Defying The Alliance: INFERNO (Novokin Alliance Invasion 2)

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Defying The Alliance: INFERNO (Novokin Alliance Invasion 2) Page 9

by Bobbi Ross

  At first the room darkened. Soon after a white light down a far distant tunnel opened to me. It became brighter and brighter, nearer and nearer with each orgasm. I reached out for whatever I could grab. Gripping the pillow behind my head I swung, catching the god of pleasure between my legs squarely in the head. "Stop!" I cried out heaving and panting, as the orgasmic waves smashed my body. I clutched my chest trying to ensure my pounding heart wouldn’t burst through my rib cage.

  Fast, the breath between my legs was gone. When the world came back into focus, he was standing at the foot of the bed completely naked. I took in his massive form in all his naked glory. His broad, muscular chest heaved and glistened, as muscles firm, tight and ready to spring into action coiled and tensed under his skin. But he held fast. Waiting.

  Now I felt like a fool. I so regretted uttering the word that encouraged him to stop. Sure I had been close to losing consciousness but I would've survived another twenty or thirty seconds before my heart stopped. But what a half minute that would've been.

  My eyes slid further down, taking time to navigate the speed bumps of his stomach, and then taking his – oh my Goddess. It was enormous! I bit my lip to restrain a moan. I looked into his eyes with desire and whispered, "Now I want your golden headed warrior deep inside me."

  He raised a questioning eyebrow. I peered down at the glorious salute he was affording his superior officer.

  “My little Captain will have what she desires." A mischievous smile cut across his face as he pulled his completely naked, strapping body over mine. "I will claim your body as you have claimed my heart fearless Caspia.” His right arm lowered between his legs. He gripped his cock -had it gotten bigger?- and guided the tip to my dripping sex. He slid his hard length up and down along my satin crease. I was sure if he wasn't already standing there, naked, cock in hand, I would've jumped out of my pants, threw him down on the cool deck and had my way with him - all in one move. The fine jolts of electrical current dancing along my skin began to sing in harmony with the chorus already humming in my aching core inciting new levels of pleasure.

  Reaching down he used two fingers to spread my inner lips apart and I gasped as he gently thrust the head of his cock into my wet opening. He dragged it out and then repeated again, and again. Every time pushing a little deeper, slowly his cock stretching and filling my sheath. I groaned as tendrils of pleasure assailed my throbbing core. Every thrust pushed me further to the orgasmic precipice.

  Unable to contain the pleasure anymore, groans of passion rose to my throat and slipped my lips. My legs wrapped around his muscular ass encouraging him to move faster and drive deeper. Which he did. He thrust into me with unparalleled force, his attention never leaving my face. His eyes locked on me like a Kaitherian hawk.

  “Please, harder,” I rasped. “Give me everything you’ve got.

  Then, he finally let go. My body tingled. The electricity running through it intensified. His cock pushed harder, deeper inside me. Over and over. Pummeling my body with more pleasure than I’ve ever experienced. All I could hear was the slapping of our bodies joining together.

  The pain, the agony, the loss disappeared.

  My muscles clenched down hard on his pulsating cock. Squeezing relentlessly, mirroring his urgency. With one thunderous growl, his cock penetrated the deepest recess of my love sheath, locking our bodies together. His body stiffened and the room crackled with raw electrical energy. Time stopped. We were both enveloped in the throes of our orgasmic wave riding deeper and higher than I’d ever imagined possible. More than I ever believed possible. Our bodies writhed and shook in unison. Fused into one resounding heartbeat. Our flesh sizzled by the heat of our desire for each other. Our molecules vibrated in frequencies beyond the physical, dissolving into pure energy. My energy happily entangled forever with his. Yes, I experienced happiness, true happiness. For the first time in my life. My big golden barbarian...

  Soft lips showered my face with warm kisses pulling me back from oblivion into heaven. Color and light slowly came back into focus. The ceiling of my quarters materialized into my view and the face of a golden angel hung over me. Trex’s smiling eyes looked down on me with such immense love and tenderness.

