Diplomatic Crisis (The Empress' Spy Book 2)

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Diplomatic Crisis (The Empress' Spy Book 2) Page 12

by S. E. Weir

  “Yeah.” Alina turned from her careful check of the crates that held the clothing. “It’s one of those times when you hope there’s still lots of people to save, and you would feel bad if we didn’t have enough supplies for everyone.”

  Surveying the busy cargo hold, where a number of people were loading and settling tanks of water and crates of food and clothing, Phina shrugged. “We will just have to see. We couldn’t have left any sooner. Everything else will have to come on the support ships.”

  It had been two days since Phina’d had her epiphany. Addison Stone had been over the moon, tweaking her musical synthesizer to create the tones and combinations needed to speak in return. ADAM had programmed the translation once she’d finished, which they were hoping to hear news about before they left. They had made sure to pack speakers that could wirelessly connect to their implants since they had no other way to express the translation to the aliens.

  Shaking her head, Phina finished unloading the transfer cart so she could retrieve the next item to bring on board. The gathering of supplies had begun after Phina had that first meeting with Anna Elizabeth, Link, and Jace. There had been a scramble for the clothing after Alina reminded them of that need, but it looked like they would have everything necessary to get a start on helping the aliens. After another half-hour of sweaty work, they were all finished.

  Phina returned the transfer cart to its dock so it could be secured for travel, then stopped to take a breath, relax, and wipe the sweat off her face with the back of her hand. She had expected to feel warm after the exertion of moving all those crates, but this felt a little too warm. Fudging crumbs. She was probably dehydrated again. As she turned to find water, she caught sight of the doctor walking toward her.

  “Doctor Keelson?”

  “Please, call me April when you aren’t being seen as a patient.”

  “April. Did you get all the medical equipment you need on board?”

  “Yes, I have an all-in-one scanner for the Pod, we have a large Pod-doc on Stark, and I have two portable diagnostic scanners for me and a helper if we can spare one when the time comes.” She looked around the cargo bay and pointed in the direction she had stored the items as she listed them, as if trying to make sure she has everything. “There are half a million injections to counter dehydration, double that for vitamins and nutrients though split between all the known races since we don’t know these aliens’ physiology, fifty sensors for vital signs to go on the most urgent cases, a portable blood work-up kit for the field, ten stasis bags for those under emergency conditions so they won’t die before we can get them to care… We could probably pass those out for each of you to carry. Let’s see, what else?” She blew the hair off her forehead, then shook her head. “I’m sure I’m forgetting something. Suffice it to say I tried to think of everything.”

  “That sounds amazing. Thank you!” Smiling, Phina tugged her shirt, trying to create some moving air to cool herself off. “Anything I can help with?”

  “Perhaps once we get there, thank you.”

  Phina turned again to look for water.


  Holding in her sigh, she turned back. “Yes?”

  The doctor looked worried. “How bad do you think this situation we are walking into will be?”

  Phina’s mind filled with the pictures that had come to her when she heard those tones pleading for help. She shook them off, her light expression gone. “It’s not as bad as what I imagine war would be like as that’s all blood and wounds. However, with children starving and the people desperate and dying, this trip will likely cut into your heart. It’s already cut into mine.”

  The doctor didn’t stop her this time.

  QBBS Meredith Reynolds



  I’m looking for Phina, but I can’t find her on the station.

  >>She left with the group sent to help the aliens that were starving and dying.<<

  What? Which aliens?

  >>I don’t know their name. They speak through music and live on a planet within the limits of the Empire but haven’t joined yet, likely because no one could understand them so they could ask.<<

  Ah. The Aurians.

  >>You know of them?<<

  Yes. They were just beginning to move from family groups into towns when I left and eventually landed on Earth. I’m certain they have evolved since.

  >>Yes. Until some unknown event happened that caused the people to starve and die. After Phina’s translations, records indicate this has been occurring for at least eight years.<<

  That’s terrible. And Phina has gone to help them? For how long?

