by Chris Moon
In another communication, one of the mothers asked if her daughter had any regrets. The young adult woman replied, “Mom, I’m so sorry. You were right.” The mother later explained she’d been concerned about her daughter’s drug abuse and knew it would eventually lead to her death. As communication with their children continued, it was apparent this was a support group at a truly deep soul level, and these women were really there for each other.
My mom, initially sitting next to me at the beginning of the sessions, was now standing behind each woman as she received her reading and consoled them while providing energy by laying her hands on their shoulders. It was apparent to me that my mom was being drained as an empath by reliving each tragedy these poor women had suffered. By the time I completed the last session and shut off the machine, I was unsure if I could stand. I reached for a diet soda that sat by my side and drank as much as possible, hoping the caffeine would revive me. It seems it did, as I was able to lift the machine off my lap and set it on a table before slowly standing up. As I got to my feet, I was approached by one of the mothers who grabbed me and hugged me as tightly as she could, thanking me for helping them communicate with their children. I don’t remember what I said, but it seemed to be just what she needed to hear. As she released me, another woman was there to embrace me just as tightly, also thanking me for the experience. It didn’t take long for me to realize they were not only thanking me, but that they could also sense I still was in touch with their child’s energy, allowing them to give their child one last hug. It was one of the most amazing emotional experiences I’ve ever had in my life.
Once the event wrapped up, the room cleared and my mom and I silently began to pack up our equipment. The employees who initially let us in asked how we thought the event went. The only word I could get out of my mouth was, “Amazing.” My mother and I didn’t talk much that night on the ride home. I had promised her we would stop by Thomas Edison’s Florida home so she could see it, as I’d had an amazing experience there the year before. We did drive by it, but didn’t stop—we were simply too exhausted. I started to drive toward the hotel, but instead pulled into the parking lot of a bowling alley within sight of the hotel property. Without saying a word, we walked into the bar area and I ordered us two whiskey and diets. We sat quietly and drank, indulging in several rounds. It wasn’t until we drove to the next tour stop the following day that we were able to talk about the incredible experience we’d had the night before. Once again, I realized we had only begun to understand the power of healing that the Ghost Box could provide.
ETs, Shadow People,
and Other Strangeness
I can’t say that I’ve ever had a particular interest in extraterrestrials but they seem to have an interest in me. My first memorable interaction with extraterrestrials happened when I was in my early twenties. A friend of mine and I were hanging out one night on a street near my house. We were standing by the front of his car talking when I happened to look up in the sky and noticed what I thought was a strange star formation. It looked like an extremely large pyramid or triangle and, though I am no astronomer, I couldn’t recall seeing anything like it before. I mentioned it to my friend and he said he saw it as well. We stared up at it for several minutes and then we saw it tilt slowly to the side. Startled, we both said, “Did you see that?” at the same time.
We couldn’t believe our eyes as we watched this thing start to move in different directions. I immediately realized that unless someone was staring intently at this object, most people wouldn’t have noticed it was there. As we continued to watch, something amazing happened. A small, dim, white circular object emerged from the bottom of the triangle. It descended slowly and then suddenly accelerated toward the ground somewhere off in the distance. My friend and I stood with our jaws agape, watching this unbelievable display. Soon after, another dim light appeared at the bottom of the structure and descended rapidly toward us. Instinctively, we both jumped into my buddy’s car as he frantically tried to get the keys in the ignition, fumbling with them for a few moments. That was the last thing I remember.
I started to “come to” sometime later and realized we were several blocks away in front of my neighborhood park. I looked over and saw the keys were still in the ignition, but the car wasn’t on. I glanced at the clock on the dash and it was two minutes after the last time I recalled. Confused and fighting a sense of rising panic, I looked at my friend. He sat in the driver’s seat, arms at his sides, staring ahead with an odd, blank expression on his face. It took me a few minutes to muster up the words to say his name and ask if he was okay. He didn’t respond at first, almost as if we were in different places. I was just getting ready to reach over and push his arm to get his attention when he suddenly looked at me as if I had woken him from a bad dream. It felt like we had been through a grueling ordeal, but we both had absolutely no memory of what happened. We tried to recount our steps from when he was frantically trying to start the car, but neither of us could remember anything from that moment on.
I made my way home in a daze. As I walked through the front door, I noticed it was after 3 am! I had somehow lost not two minutes, but more than three hours of time that I can’t account for to this day. My mother remembers me being extremely frightened and confused after the events of that night. She said I was traumatized and even feared going out on my own. She said I didn’t begin to snap out of it for several weeks. It’s interesting—and also ominous—that I have very little memory of that time.
The Ghost Box has produced incredible results not only from human souls attempting to reach us, but various other non-human spirits. I have had several communications through the Ghost Box with inter-dimensional creatures that most people would call Grey aliens. I never expected to become involved with entities that didn’t originate on this planet. This has taught me to keep an open mind going into any and all situations. No one truly knows who the Grey aliens are. They differ from other aliens as we differ from all other species on Earth. When using the device, Grey aliens seem to be the most willing extraterrestrials when it comes to human interaction.
