Rayven's Keep

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Rayven's Keep Page 17

by Wolfe, Kylie

  “Yes,” Nick replied, not interested in elaborating on the almost legendary healing abilities of his people. It just raised questions about his home world and he preferred not to discuss it. He scooted into a sitting position and shifted his pillows behind his back. “So, when can I get out of here?”

  The medic regarded him with open curiosity. He waited a beat as if expecting Nick to say more then shrugged. “I’d say you should be able to leave today, if you wish. I can’t see any reason to keep you longer.”


  “I expect you to take it easy until you are fully healed. Once you are back on your own world, I recommend following up with your personal medical provider to make sure there’re no problems.”

  Nick nodded, knowing he wouldn’t do anything suggested to him. What he thought must have showed on his face because the medic furrowed his brow and pinned him with a stern look.

  “Fine. I’ll check in with my own medic. I promise,” Nick conceded with ill humor.

  He could see the doubt on the other man’s face and was relieved when he didn’t push the issue. The medic tapped in a quick update and release documentation, before he said, “I’ve scheduled you for release after breakfast, but there is no rush.” A quick flash of a smile, and he left Nick to brood and wonder why Tru had not returned.

  Bits and pieces of his conversation with her the previous night came back, but they were fragmented and he wasn’t sure what was real and what was imagined. He thought he remembered her complaining about being a client, but it just wouldn’t jell. He rubbed his jaw, feeling the rasp of whiskers and tried to dredge up the events of the day before. He dropped his hand from his face to knead the ache in his injured shoulder before he rotated it, testing his range of motion. He felt a twinge and winced.

  “Are you trying to re-injure yourself?” Tru asked. She stood in the doorway to the cleanser, frowning at him.

  “What? No, of course not,” he replied, startled out of his abstraction.

  “Odd. I can’t help but think what you are doing wouldn’t be good for your shoulder. But, then what do I know.” She shrugged and strolled to the viewscreen. She opened the curtains with an irritated snap to gaze outside at the snow-covered landscape. She did not look at Nick as she spoke. “I’m not the one who was shot by a blaster and is lying in a hospital bed, am I?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, his voice sharper than he’d intended.

  “Nothing.” Tru traced random patterns with a fingertip on the cool surface in front of her. “Your assignment is almost over, Nick. I’m sure you will be glad to get back to your own life.”

  “What?” Nick frowned fiercely at her, still struggling to put the jagged pieces of memory together and listen to what she said now. He didn’t like the aloof smile on her face or the fact she deliberately put distance between them. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “It’s time for me to go home. Your job is done and we both need to get back to our lives.”

  The words were curt, but he could hear the slight wobble in her voice. He didn’t understand. Of all the things she could have said, this was the last thing he expected.

  “If this is what you want, then of course I will get you home quickly,” he replied. “After breakfast I will meet with Sharpe to give a statement and then we will be ready to board the ship. I should have you back with your family in no time at all.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure my grandfather will be very pleased and I know he’ll reward you well for keeping me safe.”

  “I don’t want a friggin’ reward! Do you hear me?” He felt raw and vulnerable, unable to cope and he hated it.

  Nick jerked upright, grabbed a pillow from behind his back and threw it forcefully against the wall. Intense pain lanced from his ribs to his shoulder, and he bit back a curse that was half groan.

  Tru jumped, glanced at him and then away, color climbing into her cheeks. Nick glared at her averted face while he grappled with the fact she wanted to leave him. He couldn’t believe it, didn’t want to accept it.

  I love you, Nick Rayven. The words were powerful, but they were obviously a lie, a figment of his imagination. Why would she love him? Shaken far more than he’d thought possible, he sank against his remaining pillows and stared bleakly at his hands clenched into fists.

  “I don’t want a reward,” he reiterated. His face felt frozen and stiff, the only movement a muscle jumping in his cheek from clenching his jaw as he fought for a calm he was far from feeling. Even when he’d been angry in the past, he’d always been in control, unlike now.

