by K A Duggsy
I drag myself from the bed trying to ignore the lingering remnants of my dream and get dressed quickly in my pre-selected outfit. I use the stairs to go down to the living area instead of the eleview, which essentially is an opaque glass box similar to the old style lifts, but is open in front and behind as it ascends and descends.
I spot Fraser sat straight-backed on the suite before reaching the bottom of the spiral staircase. He looks different from this distance and then I realise it’s not the distance but him. He's shaved and cut his mane of hair, he looks so much younger and not so out of place in what I presume are my dad’s old clothes.
He looks up and smiles warmly at me as I reach the arm of the suite. “Enjoy your nap? I know I did. I forgot how lovely sheets feel.”
I nod, seeing no reason to go into the details of my awful dream.
“So, the plan for tonight?” I ask.
“Getting to the border of Zone 1 shouldn't be an issue and you can take my comm-rec to access my home. I don't know if they'll still be monitoring the place for me though so you'll have to be quick. Once inside take the eleview to the second floor, when you step out take a right and walk down the hall to the last door on the left, again use the comm-rec for entry. The lights will automatically turn on and the command to turn them off is sparire.”
“Wait, what the hell is sparire?”
“It's Italian, it means disappear. I was being ironic when I set it before I left.” His serious look is replaced by a boyish grin as he remembers.
“Why Italian?” It’s not a language that’s commonly used, taught or learnt anymore. Another layer to this intelligent man, very interesting. Maybe after this I can get him to teach me some.
“Why not? My mother was Italian maybe that’s why. I don't know it was automatic. I was somewhat in a rush.” He frowns.
“Okay, okay, second floor, right, left, sparire. Then what?”
“This is where it gets a bit tricky, the room you'll find yourself in is my secondary office, it has an adjoining wash room to the right. Stand at the threshold of the door and count ten paces, turn to your left and move three paces. In front of you will be a tiled wall...”
“Bloody hell Fraser, this is going to be mission fail before I've even started. I need to file this. I'll never remember otherwise.”
“Okay activate your comm-rec and I'll upload the details. I'm sorry Faith, when I hid my files I always presumed I would go back for them one day. I didn't envision that someone else would do it.”
“It’s okay, although I do have a question. Say I succeed and I get your files and then get caught and questioned, what should I do if I'm searched?”
“You might not like this but those files cannot be confiscated, with the files is something that will help you if need be, they can't be taken!”
“Okay and getting to the border of Zone 1 is fine but what about the guards patrolling?”
“They used to end shift at twelve before the change over, I'm hoping they still do as that will buy you a few minutes to slip past, otherwise I'm afraid you're just going to have to sit it out.” He looks at me apologetically and I wonder again why I agreed to this.
“I'm guessing I also shouldn't use transport to get there so I'll have to leave soon if I'm going to get to Zone 1 by foot in time. And I need time to monitor the guards and wait for an in. Are your directions uploaded?”
“Yes.” He hands me back my comm-rec along with his and grasps my hand. “I really do appreciate this Faith.”
Chapter 4
Until now I never realised how unfit I actually am. I’m sweating and the balls of my feet are burning, these bloody files best be worth my pain. I hope I get there before I collapse. I can just imagine being found with two comm-recs, that’s all I need.
As yet I haven’t encountered anyone else out for a late night stroll and I’m nearing Zone 2, not long now thank God. Why does each zone increase in size? It's not fair, this place is too big. No wonder most residents stick to their own zone. Oh crap, I realise I still have to walk back yet.
Great, just great.
Praise the lord, I rejoice. Zone 2 has benches, actual benches curved around its fountain. Phew seating and refreshment. Please don't be a mirage, please, please, please.
I refrain from jumping in the fountain but only just, water has never felt or tasted so good before and I just want to lie under the stream and forget about this crackpot plan.
Instead I take a seat on one of the benches, remove my pumps and rub my swollen feet, ouch! Despite my pain, sitting here and watching the fountain alone is therapeutic. My lungs have stopped constricting and I feel calm, so calm I could curl up on this bench and fall asleep listening to the trickling water.
Footsteps disturb that train of thought though alerting me to someone else's presence and I slide my feet back into the pumps that are trying to kill me. I sigh deeply as my heart resumes its gallop.
“Faith Elaina, is that you?”
Shit, of all the people to run into it had to be Donovan Daley, my ex. I turn around and see him squinting to check that he’s right. When our eyes meet he jams his hands into his jean pockets before questioning me.
“What are you doing up in Zone 2?” He asks.
“It’s not a crime is it Donovan?” I answer with a question of my own as coolly as my voice will allow.
“Not at all,” he says, “Just unusual, especially at this time of night.” He glances at his cuff emphasising the late hour.
“Not that unusual otherwise why would you be here?”
“I live in Zone 2 now Faith. I'm going up in the world.”
“Yes well, that's lovely but I really need to get back to…” As I try to side-step him he mirrors my action, blocking my path.
“To what?”
“That's really none of your business but if you must know I got side tracked. I came out for a stroll and didn't realise how far I'd gone.” I raise my chin in challenge. How dare he question me? I have unresolved issues with him, mainly as he dropped me with no explanation, so for him to stand there and expect answers from me is laughable.