When I had my first Ghost Box interaction with a Grey alien, the sound that came through the device wasn’t necessarily English or even words. It was a series of scratchy, popping sounds as well as high-pitched reverberations. I believe the entity was communicating on some sort of telepathic level that most humans have yet to understand. I was only able to interpret the communication because of my mediumship ability—and I was able to determine we were communicating with the spirit of an alien entity. It would be one thing to communicate with an alien life form, but to communicate with the spirit of an alien was absolutely incredible. The aliens stated they were no longer living and that they could only communicate with me through the Ghost Box. This exchange reinforced my belief that our universe is truly a spiral, existing in the same space and time but perhaps at different vibrational rates and that all souls, on every level, are somehow connected. The messages I received were not threatening in any way, actually putting me at ease. I think this entity was fascinated with the technology of the Ghost Box and wanted to let us know we were on the right track.
The most memorable encounter I had was when I did an investigation for UFO contactee Stan Romanek. I was called in to do a simple paranormal investigation for Stan, but when my father and I arrived at his residence in Colorado Springs, we were stunned when Stan presented us with a detailed documentary that he was working on. It showed evidence of his abductions and encounters with Grey aliens. After the viewing, my father and I investigated Stan’s property and were stunned to find evidence of extreme paranormal activity. Not surprisingly, Stan and Lisa’s home had extremely high levels of natural electromagnetic fields or EMF. My father photographed the distinctive face of a Grey alien inside a television that wasn’t turned on. I captured hundreds of pictures of spirit orbs throughout the home. We w
ere also able to hear several different voices during open-air EVP sessions. And, we could actually see the images of these creatures in photographs that we took that night.
At the end of the investigation, we turned on the Ghost Box to see if anything came through. We were shocked to hear not only spirit voices, but also what we believed to be alien communication. Once again, we heard the strange sounds that indicated Grey alien communication. Stan picked up several words and I was able to interpret the other sounds. When I relayed messages that were coming through the Ghost Box, Stan confirmed their relevance. Stan was excited to be part of this communication—I believe it brought him relief, even vindication, to know someone else was experiencing alien contact right along with him.
People have asked me how the Ghost Box’s Spirit Technician responds to alien energy. The Spirit Technician works as an operator on the other side, and also as a gatekeeper. He or she sometimes—but not always—serves as a translator. They relay to me, the physical medium, who and what we’re dealing with. If the Technician feels the communication is a danger to me or to a client, they will shut down the communication immediately. The communication with the Greys stayed open and that was another confirmation they didn’t present a threat.
During the Romanek investigation, Stan and Lisa stood nearby and asked questions as well. I don’t remember all of the questions they asked, but I do remember Stan asking several questions in an attempt to confirm the bizarre harassement plaguing him at the time and continues to this day. I planned to write an article about what took place, but decided against it due to the strange circumstances and threats that surrounded Stan’s case.
During the Ghost Box session, the very clear voice of a British woman came through the machine, telling us to “be careful.” Stan explained that this was the voice of the person that would call him on the phone and warn him of impending danger.
At another investigation of Stan and Lisa’s home, I was able to validate a shocking experience they’d had: seeing a Grey alien running through their backyard and jumping over fences. We were also able to record a swivel chair in their office moving by itself.
There was one particular incident that happened during a Stan Romanek home investigation that still fascinates me to this day. We were using the fourth-generation Ghost Box in an attempt to communicate with Stan’s alien connections. The topic of who or what was behind smearing Stan’s reputation came to the forefront. As we started to dig deeply into who exactly was attempting to discredit Stan, an extremely high-pitched sound emanated through the speakers of the device. It was so intense that within minutes we had to turn the volume all the way down and eventually power down the machine. When we turned the device back on, the same ear-splitting screech was back too. We eventually had to give up on that line of questioning. The one question we were able to get through the device during the nails-on-the-chalkboard sound was, “Is there an outside agency attempting to block our communication with you?”
The answer was clear and concise. “Yes.”
In my most recent meeting with Stan and Lisa at their home, it was very relaxed and I didn’t expect we would be doing a session that night with a few other friends. Luckily, I brought along a new Ghost Box that’s so small and portable that I now tend to bring it most places I go. This Box was built by a man named Andre who admired Frank Sumption’s work. Andre began to build spirit communication equipment just before Frank passed away in 2014. Andre is a physical medium, which means he has the ability to hear spirits subconsciously. Spirits are able to work through Andre to help build the devices. Frank Sumption was also a physical medium and I believe Andre has picked up right where Frank left off. I’ve used some of Andre’s devices and, though they are different than Frank’s Box, I believe they are the next step in Ghost Box technology.
The session I did that night was very casual. I turned on the device and dozens of voices flooded through the speaker. Dina, my then girlfriend and now wife, and I both heard several distinct responses right away and realized our friend Frank Sumption was working as a Spirit Technician (!) at that moment along with two others. This was a very cool moment to have Frank come through the Ghost Box from the other side. Even though Frank and Stan had never met, the alien connection they had was intense. I also found it interesting that I spoke to both Frank and Stan about the other many times, but this is the first time they actually “met.”
