Terregon (Book Two of The Red Diamond Saga)

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Terregon (Book Two of The Red Diamond Saga) Page 10

by Jennifer Janne

  “I see that.” Marshall said as he noted the bruise along the man's neck. “But, I'm pretty sure, that was your doing.” He shifted his attention to Daniel with a small smirk. “Or am I mistaken?”

  Daniel hardened his expression, he knew he had to choose his words carefully. “Yes sir, I felt, I needed to get my point across.”

  One the armed men stepped up behind the couch that Daniel and Stanley were sitting on.

  “So you put your hands on one of my men, without permission?” Marshall asked, his eyes gleaming with an unnamed emotion.

  Daniel did not blink, he did not flinch, and he did not hesitate. “Yes sir, I did.” He replied evenly.

  When he felt a muscular arm curled around his throat, Daniel did not move. He did not lift his hands to defend himself nor did he let his eyes drop from Marshall's.

  “Because he left Alana alone.” Marshall added. “While you took down, what was it, four Snakes?”

  The arm around his throat tightened slightly, just enough to foretell of the immense strength the muscles could wield.

  “Five.” Daniel replied, and his fingers curled into fists at his side. Alana must have placed a call to her father before she fell asleep. What would happen next and who would be punished was completely unpredictable.

  “And this incident, you did not think it was important enough to report to me?” Marshall leaned forward slightly, resting his elbows on his knees as his gray eyes swam through Daniel's with the ease of ownership.

  Daniel did not reply at first, but when the arm around his neck crushed against his throat his nostrils flared for breath, and he forced out his words. “No Sir.”

  “Why is that?” Marshall asked as he tilted back against the couch and studied the man before him. Any man that could take out five armed men on his own was a benefit and also a potential danger to his family, he needed to know how Daniel's mind worked.

  “I felt it would upset you.” Daniel replied as respectfully as possible. Beside him Stanley started to speak but was silenced by the barrel of a gun placed at the base of his head. The other armed man was now behind him, waiting patiently for the command of his leader.

  Daniel's heartbeat quickened as he knew within a split second Stanley could be dead. “Sir, I just thought with the wedding, and the tension in the neighborhood, you had enough on your mind. I handled the situation, Alana was safe-”

  “Even though she was left alone.” Marshall interrupted and suddenly his gaze swung fiercely toward Stanley.

  Daniel was silent as he knew he needed to demonstrate loyalty not to Stanley, but to Marshall, he was still being tested.

  “I appreciate your concern for my mental health,” Marshall said with a tight smile. “But nothing happens in this family, especially with my daughter, that I do not know about.” He returned his gaze to Daniel. “Understand?”

  “Yes sir.” Daniel replied compliantly. Marshall nodded his head to the man behind Daniel, who instantly released him. Stanley was still holding his breath waiting for the trigger to be pulled.

  “Bet you won't be leaving my daughter unguarded again, will you Tom?” Marshall's tense smile spread into a more amiable grin.

  “No sir.” Stanley replied respectfully. “I apolo-

  “Don't.” Marshall said sharply. “If you have to apologize you shouldn't, because you are already dead, it will make no difference.” Marshall stood from the couch and straightened his suit jacket. “Now, because I am in a generous mood I am going to assume that you learned your lesson well from Luke. Is that the case?” He asked as he towered over Stanley who was still being held at gunpoint.

  “Yes sir.” Stanley replied, and much to Daniel's relief he did not avert his eyes. The man who held his weapon to the back of Stanley's head swiftly holstered it, allowing Stanley to breathe easily again.

  “Good. I want the two of you personally responsible for Alana's security at the wedding tomorrow evening.”

  Daniel nodded and though his neck was throbbing he did not reach up to soothe it. He stood and followed Marshall to the door. When the man and his entourage left the apartment, Daniel shut and locked the door behind him.

  Only then did he reach up and lightly rub at the forming bruise along his throat. As Stanley turned to look over his shoulder at him, Daniel met his gaze with an apologetic grimace.