  “I’m sorry. It wasn’t my intention to offend you.” Surprise was clear in her voice, along with a wariness he found disturbing.

  Backing away, she turned to leave but he halted her with a hand on her wrist. His grasp was loose, coaxing more than demanding she stay. The slight tremor in his fingers was the only indication his emotions weren’t fully contained. He rubbed with his thumb along the inside of her wrist, feeling the erratic beat of her pulse.

  “Don’t leave. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” His tone was contrite, his anger banked and under control. “I just wasn’t expecting you to be so eager to leave me.”

  The vulnerability in her eyes was unexpected and left him floundering. Hope stirred, mixed with longing and his desire she stay. Relief flooded him when she nodded in agreement.

  Breakfast arrived, interrupting further discussion and the moment passed. He felt he had a reprieve, but knew it wasn’t over, not by a long shot. There would be plenty of time to convince Tru she belonged with him once they were on Dominion. He released her wrist, never taking his eyes of her face. Not for the first time, he wished he could read her mind. Her feelings were now hidden by her lowered lashes.

  The tantalizing smell of food arriving made his mouth water, and his stomach rumbled. He’d fallen asleep before dinner arrived the night before and couldn’t remember the last meal he’d eaten. He was ravenous.

  The orderly smiled at Tru and placed the tray within easy reach for Nick. He left as quickly as he’d arrived, leaving an awkward silence behind him. Tru removed the covers over the food and placed the tray on his lap. She turned to leave, and he had a moment of panic. He grabbed a sweet roll, split it in half and held part of it out to her.

  “There is more here than I can eat. It would be a shame for it to go to waste.”

  She hesitated for a moment before turning back and taking the roll from his outstretched hand. She nodded her thanks and took a bite.

  He divided the breakfast into equal portions and then dug into his part. He ate his meal with slow deliberation, assuaging his hunger, while darting quick glances at her, gauging her mood. When she reached for something she was careful their hands didn’t touch and it bothered him. He’d gotten used to her touching him and felt the loss keenly.

  Finally replete and feeling stronger, he picked up his mug of tayberry and sipped the brew while he watched her demolish the remainder of her breakfast. What was the subtle change he sensed in her? She was guarded, more subdued and not meeting his gaze. How could he fix whatever was troubling her if he didn’t have a clue what it was? He didn’t like not knowing.

  The silence stretched between them becoming more uncomfortable and setting his teeth on edge. He was a man of action, used to confronting things head on, but he admitted to himself he was out of his depth when it came to women. He had a lot to lose if he didn’t get this right.

  The war on Tonlith had precluded any serious connections he might have had with the opposite sex and relegated his relationships to brief hookups to satisfy his physical urges, but left him emotionally untouched. Until he met Tru, he’d never experienced instant attraction that slammed him like his first g-force maneuver. It had left him scrambling to form a coherent thought. He didn’t like feeling vulnerable and unsure of himself and his knee jerk reaction had been to keep her at a distance, aware it had proved impossible to do. She wouldn’t be ignored and somehow she�
�d wrapped herself around him until he couldn’t imagine his life without her in it.

  Now he needed to convince her she belonged with him, but she wasn’t like the women he’d known before and he didn’t know how to go about it. Pretty words didn’t come easily and he suspected she would appreciate and maybe even expect them.

  “What? Why are you staring at me?”

  “I’m trying to figure out what has made you so unhappy and why you won’t look at me.” The words were out before he thought, surprising him.

  “I don’t know what you mean. I am certainly not unhappy.” Her quick reply sounded weak. She looked away from him and busied herself removing the tray from his lap.

  “Tru, we’ve spent enough time together for me to know when you aren’t being honest with me.”

  “There is nothing to tell, Nick. I’m fine. I’m just tired, I think.”

