Quantum Chaos: A Roak: Galactic Bounty Hunter Novel

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Quantum Chaos: A Roak: Galactic Bounty Hunter Novel Page 10

by Jake Bible

  "Yes, well, the contact may be a police officer," Klib said.

  "Great," Roak said.

  "Might even be a Galactic Vice Detective," Klib said.

  "Even better," Roak replied. "Anything else?"

  "We'll have to give a cut of the chits to him," Klib said.

  "How much of a cut?"

  "The deal was for half."

  "There it is." Roak laughed which nearly caused Yellow Eyes to spit stew from his mouth.

  "Not while I'm eating, man," Yellow Eyes said.

  "Can we trust this cop?" Roak asked. He shook his head. "What am I saying? You can't trust a cop. Not one on Jafla Base."

  "We can trust him enough to get the chits," Klib said. "What comes next, I cannot say."

  Yellow Eyes looked from Klib to Roak then to Klib then back to Roak.

  "Does that mean we're going to kill the cop?" Yellow Eyes asked. "That doesn't sound cool, man."

  "You a fan of cops?" Klib asked. "They're all corrupt and on the take."

  "Oh, sure they are," Yellow Eyes said. "I think it's uncool that we're using the guy's plan for the heist then killing him instead of giving him his cut."

  "We'll give him his cut," Roak said. "I'm not a thief."

  "You care about killing a cop?" Klib asked.

  "I try not to kill and bring heat down on me if I don't have to," Roak said.

  Yellow Eyes snorted, but didn't say anything.

  "We'll still have plenty of chits," Roak said. "The cop gets his cut and we maybe make an ally on Jafla Base."

  "He's not much of an ally," Klib said. "He's mostly a piece of terpigshit."

  "What's this piece of terpigshit's name?" Roak asked.


  "He have a last name?"

  "I think that is his last name."

  "Hessa? I want all intel on a Galactic Vice Detective Kalaka stationed on Jafla Base," Roak said as he stood up. "Transfer the data to my ship."

  "Isn't this your ship, Roak?" Hessa asked.

  "Don't start with me," Roak snapped. "Just get me the data."

  "It'll be waiting for you," Hessa said, an obvious sneer in her voice, "on your ship."

  Roak shook his head and left the mess, knowing the issue was going to be a sore spot with Hessa for a while.


  The 714 was a much smaller ship than the Eight-Three-Eight with only a pilot and co-pilot's seat at the front of the bridge and two auxiliary seats directly behind those. The pilot's seat was taken by Roak and the co-pilot's seat was taken by Nimm who Roak insisted needed to be in charge of the ship while he, Klib, Meshara, and Yellow Eyes were busy with the heist. The auxiliary seats were occupied by Klib and Meshara.

  It only took three seconds before Roak did not trust the ship's AI with anything important. Thus Nimm.

  "Exiting trans-space in three, two, one," the AI announced through the speakers in the ceiling. "If you would grant me access to your comm implants, I could make announcements directly to each of you."

  That request, which had been a constant request since they stepped onto the ship, was why Roak refused to even consider trusting the AI. Roak swore he was going to disintegrate Bhangul when he returned to Zuus Colony. The guy was obviously trying to get intel on Hessa's mysterious tech and Roak was not happy about that.

  "I miss the instant transportation," Yellow Eyes said as they exited the portal and returned to normal space. "That felt like the longest sixteen hours of flying ever."

  Yellow Eyes was seated in one of the two jump seats that folded down from the bridge's wall. The other jump seat was occupied by Jagul, who was the final reason Roak needed Nimm. He couldn't take Jagul on the heist and he couldn't leave the young Dornopheous alone on the ship. Not with an AI he didn't trust worth an Eight Million Gods damn.

  "I believe the entire journey was exactly fifteen hours and thirty-seven minutes," the AI said. "A considerably efficient time considering the average is seventeen hours and three minutes."

  "Instant is faster," Yellow Eyes said.

  "If you are in doubt over the efficiency of this ship, I have prepared a chart to explain each point in great detail," the AI said.

  The view screen shifted from a view of the planet before them to an overly complicated chart filled with tables and graphs.