  ADAM paused in his automatic response to consider the tone in which TOM had spoken. His alien friend sounded unsettled.

  >>Yes. We don’t know yet. What’s wrong?<<

  TOM hesitated, causing ADAM to feel a strange emotion. He wondered if it was anxiety.

  I’ve analyzed the results of the scan we did of Phina in the Pod-doc.

  >>Yes? What were your findings?<<

  A change in almost every system: muscular, circulatory, nervous, respiratory… The only systems not affected were skeletal and reproductive.

  Alarm shot through ADAM’s core.

  >>What sort of changes?<<

  An increase in muscle strength and tone, a more efficient heartbeat and circulatory system, a faster-acting response in the nervous system with a higher pain threshold, increased lung capacity, a more efficient renal system, and a slight increase in the lymphatic system. This is level-two enhancement with a bit of a boost.

  >>Why would there only be a slight increase in her lymphatic system?<<

  Why do you think?



  >>It’s not what was planned, but these changes sound better and more efficient, giving her a better body. What about them is causing you to panic?<<

  I’m not panicking!

  ADAM waited.

  All right, I’m panicking, TOM muttered indistinctly.

  >>What’s wrong with her?<<


  >>TOM, please. I’m one of her best friends.<<

  A moment of silence.

  I believe she had a jump-start to develop these abilities. Her systems were stable. I monitor them every year during her regular checkups. Someone did this to her.

  >>Yes, I’m aware.<<

  You know who?

  >>Yes, but I don’t have solid evidence yet to back up my theory.<<

  Whoever did it knows a lot about nanocytes but doesn’t have as intimate a knowledge of them as they think. Her enhancement was jump-started, but since then, I believe the nanocytes have continued to increase Phina’s strength and efficiency daily. That isn’t how we normally program them to work.



  >>That doesn’t sound good for Phina.<<

  It’s not. Think about how the human metabolism works. A person who has a more efficient metabolism can become faster and stronger if they choose to work toward it, but they also burn calories at an increased rate.

  >>So, to continue your example, Phina’s metabolism is operating at peak efficiency?<< ADAM asked hopefully.

  No. It’s off the charts and increasing daily.

  >>Phina’s in trouble.<<

  Indeed, TOM replied gravely. Bethany Anne draws energy from the Etheric. Her systems function at peak levels without fluctuations. We currently have no tools to measure Etheric flow to the degree I would wish, but what we do have indicates Phina’s ability to draw from the Etheric didn’t properly connect, causing fluctuations and overwhelming her system. If her system continues to be attacked at this rate without interference, her body will begin to consume its mass to keep up with demand.

  >>TOM, that means she’ll die.<<

  I'm afraid so. The faulty programming in her nanocytes cannot be self-repaired.

  ADAM wondered if this was what humans meant when they said they felt like the rug had been
pulled out from under them. >>We have to intervene before that happens.<<

  We need to get her back here and get her into Bethany Anne’s Pod-doc. If we do, we can try to halt the changes before it’s too late.

  If ever there was a time to pick up cursing, ADAM thought this was it.

  >>Bethany Anne?<<

  ADAM? TOM? What have you two been talking about? I’m in the middle of a delicate negotiation, and I keep feeling that damned buzzing in the back of my head.

  TOM explained the situation. It was no surprise to the two of them when the Empress took the news poorly.

  She didn’t!

  >>I believe she did.<<

  Bethany Anne, your emotions are surging. Do you need me to suppress them for you?

  Of course, my emotions are surging! I’m fucking pissed, and I’m tired of restraining myself and letting everyone else handle things so I’m not inserting myself into every fucked-up situation. You have no idea how much I want to go pound some common sense into that woman! I should have done something about her before, but she’s Phina’s only living relative! Fucking damn it! We told her to take care of Phina, and she swore she would!

  ADAM and TOM experienced a very uncomfortable few moments before Bethany Anne reeled in her emotions enough to focus.

  Do you have proof that she gave Phina these altered nanocytes?