  Stanley nodded as if he understood.


  Mrs. Reynolds strode into the room with Cori and Conner. She sat down on the edge of his bed and managed a half-hearted smile at the young girl.

  “Some mess you've gotten me into.” She muttered to Conner as he shied back from her. “Now I'm a Mom, and Mr. Reynolds has some really crazy ideas running through his head. All I wanted was an empire, and we have it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You would think that would be enough, but is it? No, of course not.” She pursed her lips and then added in an appalled voice. “Now he's going to put your little creations on display. He's holding a press conference this afternoon.”

  Conner was surprised by her words. He knew what could happen if their abilities were revealed. Science would want to study them, the world would want a piece of them, and everyone would expect them to save the universe.

  His heavy footsteps silenced her words before she could speak further as he stepped into the room from the hallway.

  “Why are you discussing this matter with Conner?” Simeon asked with a frown. He cast a wink toward Cori, who imitated a smile and reflected his wink in return.

  “Is it true?” Conner asked carefully, he knew that he was still on very thin ice.

  “Of course.” Simeon said as he folded his hands behind his back. “Such great skill should not be hidden from the public. Wouldn't you agree that everyone should be given the opportunity to operate at their highest level?” He watched Conner closely as he awaited his reply.

  “It will be dangerous for them.” Conner said without lifting his gaze. He would not be openly defiant.

  “Oh, I think they can handle it.” Simeon grinned. “In fact I am counting on them to.”

  “But how will you ever get the government to allow you to sell it?” Brianna asked as she frowned. “It has to be tested and approved.”

  Simeon wrapped his arm lightly around his wife's slender body. “Not if it's sold as a supplement darling. Besides, you know we're owed a few favors.”

  As the two prattled on Conner subtly tested the reaches of his abilities. It did not take him long to realize that though the sedative had worn off, he was still quite restrained. When he tried to reach out to manipulate Simeon's energy, Cori's energy stopped him like a brick wall.

  “No.” She murmured in his mind. The Reynolds were oblivious to the internal war occurring between Conner and Cori. Now he was certain that as long as Simeon had Cori on his side he would be untouchable. Still, he knew, he had to find a way to escape and attempt to protect Corinne, Aaron, and Lisa. It was the least he could do for them, considering how much he had done to harm them.


  The cameras were flashing and the room was filled with the quiet roar of murmured words between reporters. Simeon Reynolds, a man who until now had been a ghost in many senses of the word, had called a press conference to reveal what he claimed would be one of the greatest scientific discoveries.

  Even though very few had any idea of who he was, and those that did were accused of being conspiracy theorists, the owners of the largest news stations had all been sent into a frantic scramble to be the first to respond to his request.

  As he stood before the podium, his blonde hair perfectly arranged, his handsome features carved into a pleasant expression, the man exuded power. To everyone in the room, it did not matter who he was, his presence made it clear that he was the most important person they would ever share a room with.

  Aaron, Lisa, and Corinne were lined up beside him. They were each outfitted in the same blue jumpsuit, with the name 'Evoluphra' embroidered on the thin material. Appearing to be be
tween twenty and thirty there was nothing remarkable about the three that stood in front of the reporters. Two appeared very similar, and it could not be mistaken that they were siblings, while the third stared so vacantly at the gathering that she might have been heavily medicated.

  As the bright lights switched on over cameras, and the din died down to allow for Simeon's speech, Corinne felt her stomach twist and threaten to revolt. In moments there would be no turning back. Their faces would be broadcast throughout the world, along with their abilities.

  “I am so very honored to announce that through extensive research and the scientific genius of a few, the human race is on the brink of its next leap of evolution. Using the supplement Evoluphra will not only make your body healthier, it will unlock abilities that were until now deemed mystical and impossible.”

