Rayven's Keep

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Rayven's Keep Page 13

by Wolfe, Kylie

  “Too bad. I enjoyed communicating with her. You don’t suppose she would make an exception, do you?”


  Ardghal cleared his throat. “While the two of you take care of the fuel cells, why don’t I escort your crew member for a short tour of the station?” He stepped into the small breach. “By the time we’re done, your ship should be ready to leave.”

  Tru smiled and accepted the proffered arm from Chief Ardghal without hesitation. “Please, call me Tru.”

  “And you must call me Max,” the Chief replied as he patted her hand. “Why don’t I show you the main hub? We have shops and restaurants there to serve the families aboard the station.”

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea, Tru.”

  She glanced at Nick, surprised. He looked like he wanted to snatch her hand away from Ardghal and drag her back to his side.

  “No need to be concerned, Captain Rayven. I won’t let any harm come to your companion.”

  He and Ardghal exchanged a look she didn’t understand.

  “See that you don’t. What are we waiting for, Kanta, let’s get the ship repairs done. I don’t have all day.”

  * * * *

  Tru sighed with remembered pleasure as Dominion uncoupled from its docking arm and headed back to space. The tour of the station had been fascinating and Chief Ardghal a surprisingly interesting guide. The main hub was full of families shopping, enjoying the restaurants or meeting friends. Delightful smells from the restaurants tantalized her nose and made her mouth water, but the small shop she stumbled upon by accident piqued her interest and made her smile.

  Browsing through the intricately carved metal and leather goods had been fun and she’d been unable to resist the purchase of the wrist cuff she now wore. She traced a fingertip along the scrollwork and debated whether she should give the matching one she bought for Nick to him now or hold on to it for a later time. It had been an impulse buy, the ship etched into the metal a reminder of their journey together.

  Nick sat at the helm, granite-jawed and scowling. His conversation had been limited to grunts and terse one-word answers. She sighed and decided later would be best. His temper was too uncertain at the moment and she sensed he itched for a fight. Having no idea what had caused his present mood, she left the helm area and retreated to her bunk. After inserting a data strip into a portable tablet, she propped her pillows behind her back and soon lost herself in the book she’d chosen.

  * * * *

  Ship’s systems were back online and Nick ran through one more diagnostic check to assess the shield strength. More a test of his own resolve than anything else, he used it as an excuse not to follow Tru. It hadn’t taken near as long to remove and replace the damaged fuel cells, as it had to locate her whereabouts after it was done. Already on edge, he’d been ready to explode by the time he found her talking and laughing with a young ensign under the watchful eye of Chief Ardghal.

  A red haze had clouded Nick’s vision and it took all his self-control not to tear the other man apart when he had the audacity to take Tru’s hand and wink at her. Adrenaline shot through his system and his muscles tightened ready to spring. The fact her face lit up when she caught sight of him and the speed with which she dropped the other’s hand to join him had calmed the snarling beast inside enough he’d managed to be civil while they took their leave. When they were safely away from Zeegret Station, he had time to consider his irrational behavior when any man came near her. The realization was humbling that he didn’t want anyone touching her except him. Ever.

  He idled away his time, reluctant to give in to the bone-deep weariness dragging at him. His internal clock told him he’d been running on empty far too long and sleep was needed, but he continued to sit at the helm console, unwilling to seek his bunk. He scrubbed a hand over his face and blinked gritty eyes, knowing he was being idiotic. The trouble was, he didn’t trust himself not to crawl into Tru’s bunk and give in to the need slowly eating him alive. He knew he’d screwed up when he’d given in to temptation the night before, but he’d at least had an excuse, albeit a flimsy one. Life support had been restored and with it, any pretext of sharing sleeping accommodations had been removed.

  Restless, he paced while he ran through complicated formulas to distract himself. Basic military drills were reviewed, every plane he’d ever flown was recalled in finite detail and every mission he’d flown was remembered. He realized he was wasting his time when he found himself standing beside Tru’s bunk with no real memory of how he got there.

