Defying The Alliance: INFERNO (Novokin Alliance Invasion 2)

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Defying The Alliance: INFERNO (Novokin Alliance Invasion 2) Page 1

by Bobbi Ross

  Defying the Alliance: INFERNO

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.


  © 2015 Bobbi Ross

  All rights reserved.

  Cover photos ©

  © Cover Art by Cora Graphics

  First Digital Edition December 2015

  All rights reserved.

  Written by Bobbi Ross at

  [email protected]

  Join Bobbi Ross’ email list for new releases!

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  Twitter: @bobbirossauthor

  Defying the Alliance: INFERNO

  One man loves her,

  one saves her

  and another wants to kill her.

  How much longer can Caspia resist the magnetic pull of the savagely hot alien barbarian thrust upon her life? What’s a captain to do?

  Caspia Jones, the headstrong and sassy little captain of the Warbird Razor, was once a proud agent of law and order in her galaxy. That is until the Novokin Alliance invaded her world, enslaving her people and killing everyone dear to her. Most of her crew are dead. Her fleet disbanded. To save the last remaining crestfallen members of her ship from certain death, she had to run. Become a fugitive. An outlaw.

  But Caspia couldn’t leave well enough alone...

  Her reputation grows as the charges for her alleged crimes pile higher and the bounty on her head quadruples!

  The situation gets hotter and steamier than ever for Caspia. Can she take the heat?

  Will she make the right choice for herself? Her crew?

  Alpha males, savage beasts and pregnant men, oh my!

  Entire Novokin Invasion Series:

  Defying the Alliance: HEAT

  Defying the Alliance: INFERNO

  Defying the Alliance: ERUPTION

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Episode 3


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Episode 4


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Titan Rising - Preview

  Episode 3


  "I surrender! Oh Goddess, I surrender!" She screamed.

  He loved watching her bounce up and down on top of him. Her perfect breasts jumped with every movement, driving him insane. Her face shifted between wincing pain and unhinged pleasure with every thrust. There was a reason he always made sure they made love with the lights on. His own body began to respond in kind, and thinking of trackball was only going to allow him to hold on for so long. He gripped her hips and pressed her to him in a deep blissful connection.

  "Who – do – you – surrender – to?" His voice came out raspy and strained, far from the commanding tone he aspired for.

  "The second best captain in the fleet." She gasped mid-grind, digging her nails into the hands that controlled her thighs.

  The look of sheer unadulterated pleasure; the dilated pupils of her deep set eyes, her lightly parted, swollen, cherry red lips and the sublime blush on her fair skin were almost more of a stimulant than the way her inner lips were gripping and pulling at his cock. Almost.

  With one last thrust he arced up off the bed driving deeper into her as he felt his seed explode outward filling her heated, satin core. Her body trembled as the waves of pleasure crushed into her and he continued to cum. A small almost indistinguishable tingle at the tip of his member let him know that every single one of his boys was disintegrating mere micrometers from their escape.

  The past few rendezvous with Caspia had prompted him to seek the latest in prophylactic technology. The surgery had been insanely scary. But it was worth it. The sub-dermal implant allowed him full contact and the complete sensation of sex with the little brunette Captain that haunted his dreams. It was the best investment credits could ever buy.

  Still connected, she collapsed onto his hard, chiseled chest. He wrapped two strong arms around her, then worked at removing the hair from her face. How had he gotten so lucky. He wanted her from the first moment he saw her that first day at the Academy, and the time he spent wooing her the last few years, forsaking all others, had been worth it. At least for him.

  He smiled down at the chestnut haired beauty rising and falling on his chest. She seemed content as she snuggled into him, her sweaty, naked flesh mingling with his. Their bodies slowly cooled amidst the tangle of sheets their latest exercise had disturbed. And yet, he could feel her restlessness. With one hand cupping her chin, he tilted her face to his. "Don't leave," he whispered.

  She smiled back at him, and though it reached her eyes, he didn't think it reached her heart. "That was fantastic as ever," she cooed in her usual response. But she was already starting to move, looking around for pieces of a rapidly discarded lost uniform. "You know I have to be back on my ship in less than an hour."

  "I've got an idea. I have some time built up. What say you and I schedule some shore leave at the end of this month. We could go back to the beach on Parisia Prime and skinny dip under the rainbow waterfalls again..." He had high hopes that his not-so-subtle reminder of possibly the greatest shared sexual experience of their lives would prompt her to at least consider some form of commitment. Even if it wasn't exactly the one he wanted.

  "Mmmm, I'd love to. Unfortunately, at the end of the month I'll be going to Flotura Prime for the opening of the new multi-world, Xeno-agricultural center." She had already found her top. Her bouncy naked ass poised over her shapely legs started his manhood tingling again.