  He gestured lightly to Aaron as he spoke. “How many of us have heard the stories about superhuman strength being wielded in times of great need. Well this young man can wield that strength at any given moment. Aaron, could you please demonstrate for us your phenomenal strength.”

  Aaron's dark green eyes were brooding with fury as he gazed out across the audience, his expression was so daunting that several reporters tensed, expecting Aaron to attack rather than demonstrate.

  Beside Aaron on the stage a large refrigerator had been wheeled in. It was an industrial type, used in restaurants and was about a foot taller than Aaron and several feet wider. Reluctantly he placed his hands on either side of the refrigerator which had been lashed shut with cords. To the amazement of the reporters he lifted it easily off of the ground.

  “Continue.” Simeon ordered with just a hint of sharpness to his tone when he saw Aaron was about to set it back down on to the stage. Aaron grimaced with the desire to heave the refrigerator at Simeon. He lifted the refrigerator high above his head, and spun it slowly in his hand, as if it were nothing more than a large piece of cardboard.

  When he set the refrigerator back down to the stage, a reporter called out from the audience.

  “Is that all he can do? Lift things?” Cameras flashed and Aaron's withering glare was recorded for the whole world to see.

  “Continue.” Simeon instructed with a tense smile. Aaron pursed his lips and placed his hands on either side of the refrigerator again. Without much effort he crushed the refrigerator between his palms. The hard substance groaned as it bent and collapsed beneath the force of his hands.

  For a long moment there was silence in the audience as it was evident that what Aaron had just done could not be faked.

  Simeon cast his ice blue gaze across the audience as his lips curled into a smirk of power. He had them eating out of the palm of his hand, and he was enjoying every moment of it.

  “Amazing, isn't he?” A smattering of applause responded to his words. Most in the audience was still too shocked to react.

  “That was a fantastic demonstration of destruction, but that is not all that this supplement can unlock within you. What if, we each had the power to heal?” He let his words hang over the audience as he held out his hand to Lisa. Aaron watched protectively as Lisa stepped forward nervously. She was not used to all the lights and the people.

  “Bring the child.” Simeon requested with a broad smile of anticipation. Lisa was not sure what she would be expected to do as Simeon had not told her beforehand. Now as a young boy, perhaps six or seven, was wheeled up on to the stage, his legs lamely hanging over the edge of the seat of his wheelchair, his head contorted to the side with the force of his ailment, Lisa took a sharp breath.

  While the doctor who was with the child, and his mother took a few moments to describe the child's condition and the impact it had on his life, Simeon leaned his lips close to Lisa's ear.

  “Just in case you think of defying me, think of how crushed that boy will be when you deny him the simple courtesy of setting him free from the prison of his body.”

  Lisa swallowed thickly as she realized that Simeon had known her plan all along. She was only going to offer a small demonstration of her abilities, perhaps healing a cut, or a skin condition. Now she would be forced to offer a full demonstration, as the world looked on.

  “Billy, this is Lisa.” Simeon said softly as he crouched down beside the little boy in the wheelchair. “She is going to help you.”

  Lisa licked her licks and glanced briefly at Aaron as if seeking permission. Aaron closed his eyes against the scene that was about to unfold. Once Lisa revealed her abilities the entire world would demand them, there would be throngs of ill and wounded begging for her healing, and knowing Simeon he would sell it for the highest dollar.

  Lisa knelt down beside the boy and as she lifted her hands they were trembling.

  “Will it hurt?” The little boy asked in a strained voice, his wide eyes full of fear. Lisa shook her head as she whispered back, not knowing that the microphones around her amplified her voice for all to hear.

  “No sweetheart, it will be the most wonderful feeling. Just close your eyes, and relax.”

  Billy did as she instructed. Lisa lowered her hands to his body, one placed at the base of his neck, her fingers sprawled from his head to his spine, the other slid across his chest and stomach to help the flow of energy and regeneration while keeping his internal organs from overreacting.

  Her eyes fell shut as her body grew hot with the force of the energy that flowed through her and into the little boy.

