Made in Hell

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Made in Hell Page 30

by Logan Jacobs

  “What did the witch look like?” I asked.

  Ashe scratched the back of her head as she thought back to the lady’s appearance. “She had golden skin, amber eyes, and long dark hair that looked purple under the light. She was quite petite, too, but she had an hourglass shape to her.”

  I laughed quietly at Ashe’s comment. I thought about all of the people I had met during my time in Rengfri, but none of them matched the description Ashe had given me.

  “And how did you know she was collecting payments for the priest?” I clarified.

  “This is the fun part,” my demon lover chuckled. “So, every house she stopped at, no matter where it was or who owned it, the lady would knock on the door, receive a little satchel of pieces, and then walk away to the next one. Sometimes, she would use some strange enchantments on the ones who weren’t so willing to hand over the money, but she ended up with it all in the end.”

  “So, she’s using her powers to her advantage out there.” I nodded and narrowed my eyes in thought. “And this continued all down Pixie Lane?”

  “Yeah, well, it started there.” Ashe shrugged. “I must have been following her for almost an hour, and it felt like she had gone all over that area of the Shadow Quarters in that time. Then, when she was done, she jumped into a carriage with all of her money in hand.”

  “Carriages can say a lot about a person in this city,” I pointed out. “What did her carriage look like?”

  “Oh, it definitely wasn’t something you’d like to see roaming the Shadow Quarters,” she snickered. “It was just like ones the king’s guards travel in. It had gold trim around the edges, the wheels were two different sizes, and a velvet drape covered the windows, so I couldn’t be sure if she had anyone with her at the time.”

  “Hmm,” I muttered, and I offered my lover a scheming grin. “Please, tell me you followed the carriage.”

  “Of course, I followed it,” Ashe laughed. “I wasn’t going to let someone so interesting leave that easily, and I knew you would want me to be thorough in my work.”

  “Always,” I murmured and stole a biting kiss. “And what did you find out?”

  “I trailed the carriage up until it arrived at an incredibly lavish estate, in a quarter I’ve gathered is called Ravenshade,” Ashe replied. “It’s in the western quarters of Rengfri and looks to be a very rich area. It’s full of tall, dark, and gloomy buildings that must have been built over a century ago, and it generally reeks of entitled evil. They also seem to have an issue with ravens there, because those birds were flying right over my head all throughout the evening.”

  Ashe had a dreamy, faraway look in her bright eyes as she said this, and I imagined she was fond of the gloomy and lavish area where the black birds flocked nonstop.

  “Go on,” I gently reminded her.

  “Oh! The estate itself is surrounded by large, iron fencing, and two guards were at the main entrance gate,” she continued. “I managed to hide in a small tree off to the side of the estate, so I got a good look at what went on. The woman left the carriage and freely walked into the main house with a larger satchel that looked very weighted down.”

  “That’s probably where she condensed all the payments she received,” I decided, and Ashe nodded in agreement.

  “Then the doors closed behind her,” my lover added.

  “Is it the priest who owns the house?” I asked. I was pretty certain of it, but I wanted Ashe to clarify the assumption.

  “Indeed it is.” She grinned. “At first, I wasn’t sure, but then I caught on to his scent. It was so clear, and it felt like it almost suffocated the estate. That man is an evil piece of shit, and his secret missions testify to that.”

  The story made me think back to what we had seen at the tavern on the northwest street. The priest had been the one who collected the money that morning, but now it was clear he had others to collect payments from other beings within the Shadow Quarters themselves. I wasn’t sure why he didn’t send the witch to get that money as well, but there had to have been a reason behind it. This man was as sketchy as sin, and it seemed as though he had a reason for everything he did.

  “Did you see her leave his home?” I asked. “Or is she… I don’t know. A concubine of his?”

  “I doubt it,” Ashe snickered. “She didn’t look particularly pleased to be there, and she left the main house a few minutes later. But she was empty-handed by then. More interesting than this, though, is the fact that this witch lives within the bounds of the estate.”

  “Where exactly?” I asked.

  “In a hovel that reminded me a bit of the troll’s shack,” she replied. “This hovel is actually surrounded by yet another set of gates, too. And once the witch was deposited there, her carriage driver actually locked the gate. It was as if she was allowed out for one purpose, and that purpose was to collect all the payments for the priest. Then she was shut up inside her hovel again.”

  I wasn’t sure how powerful this witch was, but surely a set of gates wasn’t going to stop her from leaving if she really wanted to. Unless they were magic in their own way. Then again, maybe she had been brainwashed by this priest and was trained to leave only when he needed her to.

  What bothered me, though, was that Ashe had said this witch used an enchantment to subdue the villagers who needed to pay, so I wondered why she couldn’t simply enchant the priest as well. It didn’t seem like she had the best life in the world, given she stayed locked away in a hovel, but she had to have been getting something out of the arrangement.

  “So… Madame Nyra certainly delivered,” I mused as I laid back on a pile of pillows. “But if the priest has some hold on the Shadow Quarters through this witch, this could present a problem for us.”

