Wicked Forest

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Wicked Forest Page 11

by E. J. Bennett

  “Wait while we reach Margon’s. Echidna will make her strip you of your power and take it for herself,” he had a proud smile on his face as he ranted on.

  “What is in it for you?” Crystal asked.

  “I can finally go home, instead of having to spend my time with naive and stupid humans,”

  “Look in the mirror,” Crystal responded.

  “What did you say?”

  “I said look in the mirror. The one who is stupid is you. Naïve. Look at you. Do you think she will give you what? She has already shown you her true colors and left her mark to prove it,”

  “Oh, sweetheart. Being in charge means you have to show violence. To rule you need fear,” Crystal laughed. A deep belly laugh that turned the heads of all the guards.

  “Oh big bad Drake is scarred of a girl,”

  Drake grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to him. He had his teeth clenched together “

  Make fun of me again and I will be the one to kill you on the spot,”

  “Let her go!” Echidna demanded.

  Crystal was shaking inside. However she refused to let her fear show.

  Instead she painted a picture on her face and kept it in place.

  would not be the one that brought her down she wouldn’t allow it.

  Three days she travelled, before she came upon the familiar cottage. Drake pointed out the small building which angered Echidna. She couldn’t see what was right in front of her.

  “Can you see it?” she asked Crystal.

  “No, I think he has gone mad,” she answered as she watched the smoke rising from the chimney.

  “Then walk straight forward until I tell you to stop. I know you can see it,” Drake demanded and Crystal felt a knot form in her stomach.

  “Do it,” the snake lady agreed.

  Crystal took each step with care she had no idea what she would do when she came to the house. She hoped that Margon was long gone.

  “Keep walking dear,” she heard the old ladies voice and looked in her direction, which had to be in the same direction as the snake. The snake lady waved her hand to wave her along while Margon smiled and nodded at her.

  She stared for a second longer. She was right next to Echidna yet it was like Margon was invisible to her.

  Crystal came to the door and paused.

  “See!” Drake cried.

  “Keep walking dear, trust me,” she did trust Margon and took another step her foot went through the wall of the cottage and as her other foot followed she watched the cottage disappear with each step she took.

  “Stop!” shouted the snake.

  Crystal turned and smiled. “Have we finished playing games now?” she asked while grinning at Drake.

  “You!” she yelled at a wide eyed Drake who had gone deathly pale.

  Echidna was enraged. Crystal looked around. All of her people were busy watching the snake and Drake.

  “Crystal,” she heard a whisper and scanned looking for the sound.


  “Crystal to you right,” Margon appeared in front of her causing her to jump. Once she had gotten over her scare she looked to the right to see Levi waving at her. In her excitement she almost forgot about her situation and her body was ready to run.

  She heard Drake scream. Glancing back she saw the snake woman attacking him and took each step with caution. As she neared Levi he pulled her forward and both sprinted through the forest.

  Chapter 31

  The trees became fewer giving way to a large grass clearing with mountains in the distance. In the middle of the clearing a Dragon laid, he looked to be sleeping his blue scales shined in the sunlight.

  As they drew nearer it became clear to Crystal that they would be taking a flight on the mighty beast. She felt fear prickle at her skin.

  “Don’t worry,” Levi smiled at her as they came to a stop. Crystal gulped and jumped back when the dragon lifted his head.

  “This is Dregon, Dree this is Crystal,”

  “Nice to meet you,” Crystal’s hand shot to her head. Dregon hadn’t spoken the words out loud rather in her mind.

  Levi grinned at her shock and confusion. He helped her onto the back of Dree. Crystal wrapped her arms around Levi and dug her nails into his skin.


  “Yeah,” she asked in a strained voice.

  “I still need to breathe and would like some skin attached,”

  “Sorry,” she muttered loosening her gripped.

  “Ready?” Dregon’s voice echoed in her mind and with in an instant they shot up into the sky. Crystal could have sworn she had left her heart and stomach on the ground as her belly did back flips.

  Once the initial fear wore off she found herself enjoying the ride, from above the forest looked more stunning than before. The rivers shined in full glory and the mountains stood tall. She smiled as she watched the trees lean for the sunlight.

  The journey was quick. Levi helped her down, Crystal would have liked more time in the sky. She looked around and was amazed at the sight before her. She was on a small island. Three wooden bridges connected the island to the forest. Surrounding the island was a large river. In the centre stood a large tree, it was different than the others with its sliver branches and huge trunk. It screamed magic. She could feel the static energy in the air.

  Carved in the bark of the tree were gold swirling runes. She glanced up at Levi. He held a sadness in his eyes with a hint of pain. She gave him a small smile. They were going home, yet it didn’t make her happy. Guilt rushed over her, Drake was still out there with the snake lady.

  Sighing Crystal moved closer to Dregon. “Thank you,” she whispered and kissed his scaly head.

  “You’re most welcome my lady,” Dree bowed his head in a show of honor making Crystal blush.

  “Ready?” she asked Levi taking his large hand in hers. He nodded then gave the forest one last glance.

