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Hometown Girl

Page 24

by Margaret Watson

  “Up in my room.”

  She hurried up the stairs with Tucker close behind her, stopping at the sight of a grinning Nick. He was on his knees next to a pile of dirty laundry.

  “Joe had her kittens!” he said. “Look!”

  She knelt down next to Nick and saw four tiny kittens huddled next to Joe. One was an orange tabby, one was a gray tabby that looked like its mother, and the other two were black-and-white. Joe watched the humans carefully for a moment, as if assessing their intentions, then turned and began licking the closest kitten.

  “Can we keep all of them?” Nick asked. “Please?”

  “Five cats is a lot of cats,” she began.

  “I’m not sure my house is big enough for five cats,” Tucker said.

  Nick tossed a puzzled look over his shoulder. “What does your house have to do with it?”

  “Tucker and I are getting married,” Claire said. “We’ll all be living in his house.”

  “You’re marrying Coach?” Nick sat back on his heels, studying both of them.

  “Would you mind if I married your aunt?” Tucker asked.

  “Mind?” Nick’s eyes lit up and his face glowed. “Nah. That’s awesome.” He gave Tucker a sideways glance. “So what am I supposed to call you?”

  “Whatever you’re comfortable with.”

  “Do you want me to call you Dad?”

  Claire saw the sheen of tears in Tucker’s eyes and tightened her grip on his hand. “I’d be honored, Nick. You’re a great kid and I’ll be proud to be your dad.”

  Nick’s face filled with sudden anxiety. “I am going to live with you and Aunt Claire, aren’t I?”

  “Of course you are,” Claire said. “We’re a family.”

  “Then that settles it,” Nick said. “We can’t give away any of the kittens,” he said, a sly look on his face.

  “Why is that?” Claire asked.

  He gave her a triumphant smile. “Because they’re a family, too. Just like us.”

  Tucker’s arm tightened around her. “A smart kid can be a real pain in the rear,” he said.

  Nick grinned at him. “Aunt Claire said the same thing once.”

  He turned back to look at the kittens just as Joe settled into position on her side and the kittens began to nurse. “Isn’t that the coolest thing ever?” Nick asked, staring at the kittens.

  “Almost,” she said, looking at his face, love swelling inside her. She turned to Tucker, pulled him close. “The only thing better is being a family.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-2904-4


  Copyright © 2005 by Margaret Watson.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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