The Locket [The Rotherham Hall Mysteries] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Locket [The Rotherham Hall Mysteries] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Clair de Lune

  “How will it work? How can I be with three of you? How would I know whose night it was?” She looked up at him with her candid gaze, and Rafael’s cock swelled.

  “It does not work like that. Sometimes one or other of us will want time with you alone like we have already had, and not necessarily at night, my dear.”

  He chuckled as she lowered her eyes again and blushed rosily.

  “That will be acceptable. There will be no jealousy. We will try to accommodate whatever you desire. We will all wish to spend every night with you, but if you wish to spend a night alone, we will understand. We will always discuss the situation, and so long as you know that what one does the others will learn about.”

  At these words, she blushed fiery red. He knew she must be remembering all that had taken place with him with Antonio at the picnic and in this very library earlier with Angel.

  “Just so,” Angel said.

  “We share information. You have no need to blush. We all want you, and all of us will be present most of the time when we take you. We shall want to take you all three of us together.”

  Rafael cuddled her closer as he said that and felt her stiffen.

  “How on earth is that possible?” she gasped out.

  “Mouth, cunt, and arse.” Rafael growled.

  At the crude words, her mouth fell open, but her nipples became rock hard against his chest, and he’d wager she was very wet between her thighs as she drew in a breath. She gazed from one to the other in amazement, seemingly not able to speak or breathe.

  He had hoped for such an effect. Oh, she wanted them, all three of them, and she was theirs.

  “Tonight, Angel will come for you an hour after the others have gone to their bedchambers. When we all take you, there are rules, and tonight you will learn them.”

  “Rules? What rules? I am not a schoolgirl. I do not need rules.” Rafael smiled at her rebellion.

  “No indeed, were you a schoolgirl we would not be having this conversation. Rules, I said, and maybe that was not the word. There are rituals, customs we like to have observed. You will come to my bedchamber, and there you will always be naked. On subsequent evenings we will tell you to go there, and you will undress and await our pleasure, kneeling at the foot of the bed. If we wish you to wear particular clothing, it will be awaiting you on the bed. You will don the garments and kneel and wait.”

  She looked stunned, and Rafael made a sign to Angel to continue.

  “Tonight I will explain, and Antonio and I will show you what we expect. These rules only apply in Rafael’s bedchamber. No-one but the four of us will know about them. About the house and in our normal lives, we will expect obedience when we give you an order, but apart from that…”

  “Then I am to be treated as a servant.” She interrupted him. “Just like my first marriage, but there are now to be three of you to torment me! No! No! No!”

  Rafael was astonished at her reaction. She had wrenched herself out of his arms and was pacing agitatedly up and down the room. What in God’s name had her first husband done to her? He thought.

  Antonio took hold of her to stop the pacing, and Rafael said, “Be still!”

  She responded to the authority in his voice. He saw how she turned her gaze on him in wonder that it had had that effect on her.

  “Calm yourself, my dear. There will not be many orders, there will be no need. So far we have only given you one such, and that you chose to disobey!”

  He did not go into further details. He had no intention of reminding her what had happened. They had said it was over, and it was!

  “You will rule our household, and to do that successfully it is essential that no-one else knows what we do in my bedchamber. You will order things as you wish. It is simply that when we take you together, we prefer it in a certain way!”

  Rafael judged that was enough for now. She needed to process the information, ready for their first time as a foursome. At that thought his cock swelled even more and he was uncomfortable. It was going to be a long few hours, curse it!

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It took all Alicia’s social skill to last through dinner and the chatter in the drawing room afterwards. Time seemed to crawl by, and she had to stop herself from looking often at the timepiece. The tea tray was brought in, and everyone was served. Antonio brought her a cup of tea and handed it to her with a wink she could have done without.

  When she decently could, she left and went up to her bedroom, to pace and think until Bessie responded to the bell and came to undress her. She chose a white lawn nightdress buttoned up to the neck, and the matching robe was placed over a chair. She bade her maid goodnight and settled in the chair to await her fate, but she could not settle. She took up a book then laid it down. She stood up. She paced. She sat down. She clasped her hands in her lap and gazed into the fire. Nothing helped to quell the turmoil in her breast. Did she want this? She was attracted to them, all three of them. Rafael had spoken of marriage, but what if she gave him no heir? Then one of the others would have to marry to secure the succession, and who would that be? Her fun-loving Antonio or her caring Angel? What would it cost them? Could she abide another woman here? It would be all her fault. Could she give them up and go back to town and forget them? No, she could not.

  Had they been treating her like a princess and seeing to her pleasure when all the time they were preparing her for this? Was she to have the same as she had with her husband? She could not bear that. When his illness had meant he could no longer take her, he had used a phallus made of glass. She had never protested, always afraid that if she did he would get one of the servants to hold her for him. That valet of his was a nasty piece of work, and he would have enjoyed helping his master. She was never sure that he was not peeking from the dressing while her husband amused himself with her. But Rafael had said the servants would never know, so maybe, just maybe it would be different with them. They had been true to their word up to now.

