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Into the Unknown (The Djinn Kingdom Book 4)

Page 20

by LJ Andrews

  Patus held his hands out from his chest and pushed a blow of energy into the growing number of Ferox attackers. The people bowled over like fallen trees. But the action only angered the surrounding people even more and they flew into full attack.

  “Raine, stop this,” Nova cried, watching the Ferox people swing their weapons and the brothers defend themselves with powerful spells.

  A blast of darkness surrounded a small group of people, seeming to bind two Ferox to one another, incapacitating them.

  “Pull these heathens back or we will destroy them,” Co snarled.

  Raine pulled out her bow, aiming a crude arrow at the eyeless man. “You deserve your fate.”

  “Raine, the brothers are leading us to the temple. We need them to guide us against Lurlina,” Hadwin pleaded as a new wave of Ferox threw their weapons, but the brothers deflected with more spells.

  “We will be forced to spill blood,” Virtus shouted.

  “If you spill their blood, I will spill yours,” Raine threatened, holding her arrow steady.

  “Then you will all die,” Co shouted, raising his hands. “And all this will be for naught.”

  Nova’s heart pumped her blood like a raging river throughout her body. She’d come too far, survived too much to see it fall apart because of old grudges. Using the power her desire to save her mother offered, she stepped into the center of the circle, her eyes blazing like fiery crystals.

  “No one will spill any blood tonight,” she said, her voice dark and low.

  “Nova, I cannot stop my people from seeking their vengeance.”

  “And we will not hesitate to defend ourselves.” Patus’s yellowing eyes seemed to glow in the dim light.

  Nova sighed heavily, feeling the surge of power pulse through her hands. She had not conscious thought of what she intended to do with the power; it was as if the Djinn coupled with her desire so perfectly, the strength seemed to think for itself. The clearing filled with bright light as the energy surged from her, blasting an electrifying power toward those standing nearby.

  The brothers shielded their faces and the Ferox people pursuing them tumbled to the ground. When the dust settled, Nova’s expression had not changed. She looked at those battling amongst themselves as if they were naughty children having a tantrum.

  Raine watched her, a smile spreading over her face. “I remember that Nova.”

  “Enough of this,” Nova seethed, ignoring the elation she felt at Raine’s words. “Seek your vengeance once we’ve defeated the temple, but until then we are allies and everyone is going to have to accept that.” She watched the brothers as she spoke.

  They watched her arrogantly as if she were an annoyance which needed to be squashed, but slowly they departed to their dark corner they claimed to rest. Raine ushered the stunned, awe-struck Ferox tribe toward the edge of the jungle.

  “You controlled your strength wonderfully,” Hadwin praised as he passed by. “You are ready.”

  Nova flushed, but her heart swelled as his praise settled in her chest. Kale slid his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. “Have I told you recently how remarkable you are?”

  “No,” she said, brushing her lips against his. “But I’m all ears.”

  She laughed as he kissed her, pulling her toward a small lean-to made beneath the stern of one of the ships.


  Her mind was clear as she slept. Nova had dreamed of waterfalls made from rainbow colored stars and glowing tentacled creatures. A cool breeze shook her from the first peaceful sleep she’d had in months. Kale slept soundly next to her, his arm sprawled over his eyes. She smiled and kissed his cheek before standing to gaze at the beautiful rainbow of stars shimmering overhead.

  A shadowed figure stood in the dark, staring up at the sky. Nova rubbed the chill from her arms and stepped closer.

  “Maddox? What are you doing awake?”

  Maddox turned, his face solemn with his dark eyes filled a despair she’d never noticed. “I never sleep long. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I sleep enough to keep me strong, the rest I spend preparing to fight the temple. I have people depending on me.”

  Nova swallowed, knowing the truth of his family. “I…I know about your wife and…your daughter.”

  His jaw clenched as he looked at the ground. “Then you understand my determination to succeed.”

  “Maddox, you can’t blame yourself for them being in the temple. The blame falls to Lurlina.”