  “I love you Caspia,” he breathed into my ear. “You are fantastic. I never experienced anything like this before especially with someone who’s not Othmarvian.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss. When the rest of my body got jealous I flipped him over on his back and straddled his large torso. “What do you mean you’ve never experienced something like this with anyone before? How many lovers did you have before me lover-boy?” I joked but the truth was that the thought of him with someone else, bothered the skeck out of me.

  “I can’t remember my little Captain. Tonight you have wiped them all from my memory, permanently.” The sidelong grin that flustered my lower half made an appearance in his breathtaking face before he rolled me on my back. His naked body still attached to mine.

  “There is nobody else for me Caspia,” he confessed pushing some errand strands of hair out of my face. “You stole my soul and my heart when we first met and tonight I surrendered my body to you. I am all yours for now and ever.” His tone was somber.

  And I was his for now and ever.

  Chapter 6

  Bright blue skies and a gleaming sun soared above the capital city of New Astoria. Ressa stood near the steps of the new Senate building. She held her four-year-old son Kaleb tight to her bosom. She was afraid of the crowd and the heavily armed soldiers. Most of all she feared the spectacle her young son would be forced to witness this day.

  Everyone in the city had received the mandatory summons. On purpose, she arrived late. She hoped to find a place where she wouldn't have to bear witness to the day’s atrocities. However all that changed when she got there. One of the producers of today's event spotted her and whisked her to the front of the crowd. He had deemed her fair of face, and with the young child in tow, her presence would add a certain level of visibility and credibility to the event. She swallowed down the rising bile.

  The silence was deafening as she watched the procession of elite Alliance guards enter the square. Five deep, both in front and behind the prisoners. They marched up the steps of the recently rebuilt New Astoria Senate assembly house. Previously known as the Protectorate Senate assembly house, or as it was colloquially called, the “Hall of Freedom.” The white marble building had once stood as a living symbol for Protectorate ideals throughout the galaxy. Ideals that grew and expanded with time, shaped by love, honor and truth. Today it would bear witness to a tragic lie; the sentencing of several of its citizens, now deemed traitors to the Novokin Alliance.

  Ressa held her breath as one of the purple guards dragged the first of the convicted to the stage. An older Novokin, the deep purple shade of his skin a telltale sign of his heritage and advanced age, stepped forward to intercept the prisoners. Ressa trembled as thick metal wires were wound around their necks, but quickly wiped away the tears and shushed her little boy, not wanting to call more attention to herself.

  He led the first two prisoners to the platform. They were an elderly couple, and appeared to be husband and wife. Their hands were tightly bound behind them. They were denied even the comfort of each other’s grasp. The woman seemed almost catatonic, but the man was shaking. Ressa felt his rage mirrored the anger in her own soul.

  The older Novokin stepped up on the platform next to them and raised his hands for the crowd to quiet. He addressed the prisoners so all could hear.

  "You who now stand before the people of New Astoria have been convicted of traitorous actions against the glorious Novokin Alliance, by proxy of your son Captain Lanskar in traitorous actions taken against several peaceful Novokin ships. Take into consideration that if you publicly admit your guilt, I may show you mercy." The older man finished his reading, then pivoted to face the prisoners awaiting their answer.

  "Prak you! I've done nothing w
rong, neither has my wife! And damn you purple devils, I'm proud of my son!" Defiance echoed loud in his words. He spat. His wife whimpered, tears staining her weathered face. It was obvious from the torn, tattered clothes and colored faces that they both had already suffered many abuses at the hands of their so-called guards.

  Ressa’s heart filled with pride at the man's words and sorrow for their predicament. She squeezed her little son to her chest positioning her hand over his innocent eyes.

  The Novokin lifted one purple hued hand and spoke, "So be it."

  With his declaration he let his hand drop. The wires fastened around their necks pulled taught high above the platform by a mechanized arm. The Terrans in the crowd watched with sorrowful eyes, holding their breath. With a loud clang the platform where the elderly couple stood gave way and their bodies fell into the void. The man's neck snapped! A wave of gasps followed the audible crack. A child cry echoed in the distance.