  "No," Roak said. "Make that go away."

  "It will be an informative way to pass the time as we wait for permission to land on Jafla Base," the AI said. "As you can see here in graph eighty-two, if we had entered the portal only three seconds slower, we would have lost nearly thirteen percent efficiency in our travel time."

  "Nimm," Roak said.

  "Right," Nimm responded as she punched in a lengthy code. The AI's rambling went silent. "That should do it."

  "Thank you," Roak said. "I was about to shoot the console with my Flott."

  Roak spun his seat around and faced Klib. The Halgon waited as Roak sat there, staring.

  "This detective," Roak said finally, "he's owned by Shilo?"

  "He used to be owned lock stock and barrel," Klib said. "But that changed a while back. There were some, let us say, issues with the GF Vice Squad on Jafla and the department did some housecleaning."

  "He made the cut? A GVD on the take wasn't dumped in the incinerator bin?" Roak asked.

  "He's a tricky one," Klib said. "Apparently he discovered a conspiracy and that discovery endeared him to the GF. They kept him on."

  "He's been given a second chance," Roak said. "You don't see this as a problem?"

  "Why would it be a problem?"

  "Because he may not want to mess with that second chance."

  "Second chance or not, those sixty-eight million chits aren't his," Klib explained. "To not help us would put his second chance in greater jeopardy than to help us. That really is syndicate money, even if Chella thinks it's his by possession, and if Kalaka doesn't hand it over then he is a bigger thief than he was before."

  "Unless he's given the info over to the GF," Nimm said. "The chits may not be in the Gas Chamber anymore. Could have been part of the second chance he was given."

  "Kalaka has questionable morals, but he isn't stupid," Klib said. "His second chance would end in a bloody nightmare if he allowed the chits to go to the GF. If I know the being, then he is waiting for someone, me, to arrive and take this burden off his hands."

  Roak studied Klib for a couple of seconds.

  "Sounds nice and simple," he said. "Except for the fact the chits are in the Gas Chamber. I've seen that place. Low life central."

  "Aren't you a low life?" Jagul asked.

  All eyes turned to the young Dornopheous. Meshara laughed.

  "You'll want to stay quiet," Roak warned.

  "My uncle says that you're the best bounty hunter in the galaxy," Jagul continued, ignoring Roak's warning. "He says you take jobs that no other bounty hunter will take. That you are the guy that other bounty hunters fear."

  "But…?" Roak crossed his arms over his chest.

  "But you're still a low life thug," Jagul said. "You work for people that are bad and you do bad things to get that work done. You aren't any different than any of the syndicates or other criminals in the galaxy."

  "This should be fun," Yellow Eyes mumbled.

  "Your uncle is right," Roak said. "I'm no different. But I am better. And that's all that matters right now because the syndicates, the criminals, the Edgers, the Skrang, the GF, even that stupid Coalition of Independent Planets, none of them have a clue about what is coming and what will happen if Father gets his way."

  "What will happen if Father gets his way?" Meshara asked. "What is his end goal?"

  "Total domination," Roak said. "It is all he knows."

  "Sounds like someone I know," Yellow Eyes said.

  Roak pointed an angry finger at the being and Yellow Eyes did his zip the lip move. He even pantomimed digging a hole where he could put the imaginary key in. As soon as the "hole" was "filled", Roak stopped pointing at him.

sp; "How do you know he wants total domination?" Klib asked. "Maybe he wants to change the way the galaxy is run. Make it better for all the beings, not just the GF and the elite."

  Meshara laughed again.

  Before Roak could respond, Nimm said, "We're being hailed. Jafla Base traffic control has given us permission to land at Docking Bay 312."

  "312? How many docking bays does this base have?" Yellow Eyes asked.

  "Almost a thousand," Nimm answered. "Most aren't used anymore now that the orb fights aren't as popular as they used to be."

  "My uncle says that's Roak's fault," Jagul said.

  "That one he got right," Roak said.

  "Roak likes to ruin the fun," Yellow Eyes said, then shrugged at the look Roak gave him. "What? I can't stay quiet forever."

  "Can you just not say stupid things?" Roak asked.