  He waved his hands dismissively. "Openings, they're mostly pomp and circumstance anyway. Blow it off, have some rookie captain do it." He lifted off the bed while already standing at attention. He positioned his body close behind hers so she could feel his appreciation of her posterior. His strong hands slid around her waist, finding handholds at the side soft curves of her pelvis.

  "I can't," she giggled, squirming at first and then sinking back into him as he drew small kisses across the nape of her neck. "Yes right there. Mmmm-."

  Her back arched, teasing him and urging him at the same time. He lowered his member, slid it between her legs so that he brushed along her wet lower lips. She reached back, gripping a fistful of his jet black hair. She pulled his head harder against her delectable neck.

  "They're honoring the sister of my security chief and I promised Jaxx we'd be there." She gasped, sliding her hand down between her legs to find the tip of his hardness, ready to go for round three. "Maybe next month?"

  "No can do Captain Jones," he shuddered, afraid he was going to shoot right there, sandwiched between her hand and her juicy entrance. Trackball, duty roster, grandma. "I've got a rendezvo
us with the security detail of the Minister of education."

  "Why in the eight infernos would the Minister of education need a security detail?" She knew she had him, and she relished being in control. Her hand slid around it and squeezed his length sending jolts of pleasure through his groin. He closed his eyes reveling in her caresses when her sensual hips began to sway and dance. Her strong inner thighs squeezed his throbbing hardness between her lower lips, smearing her sweet juices all over him. He thought he was going to explode, again.

  His legs weakened, and his jaw began to quiver. The universe narrowed, until her ministrations were the only things that existed. He let out a strangled grunt as he once again felt his boys make a desperate yet fruitless run for it.

  She released him, and he fell back onto the bed behind him, boneless and panting. Her brown eyes as wide as if she had come herself. She balled her hands on both luscious hips. A smile of defiance drew across her stunning face. “Maybe this will persuade you, lover boy.”

  His eyes dropped down to her bare sex. He shook his head, "You've got me there beautiful." He chuckled. With supreme effort he hoisted his head up and then dropped his chin to his chest. "Unfortunately the Minister of education asked for me specifically."

  She looked into space for a moment. When her eyes fixed on him again, it was with a thirst he knew no mere drink would slake. The hungry lioness sized him up through deep chocolate eyes. "Well then Captain, maybe we should just have at it again?"

  The dreaded fear of an immediate repeat performance froze his bravado before his desire for Caspia transmogrified any latent fears into his own breed of hunger.

  "Now," he growled in delicious anticipation.

  "That would be agreeable Captain, but the alarms–."

  "What alarms?" His eyes shot open, then winced at the blinding flash of red assaulting him and the shrill scream of the nonstop klaxons. Dammit. He pressed the small button next to his bed that would tell him why his first officer had triggered the alarm. "Lieutenant Disner, report."

  "Captain Liam," a metallic voice urged through the speakers in his cabin. "You have to come to the bridge, there is something you need to see.”

  Chapter 1

  Everyone had their eyes glued to the view screen when I walked on the bridge. I was glad because Trex caught wind of my presence and moved to stand next to me. I opened my mouth to question what we were watching, but he shook his head to cut me off. Then, instead of telling me what the prak was going on, he surprised me. He slipped his large, golden hand into mine and squeezed it tight.

  My pulse quickened and I looked straight ahead not paying attention to the screen. I savored the moment, relished the warmth and strength of his grasp .

  "It is a news report from your home planet," he whispered close to my ear. His warm breath caressed my neck, inciting ripples of delicious goosebumps to carpet my skin all the way down to my toes.

  Since our last close encounter on board the prime minister’s ship just under a week ago, he’d been distant and avoiding me any way possible. Even ending up at the females’ bathroom in a supreme effort not to bump into me in the corridor. Would have worked too, if I hadn’t had to pee. Perplexed about his change of behavior and intimate gesture, and not sure about what the Protectorate Captain's handbook would say about holding hands on the bridge, I decided to focus on the news vid.

  A man with salt-and-pepper hair, an overzealous bottled tan to the point of orange and two rows of white, gleaming teeth, as natural as a ship powered by a quantum singularity, spoke to the audience in a solemn tone. I looked around and everyone was still riveted on the screen. What in the eight infernos was going on? The news was never this interesting.

  "We would like to warn viewers of the graphic nature of the images you are about to see. It may be wise to have small children leave the viewing area. We repeat, the Prime Minister of New Astoria has been assassinated. Following are the actual scenes from the Prime Minister's transport vessel. Once again I warn you that images maybe too graphic for younger viewers, and viewers with weak constitutions."

  The image changed to an all too familiar ship. It was the Alliance cargo vessel we commandeered due to our desperate need to re-supply, lest Anya, my half Duskanite chief engineer be forced to eat us all. After liberating the slaves on Deep Proteus space station 5, we got ourselves, meaning myself and the escaped slaves arrest warrants. As if that wasn't enough to write home about, after our narrow escape, we got stuck in the middle of nowhere, without any fuel. My chief engineer informed me that we were so low on fuel, if we wanted to get anywhere I'd have to get out and push. Our two choices were a. wait for the Novokins to find and arrest us. b. wait until we ran out of food. When I caught Anya sizing me up, I relented and took option c. I decided to turn into piracy. Though it made sense dealing with our desperate situation, I didn't like it.