  He was the lucky one. His wife choked and spit and swung in the air for what seemed like an eternity. The entire time her writhing body banged against her husband’s lifeless figure.

  Ressa held her wiggling son fast in her arms, not wanting the horrific image to scar his young soul. Ignoring the screaming pain in her back she had developed from working in the newly commissioned Novokin munitions factory at the edge of the city for 10 hours a day, seven days of the week, she stood there frozen, her face expressionless. Her mind barely comprehended the cruelty unfolding before her. She refused to play the part of dancing Rynuvian bear at this mockery of so called justice she was forced to attend. A vid cam swung in front of her, to get a nice picture for the interweb of her comforting her child. She looked away, trying to hide the animosity she felt for these invaders. Anyone watching the vidcast would not have missed the blue in her eyes harden to a steel gray.

  Once the guards removed the bodies of the poor souls, they brought another man to the forefront of the stage. He whimpered and cried. Ressa wept in silence for the young fellow. He was much younger, and much more vocal. Even without the auditory amplifiers, his pleas for mercy when they read out the charges levied against him echoed to the far ends of the city.

  "How do you plead?" The older Novokin in the long dark robes asked.

  "Guilty!" The man screamed.

  The orator nodded to the two guards behind the man. One of them worked to remove the wire noose from around his neck. The purple arbiter of death raised both hands and spoke to the crowd. "Let it be known to all that this man has taken responsibility for the sins of his cousin against the glory of the Novokin Empire. Let all bear witness to the empire’s magnanimous mercy."

  The man fell to his knees, tears streamed down his dirty face while he blubbered thank yous into the air. The second guard behind him stepped forward and aimed his plasma rifle. The bright green beam tore through the midafternoon sky. The man's head vaporized in an instant. Leaving only a fine pink mist behind. Ressa, her son and all those unlucky enough to be standing in front of the crowd would later say tasted of metal and salt.

  Chapter 7

  An hour and a half later the two of them lay spent on his little captain’s bed, reveling in the touch of their naked flesh, taking comfort in the closeness and warmth. Neither wanting for this moment to end. He breathed deep. The clean, earthy, sweet smell of her silky, brown hair infused with the unique aroma of her pheromones soothed his soul. Her backside was perfectly tucked up against his front. Her soft, flawless skin started to feel cool under his fingers. She pushed herself back further into the furnace of his chest pulling his arms tighter around her bosom.

  He reluctantly pulled what little bed covering hadn't been kicked to the floor during their escapades, over the sumptuous curves of her naked hips, depriving him the view of her bare beauty. Yet he was content. He valued her comfort, happiness and safety more than his panoramic view. An overwhelming need to protect this fierce female had risen in him the moment he laid eyes on her. Her bright light had woken his will to do right again, to live again as a true Othmarvian warrior. He let his chin drop burying his nose deep in the luxurious dark hair of his wonderful little captain. His restless tail swished up and down along the exposed skin of her thigh, making small lazy circles along the curve of her hips under the covering.

  He had only dared to dream of having her in his arms before today. It had taken every micron of his resolve to keep himself away from her the last few weeks. Every effort had proven futile. His attraction to her was stronger than the gravitational pull of twin suns.

  He wanted her safe. He thought that by denying his love for her he could ensure her safety. He hoped to save her the possible heartache for what he had sworn to do. To complete his mission. The chance he would succeed was small. Even smaller was the chance he would survive. The loss of a mate is an unbearable burden to carry. His only wish had been to protect her from that burden.

  After a good five minutes of rhythmic breathing, his little captain finally stirred. A chuckle shook his chest watching his exhausted mate attempting to move. She only succeeded in a weak roll of her head back and forth. With the supreme effort equivalent to that of splitting the atom or manually deducing the equation to access hyperspace, she strained her neck till her gaze met his.

  “Trex...why didn’t we do this earlier? I know the ship’s protocol and fear kept me from being honest about my feelings for you but-.”