  “I thought the same thing, but consider the dark elves’ setup.” Ashe adjusted the way she was sitting and laid herself out for my viewing pleasure. “If they aren’t visited by the witch, and are allowed to make their payments of their own accord through the human, then they must be in a very good position. One that doesn’t require the power of a witch to keep things in check. One that would allow us to conduct our business without anyone being the wiser.”

  She made a good point, and it all seemed much less concerning when she put it that way. The elves clearly had everything sorted for themselves, and therefore, for us as well.

  My eyes drifted to the deep-red dress that barely covered her thighs, and then they trailed down her incredible legs swathed in the fishnet stockings. I was hungry for a taste of her yet again, but the view brought me back to the reason behind Ashe’s adventure.

  “I haven’t dealt with a Red Witch before,” I admitted.

  “I have.” Ashe smiled. “I’ve murdered a few Red Witches for the Hellscape over the years.”

  “Excellent,” I murmured with a grin. “Tell me everything.”

  “Well, I don’t know everything,” she clarified. “But I know enough to keep us at an advantage. I know their powers can come in different forms, and they often use their eyes, hands, and a staff to help cast their spells. Luckily for us, the enchantments of surface world witches don’t work too well on demons.”

  “Is that true of all witches?” I asked. “Even the White Witches we’ve seen?”

  “Yes,” she confirmed.

  I definitely liked that idea. If this witch did end up trying to cause any problems for us, then we would probably have a means of defeating her swiftly. Especially after securing access to the magical orbs at the elves’ manor.

  “I don’t think we should kill this witch, though,” Ashe continued. “I have a feeling she could be of use to us. She could serve a better purpose than just the priest’s slave.”

  “At the very least, this gives us the upper hand you wanted over the priest,” I pointed out. “It’s insurance.”

  “It is,” Ashe sighed happily.

  I smirked. “Are you pleased enough to continue with our plan?”

  “Are you pleased enough?” she asked. “T
hat is what matters most. My purpose is yours.”

  I thought about this for a moment.

  Everything appeared to have been answered, and the loose ends we had struggled with for the past few days were now tied up as neatly as we could have hoped. Thanks to the fairy twins, we not only knew who the human middleman was, but where he could be found for the next few days. He’d proven useful in answering the more immediate questions I had about the dark elves, and I no longer needed to wonder when or where our attack could take place. I knew exactly where to find all nine of the elven bastards, and lucky for us, their human servant was desperate to escape the tight ropes they kept him in.

  I had no doubt he’d prefer to stay in my good graces than suffer the slow and painful death a pair of demons could offer him.

  Perhaps better than all of this, though, was that we had information on the double-dealing priest. We knew where and when we could easily locate the Red Witch he used to conduct his business here, and one order from me would send Ashe hunting her down and dragging her in to me if I wanted.

  Everything appeared to be in our hands, and as long as we could complete the final mission we had set before us, we would be as secure in the Port of Rengfri as we could manage.

  For now, at least.

  I couldn’t wait to slaughter the elven assholes and gain their riches for my own, but it wasn’t just the thrill of the kill that made me so eager to begin.

  For once, my work was going to be for my own gain and no one else's. Ashe and I weren’t working for our Lord Captains anymore, and we didn’t have the pressure of the Dark King’s agenda looming over us. The massacre of the dark elves, and the conquering of their organization, was for us and us alone.

  “Yes,” I finally murmured to the sultry demon beside me. “I’m rather pleased with our plan.”

  “Then it pleases me,” Ashe purred.

  Excitement shivered through my spine, but it increased dramatically when Ashe crawled toward the edge of the bed to get up. Her satin dress had stuck to her asscheeks, and before she could adjust her clothing, I was able to get the perfect glance at her naked pink pussy.

  It was clear from the sight of it that she was just as excited as I was.

  I had my hands around her hips before she could get up, and I pulled her back down with me onto the bed. Then I devoured her lips with a forceful kiss, and she let her arms slide above her head as a sign of her need for dominance.

  “I’m very glad you wore such a bloody red this evening,” I growled. “You should wear this color more often.”

  “Yes, Atticus,” she whispered.

  The satin sheathed her delicious body like a glove, and it really was sinful for someone as seductive as her to wear something so enticing. The scant design left nothing to the imagination, and as I ran my hands up her tiny waist to her ample breasts, Ashe moaned impatiently.

  Then she grabbed at my shirt to try and wrench it off, but I swiftly caught her wrists.

  “I don’t think so,” I whispered. “You know I’m in charge.”

  “Yes, master,” Ashe purred, and the word on her smoky tongue sent fire surging through my veins.

  In a matter of seconds, my hands had torn her little dress open down the front, and one more firm tug ripped it clean off her. That damn dress had been causing me problems all evening, and finally, I had the chance to enjoy what laid underneath. I kept Ashe’s boots and stockings on for now while I let the tattered satin fall to the floor, and then I pushed her further up the bed so she was draped across the pillows for me.

  I brought myself above her with a devilish smile plastered across my face, and Ashe fluttered her silver eyelashes at me. Still, she knew not to make a move until I gave her permission. She laid perfectly still and waiting, and I kept my eyes roving over her naked body as I slowly unbuttoned my shirt.