  We targeted a Novokin cargo ship. Once we boarded, it became evident it wasn’t a cargo ship at all, but the private – read secret – quarters of the recently appointed prime minister of New Astoria under Novokin rule. By the way he confessed to betraying his people and delivering the whole Protectorate on a silver platter to the purple sheeteks three years ago. I winced when the vid panned up and over the broken objects d' art scattered around the prime minister’s room, that I might have been a little overzealous in smashing. I turned to look up at Trex to deliver a highly humorous quip about the prime minister's obvious lack of taste. He cut me off, mouthing one word: Watch.

  The camera zoomed in on the area where we had left the prisoners, tied up and waiting for rescue. My eyes went wide. It was a slaughterhouse. There were pieces – everywhere. The upholstery of his ornate couches and thick plush carpeting were all soaked in viscous red. And then, the prime minister. Laid out and spread eagle, his pink satin robe open to reveal to the world his barely there mankini. The only thing more gross than the camera panning over his little prime minister was his new extreme facial piercing. The edges were dark, cauterized by whatever plasma charge had gone through him.

  "The devastating carnage you witness happened while the Prime Minister was in transport as part of a peace envoy to some of the unaligned worlds in the outer rim. Novokin Alliance officials are furious. We now take you to the Novokin Alliance Captain who was first on the scene and discovered this heinous crime. The Honorable Captain Veldar Asmot."

  The image morphed into a striking face with light violet eyes. His complexion smooth and his angles chiseled. A meticulously tended beard adorned his strong chin fading into his jawline. His skin though dark, had that recognizable purple tinge to it. "It appears this blatant act of carnage was the result of one rogue Captain, denying Novokin independence." The Novokin Captain seemed outraged. Or hungry. Or maybe late to pick up his dry cleaning. He was damn hard to read.

  "We've just been able to go through the ship recordings. This obvious disregard for life was perpetuated by a rogue warbird Captain, ex-Protectorate Captain Caspia Jones. Captain Jones just last week freed her criminal boyfriend from custody where he was being held for questioning. Vids of Trex with me in his arms running for our lives flickered on the screen.

  He was magnificent. His muscular body pierced through the crowd of Novokin guards like it was nothing. I would have been dead if it wasn't for Trex and my crew arrested or worse.

  The image of the Novokin captain returned on the screen. “She slew many innocent bystanders and unlucky guards on the Deep Proteus space station five. She resumed her vicious spree of murder across the stars, where her terrorism hit new heights. She assaulted the peaceful envoy of the Prime Minister’s ship.”

  How on New Astoria’s sweet earth did they decide to name Trex my boyfriend? I snuck a quick glance his way admiring his bulging pecs and massive biceps. He started to angle his gorgeous, golden-brown head toward me. I wretched my hand out of his comforting palm. Unexpected pain coursed through my heart. I clutched my chest trying to breathe through the pain. He was most definitely not my boyfriend. He’d mad
e it abundantly clear last week. Nothing to complain about. I was the captain and protocol was clear. No fraternizing with members of my crew. Period. I looked up to search his face, but the muscles of his jaw were tight, his lips pulled into a sneer. His attention completely focused on the vid screen. The striking purple Captain continued to yammer away.

  “Apparently, she disguised the signature of her ship and then sent out a general distress call. When the Prime Minister's ship answered, they were overrun by superior firepower and forcefully boarded. After stripping the ship of any and all sell-able components they could find, they lined the prisoners up and summarily executed them."

  The Novokin Captain dropped his head to one hand, massaging his temples in a show of frustration. When he spoke next, his voice was low. "We will not rest until we find them, but we need the help of all our citizens. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of ex-Captain Caspia Jones should contact their nearest Novokin Alliance relay station. We're offering a reward of 500,000 alliance hard credits for information leading to her capture. But do not approach her, she is dangerous and armed. We need to get this deluded individual out of our space. Our hearts go out to the Prime Minister, his staff and their families in this tragic time. We also pray for those innocents who Caspia Jones has brainwashed or blackmailed into assisting her in this reign of terror. It is our fervent hope that they may be freed from her manipulative clutches and reintegrated into our peaceful society."

  I gestured with my hand for Lieutenant Dodson to stop the skeck we were watching.

  "Should I run the video again Captain?"

  I just glared at him by way of a response. The viewer went black. Lieutenant Dodson sunk down into his chair. He found something interesting on his console to focus his attention on.

  My blood boiled, my vision blurred and my head felt like it’d explode any minute now. The scream welling up inside me caught in my throat. The deck felt precarious under my feet and I looked for my chair to steady myself.


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