  She was startled by the tap at the door, and Angel entered. He took her hand and led her along the corridor to Rafael’s room. At the door, she would have drawn back, but he was behind her, so she could not. As she slowed, he continued to advance, and she felt the heat of him at her back, forcing her to advance into the room. She felt his hand on her lower back, urging her forward. She gulped, and her breath hitched as he showed her where to place her clothes and how to kneel when she had undressed, and he left her.

  The room was large, but the bed was enormous. She had never seen such a high and wide bed. It must have been specially made. How many other women had they brought here like her?

  The other furniture in the room was all Sheraton beautiful wood and elegant shapes. The floorboards were oak and polished to perfection. She could smell the lavender beeswax. The rug she had been directed to kneel upon was a large, creamy sheepskin. It was so soft and deep. She had better get on with it. She wondered how long they’d make her wait. The room was warm, as a bright fire burned in the grate, but she shivered as she took off her nightgown and folded it as she’d been instructed, leaving it on a small stand. She returned to the sheepskin, knelt down, bowed her head, and placed her hands palms up on her knees. She had no way of knowing how long she waited, but it could not have been long as she had no cramp in her limbs. The door opened. It was not the one to the corridor by the sound it made, and the three men came in. She glanced through her lashes and saw three pairs of long, slim, bare feet. She did not move. She just waited as instructed.

  “Excellent, my dear.” That was Rafael, always in charge. He said, “Up!” and she rose to her feet, her eyes still lowered. He took her hand and led her to another rug before the fire.

  “Stand with your feet apart, eyes lowered and hands locked behind your head,” he said.

  She did as he asked and felt them walk around her, looking and assessing. It was arousing in the extreme, and her nipples responded and her cunt flooded.

  “Look at those hard, rosy-brown nipples. She is ready
for us. Bend over and display yourself,” Rafael said.

  She bent at the waist to find a strong hand parting her labia and testing her arousal. Her arousal grew as she was examined and discussed. She was so wet it was running down her thighs. She should have been angry with them, but she was not and could not understand why.

  “Stand up. Go the the bed and lie down upon it. In case you were wondering, you are the only woman ever to be invited into this room, and the bed was specially made for the four of us. It has not been used for this purpose before,” Antonio said.

  She was reassured by that and went to the bed, but it was too high for her to get up easily, so Angel took her in his arms and lifted her. He soothed and petted her, anxious for her comfort as usual, and she loved him for it. Arranged on the bed, her legs hanging over the end, she felt her ankles grasped, and at the same time a scarf was tied over her eyes. She panicked, and she tried to rise but was held in place.

  “Be still!” Rafael spoke again, and suddenly she was being stimulated from three sides. Rafael settled between her thighs and parted her labia with one strong hand while three fingers of the other pumped in and out of her pussy and some sort of cold liquid was drizzled over her back hole. She tensed up. What were they going to do? She did not have much time to think as Angel on one side and Antonio on the other tenderly stroked her breasts, teasing the nipples and gradually increasing the pressure until she was moaning and sobbing from the sensations they heaped upon her. They murmured reassurance.

  One thick finger slipped into her back hole and began to wriggle about as it stretched her, then it was withdrawn and replaced by two. She tensed, expecting pain, but it did not come. Before, when her husband had played there she had not enjoyed it at all. Not that it had made any difference. Now she felt a bite of pain, but when the fingers wiggled and thrummed inside her the pain soon became pleasure. She was hard put to process that as two hot mouths descended upon her breasts and licked, sucked, and finally suckled hard so that she cried out in pleasure. At the same time more fingers entered her back hole, stretching and pleasuring her.

  Finally they all withdrew, and she wondered if she’d done something wrong. She struggled to sit up and found strong hands helping her. The blindfold was removed, and she saw Rafael lying back on the bed, his cock huge, thick, and long, standing up like a soldier, and she licked her lips. When he beckoned, she went towards him only to find herself lifted up and placed on her knee, straddling him. He lowered her onto his cock, and she sighed with pleasure as she sank down and his cock filled her, inch after inch after delicious inch. He urged her forward onto his chest, and she was happy to lie there, absorbing his masculine scent, feeling his hands stroking her back. Then she felt two strong hands part her cheeks and another thick cock present itself, demanding entrance to her back hole. She tried to squirm away but was held firmly in place.

  “Stay still and try to push back towards Antonio. It is going to be tight this first time, but do not tense up or it will not be easy for you.”

  Rafael must be all about in his head. It wasn’t his two holes that were being filled with huge, thick poles, and as for pressing back, all she wanted was to lean forward and escape the second one. She had little choice, and with lots more of the cold stuff Antonio poured over her back hole inch by inch, he pushed into her. She felt full and very decadent, and now she wanted.

  “Please move or do something!“ she cried and realised they had been waiting for just that. Angel was standing to the side of the bed watching. She did not want him to feel left out, so she said, “Come and let me suck you.”