  She was curled on her side, one hand hidden under her pillow, her other arm draped across her waist. She looked relaxed, peaceful and deeply asleep. He studied the faint bruising still marring her cheek and felt a little sick that he’d been the one to hurt her. He leaned over and skimmed his knuckles down her sleep-flushed cheek before he pulled her blankets up and covered her. Mine.

  Tru sighed in her sleep, and Nick straightened, desire racing through his system faster than yesterday’s solar storm. Forcing himself to step back, he grabbed a blanket off his bunk and went to the bridge. He didn’t relish sleeping in his chair, but it wasn’t the worst place he’d ever slept.

  He would be damned before he would give in to his base nature and take advantage of someone in his care, no matter how much he wanted to. That was the crux of the matter. His job was to protect her until she could be safely returned to her family. He was bound by honor and ethics. After Tonlith’s destruction, his strong convictions kept him sane. They were the very foundation he’d built his business on and were inviolate.

  More at peace with himself, Nick settled in his chair and propped his booted feet on the helm console. While he considered the ramifications of his situation he also faced up to the fact she had her hooks in him and he was caught, whether she realized it or even wanted it. He didn’t find it particularly comforting to know she’d become so important to him, but he found he didn’t mind as much as he’d thought he would. This job wouldn’t last forever and then all bets were off. A smile curved his mouth. He knew he could wait, would wait to claim her.

  He settled deeper into his chair, closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off to sleep.

  * * * *

  Tru knew the strong aroma of tayberry wafting under Nick’s nose would rouse him from sleep. Groaning he opened one eye to glare up at her. She grinned and held the mug just out of his reach, waiting. His sleepy gaze moved from her to the mug and back again before he moved like one of the ancients and scooted into an upright position. She watched him scratch the whiskers shadowing his chin, roll his neck until it cracked and then stretch like a big lazy cat. She couldn’t look away, mesmerized in spite of herself. He snaked a hand out and snagged the mug of tayberry before she could react and then sipped the hot liquid while he regarded her over the mug’s rim.

  “You didn’t come to bed last night,” she said.

  “Nope.” He yawned until his jaw cracked.

  “Is everything all right with the ship?”

  “Everything is fine.”

  She bit her bottom lip and looked at him out of the corner of her eye. “The chair doesn’t look like it would be a comfortable place to sleep.”

  He shifted in his seat and his lips twitched behind his mug. She suspected he was entertained by her questions and wasn’t sure why.

  “I’ve slept in worse places in my life. The chair isn’t bad.” He quirked a brow as if he waited for her next question.

  “I’m just surprised you would choose to sleep on the bridge rather than your bunk.” She flopped onto her chair and frowned at him, irked when he continued to sip his drink.

  “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  Realizing she wasn’t getting anywhere, she huffed out a frustrated breath and swiveled her chair until she faced the viewscreen.


  She shrugged and concentrated on the view of space in front of her. Silence stretched between them until she couldn’t stand it an
y longer. She glanced his way. She wasn’t sure how to react when he returned her look with amusement warming his brown eyes. He seemed more at ease than she’d ever seen him. The deep lines fanning his eyes smoothed out and the frown lines between his brows less noticeable. His mouth was softer, more tempting, and her lips parted in response. Nick always gave the impression he was carved from stone, but today he looked somehow different. Less care-worn and infinitely appealing.

  He always managed to keep her off balance without any apparent effort on his part and it irritated her. Relaxed and sipping his tayberry was a side of him she didn’t often see. Crossing her arms under her breasts, she tilted her head to consider this new version. She felt a thrill of excitement when he followed her movements with his gaze. When the material of her shirt tightened across her chest, his eyes gleamed. She felt feminine satisfaction to see he wasn’t completely immune to her and was not bothering to hide it.

  Giving in to curiosity, she asked, “So, why didn’t you come to bed last night?”

  “Are you asking why I didn’t come to bed or why I didn’t go to bed? They’re two different things, Tru.” His voice was languid and sensual.

