The Death of You

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The Death of You Page 9

by Allyson Young

  She’d unleashed a sexy monster. His pelvis met her buttocks with every thrust. Her breasts, pressed into the seat of the stool, swelled at the restraint. But it was Connor’s talented fucking that she concentrated on. Every swivel of his hips worked the breadth of him deep inside of her. She moaned and focused on Rafe’s eyes, the pupils dilating to absorb the iris until she fell before his telegraphed need and the promise within him. Connor was so deep in this position, and she was helpless to anything other than hold on and take him.

  Sounds she couldn’t fathom erupted from her throat, and she shrieked when Connor gripped her hips to lift her higher for his taking. Rafe steadied her with a hand on either shoulder. “Can you come for him, Maddy?”

  That part of her, the one high in her vagina the porn stars insisted was there, pulsated against the pressure of Connor’s dick and she lost her grip, both on the stool and reality. He made a curious sound behind her as she spiraled, losing herself, and it was as if Rafe climbed right inside her head, the ultimate Vulcan mind meld, before her eyes slammed shut.


  “Holy mother.” Connor visibly trembled as he carefully settled Maddy back on her belly. “She clamped my cock and scalded me, right through the fucking protection. I owe you, Rafe. That mind fuck brought her off so hard.”

  “You know I get mine from learning our women first, Con.” He reached for Maddy’s waist when the other man pulled out, the squelching sound accompanying his withdrawal clear testimony to how hard Maddy had come. His boxers were soaked with pre cum, just from watching.

  “You okay?” Connor looked at him closely, brow furrowing.

  “I gave her a part of me.” It was scary as hell and supremely fine. “First time. She’s ours, Connor, forever.”

  “I sometimes envy you your beliefs, Rafe. As for Maddy belonging to us, I agree.”

  He shrugged and ran a hand down their sub’s back. She was nearly comatose, emitting little huffs and contented moans. “I’ll put her to bed, Con. A nap will do her good.” And buy some more time to soften her up. His buddy wouldn’t begrudge him.

  Connor stripped away his protection and tied it off. “Can’t wait to be skin to skin.”

  God, yes. He wasn’t cut, and condoms tended to irritate him, but he’d never wanted to go bareback so badly in his entire life. “We have lots to discuss.”

  “I’ll do some research while you take care of our girl, Rafe. I’ll join you in a bit.”

  Rafe hefted Maddy against his chest, and she cuddled into him like a kitten, hair all tangled, eyes smudged shut with exhaustion and mascara. And, he well knew, satiation. He felt quite smug about the way they’d brought her to the heights of pleasure. Maddy had a good mind and everyone knew the brain was the biggest sex organ.

  With a nod to Connor, he bore his little armful off, careful not to jostle and wake her. The longer they kept her relaxed and not overthinking things, the more likely it was Connor would suss something out to tip the scales against her fear of being discovered. Not that Rafe would allow anyone to get to her.


  “Well?” Abbott surveyed his tame hacker. Pah, tame wasn’t even close to describing the slavering idiot. Wilkes rubbed his hands on his thighs and avoided Abbott’s gaze.

  “Whoever it was looking for Maddy, uh, Margaret…they shut it down quick. I got a partial, might be able to build on it through process of elimination…”

  “But?” There was always a fucking but in his business. Abbott sometimes craved a taste of black or white, well, black, anyhow, instead of these incessant shades of grey.

  “Could be an alphabet agency looking. And I didn’t know how hard you wanted me to pursue it if that was the case. Ryker said hard, but you know how he is.”

  Wilkes had either just grown a pair of balls, or something else was operating here. Abbott considered the options and came up with the most likely. “You think Ryker isn’t speaking for me?”

  Wilkes rubbed his hands on his pants again. “He keeps at me. I can’t work when he’s hovering all the time.”

  Well, now. Abbott figured he had two of his employees looking out for little Margaret. Except Wilkes had a soft spot for her, and what was it the hacker said about Ryker? Hard. Yes, his hired killer whack job had it hard for Margaret and that was going to take some additional consideration. He wondered what else Wilkes knew.