“That's some stroll Faith, somehow I don't believe you.”
“I really don't care what you believe Donovan, I'm leaving now anyway. I wish I could say it was nice bumping into you but I hate lying.”
Donovan laughs lightly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. He folds his arms as he patiently waits for me to turn back around to enter Zone 3 and start my trek home.
Shit, what do I do?
If I continue forward he'll most likely follow and question my reasons for heading to Zone 1. I have no other option but to turn back.
“Goodnight Donovan,” I say, turning to Zone 3 and walking along the lightened path.
“It was good seeing you again Faith; you really shouldn’t be walking around alone at this time of night.” His voice carries to me and it actually sounds like sincere concern but I hold my head high and continue walking away from him. He doesn’t get to act like he cares. He can get lost.
After about five minutes I decide to turn back around and attempt navigating through Zone 2 again. Surely Donovan will have disappeared by now and I can start making headway with the plan. I check my comm-rec for the time, 11:46. Great, time to channel my inner sprinter and hope the guard change over times haven't changed.
I walk briskly, breezing past Zone 2's fountain and the many glass structures. No sign of Donovan or anyone else, good. I pick up the pace until breaking out into a full on sprint.
When I near the border of Zone 2 and Zone 1 I’m baffled. The path doesn't lead forward like in all the other zones; there is no fountain but instead a giant statue of Johnson Franks surrounded by large white columns. The path leads up to the statue then branches out into two diagonal directions.
Fraser never said which way to go.
Zone 1 is heavily covered in shrubbery and either side of the path are two beautifully maintained hedges.
This is ridiculous I say to mysel
f, am I really going to hide behind those? What a well thought out plan we came up with, I roll my eyes.
Leaving the safety of the path I step on the lawn and tread carefully to the hedge on the left, its height is level with my head so technically no ducking is needed. I stand on my tiptoes and carefully peek over the top. Two guards, one covering each pathway. If I hadn't brought both comm-recs I could've called Fraser for directions.
I hunker down and take calming breaths, my heart is beating furiously and my nerves are hanging on by a thread. You can do this; you can do this, patience Faith. If anyone saw me now, squatting near the hedges, flushed to hell and talking to myself, they’d either think I was doing my business like a dog or that I’m a crazy. Either way they’d draw attention to me pretty quickly.
Voices snap me out of my pep talk to myself and I risk another peek over the hedge, pricking my ears to listen in.
“Thorne has been called to a disturbance at the conference centre, he's asking for immediate back up,” Voice One says.
“Let's go then. Ramser will be here shortly to take over guard patrol,” Voice Two responds.
Are you kidding me?
If something seems too good to be true then usually it is, right? But at this moment I don't care, what a stroke of luck.
I watch as they take the path to the left, okay that's helpful as Frasers house is opposite the conference centre. Hopefully the guards will be too pre-occupied with the disturbance to notice me.
I start following at what I hope is a safe distance behind and can see the conference centre up ahead, again the path branches into two, the guards go left and I head right to the housing section.
Creeping past the glass structures I keep watch for company while searching for Fraser’s house. Houses are haphazardly numbered as any mail or information needed is directly sent to the comm-recs. Occupants in each zone are familiar with their neighbours so again numbers are not needed but in times like this I realise what a ridiculous idea it was to get rid of them. Those that are numbered are done so only because a few of the residents like the reminiscence of days of old. The other houses without numbers have their own identifying marks to set them aside from the others. Some are glaringly obvious such as a different colour pane of glass to the rest of the building, others less so.
Fraser described his abode in detail but all the buildings look the same to me.
Eventually I come across a building that resembles what Fraser told me, still a stunning glass structure, in the dark I can just make out its one-of-a-kind markings. The front door is glass like all the others but the glass of this door seems to gleam with millions of what look like holographs.
I fumble with my bag and pull out Fraser’s comm-rec; it activates to open the door. Click. I’m in. Phew!
I cautiously step inside and instead of turning the lights on which would obviously garner unwanted attention, I activate the light on Fraser’s comm-rec. I gape at the sumptuous space as it’s lit up.
This really is something else, oversized crystal chandeliers fill the space and the whole place is lavishly decorated. Art work hangs elegantly from every wall, and this is just the entryway. I could spend all day exploring this place and still not be bored or finished. So this is how the other half live? Remembering I must be quick I snap out of my perusal and check Fraser’s comm-rec for instructions as I make my way to the eleview.
Even the eleview seems to be made from crystals it’s stunning, reminiscent of decanters and I’m almost afraid to step inside for fear of damaging it. I have never seen an eleview as beautiful as this one. I feel like I should take my shoes off or shower before touching any part of it. Fraser hasn’t been here for months but someone has obviously been maintaining the upkeep. I step into the eleview as daintily as I can and make it to the second floor. I step out and walk right down a never-ending hallway, at the end I spot a door on the left that isn't made from glass but a dark wood of some kind, it looks so out of place in this exquisite home.