  I could see that my delay was getting to Ashe, but I continued at the same slow pace until both my shirt and pants joined the wreckage of her dress on the floor. Had she been able to have her own way, I was sure Ashe would have battled me onto my back by now, but she was clearly determined to behave. The little fiend kept her hands by her sides where I’d placed them, and the sense of my utter control over her sent a wave of pleasurable heat through my chest.

  I never dreamed a demon woman like her would obey me so obediently, and I couldn’t wait another moment to toy with her as much as I wanted.

  I started with her chest, and I blazed a fiery trail of kisses across her cleavage and down toward her slender stomach as my fingers skimmed over her silky hips. Ashe arched her back in response, and as much as she whimpered for more, she allowed me to keep working my way down her body until I got to where I wanted to be.

  “Please,” she begged breathlessly.

  “Yes?” I asked with a grin.

  “I can’t handle the torment,” Ashe whimpered. “Not tonight. I need you to--”

  “Just a minute longer,” I teased before I returned to the job at hand.

  My dick grew painfully hard as I pulled the leather boots from her delicate feet, and one by one, I let them drop to the floor. Then I slowly rolled down the fishnet stockings clinging to her legs, and I took in the sight of her for a second. She was completely bare and splayed-legged on the bed, and a look of pure devotion and need burned in her eyes. Her glistening pussy added truth to this, and I stooped to kiss along the inside of her silver thighs.

  Then I began to kiss up her hips and stomach again, but I put my fingers to work to keep her satisfied for the time being.

  “There is still some of your sperm inside of me from earlier…” she whimpered softly.

  “I can tell.” I could feel her growing arousal dripping down my fingers as I pumped them in and out of her tight entrance, and once my fingers were coated, I pulled them out of her pussy and brought it up to her lips.

  “Hmmmm…” Ashe purred as she eagerly licked and sucked my fingers clean.

  “You like that?” I whispered as I pulled my fingers back out of her mouth and then pushed them back into her soaking tunnel.

  “Yes…” she sighed. “We taste so good mixed together. Put more of your hot seed into me, Atticus.”

  “That sounded like an order,” I snickered. “I’m the one in charge. Maybe you should be punish--”

  “Nooo…” she whined. “It’s begging. Please… Master… I need your cock deep inside of me again.”

  I knew I couldn’t draw out the torture any longer. The way she quivered in response to my fingers was almost enough to make me combust right there and then.

  “Then you will have it.”

  With both hands, I parted Ashe’s legs even further, and I placed my cock right on the precipice of her sloppy wet entrance, but I caught her eyes with my own before I made another move. Ashe bit down hard on her plump lower lip, and her eyes closed gently as I continued to play with the heat of her pussy.

  “Look at me,” I ordered.

  The demon woman’s pink eyes casted up toward me again, and they silently pleaded with me in the most desperate way. The tip of her tongue ran across the little divots in her lip where her teeth had been, and that simple gesture spurred me on even further.

  I gripped onto her hips as I forced my entire girth inside her tight pussy, and I stayed buried deep in her trembling tunnel for a short beat.

  “Yessssss!” Her legs shook as she cried out and hooked her ankles around me, and I almost wished I’d kept her boots on. The leather scraping across my back while Ashe took a pounding from me would have turned me on even more, but it was too late for that, and I could feel Ashe’s desire for me to give her what she needed so badly.

  “Atticus,” she moaned softly, and she sent me a painfully innocent pout.

  I couldn’t resist any longer, and I lifted her hips off the bed in order to allow her the chance to meet my every movement. Then I pounded into her repeatedly until she screamed with every thrust, and I attempted to keep as much control as possible, but with her heated pussy
sheathing my cock, holding back was out of the question.

  The shriek of the bed frame mixed with the slapping of our skin, and Ashe’s constant whimpers and moans only added to the already heated atmosphere. The bed started striking the wall with enough force to leave a dent in the wood, but I still didn’t ease up on the little fiend. The breaking of the furniture only urged me onward, and Ashe didn’t complain once as she took every inch of my dick deep into her fiery pussy.

  My nails dug into her silver thighs while I plunged my cock in and out of her slippery tunnel, and Ashe clutched at her shaking breasts with both hands. They barely fit in the palms of her hands, and she rolled her nipples between the tips of two fingers to form two perfect peaks.

  “Harder,” I growled.

  Then an enticing moan tore from her throat, and she did my bidding as she pinched firmly at the glittering buds until she was shaking from more than just the force of my thrusts.

  “Fuuuuck, yes,” she panted.

  “Is this what you’ve been needing?” I tormented her slightly.

  “Yesssss,” she replied. “Cum inside of me, master. I need your sinful seed. I need every drop of it. Pour it into me.”

  “Not yet,” I growled, and a wicked smile curled on her lips at my commanding tone.

  Even though it was agony not allowing my own body to release, the sense of how much power I had over Ashe, and knowing I was completely in charge, turned me on almost as much as Ashe’s writhing body did.

  My little huntress wanted this. She wanted to be ordered around, and she’d happily agree to my every word.

  And more than ever, I felt that I was made for this.

  I was forged from the storms and unrelenting chaos of the Hellscape, and I was meant to be the master.


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