  “I’ll occupy Ryker, Wilkes, but I want you looking for Margaret with every ounce of energy and talent I pay you for. Understood?”

  “Sure,” the other man mumbled, and inched toward the door.

  “Wilkes? Do you know what happened when Ryker went to retrieve my wayward wench last time?”

  Wilkes froze and his pasty, white skin paled further. He nodded.

  “It wasn’t pretty and I don’t care for that to happen again. My business can’t afford the attention.”


  Abbott watched the door shut behind Wilkes’s slovenly form and sat back in his chair, thinking hard. Margaret had narrowly escaped her own demise the last time, and the bystanders Ryker went through to get to her—hadn’t. Margaret was well aware of that fact. She’d been spared the sight, Ryker having coshed her after what the man had described as a ridiculous struggle, although they both wore the scars of that mix-up. Margaret wouldn’t discuss it. Ryker’s slashed face had healed well, leaving him only a fine line from eyebrow to upper lip, like an old fashioned dueling scar. And Margaret…Abbott didn’t admit to soft feelings for anyone, but what he felt for the girl was as close to soft as anything he felt, and the wound she’d sustained at Ryker’s hand could have been terminal. As it was, it had bled considerably and left that nasty scar. It had also delayed her punishment while she healed.

  Abbott had itched to deal with Ryker in a final manner back then, if only he hadn’t needed the man. It was a conundrum, and one he’d be faced with again—soon, he hoped. In the meantime, he had a business to run.

  Chapter Five

  Maddy came awake, breath caught in her throat, her scar shrieking with phantom pain when a big, warm hand stroked down her back as she struggled to sit up.

  “Shhh, sweetheart. You were fighting some demons there.” Rafe curled his arm around her and pulled her close. Somehow, his hand landed on the slash mark and the affronted nerve endings soothed instantly. She gave in to temptation—again—and subsided against him. They were both naked, with only a sheet over them, and she soaked in his heat, surreptitiously inhaling the fragrance of male musk and some kind of soap scented like crisp cotton. It took an effort to keep her tongue in her mouth and not sneak a little lick. She was sore in mysterious places but found it didn’t matter.

  “I dream,” she muttered against a firm pec.

  “More like a nightmare. But you’re okay.”

  She really should be pushing up and away from him, evading a rough palm that was now cupping her buttock¸ and ignoring a solid rod of flesh riding hot against her belly. Instead, she pushed closer and snuck a hand between them to take hold of that monster cock slicking up their skin with pre cum. Rafe tensed, and she heard and felt the groan deep in his chest.

  “I didn’t give you permission, Maddy,” he began, as he squeezed her ass harder.

  Tipping her head back, she looked him in the eye. “Are you a full-time Dom? Looking for a full-time sub? Needing to be in charge all the time?”

  As soon as the questions spilled over her lips she wished for them back. Back to swallow down and forget she ever asked, because Rafe’s dark eyes glowed with scary intensity and she couldn’t look away. Stupid. She had to leave, not play at some kind of relationship thing.

  “Never mind.” It was the best she could do.

  “We were definitely looking for a full-time submissive, sweetheart. And we’re plain old Dominants for sure. But the parameters are negotiable for the most part.”

  Deciding to ignore the first part of his answer, couched in the past tense, she broke eye contact and slipped down his body, relieved when
he allowed it, actually rolling onto his back. It gave her full access to his nice cock, the sheet draping over her head as she reached her goal, hunkering down between his legs. The linen gave her the illusion of privacy but there was enough light filtering through the material to view Rafe’s pulsing erection, the wide head dark and engorged, the stalk a thick, veined extension of his heavy sac, foreskin now veiling the base. And he’d want to put that monster in her ass. Her pussy ached in a deliciously erotic manner, and she wondered where Connor had gotten to, before focusing on the matter at hand. Hands. She curled one around Rafe’s erection, then placed the other just above it, squeezing and jacking him with deliberation. Heavier musk overlaid the smell of cotton.

  “Fuck. Me.” She smirked at his groaned comment, curling her thumb over his glans in drifting, tantalizing movements.