  “Imagine sailing to safety while leaving Kale or your father behind. How much guilt would you feel?”

  Nova bit her lip, her stomach turning in knots as she remembered the last time she saw her mother on the Island of Bones. “I’ve experienced something similar, with my mother. She sacrificed her freedom to save me, and I could do nothing but watch her give it away.”

  Surprisingly, Maddox nodded and watched her with sympathetic eyes. “I often find myself wondering if my daughter spends her time trying to understand why her father abandoned her. What she must think of me.”

  Nova placed a gentle hand on his arm. “I’m sure she knows you are coming for her. Your wife will see to it.”

  Maddox looked away, and for a moment Nova imagined she saw a glimmer of emotion in his dark, almond-shaped eyes.

  “What is her name?” she finally asked.

  “My daughter? Her name is Raza. It means hope, which is quite ironic now. She and my wife are all I hope for.”

  “You’ll get Raza back, and her mother. I’ll do everything I can, I promise,” she said sincerely.

  Maddox kicked a small stone into the jungle. “I hope you will forgive how hard I’ve been on you. Perhaps you can see how desperate I was to know you were the one who could defeat the Great Djinn.”

  She nodded. “I understand.”

  “Well, I suppose I should go take my watch post. It is my turn.” He nodded a quick good-bye before turning over his shoulder. “Oh, and Nova…”


  “You showed me tonight, the way you ended that feud: you are the Djinn we need.”

  Nova smiled, feeling her cheeks fill with warmth as Maddox walked toward the furthest ship. She hugged herself against the chill of the night, feeling for the first time they had a good chance at defeating the temple. Too many in their small army had too much invested in succeeding. It had to be enough to drive them forward.

  A whisper seemed to float on the wind as she marveled at the sky. The distant sound sent chills up her arms. Nova’s heart beat against her chest, and apprehension settled in her stomach.

  “I know you are coming,” the voice carried.

  Nova’s breath caught in her throat as her head whipped side to side.

  “You will fail,” the voice continued.

  “Lurlina,” Nova hissed. How had she found them in the Unknown?

  “Do you feel her pain?” Lurlina whispered like a distant echo.

  Nova’s insides wrenched in terrible knots. Tears filled her eyes as an invisible connection filled her with utter despair. Her mother’s pain was her own. She was helpless and suffering.

  Nova wiped her cheeks when the sensation passed, feeling the dark rage burn her blood. All Hadwin’s warnings of control and balance dissolved into nothing as she welcomed the dangerous power. Her mind swirled as if she was swimming in a torrential whirlpool, but she stood steady.

  Through clenched teeth, she spoke to the empty darkness. “I’m coming for you, Lurlina. I will end your reign. You will soon know the same pain you exude upon others. It is time for the end of The Great Djinn.”

  The battle against the temple was coming. She knew it inside, but for now they were safe and could make their final plan. And for that she was grateful. Nova turned on her heel, turning her thoughts to those she loved in the camp. As she rushed toward the bright fire, it took all her strength to ignore the tremble down her spine from the distant, evil laughter carried away on the wind.
/>   Stay Tuned for the Final Installment

  Mount of Gods


  I’d like to thank my readers for helping this series get so far. I’d like to thank Killer Book Covers for another amazing cover, and Amy Martin for doing a deep edit on this manuscript.

  Thank you to Katie, Aubrey and Sara for beta-reading this book. Without your feedback, I don’t think I’d ever finish a book.

  Thank you to Derek, my four favorite kiddos for all your support and love as I write these books. Someday they are going to fund our European adventures!

  About the Author

  LJ Andrews lives in the mountains of Utah with her husband and four children. She loves spending time hiking, watching movies with popcorn, and being with her family doing just about anything.

  Writing is her passion and she now has several published works spanning the epic/urban fantasy genre. LJ’s books are clean and suitable for 13 + and they will stay that way. It’s more fun letting people of all ages enjoy a good story.

  You can contact her by visiting her website:




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