One of Stan and Lisa’s friends was unable to distinguish any of the words coming through the Ghost Box and soon lost interest, leaving the room. The other friend heard almost everything clear as day and was fascinated with the communication. Both Stan and Lisa asked several questions relating to some bizarre phenomenon to which they were being subjected. They were given extremely distinct, specific answers that we believe will help them through the battle that they are facing. They were both grateful for the communication and said they could hear the messages on this device much clearer than on the first two Ghost Boxes they had experienced.
After my initial interaction with Stan Romanek, it seemed I experienced phenomena from another world on a consistent basis. While traveling on my many college tours, I’ve had interactions with strange lights in the sky and other odd phenomena. I can’t begin to count all of the times I’ve driven along a quiet road in the middle of nowhere in the Midwest and looked up into the night sky to see odd lights and other interesting anomalies. When I called home to tell my wife about the things I experienced, she thought I hadn’t gotten enough sleep and was hallucinating.
It wasn’t until several years later when we were driving home from a Denver fireworks display on the Fourth of July that I happened to notice a strange mass of lights rapidly moving in bizarre patterns. At first I thought it had to be fireworks or maybe even some sort of skydiving team with flares, but I soon realized that as quickly as these lights fell, they ascended at amazing speeds. I tapped Dina on the shoulder, pointed at the display, and asked her if she could explain it. After watching these lights morph, divide, and then divide again, she had absolutely no explanation and eventually agreed it had to be something not of this world. I felt validated at that moment, but it only deepened the mystery for me.
Many years ago I was conducting one of my Sallie House investigations in Atchison, Kansas. We had spent most of the day investigating the Sallie House, but that night we were invited down to a restaurant just off the river. Once we arrived, we were directed to the basement, which we were told had some sort of ghostly history to it and was the site of bizarre paranormal phenomena.
When we descended the stairs, we saw many strange things that seemed to be out of place. The basement itself was constructed of large stones and, creepily, there were some sort of cages or holding pens along the walls. My immediate psychic instinct sensed something with the Underground Railroad and I turned to one of the employees and asked them if this was indeed the case. They told me that, yes, in fact this had been a location where runaway slaves hid in times of persecution. I took several still photos and could clearly see orb energy throughout the entire basement. We made the decision to go “lights out” and turn on our night vision video cameras to see if we could capture any paranormal activity.
As the lights dimmed, a heavy feeling descended over the room, so much so that it was hard to breathe. I flipped on the infrared switch on the camera and focused on the far back wall, which ran parallel to the river. Only a few seconds went by before we started to see several anomalies come from an invisible point near the wall. At first, it appeared to be standard spirit orbs moving toward the camera at various rates of speed. Soon we started to notice distinct facial structures inside the orbs. In some of the orbs, you could see only the spirit’s eyes and then in others, you could actually see the full facial structure coming toward you.
The thing that shocked me and the other investigators was seeing what could only be described as the faces of Grey aliens inside the orb energy. My mother never wanted
to talk about aliens and oftentimes women seem to have a deep fear when it comes to the strange creatures, but my mom was actually one of the first people to see the unique faces and point them out. Once we were faced with the new evidence, we conducted an EVP session in the basement location. (This was before we had the Ghost Box.)
I asked several questions as to what we were seeing and why we were seeing it. Guides on the other side informed us that not all energy that we see is what we would consider human energy. We did receive direct communication from the Greys, but it was very jumbled and confusing. It was as if the human entities and alien entities were battling to communicate. It seemed that everyone wanted to talk at the same time and it was a mishmash of sounds and voices.
It was a huge revelation for my mother and I to discover we are part of a much larger community of sentient beings and that when these non-human entities pass away, their spirit energy also uses the same vortex doorways that human energy uses. It was a humbling experience and has definitely changed our outlook on spirit communication and even our place in the universe.
One of the more interesting things we’ve encountered through the years of investigation is Shadow People. There are many different theories as to what these beings are, ranging from some sort of inter-dimensional time travelers to messengers to demonic entities. I always say if someone tells you he or she is an expert on Shadow People, they’re lying. There are no experts when it comes to these creatures.
My mother and I have actually been visited by Shadow People for many years. My mom had her first encounter with a Shadow Person approximately twelve years ago while exercising in her basement. She was on her treadmill watching the TV across the room. As she was walking, she suddenly felt like she wasn’t alone. Now, her basement is fairly well known for having paranormal activity, but she said this was something different. She slowly turned her head to the right to look into the darkened bathroom next to her. She said she noticed what appeared to be a dark shadow figure crouching down in the corner of the bathroom. Instinctively she stepped off the treadmill belt and onto the sides of the machine and braced herself. Looking closer at the figure, she noticed it appeared to be wearing clothing of some kind. Frightened, she continued to stare at the figure. She said it was as if the thing suddenly realized she was looking at it and it slowly rose from its crouched position and stood tall. That’s when she noticed it looked like it was wearing a long, dark trench coat and a hat resembling a fedora. Once it was fully standing, it raised its arms and ascended directly through the ceiling.