The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged

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The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged Page 18

by Marissa Honeycutt

  “Did you mean to do that?” she asked breathlessly as the blood drained back into place from her head.

  He grinned. “Did you like it?” His hands went back to her ass, moving her hips with his.

  “Yes,” she admitted, making him grin.

  She pressed her chest to his and he looked down her dress. “You’re not wearing a bra.” His hand skimmed up her side and brushed the side of her breast.

  Anna gasped softly and closed her eyes. “I can’t with this dress.” Was dancing like this considered indiscreet? She pulled back, suddenly uncertain. She had two men tonight to take into consideration, and Hugo wasn’t one of them. She gave him a timid smile. “I need to use the ladies room.”

  Hugo looked crushed as she pulled away and walked towards the other side of the room.

  Damn Kurt! She swallowed nervously and dodged dancing couples as she made her way to the bathroom. The line extended out the door and into the hallway, so she continued down the dimly lit hallway until she reached an open door that led outside to a gated patio. A few club-goers had a similar idea. She walked to the end and gripped the metal railing, looking up at the starless sky.

  “Do you know the man you were dancing with?” Simon had walked up silently and stood next to her.


  “You looked like you were having a good time. Why did you walk away?”

  Anna didn’t answer immediately. “I had a feeling I was being indiscreet,” she finally said, fingers tingling with discomfort. “If Kurt saw me dancing like that with my ex-boyfriend, he would probably fly out here again to yell at me, and then lock me in my apartment.”

  “Your fiancé is that temperamental?”

  “He used to be one of the kindest men I knew, but since I moved here....” She shook her head. “He’s become volatile. And cruel. Well, no, not cruel, but mean.”

  “Then why are you marrying him?”

  “Because I have to.”

  “In this day and age? That seems unlikely.”

  Anna glanced at Simon. “I’m in a...position that comes with duties. I must perform those duties.”

  Simon chuckled. “Are you a runaway princess?”

  Anna smiled at the reference that she and Aaron had made months ago. But now she really was trying to enjoy herself before she got into a loveless marriage. “Something like that.” If it weren’t for the whole Devin-wanting-to-control-the-world thing, she’d fly back to him tomorrow. At least with him, her life would fly by without a care. She wouldn’t be aware of anything. It sounded blissful.

  “Mr. J. was enjoying watching you dance. Envious, perhaps, of the other man’s hands, but comforted in the fact that his will be there soon enough.”

  “I don’t understand why he stays hidden. With the amount of gossip going around, at least in the Company, he could have any woman he desired.”

  “He has the woman he desires.” Simon gave her a pointed look. “At least in a way.”

  She laughed. “Has he seen the other dancers?”



  “Enjoy yourself. I will...keep your fiancé’s hawks away if that will comfort you.”

  “You know who’s watching me?”

  Simon nodded. “Consider your dancing...foreplay.” He smiled and walked away.

  Anna followed him a few minutes later and went to find Hugo. He was dancing with another woman and she mouthed, “I’m sorry.” He grinned at her and nodded and she went back to her seat and took a big gulp of her martini.

  “Did you hear?” Stef squealed. “He’s here!”

  “Who?” Anna asked, putting her drink down.

  “Him. Euroman.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The rich European who donated all that money to the Company.”

  “Oh!” She tried to look surprised. “How do you know?”

  “I overheard someone talking about it in the bathroom. He’s over there.” She motioned to the curtained doorway.

  Anna laughed when she noticed a crowd of women dancing in front of Mr. J.’s private room. A moment of doubt plagued her as she watched the beautiful, sophisticated women dancing for him.

  “C’mon. Let’s go dance.” Stef said, pulling her up. “Rachel and Jamie are there already.” She grinned. “We have an advantage over the other women there.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We’re ballet dancers. He obviously likes ballerinas.”

  “Or the guys.” Anna laughed. “Maybe he’s gay.”