  “Wait!” both of them turned around to see Margon. Levi let go of Crystal’s hand and gave her a hug.

  “Thank you, for all your help,” Margon gave him a friendly slap on the arm.

  “Anytime boy,”

  “Crystal, I want you to have this,” Crystal stepped forward and glanced at a sliver object that lay in the palm of Margon’s frail hand.

  “Do you accept my gift,” she asked looking deep into Crystal’s eyes. Crystal examined the object it looked like a sliver bracelet made from the finest materials. She could see tiny blue gems and shook her head.

  “I am sorry, I can’t accept a gift as beautiful and expensive as the one you are offering me,” Crystal had seen her small home, deep within the forest and danger. If she sold the bracelet surly she would make enough money for a decent home and a life less fearful.

  “This, my child is not an expensive gift,” she sighed, Crystal caught the quick action between Margon and Levi. She had glanced at Levi who had nodded. Crystal had a feeling they were having a silent conversation.

  “Sit my child,” she followed Margon’s lead and sat crossed legged on the ground.

  “I am guessing you know the story of how our kind became exiled from this place,”

  “Yes, the prince who seduced the wrong girl. My guess is it was Levi,” Margon laughed.

  “That would be correct. What about the legend?”

  “Yeah, Levi filled me in on that too,”

  “Good as we don’t have much time. When they forced our kind out of this world I created a spell, one that would save us and help bring our people home,” Crystal gasped.

  “Yes it was me. You see you are the one. You Crystal Rose Hudson are my granddaughter and destined for great things. I made this bracelet for the day the child that is worth the spell comes to me. This bracelet was made especially for you,”

  Crystal stared at the woman who claimed to be her grandmother. Questions swirled in her mind.

  “That can’t be, you have wings,”

  “Indeed I do, that is a story for another time. Mark m
y words child, we will cross paths again. But for now you need to leave. So I will ask you again. Do you accept my gift?” standing and brushing of her clothes Crystal stood straight.

  “I do,” Margon clasped her wrist and snapped the bracelet in place. Pain shot through her arms. Instinct took over and she gripped the bracelet, wanting nothing more than to remove it. The pain vanished. When she glanced at where the bracelet was she could see two prongs had embedded their self into her vain.

  “What the....” Levi’s tone was harsh.

  “Now, now Levi. All will be revealed in time,” Distant sounds of voices could be heard.

  “Hurry now,” grabbing Crystal’s hand he gave Margon a look that told Crystal he was unsure.

  “Come with us,” he said holding out his hand.

  “My place is here. These old bones would never make it through. Go now. I can take care of myself,”

  “Goodbye, and thank you,” Crystal said with tears in her eyes.

  “Take care of yourself,” Levi added.

  She nodded, as her body began to fade away. Crystal watched in awe.

  The sounds of horse’s hoofs on the hard floor became louder. Crystal traced the golden rune and just like before it glowed as her finger moved. A bright flash of light swallowed them whole. Her body felt like it was been pulled apart as she free fell into nothingness.

  Chapter 32

  Bang, she hit the hard floor. Seconds later another thud told her Levi had made it through. Her muscles ached and her legs felt weak. Music blared all around them. When she opened her eyes and sat up the music became clearer.

  “I will walk you home,” Levi said pulling her up. Both of them walked in silence.

  Levi led her onto a familiar path. She ran and kissed her favorite rock. She had missed home, even though she was dreading facing her mother.

  “What are you doing?” Levi asked.

  “Being grateful,” she responded spinning around. Crystal began to skip down the well worn path.

  “Can you stop skipping and jumping about like a leprechaun?” When she glanced at Levi he had a hint of a smile.

  Facing back in the direction of home, she froze. The lights from Halloween still remained. The music still played.


  “What’s wrong?” he asked scanning the surroundings.

  “The lights, the music. It is like we never left,”

  Both of them took a couple of minutes to let it sink in.

  “That’s impossible unless time is different in Athens,”

  “Maybe,” she replied.

  They soon reached her back gate.

  “Crystal, take it easy on your mother,”

  “No way,” she responded.

  “Goodnight,” Levi said turning to leave.

  “Levi?” he stopped and turned back.

  “You knew what Drake was going to do,” she found it hard to say the words, betrayed. They were there on the tip of her tongue yet refused to surface.

  “I had a feeling,”

  “Why, why did he do it?” she could feel the sadness and raw pain eat away at her heart.

  “Drake is a Halfling. Being half witch is not a good thing. You don’t really fit in and finding a match is impossible. The blood has been diluted and no one wants that for the next generation. Drake’s father was killed when Drake was just a baby. He had a choice to make, him or Drake. He choose himself to allow Drake to live. His mother is a pixie therefore being a trickster is part of his nature,”

  “Wow,” Crystal didn’t have any words.

  “What Drake did is unforgivable. But in a way I know why he has done it. He just wants to belong somewhere. I hope he finds a place he feels he belongs,”

  “You’re a good man Levi. Nothing like the rumors,”

  He laughed. “Good night,”

  “Night,” she whispered as he disappeared from view.