  Nick clenched his jaw so hard his back teeth ached. She was lying. He knew it and she knew it, but now was not the time to force her to talk. There would be plenty of time to get to the bottom of this when they were confined to his ship. And, maybe if he were very lucky, he would persuade her to stay.

  “It is time we got back to the ship. Do you know what happened to my clothes?” he asked, dropping the subject for now. He threw off his blankets and moved with great care to sit on the edge of his bed. He ignored Tru’s muted gasp of surprise at the sight of him naked except for the short hospital gown. “I’m going to get up and get dressed. You might want to turn your back or leave until I’m finished if it bothers you. Either way works for me.”

  She whirled around and marched to the door, stopped only to allow it to slide open before she exited. He watched her swiftly retreating back and then eased to a standing position. The room spun for a minute, and he closed his eyes, waiting for it to settle before he ventured across the room to find his clothes.

  He was exhausted by the time he was dressed, the weakness in his limbs maddening. Moving slowly, he reached for his blaster and debated using the shoulder holster, before he settled for hooking it on his belt. His shoulder and ribs ached by the time he was through. He glanced in the mirror and the sight of his bruised face didn’t improve his mood.

  Having located his wrist cuff, he slapped it on before he contacted Siren and let her know the plans. Everything would be ready by the time they reached the ship. Nick squared his shoulders and went in search of Tru.

  She waited for him in the hallway and he paused to watch her talking animatedly with the female medic from the night before. Tru’s musical laughter floated to him and his heartbeat sped up at the sight of her glowing face. He knew the exact instant she realized he was there because the vibrant glow in her eyes faded, replaced with uncertainty as she turned to look at him. Her smile was welcoming but impersonal, and Nick wanted to punch something. Fighting the urge, he reined in his frustration and returned her smile with a slow one of his own. No more hiding. It was time he let her know what he thought and felt. He dropped his guard.

  Tru’s smile widened. Excusing herself, she left the medic and moved to his side. Unable to stop himself, he let his gaze wander over her. He relaxed as she caressed his arm before he captured her hand, squeezing lightly.

  “We need to stop by Sharpe’s office before we leave, sweetheart.”

  She started at his endearment.

  “It shouldn’t take too long. Siren will arrange for supplies to be restocked while we’re giving a statement.” He permitted himself to hope when she didn’t pull her hand out of his. Feeling much better, he raised their clasped palms and brushed a kiss across the back of her hand.

  Wide-eyed, she met his smile. Satisfied, he dropped her hand and pulled her unresisting to his side. An arm looped around her slender shoulders, he guided her down the hall to find the head of security’s office.

  She didn’t say a word, but he could tell she was off balance and confused by his easy show of affection. Her gaze on the ground, she nibbled her lower lip. He wished he could read her mind, because he had no real idea what was going on in her agile brain.

  Undaunted, he squeezed her shoulder and dropped a brief kiss on the top of her head. He smiled to himself, and his heart skipped a beat when she carefully slipped her arm around his waist. She glanced at him and he could see the color climbing her cheeks, but there was a twinkle in her eyes. Unable to resist, he winked at her. Her eyes widened and then she delighted him by winking back. Nick threw back his head and laughed, ignoring the pain in his ribs and shoulders.

  Chapter 20

  The security station was organized chaos, which was being generous, in Nick’s opinion. Officer’s voices battled with the noise of the crowded room. It took a few minutes to gain the attention of the officer staffing the intake desk then Nick and Tru were escorted to Chief Sharpe’s office and announced without ceremony.

  Sharpe motioned for them to take a seat and nodded to his officer, indicating he close the door on his way out. The sudden quiet was as much a relief as it was obviously unnerving for Tru, who perched on the edge of her seat and looked around with cautious interest. Sharpe wore his authority with an ease only many years of service and discipline would provide. Nick found it easy to relax in Sharpe’s presence understanding him from his own years of service. Sharpe’s piercing eyes seemed to miss nothing, sweeping over Tru with approval before he turned his attention to Nick.