  “Oh.” Heat flooded her face when it dawned on her just what he meant. “Oh.”

  Rising from his chair, he grinned wolfishly at her. He winked and then wandered off to the crew quarters leaving her staring open-mouthed at his retreating form.

  Chapter 16

  Freshly shaven and pleased with himself, Nick returned to the bridge. The planet Kaydet and Dendera Labs were hours away. Quick in, quick out was his plan and then he could concentrate on Lodestone Mining and Tru’s problem. Simple.

  “You have an incoming message, Captain,” Siren announced.

  “Put it on the com,” Nick instructed. He stood beside his chair, one hand resting on its padded headrest, the thumb of his other hand hooked into a belt loop of his pants.

  “How close are you to Kaydet?” Callen said.

  “Close enough. What’s up?”

  “Malvin Sonne is dead. I left Maddox to take care of that complication, but I got word as I was leaving Bretonne Anto Geir had left Lodestone. I can only assume he’s headed your way.”

  “Sonne is dead? What happened?”

  “We’re not sure. There seems to be some confusion about who or what killed him, and I’m tracking a lead. I’ll find out, you can count on it.”

  Something in Callen’s usually cool voice caught Nick’s attention, but he let it go. Callen could take care of himself and if he said he had a lead then, guaranteed, he was on to something.

  “What is the status of Lodestone Mining?”

  “Maddox is in charge. He and Reid are launching a very public inquiry into the shipping discrepancies. They feel it is the only way to salvage what is left of the company and keep it under Creighton’s banner.”

  “They think that will calm the investors?” He straightened, and then leaned forward, bracing himself with his palms on the helm console.

  Callen’s laugh held little mirth. “You’ve met Maddox, what do you think? He’s like a force of nature. It’s hard to argue with him.”

  “You sure Geir is headed our way?” Nick asked.

  “He’s in bed with some extremely bad people from what I can tell. Things are falling apart real fast for him and he’s the type who needs someone to blame. Tru fits the bill. Yes, I think he’s coming after her. Watch your back, Nick. He’s dangerous.”

  “Thanks for the heads up, Callen. I’ll be in touch when I’ve dropped the package at Dendera and we’re headed back.”

  “See you do.”

  Nick disconnected the call and scrubbed a hand through his short hair. Frowning, he stared into space while he considered the information Callen had given him. If Geir had lifted off Lodestone, then he wasn’t far behind them. The delay at Zeegret Station narrowed the time difference considerably. He would be lucky if they managed to complete the commission and get away before Geir caught up to them.

  He wasn’t surprised Geir was hard on his heels. After Nick had disabled the ship sent after them, Geir had to have known his hopes of a quick capture had failed. He would bet his last credit Geir had someone in place at Dendera Labs as a backup. Flexing his fingers, he thought about a confrontation with Geir, something he would relish if he didn’t have to worry about Tru. To destroy the bastard if for no other reason than he’d threatened her would give him a great deal of pleasure. He’d make sure she was safe, and then he’d take Anto Geir apart.

  Leaving the bridge, he sought Tru. He found her sitting at the small table in the crew quarters humming tunelessly while she brushed her hair. It had grown considerably in the days they had been travelling. Her impatient swipe when it fell into her eyes was cute. She was so absorbed in the task she didn’t notice him. She put down the brush and twisted it into a knot at the back of her head, but the minute she pushed in the last clip and lowered her hands, it started to escape. She stopped humming.

  She removed the clips, holding them between her lips while she pulled the sides back, and then shoved them in. He guessed she was hoping this would hold. It did, for all of two minutes. The clips slid out and curls fell into her eyes. Tight lipped, she slammed the clips onto the table and went in search of something else to keep her hair off her face.

  Fascinated, Nick watched her, pushing aside the new danger facing them for a moment. He’d stopped midway to lean a shoulder against the bulwark so he could see what she would do next without intruding too much. She was back in an instant, flopped onto her chair and dumped several combs and strips of cloth on the table.