  Billy was smiling for the world to see as his healing was recorded. Slowly he began to lift his head from its tilted position, an act that seemed so simple, and yet something his parents had prayed for. His eyes opened in amazement as the sensation of well-being filled his body and he could feel sensations in his legs and hips that he had never known before.

  Lisa was growing weary with the force of the healing she was performing. In a sense it was reviving parts of the body that had never truly been connected. It was nearly as taxing as regenerating the life energy of someone who was at the edge of death.

  When she drew her trembling hands away, the little boy stared at her with pure gratitude. Lisa forced a smile.

  “Stand up Billy.” Simeon invited as he stood beside the boy's wheelchair.

  Billy's mother was shaking as she held her hands over her mouth to keep from crying out. She watched as her son's once limp legs offered him the support that he needed to stand. Not only did he stand, he walked across the stage into his mother's outstretched arms. The entire audience surged to their feet as Billy's mother began to openly weep.

  The applause that filled the room was deafening as it very few people ever had the opportunity to witness a true miracle. Lisa swayed with dizziness and Aaron stepped up quickly to catch her before she could collapse. He pulled her back from the lights that were shining on them. Corinne ached for the chance to do something, anything to protect Lisa, to stop everything that was happening.

  Simeon who was beaming with pride let his gaze wander toward Corinne. He had already instructed her as to what he expected from her demonstration, yet he knew hers could be the most dangerous of them all. What Corinne chose to do with her ability to influence was a wild card that he could only hope the threat of Daniel, Stanley, and Cori's lives would dictate.

  “What about her?” Someone shouted above the still quite loud applause. Everyone in the room was on their feet, and eager to see what Corinne would have to offer. She stepped forward, an indifferent expression possessing her features.

  With her hands folded behind her back she appeared to simply stare at the audience. In truth she was easily accessing their open curious energy for more than manipulation. What Simeon expected her to do used the full force of her ability rather than simply influencing the minds and choices of others. As she prepared, Simeon spoke.

  “The power of the mind can be a very useful weapon.” He chuckled lightly as if it were a joke, when he knew it was the truth. What happened next could go two ways. Either the audience would be so impressed they would demand the
supplement immediately, or they would be so terrified they would do anything he requested. It was a win win situation for him. “Please, allow Corinne to demonstrate.” Simeon waved his hand toward Corinne.

  As Corinne prepared to wield the force of her energy, she felt another, familiar and sneaky slip into her own. It was Conner.

  “Join me.” He murmured in her mind.

  Corinne appeared to simply be standing in silence as she considered whether to trust Conner or not. He had helped save Aaron, but he was also under the control of Simeon.

  “Help me, help you.” Conner pleaded within her thoughts. Corinne could not think of anything worse that could happen than what already had, so she allowed Conner's energy to mingle with her own.

  The audience was becoming restless and Simeon's eyes were narrowing into a sharp glare as Corinne appeared to do nothing.

  Slowly Corinne unfolded her hands, she harnessed the force of her energy which coursed along her spine and concentrated it into a flow through her arms and out from the palms of her hands. The cameras in the room caught what could only be considered a brief ripple in the air, before the force of Corinne's energy knocked into the chests of each of the audience members who were still standing.

  They were sent tumbling backwards, over chairs, camera crews, and anything else that got in their way. Although a few people received bumps and scratches, no one was seriously injured, they were merely knocked off their feet. In the same moment Conner allowed the force of Corinne's energy to flow through his body, enhancing what abilities he still had.

  He used the force to restrain Cori who was no match for the combination of power, especially since the energy he wielded was so similar to her own. Then he climbed out the window of the bedroom and scaled the wall below. When his feet hit the ground outside of Simeon's house he fled as fast as his feet could carry him.


  As the audience gazed up from the floor at Corinne, Simeon felt a rush from the way they looked at her, as if she was their savior. He pointedly stepped in front of her and spread his arms out wide beside him.


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