  "Can you just not be ugly?" Yellow Eyes shot back. "We are who we are."

  "Everyone be quiet while I land," Nimm said. "The base isn't as busy as it used to be but the traffic is still heavy. It'd be easier with the AI…"

  "No," Roak said. "Something is wrong with that AI."

  "Something is wrong with all the AIs," Yellow Eyes said. "Or am I the only one that's noticed?"

  "What do you mean?" Klib asked. "How are they wrong?"

  "Great conversation that no one cares about," Roak said. "Shut up until we land."

  Nimm navigated them through the chaos that was Jafla's atmosphere.

  Jafla Base was a whirlwind of interstellar vehicle activity. Jafla Planet was a desert. Nothing, not even B’clo’no’s, could last very long out in the wasteland that was Jafla. Visitors either stayed close to the base or died. No real middle ground. Being the only inhabited area of Jafla Planet, the base was a constant stream of ships coming and going. Everything from tourists to business beings to the many players from the different syndicates to galactic celebrities could be seen going to and from the base.

  Or used to, back when the orb fights were the hottest sporting and entertainment event in the galaxy. Before Roak ruined all of that.

  Nimm piloted the ship to Docking Bay 312 then into the specific hangar reserved for them. The ship touched down without even a bump.

  "Welcome to Jafla Base," a voice said over the speakers. "Please note that all beings must now register with our security department upon exiting their vehicle. All AIs must be put into stasis mode and are strictly prohibited from operating while on Jafla Base. They may be reactivated to leave the planet, but only once given permission. Any violence or criminal activity will be met with swift punishment. Courts have been suspended and any and all adjudication is in the hands of the Galactic Fleet authorities and Jafla Base Police Department. Objections or complaints may be lodged with the Galactic Fleet and will be considered only after a judgement has already been delivered. Please enjoy your time on Jafla Base. Thank you."

  The message began to repeat itself and Nimm cut it off.

  "The GF has tightened things down," Roak said.

  "It's because of the war," Nimm said. "Jafla Base would be a symbolic victory if the Skrang either take it outright or destroy it."

  "Let's hope they don't try either of those things while we're here," Roak said.

  He stood up and checked the charge on his Flott. Full. He holstered it then pointed at Klib.

  "Time for you to earn your keep," Roak said. "How do we get in touch with this Kalaka? I doubt we can walk up to the local galactic affairs municipal building and ask to see him."

  "I know how to find him," Klib said. "GVD Kalaka is nothing if not predictable in his habits."

  "Great," Roak said. "Then let's get to it."

  "Not yet," Klib said and gestured at Roak's face. "You will need your armor's helmet."

  "I've been on Jafla before," Roak said. "It's not that dangerous."

  "It's because they know your face here, Roak," Nimm said. "Not because you need the extra protection."

  "Your face is a liability," Klib said. "Face rec will tag you instantly and then we'll have every thug on the base coming for you."

  "I'm not that hated," Roak said. "I'll be fine."

  Klib sighed and nodded at Nimm. Nimm activated a holo.

  The holo was of Roak and all data known about him. It was surprisingly extensive.

  But the interesting part was the credit amount that flashed across all the information every other second.

  "Eighty-five thousand credits?" Roak asked. "That's all I'm worth?"

  "That's for info leading to your apprehension," Klib said. "I believe capture and delivery is ten times that."

  "That's more like it," Roak said.

  "Alright, hold on a minute," Yellow Eyes said. "There's a bounty on the bounty hunter?"

  "Only here on Jafla," Nimm said. "I just double checked."

  "As I have said, Roak is hated on Jafla," Klib said.

  "I'll be fine," Roak said. He fetched his helmet from where it sat next to his seat. "I'll have more resources at my disposal with the helmet."

  "You'll stand out," Meshara said.

  "He won't stand out," Nimm stated. She switched the holo to a view of one of the many markets that filled Jafla's streets. "See. Plenty of beings are wearing helmets."

  Roak frowned at the holo. Yes, there were plenty of beings wearing helmets, but the vast majority obviously wore them for environmental and survival reasons since Jafla's atmosphere was not compatible with their bodily systems. None wore helmets with their armor just because.