  ADAM showed her the video of Phina’s last visit with Faith. >>Combined with Faith’s messages to Phina, it’s circumstantial, but she’s the only one who could have managed it.<<

  Find the smoking gun, ADAM, and recall that two-bit fucking Mengele wannabe to the Meredith Reynolds. I want her back here yesterday. If you can’t find proof, we’ll get it from her head.

  >>I’m on it.<<

  What about Phina’s immediate situation? Can she use the Pod-doc aboard the Stark to get her nanocytes repaired?

  >>I can send Stark a modified program that will recode her nanocytes with the correct program for her enhancement type.<<

  But we would rather have her here so we can both monitor the process, TOM finished. If Phina’s aunt made this simple error, there’s no telling what other problems will arise.

  >>Phina is unlikely to abandon the Aurians,<< ADAM told Bethany Anne. >>She’s stubborn enough to hold out until she knows they will be okay.<<

  You could order her to return, TOM suggested.

  I could, Bethany Anne replied. But I won’t. Phina has shown she’s smart enough to ask for help if she needs it, so give her the choice.

  >>Are you sure?<< ADAM inquired.

  We don’t know what they are walking into yet, Bethany Anne told him. These people have been in crisis and begging for help for eight fucking years, and we didn’t know about it. I don’t want to lose Phina, but I also don’t want to have the Stark turn back and possibly risk the death of an entire species. Clue Doctor Keelson in and have her work with Phina. If she chooses to wait for treatment, pass on anything the doctor can do to keep the effects down until she comes back.

  >>What if the problem is larger than we expect? What can we do, TOM?<<

  If Phina starts experiencing more of these surges and more regularly, the only thing they can do to save her is to sedate her and put her into stasis until we can get her to Bethany Anne’s Pod-doc.

  ADAM could imagine how well that would go over with Phina. Even if it was the only way to save her, she could be angry with them all.

  As long as she stayed alive, ADAM could live with that.

  Etheric Empire, QBS Stark

  Doctor Keelson beamed as she forked in a bite. “I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that we will no longer have to cook soon with the new machine R&D just invented. When we were on Earth, everyone had to cook their own food or buy it. Now, we’ve got machines cooking, storing, and dispensing food for us.” She waved at the kitchen area. “Desperation has always been the best propellant of invention.”

  “I hear you, April. Even as a young woman, cooking was never a strong interest.” Addison Stone smiled at the woman with amused affection before sipping her beer. “Then again, even if I had been interested, my skills have never involved cooking.”

  Ryan threw a sly grin at the women across the table. “I find that difficult to believe. Lovely ladies who have lived as long as you usually have hidden talents.”

  “Did he just call us old?” April turned to Addison with an incredulous look.

  Addison pursed her lips even as her eyes narrowed on Ryan. “I believe he did.”

  Ryan blinked, his grin fading. “Hold on now. I said you have hidden talents.”

  Alina threw him a look around Maxim, who was between them. “Yeah, for ladies who have lived so long.”

  He threw up his hands. “Hey, you are twisting my words! I have nothing but respect for you ladies.” He saw Phina watching him and gave her a smile that turned shaky when she continued to stare at him. “All of you ladies.”

  Sis’tael clicked her mandibles. Only someone paying attention could tell she was laughing and trying not to show it. “Hold on, Ryan. How old are you again?”

  He stirred uneasily at the change in subject. “Twenty-five.”

  “That’s right. So advanced in years.” Phina hid a smile at Sis’tael’s goading since the Yollin’s age wasn’t much greater than Ryan’s. “Are you sure you are old enough to have discovered any woman’s hidden talents?”

  “Hey, I’ve been discovering hidden talents in women for over twelve years! Lots of women! I’m practically an expert. Tell them, Maxim.” He nudged his friend in growing desperation.

  Maxim rumbled a laugh as he pulled away. “Oh, no! I’m not getting involved in this.”

  “Drk? Come on, man!”

  The Yollin shifted uncomfortably. He was sitting next to Sis’tael in the chairs that were specially made for four-legged Yollins. “Ryan, you know I don’t like these types of conversations.”