  “Fear of what?” He asked. He didn’t think anything could scare his little captain.

  “Fear of failing my crew. Not being able to perform my duty as their Captain.” Her confession was heartfelt and sincere. “But what held you back? Why'd you avoid me these last few weeks? I need to know.”

  Her stubbornness only made him love her more. He never experienced anyone like her. He was constantly in awe of her strength and her dedication. The likes of which were only ever eclipsed by her unending compassion and intelligence.

  Truly, he never expected to be here. He never expected to feel his heart again. He was sure his life had ended when his world did. That's when everything stopped. That's when his singular purpose revealed itself. He was living on borrowed time until the cumbra, the butcher of his beloved Othmarvia was dead by his hands.

  The months of searching for the core of the Novokin fleet. The atrocities he witnessed in their wake. The numerous dead worlds and countless broken souls he encountered in his pursuit elicited no pity from him. Even the long journey on the slave ship through the dark had done little more than remind him he wasn't an animal. No. He firmly believed that his heart hadn't beaten again until the first time he laid eyes on her. Curious enough she’d been dressed as a Dauniete at the time. The absurdity wrenched a chuckle from his throat.

  Soft hips bucked back against his manhood in mock irritation. "What’s so funny back there big boy?"

  She tried to roll away from him, but he tightened his arm around her. "It is not your time to leave my little Captain – stay." He wasn't sure if it came out as a request or a command. It probably juggled itself somewhere between both. Either way, her response was to nuzzle back into him, until he could feel her backside once again pressed up against his now rejuvenated cock.

  She purred and pushed back at him with more force this time. This little captain, this Terran already ruled him, mind and soul. All she was doing now is proving how much of his body she owned too. She was his mate, his true mate, his amka as his people would say. His body and his soul were forever tied to this one female. When Othmarvians joined with their true mates, it was forever. In this life and beyond.

  This realization scared and excited Trex in equal parts. Or possibly, that might have been the soft small hand that had reached back and was now moving up and down his growing, aching length. He stilled his breathing, letting her know he was quite aware of the shenanigans she was initiating. She giggled in response and he growled in kind pulling her closer to his chest.

  He slid his hand down from her shoulder. His fingers traced the long lines of her
neck and collarbone before he moved south and cupped her magnificent breast. He squeezed her ample soft roundness eliciting a gasp from her decadent lips.

  Her moaning was the sweetest music to his ears.

  It elated his soul, the knowledge that he was bringing such pleasure to his amka. His teeth nibbled on her tiny ear causing her skin everywhere to erupt with tiny little goosebumps. She squeezed his cock harder almost causing him to come right then. Her hand on his cock felt amazing. Could there be any way she was as excited as he was? His hand caressed the softness of her belly and moved further south to cup her sex. She opened her thigh to allow him easier access. His index and middle finger pulled her fleshy shutters apart and slid along the swell of her inner lips. She was wet for him. A copious amount of her creamy nectar flowed in her crevice causing him to salivate. Her body was ready to accept him again, to engulf his hardness in the warm heart of her femininity. He’d already claimed her body once. Now he'd claim her heart.

  Rising from the bed, he flipped Caspia around with an intensity usually reserved for the battlefield. Her eyes went wide and for a moment Trex hesitated. Had he done something wrong? Had he scared her?

  The upturned corners of her mouth held a hint of whimsical mischief that answered his question. He relaxed, or at least relaxed as much he could with his swollen, throbbing member in the air between them. She looked down and smiled with surprise and appreciation. He brought his finger to her chin and tilted her gaze back to his. Brilliant as always but less fierce than usual, brown, sparkling eyes peered back at him. Her look was actually soft and sweet like a satisfied lover’s should be. But it was more than that. His mate, his amka’s eyes glistened with... happiness. True happiness. It was thrilling to think that he was the cause of her happiness. All he wanted was to plunge his golden headed warrior as she had previously called his member deep inside her delicious, warm cave but not before he confessed to her. He had to tell her. To make her understand.


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