The comm-rec unlocks the door and I’m blinded by a rush of light, blinking I whisper, “Sparire.”
Nothing. Shit. Trying again I command in a louder whisper-hiss, “Sparire,” and a shroud of darkness encompasses me. Frasers 'secondary office', as he calls it, illuminated by the comm-rec is large enough to house an entire apartment but I don’t have time to gawp. I pay less attention to this room and search for the wash room to the right, another wooden door.
Ten paces turn left; three paces search the tiles. Done. Reading the comm-rec again I follow the instructions; eighth tile from the top of the wall down, push the centre. Check.
On doing so, the tile moves forward and then slides to the right. How cool! I shine the comm-rec inside and pull out a pair of cuff links and a … OMG!
Fraser has a multi frequency phaser.
Shit is this what he was on about? No way will I be using that. Although not lethal, one zap from a gun like this and whoever it’s used on will be caused a great deal of pain before they meet the ground and pass out. I’ve heard that in some cases it also erases their memories for an unknown time period. Even used on low frequency it’s not a pleasant experience. My neck tingles, a sense of fear enveloping me. How did Fraser come to have one in his possession? How and why?
I put it in my bag along with the cuff links and search the wall cavity, it's empty. Where are the files? I replace the tile and resign myself to the fact that I failed. Now I have to get out still undetected, trek all the way back home and inform Fraser. I can't wait.
Once outside I lock the door with the comm-rec and turn around, only to be met face to face with a guard.
Chapter 5
I drop my bag in shock and timidly smile at the burly man before me. It lands on the ground with a loud thump.
Think Faith think!
“Miss, your credentials please?” Burly guard asks.
I activate my comm-rec for him to scan and it brings up my name, age, zone status and occupation. Thankfully there are no prior convictions otherwise they would be shown too. I’m dreading the fact that he might search me. I’m carrying two comm-recs and a phaser. How the hell would I explain that?
“Miss Elaina, you're quite a way from your zone, would you care to explain why?”
“I'm a reporter. I've started looking into Professor Laudnam’s disappearance again, and wanted to see why he would leave a zone as beautiful as this. I guess I got carried away and didn't realise the time.”
“Why the sudden interest after all this time?” Burly asks.
“It's not a sudden interest. I've been intrigued since it happened. There is a substantial reward offered, is there not?” I ask haughtily, playing a part. “In fact I'd appreciate your take on what happened. Have any rumours been flying around this zone?” I continue while holding out my comm-rec to record whatever he says.
He takes a step back and shakes his head. “Miss, I suggest you be on your way. I won't detain you this time but if I catch you snooping around private property again I'll have no choice. Let me escort you.” He says taking my arm.
I pull free and pick up my bag then I walk ahead of him. “You know if you did have anything I'd find useful I could keep you anonymous.”
“Not interested Miss, it's more than my job is worth.”
When we reach the border Mr burly speaks into his comm-rec and calls for an over-rider to collect me. I could hug him for saving me the walk back. It appears minutes later and hovers close by waiting for me to board.
It touches down to enable me to climb in and then resumes hovering while I state what zone I require. I stand inside while holding the bar in front of me and the over-rider starts the journey.
Finally reaching my home I step inside exhausted and deflated. What a complete waste of time tonight was. Fraser jumps up from the suite causing me to scream. Damn it, I completely forgot he was here. I walk over to the suite and throw myself down with my arm over my face.
“Faith are you alright? What happened?”
I reluctantly pull myself up and stare into his expectant face. “Well I was only stopped twice Fraser, I'm tired and aching and … I'm so sorry but there were no files, just this.” I pull out the pulse phaser watching for his reaction. “How did you manage to acquire one of these?”
“What do you mean there was nothing else? What about my files?” He shouts, then stands up and starts pacing.
“Don't shout at me Fraser. I did everything you asked, bearing in mind I had no reason to help you, to accommodate you or to risk being caught for you but I did it anyway.” I was stupid. I got caught up in the excitement and was blinded by my thirst for knowledge, and now he’s going to stand there as if he owns the bloody place, scowling at me and yelling after the night I’ve had?
“How dare you stand there and speak to me like that after what I went through tonight, all because YOU created something so dangerous people are at risk,” I yell back pointing my finger at him. We glare at each other, tempers running high, so I continue, “There were also these.” I pull out the cuff links and throw them at him, then placing his comm-rec on the table I turn and storm from the room.
What the hell is wrong with me? Have I lived on the streets so long I’ve forgotten how to show gratitude? That woman did everything I asked of her, she went out on a limb for me, and more importantly she believed me. Then I repay her by yelling ungraciously and for nothing. She did get the files needed, she just didn't know it.
I walk over to Faith’s eleview prepared to grovel and apologise profusely when the sound of vehicles pulling up catch my attention. The glass is one way so I can see out, but no one can see in. As I check through the glass structure I spot transport trucks with the AIG logo proudly displayed on the sides.
I throw myself up the staircase and burst into Faith’s room.
“Fraser, for God sake…”
“Faith I'm sorry but we haven't got time for this, AIG are outside we have to go NOW!”
“Where do you propose we go?” She snaps making no attempt to move.