  Chapter 33

  Levi shifted once he was out of view and ran full speed. His father was going to hit the roof. Drake had done the unthinkable. He thought about not telling him. However that could backfire. He had no choice right? He stopped running and walked at a slow pace. Before he reached home he needed to sort through his confusion.

  The lights to his village came into view and still not knowing what would be for the best Levi decided to say nothing at all. He walked through the streets with his head low. He was ashamed of himself and the coward he was.

  He reached his home and shifted in order to open the door. He could hear the clattering of pots and pans and knew the servants were busy cleaning up. His mother, nor father came to greet him so instead of facing them he went straight to his room.

  The first thing he did was take a shower, and then collapsed from the physical drain of the last few weeks.

  WHEN CRYSTAL WALKED into the house she made her way to the living room she was prepared to have it out with her mother. Demand an explanation. Crystal’s face dropped when she saw her father’s body. His head was held in an unnatural way and his eyes her wide in shock or fear. His skin was pale as snow with a grayish tint and dried blood was at the corners of his mouth.

  Crystal ran to him and began to shake him. His head flopped to the side. “Wake up, wake up,” she chanted while she felt for a pulse. Nothing. She heard a deafening shriek as her heart shattered.

  “What the?”

  “Henry? oh no, no, no,” Crystal looked at her mother and the tears that crept from her eyes. She looked at her with hatred. She had killed before. What was different now?

  “You did this!” she yelled as she took her father’s hand in hers. She felt something scrape her hand. Opening his hand she found a crumpled piece of paper.

  “Dear family.

  I am sorry but I can no longer do this. The lies and secrets are eating me alive. I can’t bear the thought that as a father I will be putting my daughter in grave danger. It is not the person I am. No matter how hard I try I cannot bring myself to go through with what has been asked of me.

  The things we have done. The people we have become, is too much. We have become the monsters.

  My journey is at its end. I no longer can offer the coven my guidance therefore I must end my life and make the ultimate sacrifice before I bring shame to my family.

  I am sorry for what I am about to do and I hope one day you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.

  Henry Hudson”

  Tears ran down Crystal’s face as sobs raked her body. She shoved the letter into her mother’s hand and ran.

  FOR A LONG TIME JEANETTE stood frozen with the letter in her hand. They were so close, why did he do it? She knew the letter would hold the answers. However she didn’t want the truth. She knew he had been struggling.

  Slowly she opened the letter and began to read, as she did her heart turned to stone. He had killed himself out of love for his daughter. Jealousy raged through Jeanette’s body. Crystal had been nothing but a nuisance since the day she had been born.

  How could Jeanette compete with the innocence that Crystal held? She couldn’t. She tossed the letter onto her husband’s body and called in the clean up team.

  Good riddance to him she thought as she calmly made herself a cup of tea. No longer would he make her feel guilty. No longer would he be the voice of reason. She would rule without that little voice whispering in her ear.

  “WE CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE,” Ruby tried to hide her tears, like a dam they broke free. Gripping her chin he turned her face to look at him.

  “Is that you don’t want too or you are scared?” Brad asked her.

  “It is neither,” she whispered. She had to end it. If not then her mother would see him dead. She could never know of his existence.

  “Ruby, you shouldn’t stay in a marriage you’re unhappy in. I love you,”

  “I love you too,” she whispered as she walked away, her heart had broken, her life had been shattered.

  NEWS OF HENRY’S DEATH came as a shock to Levi. All he could think about wa
s Crystal. She had already been through so much and now she had lost her father.

  He quickly dressed and headed into the forest. He would go to her.

  Many times he turned back and then continued. He fought his inner turmoil. His brain told him she didn’t need him. His heart needed to see her. In the end his heart won.

  He didn’t need to go to the house as Crystal sat on the rock she had kissed just hours before.

  “You love this rock eh,” he asked sitting beside her. She didn’t look up at him, her gaze stayed glued to the floor. No amount of words would cheer her up and he knew it.

  Gently he put his arm around her and just held her. Crystal cried for hours while they sat in silence.

  She rested her head on his chest and his heart beat faster. As he glanced down and saw the pain written across her face he wished he could take it all way just to see her beautiful smile. It was that moment he knew that Crystal Hudson had stole his heart.

  Her green eyes met his and he drew a deep breath.

  “We have to end this,” she whispered.

  Levi put his finger to her lips.

  “No one knows we have been to Athens,”

  “We keep it that way. Help me” her eyes pleaded with him.

  “What do you want me to do?” he would have died for her in that moment if she had asked him too, the look in her eyes tore at his heart.

  “Destroy that vortex,”

  To be continued.........

  About the author

  E.J Bennett is an Author who mostly writes Paranormal/fantasy and Horror books although she has been known to write sweet romance books.

  E.J Bennett is a mum of two children. She loves to spend time with her children and family. E.J loves animals and is a crazy cat lady with four cats. Two of which are Tabbies while her new additions are Ragdoll's. She also as a German Shepherd who is six years old.

  More books by E.J Bennett

  SECRETS OF THE MIND (Secrets Book 1)


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