  That was all the invitation he needed. Rafael and Antonio set up a rhythm of strokes one in and one out so she was always full of one or the other. As they did, she licked the head of Angel’s cock, nibbling and sucking the head then taking as much as she could of him into her mouth. She could only hold him with one hand as she was held between the other two men, but she used the one hand to advantage and in tandem with her mouth. She thought she was about to die. The sensations of three large cocks inside her sent her spinning into a world of heat and pleasure. Her blood sang in her veins. Hands held her firmly so she could not fall, and three men told her she was wonderful and amazing as they lavished caresses on her. She thought nothing could be better than this, but as Antonio reached round and began to play with her clit she knew it could. She felt tingles in all her extremities. She shook and shivered and tried not to falter in her loving of Angel. Then he exploded into her mouth, and Antonio slammed his cock home and shot jets of hot semen into her back hole. She felt intense waves of pleasure engulf her, and she came, clenching her cunt about Rafael’s thick cock. With the strong spasms caused by the most amazing pleasure she had ever felt in her life, she felt him ram his cock home, and he too exploded into her. She felt the heat of his copious release deep inside her as she collapsed onto his chest and knew no more.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “What the devil is the matter?” Antonio tried to pick her up, but she was boneless, and all her limbs flopped about like a broken rag doll. He managed to roll her to one side of Rafael, who sat up and looked down at her.

  “I have heard of this before but never been the cause of it. Not for nothing do the Frenchies call it the little death. I do believe we have fucked her senseless.”

  The three of them got her off the bed, struggled with the covers, and arranged her under them. She lay where they had placed her. Her eyes were closed, and there was a serene look on her face. They made sure she was covered and retired to the bathing chamber to clean themselves up, returning a few minutes later in their dressing gowns with warm cloths. They stripped the covers off her and cleaned and dried her carefully. Seeing no damage or tearing, they were all relieved. They replaced the covers and made sure she was tucked in.

  They sat down with the wine and food that had been left out for them and talked over what had happened.

  For once it was Angel that led the discussion.

  “She is going to take some convincing to marry you, Rafael. She thinks she is barren, and no doubt she has thought out what will happen if she does not produce an heir. One of us will have to, and she will feel she has let us down. She loves us all, I am convinced. She has not said it, but she would not be fucking us if she did not love us. She is not that kind.”

  “I agree,” said Antonio.

  “Well what do you suggest brother?” Rafael, usually the leader, was never averse to allowing his brothers their say. He would make the final decisions, but they always discussed everything, which was something Lady Alicia was going to have to get accustomed to.

  “I suggest we make damned sure she gets pregnant as soon as may be, and once she is you marry her. I am certain that is the only objection she has. She took very well to the spanking, the three of us tonight and to our individual demands on her, and I am certain that, were her heart not engaged, she would not have.” Angel suggested.

  “That sounds like an excellent plan to me.” Rafael said.

  “Now all we need to do is solve the mystery of the swell cove.”

  There was a sigh and movement from the bed, and that put an end to all discussion. They hurried over to the bed and saw she had turned on her side and was fast asleep. All three stood and contemplated her in sleep, her hair flowing over the pillows and her small hand curled under her chin.

  “She looks delicious, and she has recovered, thank God, so I propose we all retire, and tomorrow we can further consider the matter.” Angel said.

  Rafael took off his robe and got under the covers, pulling her back into his chest, and Angel climbed in and settled her head on his shoulder. Antonio lay down by his side facing away from him.

  Angel thought that this was going to be the difficult part, as they had never spent the whole night with a woman. They all wanted to sleep with her and would have to be flexible as to who slept where. Discussion would solve it as it always did, and her needs would come first. On that thought, he settled himself for s

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Alicia awoke back in her own bed. The sheets were tucked up around her, and there was a single red rose in her slack grasp. She sat up with a jerk and immediately regretted it. She was sore, and every muscle ached. She remembered the loving of the previous night, and how she had climaxed in company with the three of them but then no more. She was in her nightgown and in her own bed, and she wondered when that had happened. They said they wanted to sleep with her, but they had not. What did that mean? Were they not pleased with their loving of her? Had she done something wrong? She felt the crackle of paper around the rose stem and uncurled the sheet and read it.

  “Thank you. From your devoted slaves, Rafael, Antonio, and Angel.”

  She giggled as she read it. Slaves, indeed. She clutched the paper to her breast and sighed over it then carefully smoothed it out and placed it between the pages of her journal, after getting out of bed.

  She was relieved, however, and could not have done anything wrong to get such a message. She rang for Bessie and asked for water for a bath. A long soak would remove the worst of the aches, but the bruises would show for a while. Nevertheless, she had been pleasured as never before in her life. Bessie bustled into the room, followed by three burly footmen with pails of steaming water. Bessie helped Alicia to undress and climb into the bath then withdrew. As Alicia lay in the cooling water, slowly soaping her limbs, she smiled to herself. Suddenly energised, she got out of the bath. She dried herself and dressed in the pale blue morning gown Bessie had put ready. She was absolutely ravenous. In the breakfast parlour, the three of them were facing piled plates, and she smiled. She was not the only one who was hungry. They all rose at her entrance and came forward one by one to kiss her hand. She blushed rosily and went to help herself to a substantial breakfast, giggling when Rafael arched one brow as he looked at her plate.


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