  He wasn’t sure he liked the idea of all those delicious strands being contained, but he recognized determination when he saw it.

  He’d just decided to make a quiet retreat and talk to her later when he realized she knew he was watching her. Her hands tremble before she clasped them together atop the table, and he wondered if it was from nerves or something else. She glanced at him and her eyes were a fathomless blue drawing him in. She licked her lips and his insides knotted as if he’d taken a fist to the solar plexus. His lungs burned from lack of air and he drew in a deep breath. Nick pushed himself away from the wall and headed her way, unable to stop himself from drawing closer. “Need help, Tru?” He stopped just behind her.

  She nodded and relaxed against the back of her chair as he slid his fingers through the thick masses. She shivered. Eyes half closed, she seemed to enjoy his fingers tangling in her hair as he massaged her scalp. Almost purring, she leaned her head forward giving him better access.

  “I think it would be better to just keep your hair down.” His voice sounded hoarse even to his own ears. “I like the curls as they are.”

  With infinite slowness, drawing out the action as much as he could, he forced his hands from the silken strands and to his sides. He took a step back and cleared his throat. He still itched to bury his palms in the soft, thick curls. He wasn’t doing a good job of keeping his distance, but, damn, he would have to be a eunuch not to be tempted by those shining strands. Nick was no eunuch.

  “We should be reaching Kaydet soon,” he said. “Dendera Labs is located in the small town of Killjoy. It’s close to the port, which makes it a little easier for me.” He sat across from Tru and stretched out his legs. “This world is cold, mostly covered in snow and ice and fairly inhospitable. This kind of cold can be deadly. I’ll have Siren contact the Labs so they know when to expect me. I don’t plan to be on Kaydet any longer than necessary.”

  “Why in the world are we going there, then?” she asked. “Why didn’t we go to one of the other labs on a more hospitable world?”

  “The head of Geotern Mining wanted the mineral delivered here for testing. It wasn’t my concern why. I was more interested in the amount of credits being offered to get it here.” His smile was brief, before he sobered to continued, “Tru, there is something else we need to discuss before we land. Callen informed me Anto Geir is coming after you, and I
have to assume he’s somehow figured out where we’re headed. My guess is there has been a leak in Geotern.”

  He watched the color drain from her face and clasped her hand to offer a small measure of comfort. “I won’t let him harm you, you know that right? We will only be there long enough for me to take care of necessary business and then we will lift off as soon as I’m done. I doubt he has had time enough to get there before us, which is to our advantage.”

  Tru nodded.

  “I want you to stay onboard Dominion while I make the delivery. You will be safer here.”

  “No!” Panic coated her words.

  “This ship is secure. Geir will not be able to breach the defenses,” he replied keeping his voice calm and reassuring.

  “No. I want to be with you. What if something happens to you while I sit here? What if he figures out where I am? I won’t stay here, Nick. I won’t.”

  “Tru, you are being childish. It is far too dangerous for you to leave the ship,” he said, beginning to get annoyed, his mouth firmed. “It is best you do as I say and stay onboard.”

  “No,” she shot back. She slipped her hand from his and folded her arms across her chest. She lifted her chin. “You promised to protect me and you can’t if you leave me on board alone.”

  Frustrated by her stubborn refusal, he narrowed his eyes. “You are being unreasonable. You will slow me down and get in the way of making this delivery.”

  “I will not stay on this ship while you go to Dendera Labs, Nick Rayven, and you can’t make me. If you try to make me stay I will just follow after you.”

  Determination was in every line of her body, but the fear he saw in her face gave him pause. His instincts told him she should stay on the ship, but he found he couldn’t force her when faced with the dread dilating her pupils and making her voice shake.

  “This is a bad idea. I don’t have a good feeling about it,” he said with absolute conviction.

  “Please, Nick.” Her eyes pleaded, and she reached to clasp the hand she’d dropped earlier. He turned his hand in hers to link their fingers and gave a gentle squeeze.


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