  “Ah, Captain Rayven. It is good to see you up and about. How are you feeling?” His interest seemed genuine.

  “Ready to put this business behind us and head back to my ship,” Nick replied, shifting in his chair to ease the discomfort in his healing ribs.

  “Can’t say I blame you in the least.” Sharpe offered a commiserating smile. “This shouldn’t take too long, and then you will be cleared to leave. I’ve arranged with the Port Authority for a transport sled to take you and your companion to your ship once we’re done. You will find your outdoor gear has been cleaned and is waiting for you. Although the snow has stopped for now, it is still treacherous footing out there and it wouldn’t be in either of our best interests if you were injured further.”

  Nick nodded, torn between relief and annoyance that unforeseen help had been offered. As much as it rankled to admit to any weakness, he hadn’t been looking forward to facing the elements during the trek to his ship.

  “I’ve spent some time listening to the recording of events supplied by your crew member, Siren. I have to admit that was some quick thinking on your part, opening a com link while alerting my team to the situation.” Satisfaction was evident in his voice as he continued, “I’ve had the information transcribed for public record and for transmittal to the judicial governing body of the Unified Alliance of Planets once we’re done. I need you both to read and verify the accuracy of this report.”

  Nick leaned forward to pick up the tablet, which had been moved to the edge of the desk by Sharpe. He scanned the report and applied his thumbprint to verify its accuracy. He handed it to Tru and waited for her to do the same. He watched her closely and approved her stoicism when confronted again with reliving the events. She was pale, but composed when she slid the tablet across the desk to Sharpe. Sharpe nodded once it was done and the report was back in his hands.

  “What now?” Nick asked, nodding at the report. Tru was very quiet, eyes downcast and seemed deep in thought. The usual animation lighting her face was missing, and he wished them both far away from this place and its terrible memories for her. He lifted a hand and laid it over hers resting on her lap. His touch reassured them both and he was rewarded by her smile.

  “Geir is being held in one of our cells under heavy guard until arrangements are made to transport him to Harrowsgate with an Interplanetary Marshall. Unfortunately, his condition seems to be deteriorating rapidly and there isn’t much we can do about it. Crowder and his cohorts will remain here until their trial. As I mentioned before, I anticipate the three of them will be spending some quality time on Purgatory once this is all
said and done.”

  Sharpe’s chair creaked as he leaned back, relaxing against its padded frame.

  He drummed his fingers on the chair arm. “I’ve been working with other agencies trying to tie up loose ends in this case. Crowder seems to have been a very busy man and it is good he’ll be off the grid for a long spell, thanks to you.”

  “I’d tell you I was happy to oblige, but it would be a lie,” Nick replied. “Personally, I hope never to land on this planet again, but I suspect you already knew that.”

  Sharpe barked a laugh, which sounded rusty from underuse as he stood. He rounded his desk and offered a hand when Tru rose from her chair, beating Nick to the punch. He could see the amusement glinting in Sharpe’s eyes when he shook hands with him. Nick hadn’t liked him touching Tru and he was annoyed with himself over the fact. Even more annoyed it had been obvious to the other man. Nick reached the door and held it open for Tru to pass through.

  Alarms shrieked. Sharpe shoved him aside. Nick swore. Agony lanced across his shoulder, taking his breath with the force of it. Black dots danced before his eyes as he caught his breath and the pain began to recede. Nick reached for Tru only to find empty space where she’d stood seconds before.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Sharpe roared over the screams of the alarm.

  No one in the room moved and Nick slowly turned his head to see what everyone was staring at. Tru was held immobile with a knife to her throat. Her captor had his other arm across her chest, the blaster in his hand angled toward the room at large.

  He registered the terror on her face, but shut off his emotions to concentrate on the man holding her.

  “Geir.” It was a statement of disgust and impotent rage from Sharpe. “Let her go. There is no way you are going to make it out of here alive unless you do.”


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