  Groaning, Ryan picked up a cookie from the tray in front of him and bit into it. “Why do I bother with you two? You’ve never been good wingmen.”

  Amused despite her determination to stay out of it, Phina found herself responding. “Oh? What makes them so bad at it?”

  “Well, Drk has never shown an interest in any female before Sis’tael, so every time I tried to get him to help out, he’d say, ‘Ryan, I don’t have any interest in human mating rituals.’ Drink an ale or two, and he’s done.”

  Drk-vaen gave him the Yollin version of a shrug. “I don’t understand the point of flirting and being coy about what you want and feel. Why can’t you just tell a woman you are interested and she accepts or not? Yollins are more direct. You humans make things complicated.”

  April tilted her head as she considered that. “There’s an element of truth there. It would certainly make things less complicated to be more direct, but also within that dance between men and women is romance. Don’t Yollins want to have romance, or is that not an interest for you? What do you think, Sis’tael?”

  Sis’tael turned toward her, baring her teeth in a Yollin grin. “Of course, but romance looks very different for Yollins. Instead of flirting with words and a complicated mating dance, a Yollin’s idea of romance is about showing your strengths and weaknesses to each other and seeing how you fit together as people. It’s also having each other’s back against threats and knowing you can trust the other person. Military-based Yollins usually have armor on, both mentally and physically, so being able to trust each other without any armor is a big deal.”

  Alina leaned against Maxim’s shoulder after threading her fingers through his. “That actually sounds rather beautiful.”

  Drk leaned over to touch foreheads with Sis’tael. “It is.”

  After giving them a moment, Phina grinned and waggled her eyebrows. “And what about Maxim? It doesn’t sound like he is any better, and he doesn’t have the same excuse.”

  Ryan and Maxim laughed, Ryan’s a higher tenor and louder, while Maxim’s voice rumbled deeper. Ryan shook his head. “You
wouldn’t think so, would you? It wasn’t an issue with the women. There were plenty that came flocking around from time to time, of all sorts.”

  “All sorts of women, huh?” Alina turned to give the eye to Maxim.

  “Like flies and bees,” Maxim assured her. “Buzzing around and getting in the way.”

  Addison snorted. “I find that hard to believe. You weren’t interested in any of them?”

  Shrugging, Maxim looked uncomfortable and glanced at Alina to make sure she wasn’t upset. “Not really. Certainly not seriously.”

  Ryan smacked Maxim on the back, causing the bigger man to turn narrowed eyes on him. “You can believe it! This guy has always been work and duty, responsibility and taking everything seriously. It’s only been in the last year or so that he’s lightened up a lot, particularly the last few months.” He winked at Alina, who was caught by surprise, then smiled in return. “It certainly left a lot more women for me.”

  “Then it sounds like he did his job well as a wingman.”

  Ryan paused in chugging his beer, coughing and wiping his mouth before he responded to Phina. “I hadn’t really thought about it that way. You’re right.”

  Stark chose that moment to pop up onscreen in his avatar. “Too bad I couldn’t have gone with you. I would be an excellent wingman.”

  Alina smiled at the EI. She had told Phina earlier she thought he was cute, and of course, Stark had heard her and preened like a peacock. “Because you actually have wings?”

  Stark stared at her. “Because I’m so incredibly good-looking. Obviously.”

  April walked back into the room with a drink. Phina hadn’t noticed her leave, but the woman had been at the end of the table next to the kitchen. The doctor sat down and beamed. “This is a great trip already! I love Coke! I can’t believe you have a Coke dispenser on board.”

  Phina sat up straight. “Really? We have a Coke dispenser?”

  “Who brought a Coke dispenser onboard?” Stark raised his voice and looked hard at each of them.

  “That would be me. You can thank me later.” Ryan waved with a cocky grin.

  “You brought a Coke dispenser on board my ship? My ship? Do you know those are regulated by the Empress herself? That if it falls into the wrong hands for any reason, I have to self-destruct to save it? Do you?”


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