She shook her head and laughed, amazed that she was even capable of such dirty thoughts. After all, she had only been with one man, and sex with Tony was, well, basic.

  It wasn’t bad, but she almost never had an orgasm. Sometimes after being with him, she would have to sneak off to the bathroom to reach a real climax with a toy or her fingers. There was very little that he did to actually push her over the edge and they certainly never did anything nasty and forbidden.

  Plus, with her Catholic upbringing, sex was something that was seldom discussed and she had learned to not think about it too much. So where in the world had she gotten the idea of fucking two brothers at once? She felt like she was such a bad girl. But she liked the feeling.

  As she jumped into a taxi to worky, her phone rang. She groaned when she saw the name “Lupe Nueva” flash across the screen. Did she have to do this now? She finally answered at the fifth ring. Lupe was her mother and she already had a feeling what the conversation was going to entail. Her mother was so strict and so clingy that she was probably panicking about Sophia being alone in the city. Surely this conversation would not be a pleasant one. Rarely did they ever have pleasant conversations, since Sophia had struck out on her own and certainly not since she told her she was divorcing Tony.

  “Sophia!” her mother barked. Sophia could already hear the lecture that was about to come. “What is this I hear about you proceeding with the divorce?”

  Sophia sighed. “Who told you, Angela?” Angela was her ex-mother-in-law, Tony’s mother. Angela and Lupe were old-time friends, dating back to when they still lived in Mexico. They shared everything and tended to sit together, brewing with worries about their children and feeding off of each other until they were ready to have conniptions.

  “Yes! She called me this morning about the divorce proceedings and my heart just broke. I just couldn’t believe the news. She was crying! We both shed tears. Our babies were meant to be together. You have been destined since the start. Why would you do this, Sophia?”

  Of course her mother had to make it seem like Sophia’s fault. “I told you, Mama, this has to happen. Tony and I don’t love each other anymore.”

  “Ai, mija! You don’t just divorce someone because you don’t love him anymore! He had money. He had friends. What are you going to do without him?”

  “Ma, I told you already how I got that job with the Times. I am making my own money now. I will be fine.”

  “Why would you go get a job when you have a man who will provide for you?” her mother scolded her. “He is a lawyer! A corporate lawyer! Tony makes good money and he gave you a good life. I would have killed to have a life like yours when I was your age. Look at your house! Your father and I had to work so hard for a one-bedroom apartment and you had a mansion without even trying! You are making a very bad mistake.”

  “He slept with other women, Mama. I found out everything. You should have seen the kinds of women he was messing around with! Party girls. And Strippers!” Just thinking about the pictures she had seen on his phone made her feel sick to her stomach. Even worse was how he had lied and told her she was crazy for her accusations. Then it had turned out that she had been right all along! A woman’s intuition never lies.

  “Men are like that, mija, you know that. They like their fun. As long as they come home to you in the end, that is all that matters. I remember when your father had an affair with my cousin, Bianca….”

  Sophia rolled her eyes. This was the millionth she had heard this story. How her mother had forgiven her father was beyond her. Had Tony touched one of her cousins, she would have been devastated! Then she would have cut his balls off! Somehow, though, her mother had accepted it and continued to live with him until his untimely death at the factory where he worked. They didn’t even fight about it. Her mother was the perfect dutiful Mexican housewife, staying at home if she could, working outside of the home only when she had to in order to make ends meet, spending most of her time in the kitchen while telenovelas played on the TV, and letting her husband get away with murder. Sophia just could not do that, even though she had tried for nearly seven years.

  Sophia snapped back to reality. Her mother was still going on and on. “I hit him over the head with a frying pan! I said I would leave him! And did he stop seeing her? No! He started seeing her even more. You tell a man no and he does it anyway. He just lies about it. That is just how men are. You can’t control them so you have to do what you can to make them happy. Make them want to come home. You must cook them the most delicious meal and prove that you are better than that other puta.”

  “Well, not all men are like that. I don’t have to tolerate it,” Sophia replied crisply. “And I’m not going to cook special meals for him to get him to respect me. He should have respected me anyway, but he ran around behind my back and so he clearly didn’t love me. Do you know how much money he was spending on this one whore? She lived at his penthouse and he bought her nicer jewelry than he bought me. Mama, I can’t have a man around like that, someone I can’t trust. I can’t sleep next to him wondering who he is sneaking off to talk to on the phone.” She was tired of having to explain this to her mother, who never seemed to get it. They came from different worlds. Literally.

  Her mother then resorted to invoking God’s name, in Spanish. “You are being such a fool! You will never find a better man. He was your soul mate. You two were destined for each other from the time when you were babies. Do you remember how you used to play together? You used to run aro
und naked in the yard with the sprinklers on!”

  Sophia cringed at that weird memory. Their families apparently saw nothing wrong with letting two children of the opposite sex see each other naked. The differences between men and women were never a mystery to her, and the religion-heavy sex education classes she had taken in high school seemed pointless to her because she held that knowledge almost intuitively.

  “Always together, always crushing on each other. I even have the notes you two used to pass when you were little, little. You were soul mates from the start,” her mother went on.

  “Maybe not,” Sophia replied.

  Still, the thought always weighed heavily on her heart. When her mother started reminding her of the past, when she and Tony grew up together having tender crushes on one another, it hurt. She would even start to doubt herself as she thought of how things used to be and how loved Tony used to make her feel. What the hell had happened? How did things turn out this way? Could her mother possibly be right? Tony had been her crush since she was young and she had always known that they would get married. How their marriage had failed was a mystery to her, since she had always imagined it turning out perfectly, especially when she really started to fall for him as a teenager.

  She had thought she and Tony shared an everlasting love that seemed incapable of unraveling. But apparently that love had only been real to her, and Tony had only considered her a housewife. Maybe Tony had only married her because he felt obligated to, due to pressure from both families. Really, he wanted to be a single man, running around at gentleman’s clubs and hiring escorts in the city.

  “What do you mean, maybe not?” Her mother tsked. “I watched you two from the time you were little. I told Angela when she gave birth to him, ‘You just watch. He will marry Sophia.’ You were just a tiny thing, only four months older than him. You treated him like a baby brother.”

  “Maybe we should have stayed like that, brother and sister, not married. We weren’t a good couple, Mom. You didn’t see a lot of what went on. The fighting and the way he would talk to me. He got nasty. And he was always lying. I knew something was wrong, but he just never tell me the truth. He kept a lock on his phone and we would fight and fight and fight….”


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