  Stef stopped and frowned. “Bi?” She looked around. “Just in case....” She grinned and grabbed Aaron’s hand. “Come dance with us for Euroman.”

  Aaron rolled his eyes but followed along.

  Anna felt very silly, dancing with all the other women trying to get the man’s attention. But she wasn’t trying to get his attention...really...well, maybe she had doubts that he was truly watching her.

  Dark hands slid around her waist and she turned to see Hugo grinning at her. “You owe me the rest of a dance.” His hands slipped down to her ass and cupped it as he pressed her hips to his. She clung to his upper arms, becoming dizzy as the alcohol caught up with her.

  She gazed up into his eyes and he smiled at her. He grazed her neck and she leaned back, letting his hands trail down her chest as before. His palm subtly grazed her nipple and her breath caught in her throat. When she straightened, he held her close, one arm around her upper back, the other hand at the side of her breast.

  “Come home with me tonight,” he whispered, leaning in to her neck and nuzzling her ear.

  “Hugo....” She whimpered as his thumb brushed her nipple, sending jolts to her pussy. “I can’t. We can’t.”

  “You don't sound very convinced.”

  “Kurt found out I did something last weekend....” She told him the basic story and he looked at her, horrified. “I don’t want to get into trouble again.”

  “God, he’s an ass,” he commented.

  Anna shrugged. “I don’t want to think about him anymore. But that’s why....” She looked up at him. “And I don’t think I could stay with you without falling for you again.”

  He gave a little smile and nod. “I understand.”

  She nodded.

  “Maybe some other night,” he said in a low voice and turned her around, guiding her into Aaron’s arms.

  She looked back in surprise and he grinned at her and winked.

  “Hey sexy,” Aaron said. “Trying to steal me away from Cameron?”

  Anna laughed, looking to see Cameron dancing between Jamie and Rachel. “He looks to be having fun.”

  Aaron rolled his eyes. “Yeah.”

  The next few hours were spent drinking and dancing and Anna had a great time. She didn’t have to worry about Kurt, and Mr. J. was enjoying himself. At least she assumed so. With all the beautiful women in front of him, how could he not? As it approached midnight, she began to wonder how she was going to get away from her friends without them being suspicious. Only Aaron and Cameron knew what was happening next.

  She knew she could just slip out the door without being noticed, but how would she explain her absence in the limo home? Not that it looked like everyone would be going home with her.... Stef was practically fucking the guy she was with on the dance floor.

  She went to get a drink and sat down for a few minutes. Cameron came and sat down next to her. “When are you supposed to leave?”

  “I don’t know exactly. Simon hasn’t said anything.” She looked at him with doubt. “How do I explain why I’m not in the limo on the way home?”

  “Get sick?”

  Anna laughed. “That might work, though I hate lying.”

  “Don’t lie. I’ll do it for you. Let me know when you get the go-ahead, slip out and when we get ready to leave, I’ll tell ‘em you weren’t feeling good and took a cab home.”

  “I can’t ask you to lie for me, Cameron.”

  “You’re not asking, I’m o

  Anna’s phone vibrated in her purse and she pulled it out. “The limo’s outside,” she told Cameron nervously.

  He looked around. “Go. Everyone’s busy. I’ll take care of it.”

  Anna gave him a goofy grin. “Thanks.” She kissed his cheek and walked around the perimeter of the room and out the door.

  Chapter Twenty

  Anna walked into the Hotel Elysee feeling more comfortable than she had the week before. For one, she was dressed. Also, she kind of knew what she was getting into.

  Simon met her in the lobby. “Have you enjoyed yourself so far tonight?”

  Anna smiled. “Yes.” And then blushed, thinking about what was coming.

  He chuckled and walked towards the elevators.

  “Is he sure he wouldn’t rather have one of the other women he was watching tonight?” she asked, following him. “I mean, there were many vying for his attention.”

  “He was only watching one woman tonight,” Simon said with a serious face, and then chuckled again. “In fact, he was getting quite irritated when he couldn’t see you.”