  As her hands became slippery with his seeping essence, Maddy nuzzled his corded abdomen, her little tent a heated refuge filling with the scent of her lust too. Calling up all the advice imparted by the other submissives and recalling the porn she’d sat through on her laptop, she took a big breath. Leaning forward, she replaced one hand with her mouth, taking the cockhead in like a big ol’ lollipop, sucking hard on the turgid flesh, relishing his taste. Salty and creamy, he had a distinctive flavor, and she worked her tongue against the thick vein and upward to the defined notch in the corona. She was rewarded with more of his cum and now his hands worked their way under the sheet and through her hair, tangling in the long strands to direct her movements. She was frankly surprised he’d allowed her such latitude to this point, and submitted to his guidance.

  Rafe fucked her mouth as she cradled his balls with her free hand, the soft skin fluid beneath her touch. His hips jerked as he held her steady and she took him, opening wider and relaxing her throat, her fingers dictating the length he was forcing her to take. With a shuddering flex, and a groan that reverberated in the room, he erupted on the upstroke, pouring his seed in spurts against her palate. It wasn’t something that anyone had described accurately, and it took her by surprise. But because it was Rafe it was okay, the connection they’d forged as he’d ordered her to come before Connor’s sublime assault something she’d remember forever. That connection too was something she’d be hard pressed to describe, but if souls could be joined, then the three of them had something special. Something she would always treasure even if they weren’t meant to be…forever. She swallowed convulsively and sucked in air through her nose, hearing and feeling his elevated heartbeat past her own efforts. Only then did Rafe release his grip on her hair.

  “Jesus, Maddy.” He dragged back the sheet and she peered up at him, his softening cock slipping from her mouth to rest against his abdomen. She dared a quick kiss and it twitched beneath her lips. Not bad for a twenty-eight-year-old woman who’d just delivered her first real blow job, swallowing and all. Rafe tugged her head back and used a corner of the sheet to pat her mouth dry, then drew her up to rest her on his chest.

  “Had yourself a little party down there,” he observed, one of his dark brows arching.

  “Until somebody crashed it.”

  “Large and in charge, sweetheart.”

  “And so humble,” she muttered. But maybe now he’d be more inclined to listen to reason. Orgasms probably tended to make men more malleable, like they did her, although they’d paddle her ass if they thought she’d take advantage. She knew enough about the Lifestyle and them to understand that truth. But time was passing and she had to be in Montreal.

  Rafe rubbed her back, from her shoulders to her buttocks, in a soothing, repetitive motion, calluses and the rough skin on his fingers making her whimper with pleasure. She was supposed to be appealing to his logical side, but the caress felt so good. Just another minute…

  “You two getting up?” Connor’s voice brought her back to the immediate, and she rolled off of Rafe, absurdly embarrassed that Connor had seen her in that position, when he’d seen all of her, and far more intimately.

  But he was looking at her with interest and clear appreciation, no hint of jealousy clouding his handsome features. It seemed strange—there was no way she could have walked in on either of them with another woman and not yanked her hair out, then made him pay. Maddy froze. Lord, she was getting more attached. She’d allowed this to happen, way past the fantasy, and the window of opportunity containing her exit strategy was closing fast.

  Connor wore his jeans, an unbuttoned shirt, and her gaze lingered on the gap showcasing the middle of his well-developed chest. They traced a track over his abs, a shimmering arrow of golden hair disappearing behind the waistband. Lord, he was fine. Maybe it was okay to be attached, just for another little while. Avoidance was becoming her new watchword, but she wanted a look at the cock that had filled her pussy.

  He crossed to the bed and scooped her up, and Maddy suppressed a squeak. The man probably bench-pressed his own weight and it was his back to put out, carting her around all the time. She realized Rafe must have carried her to bed, the memory hazy at best. The way she’d come between them was indescribable and her breasts ached as a reminder.

  “I’ll give our sweet sub a bath, buddy. You start a meal and have a look at the research I compiled while you were…otherwise occupied.”