  "Yeah, I'll fit right in," Roak said and put his helmet on. "Let's go."

  Roak didn't wait for the others. He made his way off the bridge and descended the ladder to the side airlock.

  He wondered how many times he'd pressed the airlock button he was about to press again. Hundreds? Thousands? Being on his old ship brought up interesting memories. So much had changed since he'd lost his old ship and began traveling on the Borgon with Hessa.

  With Hessa…

  A thought struck him. Something related to Jafla's ban on AIs being active on the base.

  "What are you waiting for?" Meshara asked.

  "What?" Roak asked.

  "You've been standing there staring at the airlock controls for like two minutes," Yellow Eyes said. "Something wrong? Do you need to pee before we go?"

  "Bite me," Roak said and activated the controls.

  The airlock opened and steps automatically lowered to the hangar's deck.

  "Do a quick check," Roak said.

  Yellow Eyes blurred then was back almost before Roak finished his sentence.

  "All clear," Yellow Eyes said.

  Roak descended the steps, glanced about, then moved purposefully towards the hangar's exit. A multitude of bots swirled around him before he could get to the door.

  "Check under the hood for ya?"

  "Care to know which brothel is the best brothel? I can tell you!"

  "All you can eat buffet! No additional charge even if you are an Urvein! Eat all you want!"

  "The hottest new club on Jafla Base is only a quick roller trip away!"

  "With this brand new plasma injector, you can increase the efficiency of your ship's drives by nearly forty percent!"

  Roak pulled his Flott and shot one of the bots. The rest scurried away.

  "Man!" Yellow Eyes exclaimed.

  "That's not going to bring us any undue attention," Meshara said. "Fool."

  "A lower profile would be best," Klib said.

  "Roak!" Nimm shouted over the comm. "We were just sent a bill for eight thousand credits! The ship is in lockdown until we pay it!"

  "Jafla really has changed," Roak said. "No one ever cared how many bots I shot last time I was here."

  "The orb fights don't bring in the credits they used to," Klib said. "Which means there isn't the tax or graft revenue there used to be. Jafla has hit hard times."

  They left the hangar and Roak had to agree. Jafla had hit hard times.

  The street they walked out on
to was dirty and the gutters were filled with trash. Beings ambled about without much purpose or drive. The looks on their faces, regardless of species, were ones of just getting by.

  "This is depressing," Yellow Eyes said to Roak. "You did this?"

  "No," Roak said and shrugged. "Maybe. Don't really care."

  A few beings looked their way, but most kept their heads down and trudged along to whatever mind-numbing existence waited for them.

  Roak snapped his fingers at Klib. "Contact Kalaka."

  "It's not that easy," Klib said. "We have to go somewhere first. When we get there then the message will get out to Kalaka and he'll contact us."

  "Where do we have to go?" Roak said.

  "You'll see," Klib said.

  "Hold up there," a tired looking Slinghasp said as he stood up from a rickety stool set close to the exit of that part of the docking port. "Gotta register you."

  "Our pilot did that," Roak said.

  The Slinghasp sighed and gave Roak a bored look. "The ship is registered with traffic control. I'm with base security."

  "We do not have time for this," Meshara hissed.

  Klib held out a hand to Roak.

  "What?" Roak asked. He looked at the Slinghasp then shook his head. "Right."

  Roak withdrew a pouch from his belt and handed it to Klib. Klib fished out several chits and gave them to the Slinghasp.

  "That wasn't so hard, was it?" the Slinghasp asked as he returned to his stool. "Go do whatever you're here to do. Try not to hurt the base."

  "Can't make any promises," Roak said.

  "Like I've never heard that one before," the Slinghasp replied with a weariness that was almost contagious.


  Roak had been in a lot of Hellish landscapes in his line of work.

  He'd faced creatures that only lived in nightmares.

  He'd been blown up and put back together.

  He'd been drowned, stabbed, shot, stabbed some more, set on fire, tossed out into space, swallowed by a giant creature he couldn't name and excreted out the creature's anus, and he'd been married to a member of the Cervile royal family.

  But where Klib took them was possibly the most horrifying landscape of all.


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