  “Oh.” They stepped into the elevator. Simon pushed a button and the doors silently closed.

  “Same rules as last week. Do you remember?”

  “Don’t take the blindfold off. Don’t touch him.” She bit her lip, remembering how she’d tried to touch him a few times. She wasn’t trying to be rebellious and hoped he knew that. “Yes, stroked cheek. No, tap on the nose.” She giggled. “If he kisses me, he wants me to shut up.”

  Simon laughed. “I’m sure there are other reasons he kisses you.”

  She looked at him in the reflection of the brass doors. “Do you know what I am?” she asked quietly.

  His eyebrows twitched slightly. “I know you are a beautiful woman that is in an unfortunate relationship.” He turned his head to look at her. “Anything else is irrelevant.”

  Anna blinked several times. “But it why he wants me back again tonight?”

  “No. As I said, anything else is irrelevant.”

  Anna shook her head. “I don’t understand. How could that not be a factor?”

  “Mr. J. is an unusual man.”

  “Does he know my fiancé?”

  “I won’t answer that Katrina.”

  Anna sighed. “Does he know who I belong to?”


  The elevator stopped and they exited. He turned to look at her. “I assure you he will not do anything to jeopardize your safety. He...likes this arrangement and doesn’t want it to end just yet.”

  They walked down the hallway together. “Is he handsome?”

  Simon smiled. “Does it matter?”

  “No, I suppose not. The girls in the company have been speculating about him.”

  “Oh? What do they say?”

  “That he made a sizable donation to the City Ballet.”


  “That he’s either British or Russian.”

  He laughed.

  “Is he?”

  Simon shook his head. “You ask many questions.”

  “I’m curious.”

  “I’m not going to answer that either.” He stopped at a door. “And we’re here.”

  Anna looked at the non-descript wooden door with a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

  Simon pulled out the blindfold. “If you would like, the car can take you to the library tomorrow so you don’t have to walk.”

  “I like walking. Wait...will there be more roses?”

  Simon smiled but didn’t say anything. He motioned for her to turn around and then tied the blindfold around her head, covering her eyes. “Can you see?”


  “Clothes for tomorrow are in the bathroom. Call for breakfast when you are up. Or lunch.” He knocked on the door and a moment later, the door opened.

  The large hand enveloped hers again and gently tugged, pulling her into the room. It was a longer walk around several corners before he stopped her.

  Anna’s heart beat fast in anticipation. Thoughts flitted here and there about the evening, last week, wondering what would happen tonight.

  He pulled her forward a few more steps and she heard a noise and assumed he had sat down on the bed in front of her as he had last week.

  When he didn’t touch her she swallowed nervously. “Thank you for tonight,” she said softly. “It was a lot of fun. The food was delicious and....” She blushed. “I kinda liked dancing, knowing you were watching.”

  He stroked her cheek and she took it to mean he liked it too.

  “Did Simon tell you how much I enjoyed the rose trails at the library?”

  Another touch on her cheek. “I’d had a really bad morning and it cheered me up. Thank you.” She smiled. “And I really enjoyed the books as well.”

  He took her hands in his and held them at the small of her back and kissed her gently, slowly, as if wanting to explore every recess of her lips and mouth. Her head spun and it had nothing to do with the martinis at the bar. His lips alone were enough to make her dizzy.

  Slowly one hand went up her back and then pulled at her zipper, loosening the dress until it fell from her shoulders and was trapped at her elbows. His fingers trailed down her neck to her exposed breasts, taking one in his hand and squeezing gently. Anna moaned against his mouth.

  He released her hands and her dress fell to the floor as she straightened her arms. He helped her step out of it and then removed her shoes and thong. Then he stood and picked her up as if she weighed nothing and placed her gently on the bed. He didn’t hold her long enough to feel anything except smooth skin.