  Rafe grunted his acquiescence behind them as Connor toted her into the attached bath. Maddy caught her breath at the decadence, a huge tub, equally large walk-in shower, and three sinks. Three? It sank in that these Doms were indeed looking for a full-time submissive, and her heart clenched at the thought of another woman in this house—in their bed. But she had no right.

  Connor set her down in front of a door and opened it to reveal a toilet. “Lots of cultures have the stool separate from the rest of the bathroom, honey. Take your time while I run a bath.”

  “Uh, thanks?”

  A faint hint of color touched his face. “I used you hard, Maddy. I know that. Something we hadn’t planned to do so fast. But it…well, it happened and you’re bound to be sore.”

  He eased her into the small room and shut the door. She used the facilities, wincing a little as she did so, thinking about Connor’s awkward apology. She wouldn’t have missed out on the experience for the world, and wished they had time for Rafe to switch places with Connor. But she’d be content with what she’d enjoyed, because she’d run out of time. Time to go as soon as she was cleaned up, maybe had a little nosh, because all the sex had worked up an appetite. For food and only food, she admonished the sex-craving part of her inner self. That part had been woken and was growing exponentially. Crap. And all her inner musings were just so much bullshit.

  The tub was full and steaming when she emerged, a little uncomfortable in her nudity away from the club, especially now that Connor had shucked his jeans and looked like a naked Viking. Her gaze was drawn by that starburst of scarring over his bicep and right pectoral. She tentatively touched it.

  “Shrapnel. Whirled right on by and sliced open my vest. I didn’t feel it until the mission was over, which is why it scarred so bad. I didn’t get stitches.”

  It added to his mystique as far as she was concerned. A hint of imperfection that highlighted the rest of him. Her first look at his unveiled cock confirmed his ideal form and added to her discomfort. It was perfect, a circumcised pillar of heated marble embellished with fine tracings of veins and topped with a well-shaped mushroom-like cap. Why did such a specimen want her?

  Self-doubt assailed her and she struggled to remember how both he and Rafe insisted they preferred her size—and not the thin, toned sub she’d watched them scene with. Julie had flaunted her involvement with them, making Maddy grind her teeth with envy, and the other woman tended to give her those knowing looks. But Julie bragged on the novelty of being with Rafe because of his race, and Maddy decided she’d fill Rafe in before she left. Maybe tell Connor instead so he could look out for his friend.


  “Huh?” Well, that was a scintillating response. “Excuse

  “You were off in your head. Care to share?” Connor offered his hand and she took it, allowing him to lead her to the tub.

  “I was thinking about Julie.”

  Connor narrowed his eyes on her. “Why?”

  “Because she’s more your type.”

  He huffed a breath against the nape of her neck as he helped her into the steaming water. “So you were checking out our preferences at the club?”

  “I…yes. I mean, I noticed things. It’s what I do.” Crap, and there was another clue she hadn’t meant to offer up. She had shit stored in her head that would rival the programs of a super computer.

  “And if you think back, honey, over, say the past several weeks, what did you notice about Rafe and me?” Connor eased in behind her, the water level rising significantly, and held her on his lap. He urged her to rest her head under his chin as he gathered her hair up. The water enveloped them both and she sighed. She had had a nice little house, but this luxury…even her room at Abbott’s hadn’t—she quit thinking along those lines instantly. Why was she allowing him to taint this?


  “What? Oh.” These two made her excellent brain turn to mush, with their persistence and bestowing of amazing orgasms. She focused. “I saw you with Julie.”



  “Why do you suppose that was?”

  She didn’t know. She actually had noticed their apparent disinterest in other subs, at least sexually, although they’d worked with some of the newbies, like the other Doms, but without the sex part. Not that the club was all about sex. But it was part of their allure and more than a little of the reason she’d changed her limits, if she was honest with herself—finally. She’d wanted to scene with them, but she wanted the sexual piece, the experience. With them.

  “I’m not sure.” She wasn’t sure of anything, and impatience niggled at her. She was fast becoming one of those insipid women who couldn’t string two coherent thoughts together.


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