  The mattress sank beneath the additional weight next to her, and something cool touched her nose. She inhaled and smelled roses and smiled. He dragged the rose across her cheeks and nose and lips. He trailed it down her neck and between her breasts, and then sideways over one nipple and then the next. The rose was cool but it left trails of fire behind. Anna wiggled and giggled as he moved it gently across her skin. He moved it down her belly and thighs and then back up and brushed her aching mound, making her gasp for breath. He went slowly up her arms and over each finger, down to her feet. He made her giggle as he trailed it on the bottom of her feet. She thought she might have even heard him chuckle softly, which made her tingle all over, even more than from his activities with the rose.

  He stood and walked away, returning a minute later and lying down beside her. It was a good thing the mattresses were high quality or she would have been rolling over to meet him. Not that that would have been a bad thing....

  Something cool and hard touched her bottom lip. Instinctively she opened her mouth slightly and he pushed the object into her mouth. Her tongue darted out and tasted...chocolate? She licked at it and smiled. It was really good chocolate. She took a few more licks and then he pressed it against her bottom teeth. She took it to mean he wanted her to bite and slowly brought her teeth together, in case she was wrong.

  She bit through the crisp chocolate and into a cool, soft center. It was sweet and juicy. He pulled it away and let her chew and swallow. “Chocolate covered strawberries?”

  He stroked her cheek and she grinned. “Yummy.”

  He gave a breathy chuckle and pulled her to a sitting position. The strawberry was put to her mouth again and he made her take a big bite, making her giggle when it dripped down her chin and to her breasts. He kissed where the juice was on her chin and licked the remaining juice off her breasts.

  “Oh!” Anna sighed.

  He put a new one to her lips and she opened her mouth. He pushed it in and she bit, juices dribbling to her breasts again. “You’re doing this on purpose,” she said with a soft giggle. He gave a soft chuckle again and stroked her cheek.

  Something cold touched her nipple and she jumped. He spun it around her nipple and then took her nipple into his mouth.

  “Was that a strawberry?” she whispered with a moan as he sucked at her nipple.

eek stroke.

  Slowly he fed her several more strawberries, each one juicy enough to require his tongue to clean up the juices. After the strawberries stopped coming, he got up from the bed and Anna listened as fabric rustled and foil ripped.

  “You don’t have to use one of those, you know,” she said softly, referring to the condom.

  He tapped her nose and lay down on the bed, taking her hands in his and putting them above her head.

  She was wet and ready for him when he slowly slid inside her. It stung a little, as it had the week before, but turned quickly to pleasure as he gently moved inside her.

  “Oh, God!” she cried, pressing her head back against the pillow and feeling the stirrings of an orgasm deep inside.

  His hard chest pressed against hers as he kissed her and increased his movements. She rocked her hips against his and panted as the fire built inside, exploding moments later. She screamed against his mouth until he pulled his mouth away to breath heavily as he came silently, squeezing her wrists. His hips jerked against hers as she returned to earth, squeezing against his girth inside her. God he felt incredible!

  He kissed her and then fell heavily onto the bed next to her, breathing hard.

  She wondered again why he kept himself hidden but couldn’t think of a way to ask it in such a way he could answer with a yes or no.

  “You like the ballet?”

  She felt him move a little closer and he stroked her cheek.

  “Will you come to a performance this season?”

  Cheek stroke.

  Anna hesitated. “So you’ll be in public then?”

  Cheek stroke.

  “Will I get to see you?”

  Cheek stroke.

  “Will all this end? I mean, our meetings and stuff, once you...present yourself to the public.”

  Pause. Cheek stroke.

  “Oh.” She gave him a smile, hiding the disappointment. “Then I’ll just have to make sure I enjoy it while I have you to myself.” She paused. “Do you want to see me again?”

  He cupped the back of her head and kissed her deeply. If she’d been standing, he would have had to catch her. When he pulled away, he stroked her cheek one last time and then got up from the bed. Fabric rustled and the mattress moved. He kissed her gently on the lips and placed what she assumed was the stem of a rose in her hand.


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